Win32Shutdown Generic Failure - powershell

I am putting together a script which will log off VDI sessions which have been in a disconnected state for over 10 hours. I have managed to get everything together except for the last hurdle - actually forcing a logoff.
ForEach ($Desktop in $VDIlist)
$win32OS = Get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $desktop.'DNS Name' -EnableAllPrivileges
write-host "Shutting down host $Desktop."DNS Name""
This results in the error below.
Exception calling "Win32Shutdown" : "Generic failure "
At line:1 char:1
+ $win32OS.win32shutdown(4)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WMIMethodException
This does not appear to happen when no argument is used
($win32os.win32shutdown()), but this also does not force the log off like I require.
As far as I have read the -EnableAllPrivileges parameter should allow for the remote log off and it does work if I have a live PCoIP session to the VDI I am attempting to shutdown but not when in a disconnected state.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Still not entirely sure why the first script is giving an error but I have instead switched to using VMWare View's built in PowerCLI snapin to produce the same result - just faster and more efficiently.
get-remotesession -state "Disconnected" | Where-Object {($_.duration -match 'Day' -or $_.duration -match '\d\d hours')} | Send-SessionLogoff
This will query the Horizon view server for any sessions with the "Disconnected state", it will then filter out any objects that have had a lifetime of less than 10 hours and log off anything that is left.
This requires VMware View PowerCLI PSSnippets to be loaded and connected to your view connection broken.


PowerShell Import-GPO: Operation not valid

Afternoon everyone. I'm running into an issue I'm not sure how to handle. I'm working on a script for work to deploy a Domain Controller using PSremoting. It all works well in fine until I get to where I'm importing some GPOs from backups.
*All the commands are run under invoke-command
I run the command Import-GPO -BackUpName $GPO -TargetName $GPO -Path $GPOPath -MigrationTable $MigTable -CreateIfNeeded
When I run this, I get an error on the host:
Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Import-GPO], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Commands.ImportGpoCommand
+ PSComputerName : v204-DC1
I can't seem to find anything that says what this means. When I check for the GPOs on the DC, they all show up and seem to be linked properly. I am curious what this error is, or if I should just append -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue to the end of my code.
Ended up being an issue with my migration table. I rolled back to an earlier one and ended up being good to go

Just trying to get a list of users assigned a specific MS licence using PowerShell

I am a bit of a novice where PowerShell is concerned. I do lots of things in ti, but generally have to look them up.
I am trying to get a list of users who have been assigned a specific licence in Office 365. I am using a command which I have used before successfully, but this time it will not work and keeps giving me the following error;
Get-MsolUser : The request channel timed out while waiting for a
reply after 00:00:59.9152154. Increase the timeout value passed to the
call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The
time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer
timeout. At line:1 char:1
+ Get-MsolUser | Where-Object {($_.licenses).AccountSkuId -match "excha ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) [Get-MsolUser], TimeoutException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.TimeoutException,Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.GetUser
The command I am using is;
Get-MsolUser | Where-Object {($_.licenses).AccountSkuId -match "exchangestandard"}
Is there a way if increasing the timeout? Or is there another way of getting this information, other than doing it manually. The company only has about 500 users and this particular licence is only being used by 42.
Thank you.

PowerShell DSC: The data source could not process the filter

I have run into an issue with PowerShell DSC (the Start-DscConfiguration cmdlet specifically) 2 days trying to figure it out, now I am here :)
I am getting the following error for a specific MOF file, prior MOFs run fine.
The data source could not process the filter. The filter might be missing or it might be invalid. Change the filter
and try the request again.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (root/Microsoft/...gurationManager:String) [], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x8033801a
EDIT: Has anyone experienced this error before? I can share the MOF file in question, with some restricted info removed.
Thank you
The issue here wasn't with PowerShell DSC, rather just PowerShell in itself.
I had a cmdlet within a switch block. As an example:
{$_ -eq $true}{do something}
{$_ -eq $fales}{do something}
get-service -name $item
It was the get-service cmdlet that could not be filtered.

Powershell Exception: Not enough quota is available to process this command

I am running a simple cmdlet with Powershell 5.1, winver 1803.
I am running:
Rename-Computer -ComputerName $pc -NewName $newName -DomainCredential $cred -Restart
This command is part of a script. Everything in the script works - and this line used to work, but for some reason it stopped.
The exception is:
Fail to rename computer '$pc' to '$newName' due to the following
exception: Not enough quota is available to process this command.
There are no memory or page-file size issues. There are no other applications even running. Page file size is in excess of 8GB.
WinRM is running, stack 3.0.
Why on earth is this command producing this error? How might I troubleshoot it?
This is what I am seeing...
Rename-Computer : Fail to rename computer 'W4000100' to 'W1401-TR100'
due to the following exception: Not enough quota is available to
process this command. At line:2 char:9
+ Rename-Computer -ComputerName $pc -NewName $newName -DomainCr ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (W4000100:String) [Rename-Computer], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailToRenameComputer,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameComputerCommand
Rename-Computer : Fail to rename computer 'W4000100' to 'W1401-TR100'
due to the following exception: Not enough quota is available to
process this command. At line:2 char:9
+ Rename-Computer -ComputerName $pc -NewName $newName -DomainCr ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (W4000100:String) [Rename-Computer], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailToRenameComputer,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameComputerCommand
Again, this same message pops up if you try to rename a computer locally via the GUI, and also happens if I remove the hyphen from the name, etc.
After researching, I believe this solution may solve your issue from the following article by Phil Coutard:
This might be set on the user level. Try going to Control Panel, Sync Center, Offline Files, Manage Offline Files (left hand side), Disk Usage tab, Change Limits. It could be that your Disk Usage has a limit. Try that first and see if that fixes it.
If that doesn't work, since the error is so generic, I would recommend using Microsoft's Automatic diagnostic/repair tool:
The answer after troubleshooting with MS is that the image used for these systems was domain-joined at the time of capture. This results in each machine having the same AccountDomainSID, which apparently can cause many issues - however, this is the only issue we have identified as a result.
MS have pretty much stopped researching with me and say this is the cause and that the only fix is to remove from domain and rejoin.

BizTalk 2016 wmi query failing

In our Powershell deployment scripts we terminate inflight instances identified by the following query:
get-wmiobject -namespace Root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer -query "SELECT * FROM MSBTS_ServiceInstance WHERE (ServiceClass = 1 OR ServiceClass = 64) AND AssemblyName LIKE 'Our.AssemblyName'"
For some reason this has stopped working on a Windows 2016 server, failing with this message:
get-wmiobject : An internal failure occurred for unknown reasons.
At line:1 char:1
+ get-wmiobject -namespace Root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer -query "SELECT * ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Get-WmiObject], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetWMICOMException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand
Some searching has pointed to recent OS security patches. We uninstalled the KB mentioned from all nodes.
The above query runs without failure on 2 nodes in one environment and 1 node in another. This one box still gives the above error. Not sure what caused the original problem but maybe the uninstall did not clean up properly.
Any ideas where to start looking to fix the problem? I was thinking maybe installing the patch again and uninstalling it to make sure it cleans up properly. It takes about 4 hours for the VM to boot after the uninstall so testing such theories take a long time.
Turns out we have auto patching that kept re-applying the patch. What added to the confusion was the patch number being different for each OS and then there is the 4 hour thing that made it really difficult to poke the issue.
On 2016 it is KB4345418 that is causing the problem.