Unmarshalling saml metadata extensions using opensaml - metadata

I have created some extensions in saml metadata. I'm trying to unmarshall the xml using opensaml2. I have created the interface, implementation class, builder, marshaller and unmarshaller of the extension. Then I registered the object providers using Configuration.registerObjectProvider
Configuration.registerObjectProvider(RequestedAudiences.TYPE_NAME, new RequestedAudiencesBuilder(), new RequestedAudiencesMarshaller(), new RequestedAudiencesUnmarshaller());
When I try to get the extensions using the bellow code segment
List<XMLObject> extensions = spssoDescriptor.getExtensions().getUnknownXMLObjects();
It returns objects of the type
So now I can't read any value from the object. I want to get an object of the actual extension implementation class I have created.
Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong?

The problem was I have registered the object providers after creating the metadata object. So at the time of creating the metadata object, opensaml does not know how to create the required extension object (RequestedAudiences object). Registering the object providers before creating the metadata object resolved the problem.

You can use below scala code to extract the information.
val dato = descriptor.getExtensions().getUnknownXMLObjects.get(0).asInstanceOf[XSAny]


Can't map property String to JAXBElement<String> using MapStruct

so I was playing a bit with Mapstruct, reading the reference Documentation for the Version 1.1.0.Final, and arrived at the point:
implicit type conversions
where is defined the following statement:
Between JAXBElement < T> and T
I tried that, but the error what I received was:
Can't map property "java.lang.String xmlElement" "javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<java.lang.String> xmlElement".
Consider to declare/implement a mapping method:
javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<java.lang.String> map(java.lang.String value)".
I know thisi is the same thread asCan't map property when using MapStruct but since then Mapstruct released a new version.
Am I doing something wrong or this feature really is missing?
Thank you.
Mapping from JAXBElement<T> to T works out of the box. For the reverse you need to make sure that the ObjectFactory(ies) are in the Mapper#uses, MapStruct uses those methods to create the types.
You can also have a look at this integration test.
In case this happens on Java 9 or higher and you use implementation of type JAXBElement from maven library (in my case'javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api') make sure it is on the classpath of the annotation processor - this resolved the issue for me.
If your JAXBElement was generated by a wsdl client generator (eg. xjc) you need to provide the corresponding ObjectFactory.class generated by the client generator:
#Mapper(uses = ObjectFactory.class)
public interface OrderMapper {
Order orderEntityToExternalOrder(OrderEntity orderEntity);
MapStruct 1.0.0.Beta1 is out with JAXB support, custom factories, decorators and more

How can I read out the "glade ID" of a gtk3 object

In glade it is possible to set an unique ID to an object. In the code one can obtain a pointer to this object by searching for it's "glade ID" via gtk_builder_get_object().
However for my current use-case I just want to read out this ID from an GObject. What's the API to do so ?
You can't. The builder ID is stored in the builder internally, not in the GObject.
The reason for this is that IDs must be unique per builder, which would be impossible to enforce if you were able to get and set them via some GObject API.
You could use gtk_widget_get_name() to identify an object.
It is possible using Gtk.Buildable.get_name(object). This method will return the Glade object id.
This snippet will print all object ids in your Glade XML:
builder = Gtk.Builder()
for obj in builder.get_objects():
As stated by #ptomato it's seems not possible.
I found that in that line in the documentation:
All the fields in the GObject structure are private to the
implementation and should never be accessed directly.
But you can circumvent it because at one point in your code you were refering to it by the id that you typed in (or the code you wrote type in) so you just need to store it at that point. And link it somehow (with a variable or a data structure) to the name of the variable holding the object.

how to readResolve the object deserialized by Spring Data from Mongodb

We are using flyweight pattern for some objects in our system. Those objects are also saved in database (mongodb). After loading the object back from db using Spring Data, there is no easy way to replace the object constructed by Spring Data with the object in the flyweight cache. For Java deserialization, there is readResolve() method. I wonder if Spring Data can add something similar to support this use case.
Is there any solutions with the current Spring Data implementation (1.4.1 release)?
They must have something otherwise enums wouldn't work either... I'd consider custom converters, e.g. here (look for the last section with PersonReadConverer):
I just hope it works when Person is a nested field inside another class - didn't get a chance to test it .
Good luck
Thanks #Pelit_Mamani for some suggestions. I did try to implement a converter and set it in mongo mapping converter and it seems to work. It works even when the object is embedded in other object.
<mongo:mapping-converter id="mappingConverter" base-package="com.mytest.domain" db-factory-ref="mongoDbFactory" disable-validation="true">
<bean class="com.mytest.repo.converter.MyReadConverter" />
And the converter class:
public class MyReadConverter implements Converter<DBObject, MyObject>

How to use GWT SerializationStreamFactory

I am trying to serialize a object in GWT using SerializationFactory, but I am not able to get it working. Here is the sample code of my POC:
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationException;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationStreamFactory;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationStreamReader;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationStreamWriter;
Some code here....
SerializationStreamFactory factory = (SerializationStreamFactory) GWT.create(MyClass.class);
SerializationStreamWriter writer = factory.createStreamWriter();
try {
writer.writeObject(new MyClass("anirudh"));
String value = writer.toString();
SerializationStreamReader reader = factory.createStreamReader(value);
MyClass myObj = (MyClass) reader.readObject();
} catch (SerializationException e) {
It gave me the following exception
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for 'com.anirudh..client.MyClass' (did you forget to inherit a required module?)
also in my code the class whose object I am trying to serialize implements IsSerializable
MyClass implements IsSerializable
I don't want to use GWT Auto-Bean framework because it does not fit my use case. Also I am not using GWT-RPC framework and right now I am quite adamant about using SerializationStreamFactory :D because I seriously want to know how this thing works.
Can anyone share a working example of SerializationStreamFactory or help me out pointing any mistake(s) I did.
Thanks in advance
SerializationStreamFactory factory = (SerializationStreamFactory) GWT.create(MyClass.class);
What are you expecting this line to do? GWT will attempt to find a replace-with or generate-with rule that matches this class (either when-type-assignable or when-type-is), or failing that will attempt to invoke a zero-arg constructor on MyClass, effectively new MyClass(). Is this what you are expecting?
The selected exception you've pasted suggests that MyClass may not be on the source path that GWT has been given to compile from, but the full error log will provide more information.
It looks as though you are trying to mimic the generated RPC code, where a *Async rpc interface would be implemented by code that extends from com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.impl.RemoteServiceProxy (which implements SerializationStreamFactory). That base implementation is extended further to initialize several fields such as the com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.impl.Serializer instance, actually responsible for serializing and deserializing object streams.
Serializers are created (by default) from the base class of com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.impl.SerializerBase, through the rebind class com.google.gwt.user.rebind.rpc.TypeSerializerCreator. If you've build your own generator for MyClass, you should be kicking this off to get the work done as ProxyCreator already should be doing.
Remember when building your own serialization/deserialization mechanism that you need to decide which types can be marshalled within this system - if you open it to all types, then you will need to generate FieldSerializer types for all possible objects on the source path. This will greatly expand the size of your compiled code.
If your main goal is learning how this 'magic' works, dig into the generators and associated code that live in the com.google.gwt.user.rebind.rpc package. There are other libraries that leverage these ideas such as the gwt-atmosphere project (see https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere to get started). Also review the generated code that GWT creates when it builds a 'tradition' RPC interface.

JAX-RS generic response and interface proxy

is there any way how to return generic describing entity type with the JAX-RS Response? Something like REST-Easy ClientReponse but JAX-RS standard and not implementation-specific class.
The thing is I want to call my REST service via its shared interface (created by some proxy provider) and returning only object does not allow add information I need. E.g. for creating resource via POST, I would like to return also URL to newly created resource and so on. Returing simple Response does not show what type of entity is stored within such response.
Response<MyObject> getMyObject(#PathParam("id" Integer id)
So far it seems that I will have to return simple Response and then create adapter which will simply call Response.getEntity(.class)
There is probably no such option...
GenericEntity allows you to return a generic. The actual type is held at runtime by GenericEntity, allowing the object to be serialized.
Here's a contrived example of how it can be used.
GenericEntity entity = new GenericEntity<Employee>(new Employee());
return Response.ok(entity).build();