Swift zip generator only iterates one side twice - swift

I use zip on two arrays of tuples. When I iterate the result, the result tuple contains tuples from the left-hand side only.
Interestingly, Array(zip(...)) produces a collection as expected. I want to save a few cycles and memory and prefer not to generate a new array just for the sake of looping.
let expectation: [(String, UInt)] = [("bar", 0)]
let comparison: [(String, Int)] = [("foo", 0)]
func ==(lhs: [(String, UInt)], rhs: [(String, Int)]) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
return false
for (l, r) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
// Looking at `l` and `r` in lldb shows both are the same.
if l.0 != r.0 || Int(l.1) != r.1 {
return false
return true
let equals = (expectation == comparison) // true?!?!
This was meant to be a convenience method to compare records of function calls in a test double to test data from the actual test cases. The double records (String, UInt), typing tuples in test cases produces (String, Int), so I thought: let's create an easy equality function! Changing UInt to Int doesn't change a thing.
How's that? Renders zip pretty useless to me (except when you can explain what's going on).

Can’t decide whether this is a bug or just something I’m not understanding (suspect bug but need to play with it more).
However, here’s a workaround in the mean-time, which involves fully destructuring the data:
let expectation: [(String, UInt)] = [("bar", 0)]
let comparison: [(String, Int)] = [("foo", 1)]
func ==(lhs: [(String, UInt)], rhs: [(String, Int)]) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
return false
for ((ls, li),(rs,ri)) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
// Looking at `l` and `r` in lldb shows both are the same.
if ls != rs || Int(li) != ri {
return false
return true
let equals = (expectation == comparison) // now returns false
In theory, this ought to be more easily written as:
equal(expectation, comparison) {
$0.0 == $1.0 && Int($0.1) == $1.1
except that, infuriatingly, the equal function that takes a predicate still requires the elements of the two sequences to be the same! Radar 17590938.
A quick fix for this specific to arrays could look like:
func equal<T,U>(lhs: [T], rhs: [U], isEquivalent: (T,U)->Bool) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count { return false }
return !contains(zip(lhs, rhs)) { !isEquivalent($0) }
// now the above use of equal will compile and return the correct result
p.s. you might want to add an overflow check for the UInt conversion

In support to #Airspeed Velocity, it seems a bug since you can define only the first tuple, than the second will work as expected :-/
Xcode 6.3.2 Swift 1.2
let expectation: [(String, UInt)] = [("bar", 0)]
let comparison: [(String, Int)] = [("foo", 1)]
func ==(lhs: [(String, UInt)], rhs: [(String, Int)]) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
return false
for ((l0, l1), r) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
// Explicitly detiled first tuple
if l0 != r.0 || Int(l1) != r.1 {
return false
return true
let equals = (expectation == comparison) // false as expected

Yeah, looks like a bug. Weirdly, though, if you replace the for loop with contains(), you don't need to deconstruct the tuple, and it works like you'd expect:
func ==(lhs: [(String, UInt)], rhs: [(String, Int)]) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
return false
return !contains(zip(lhs, rhs)) {
l, r in l.0 != r.0 || Int(l.1) != r.1


Get first mapped result from array

I have an array of functions like
let array = [(Int) -> T?, (Int) -> T?, (Int) -> T?,...]
I need to get first non nil T value from array and I want 1 iteration for this task (O(n) will be the worst complexity). Anybody has neat ideas without for loops?
As I mentioned in my comment, there's no ready-made way to do this in Swift, so you have to at least implement something that uses a for loop.
If you want appearances at the call-site to look functional and not use a for loop, you can make the function extend Array like so:
extension Array {
func firstNonNilResult<V, T>(value: V) -> T? where Element == (V) -> T? {
for element in self {
if let t = element(value) {
return t
return nil
var array = [(Int) -> String?]()
func f(_ i: Int) -> String? {
print("called f() with \(i)")
return nil
func g(_ i: Int) -> String? {
print("called g() with \(i)")
return i == 5 ? "found it" : nil
if let t = array.firstNonNilResult(value: 5) {
which prints:
called f() with 5
called g() with 5
found it
Whether or not this has any real-world utility I can't say. I think it's specialized enough that an Array extension seems like overkill, but your question is interesting so this is at least a potential solution.

In Swift 3, what is a way to compare two closures?

Suppose you have two closures of type (Int)->() in Swift 3 and test to see if they are the same as each other:
typealias Baz = (Int)->()
let closure1:Baz = { print("foo \($0)") }
let closure2:Baz = { print("bar \($0)") }
if(closure1 == closure2) {
This fails to compile, giving the message:
Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two '(Int)->()' operands
OK, well, how then can we compare two closures of the same type, to see if they are the same?
I'm pretty sure there is no way to determine if two closures are equal.
Obviously, a logical equality check is out of the question. That would be equivalent to finding an answer to the halting problem. (Just test to see if your code is equivalent to a piece of code that loops forever. If it is, it doesn't halt. If it isn't, it does halt.)
In theory you might expect the === operator to test if two closures are the exact same piece of code, but that gives an error when I try it in Playground.
Playground execution failed: error: MyPlayground.playground:1:20: error: cannot check reference equality of functions; operands here have types '(Int) -> ()' and '(Int) -> ()'
let bar = closure1 === closure2
~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~
Having thought about it, I'm sure the reason why that doesn't work is because you can't be sure that the closures really are equal. A closure is not just the code, but also the context in which it was created including any captures. The reason you can't check for equality is that there is no meaningful way in which two closures are equal.
To understand why thew captures are important, look at the following code.
func giveMeClosure(aString: String) -> () -> String
return { "returning " + aString }
let closure1 = giveMeClosure(aString: "foo")
let closure2 = giveMeClosure(aString: "bar")
Are closure1 and closure2 equal? They both use the same block of code
print(closure1()) // prints "returning foo"
print(closure2()) // prints "returning bar"
So they are not equal. You could argue that you can check the code is the same and the captures are the same, but what about
func giveMeACount(aString: String) -> () -> Int
return { aString.characters.count }
let closure3 = giveMeACount(aString: "foo")
let closure4 = giveMeACount(aString: "bar")
print(closure3()) // prints 3
print(closure4()) // prints 3
Apparently these closures are equal. It's not possible to implement any reasonable definition of equality that will work in every case, so Apple has instead not even tried. This is safer than providing an incomplete implementation that is wrong in some cases.
In the case where you want to track your own closures, uses them as Dictionary keys, etc., you can use something like this:
struct TaggedClosure<P, R>: Equatable, Hashable {
let id: Int
let closure: (P) -> R
static func == (lhs: TaggedClosure, rhs: TaggedClosure) -> Bool {
return lhs.id == rhs.id
var hashValue: Int { return id }
let a = TaggedClosure(id: 1) { print("foo") }
let b = TaggedClosure(id: 1) { print("foo") }
let c = TaggedClosure(id: 2) { print("bar") }
print("a == b:", a == b) // => true
print("a == c:", a == c) // => false
print("b == c:", b == c) // => false

Swift error comparing two arrays of optionals

I get a compilation error in the next Swift code
var x:Array<Int?> = [1,2]
var y:Array<Int?> = [1,2]
if x == y { // Error
If both arrays are Array<Int> it works fine, but if at least one of them is optional it throws an error like the next:
Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two Array<Int?> operands
I filed a bug report months ago but I had no answer. It still occurs in Swift 1.2.
Why is this happening?
The issue here is the distinction between something having an == operator, versus something being “equatable”.
Both Optional and Array have an == operator, that works when what they contain is equatable:
// if T is equatable, you can compare each entry for equality
func ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: [T], rhs: [T]) -> Bool
// if T is equatable, you can compare the contents, if any, for equality
func ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool
let i: Int? = 1
let j: Int = 1
i == j // fine, Int is Equatable
["a","b"] == ["a","b"] // and so is String
But they themselves do not conform to Equatable. This makes sense given you can put a non-equatable type inside them. But the upshot of this is, if an array contains a non-equatable type, then == won’t work. And since optionals aren’t Equatable, this is the case when you put an optional in an array.
You'd get the same thing if you tried to compare an array of arrays:
let a = [[1,2]]
let b = [[1,2]]
a == b // error: `==` can’t be applied to `[Array<Int>]`
If you wanted to special case it, you could write == for arrays of optionals as:
func ==<T: Equatable>(lhs: [T?], rhs: [T?]) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count { return false }
for (l,r) in zip(lhs,rhs) {
if l != r { return false }
return true
For a counter-example, since Set requires its contents to be hashable (and thus equatable), it can be equatable:
let setarray: [Set<Int>] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
setarray == [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] // true

How to make a function operate on a Sequence of Optional values?

How does one specify that a function should operate on a sequence of optional values in Swift? For example, I want to make a function like this, which works for an Array of Optional values, for sequences.
// Given an array of optional values, return the first one with a value, if any
func firstValue<E>(ary: [E?]) -> E? {
for e in ary {
if let x = e {
return x
return nil
What I was hoping would work, but doesn't, because because there is no such thing as OptionalType):
func firstValue<C: SequenceType where C.Generator.Element: OptionalType>(seq: C) -> C.Generator.Element {
var g = seq.generate()
while let e = g.next() {
return e
return nil
Try this:
func firstValue<E, S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Optional<E> >(seq: S) -> E? {
var g = seq.generate()
while let e:Optional<E> = g.next() {
if e != nil {
return e
return nil
let a:[Int?] = [nil,nil, 42, nil]
println(firstValue(a)) // -> 42 as Int?
I tested with Xcode Version 6.1.1 (6A2006) and Version 6.2 (6C86e)
Without :Optional<E> in while condition, the compiler crashes.
And if we declare the function like this, the compiler clashes on some environment.
func firstValue<S: SequenceType, E where S.Generator.Element == Optional<E> > {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ replaced E and S
I think these are compiler bug. Please see the comments below.
There are two operations needed for the sequence elements:
Check if an element is nil or not, and
Create a nil value of the appropriate type as the default return value if nothing as was found.
For #2 we can use the fact that enum Optional conforms to the NilLiteralConvertible
protocol. For #1 I have defined a NilComparable protocol and made
enum Optional conform to it:
protocol NilComparable {
func isNil() -> Bool
extension Optional : NilComparable {
func isNil() -> Bool { return self == nil }
Now we can define a function for all sequences whose elements conform
to NilComparable and NilLiteralConvertible. All sequences of optionals
fall into this category:
func firstValue<C: SequenceType where
C.Generator.Element : NilComparable,
C.Generator.Element : NilLiteralConvertible
>(seq: C) -> C.Generator.Element {
var gen = seq.generate()
while let elem = gen.next() {
if !elem.isNil() {
return elem
return nil // Here NilLiteralConvertible is used.
let arr = [nil, nil, Optional(1), Optional(2)] // Type is [Optional<Int>]
println(firstValue(arr)) // Output: Optional(1)
Update: There is already a function
func !=<T>(lhs: T?, rhs: _OptionalNilComparisonType) -> Bool
which compares any optional value with nil, so the above protocol can be simplified
protocol NilComparable {
func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: _OptionalNilComparisonType) -> Bool
extension Optional : NilComparable { } // Already conforming
Then we can write if elem != nil { ... } instead of if !elem.isNil() { ... }
in the function.
A possible disadvantage is that _OptionalNilComparisonType is not officially
Remark: I tried to declare the function as
func firstValue<C: SequenceType, E where C.Generator.Element == Optional<E> >(seq: C) -> E? {
// ...
but that actually caused the compiler to crash. I don't know if this should compile.

Avoid consecutive "if let" declarations in Swift [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using multiple let-as within a if-statement in Swift
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
In Swift I used if let declarations to check if my object is not nil
if let obj = optionalObj
But sometimes, I have to face with consecutive if let declarations
if let obj = optionalObj
if let a = obj.a
if let b = a.b
// do stuff
I'm looking for a way to avoid consecutive if let declarations.
I would try something like :
if let obj = optionalObj && if let a = obj.a && if let b = a.b
// do stuff
But the swift compiler do not allow this.
Any suggestion ?
In swift 1.2 you can do
if let a = optA, let b = optB {
doStuff(a, b)
Original answer
In your specific case, you can use optional chaining:
if let b = optionaObj?.a?.b {
// do stuff
Now, if you instead need to do something like
if let a = optA {
if let b = optB {
doStuff(a, b)
you're out of luck, since you can't use optional chaining.
tl; dr
Would you prefer a cool one-liner instead?
doStuff <^> optA <*> optB
Keep reading. For how scaring it might look, this is really powerful and not so crazy to use as it seems.
Fortunately, this is a problem easily solved using a functional programming approach. You can use the Applicative abstraction and provide an apply method for composing multiple options together.
Here's an example, taken from http://robots.thoughtbot.com/functional-swift-for-dealing-with-optional-values
First we need a function to apply a function to an optional value only only when it contains something
// this function is usually called fmap, and it's represented by a <$> operator
// in many functional languages, but <$> is not allowed by swift syntax, so we'll
// use <^> instead
infix operator <^> { associativity left }
func <^><A, B>(f: A -> B, a: A?) -> B? {
switch a {
case .Some(let x): return f(x)
case .None: return .None
Then we can compose multiple options together using apply, which we'll call <*> because we're cool (and we know some Haskell)
// <*> is the commonly-accepted symbol for apply
infix operator <*> { associativity left }
func <*><A, B>(f: (A -> B)?, a: A?) -> B? {
switch f {
case .Some(let value): return value <^> a
case .None: return .None
Now we can rewrite our example
doStuff <^> optA <*> optB
This will work, provided that doStuff is in curried form (see below), i.e.
func doStuff(a: A)(b: B) -> C { ... }
The result of the whole thing is an optional value, either nil or the result of doStuff
Here's a complete example that you can try in the playground
func sum(a: Int)(b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }
let optA: Int? = 1
let optB: Int? = nil
let optC: Int? = 2
sum <^> optA <*> optB // nil
sum <^> optA <*> optC // Some 3
As a final note, it's really straightforward to convert a function to its curried form. For instance if you have a function taking two parameters:
func curry<A, B, C>(f: (A, B) -> C) -> A -> B -> C {
return { a in { b in f(a,b) } }
Now you can curry any two-parameter function, like + for example
curry(+) <^> optA <*> optC // Some 3
I wrote a little essay on the alternatives some time ago: https://gist.github.com/pyrtsa/77978129090f6114e9fb
One approach not yet mentioned in the other answers, which I kinda like, is to add a bunch of overloaded every functions:
func every<A, B>(a: A?, b: B?) -> (A, B)? {
switch (a, b) {
case let (.Some(a), .Some(b)): return .Some((a, b))
default: return .None
func every<A, B, C>(a: A?, b: B?, c: C?) -> (A, B, C)? {
switch (a, b, c) {
case let (.Some(a), .Some(b), .Some(c)): return .Some((a, b, c))
default: return .None
// and so on...
These can be used in if let statements, case expressions, as well as optional.map(...) chains:
// 1.
var foo: Foo?
if let (name, phone) = every(parsedName, parsedPhone) {
foo = ...
// 2.
switch every(parsedName, parsedPhone) {
case let (name, phone): foo = ...
default: foo = nil
// 3.
foo = every(parsedName, parsedPhone).map{name, phone in ...}
Having to add the overloads for every is boilerplate'y but only has to be done in a library once. Similarly, with the Applicative Functor approach (i.e. using the <^> and <*> operators), you'd need to create the curried functions somehow, which causes a bit of boilerplate somewhere too.
In some cases you can use optional chaining. For your simple example:
if let b = optionalObj?.a?.b {
// do stuff
To keep your nesting down and to give yourself the same variable assignments, you could also do this:
if optionalObj?.a?.b != nil {
let obj = optionalObj!
let a = obj.a!
let b = a.b!
After some lecture thanks to Martin R, I found an interesting workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26012746/2754218
func unwrap<T, U>(a:T?, b:U?, handler:((T, U) -> ())?) -> Bool {
switch (a, b) {
case let (.Some(a), .Some(b)):
if handler != nil {
handler!(a, b)
return true
return false
The solution is interesting, but it would be better if the method uses variadic parameters.
I naively started to create such a method:
extension Array
func find(includedElement: T -> Bool) -> Int?
for (idx, element) in enumerate(self)
if includedElement(element)
return idx
return nil
func unwrap<T>(handler:((T...) -> Void)?, a:T?...) -> Bool
let b : [T!] = a.map { $0 ?? nil}
if b.find({ $0 == nil }) == nil
But I've this error with the compiler: Cannot convert the expression's type '[T!]' to type '((T...) -> Void)?'
Any suggestion for a workaround ?