Charles 3.10.1 does not have ssl option to setting? - charles-proxy

why charles does not have ssl option?
How can I capture package with https?

You have another tab for ssl connection options.
Go to tab menu -> Proxy -> SSL Proxy Settings
There you have the option to enable SSL proxy.


How do I enable mTLS in mitmproxy for client to Proxy connection?

There is client_certs option for mTLS between proxy and external websites but I don't see any option to enforce client authentication for the client connection to proxy.
Any help, pointers would be appreciated. Thanks
mitmproxy does not support mutual TLS between client and proxy at the moment (version 8.1.1).

Charles Proxy SSL Certificate not downloading on Mac

I am getting "< unknown > " requests that I can't read in the Charles proxy, when I enable SSL, they don't load at all.
I think my issue is that I dont have the certificate installed, when I go through Charles > SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certificate or through It will open Keychain Access but won't prompt for any install and I don't see it coming up on my list of keychains - see below
charles screenshot
keychain access screenshot

Fiddler2: Decrypt HTTPS traffic and Tunnel to host:443

I use Fiddler2 to analyse some pages that use https connections. I enabled HTTPS decryption, but I still see some Tunnel to host:443 entries in my log. I can see decrypted HTTPS traffic in the log, so I assume the decyption works.
I think, that a Tunnel to host:443 entry is created in addition to the decrypted log entry when the connection is opened.
Is my assumption correct or did I miss something?
Yes, this is expected.
If you click on Tunnel to Host:443 you'll see the following on the Statistics tab:
The selected session is a HTTP CONNECT Tunnel. This tunnel enables a client to
send raw traffic (e.g. HTTPS-encrypted streams or WebSocket messages) through
a HTTP Proxy Server (like Fiddler).
You can automatically hide these tunnels if you like by clicking Rules > Hide Connects.
My HTTPS interception and decryption stopped working and this message was also in my logs.
Perhaps it is unrelated but I was able to resolve but exporting the Fiddler certificate to Desktop (Tools > Fiddler Options > Export Root Certificate to Desktop), double clicking it to install it and restarting Fiddler and my Browser.

Fiddler proxy settings

Can i set
for proxy in fiddler and how to set that ?
I am using fiddler to pass web service request .
I need to check proxy authentication is it possible to create Authentication in Fiddler for each request ?
The simplest way to do this is to click Require Proxy Authentication on Fiddler's Rules menu.

How to make certain hosts bypass Fiddler?

I have the Fiddler filters setup to "hide" the host "" and it does not show while I am debugging.
But the Fiddler proxy is still causing security issues (incorrect ssl certificate) to office, message relates to that host.
How can get a specific host to bypass Fiddler?
Or is the nature of a proxy based system that all requests go through it regardless?
Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections > Bypass Fiddler for hosts that start with or use the HTTPS tab to Skip decryption for.