MongoDB inserts slow down when in Replica Set mode - mongodb

I'm running MongoDB 2.4.5 and recently I've started digging into Replica Set to get some kind of redundancy.
I started same mongo instance with --replSet parameter and also added an Arbiter to running Replica Set. What happened was writing to mongo slowed down significantly (from 15ms to 30-60ms, sometimes even around 300ms). As soon as I restarted it in not-replicaset-mode performance went back to normal.
I also set up the newest 3.0 version of MongoDB with no data and run same tester as before and the result was quite similar - writes were at least 50% slower while running the ReplicaSet mode.
I could not find many examples of such behaviour online so I guess something is wrong with my mongo configuration or OS configuration.
Any ideas? Thanks for help.

It sounds like you're using "replica acknowledged" write concern, which means that the operation will not return until the data has been written to both the primary and replica. The write concern can be set when doing any write operation (from 2.6 onwards - it looks from the 2.4 documentation that calling getLastError causes a write concern of replica acknowledged in 2.4, are you doing that in your test code?).
Read this section (v3)) or this section (v2.4) of the MongoDB documentation to understand the implications of different write concerns and try explicitly setting it to Acknowledged.

Okay so the problem was C# library. I used a native C# driver (works fine even with 2.4.5 MongoDB) and there seems to be no difference in performance. Thanks for help.


In MongoDB, can I run the compact command without shutting down each instance?

In the server structure, primary, secondary, and arbiter are each physically operated.
mongo db version is 4.2.3.
Some of the documents were deleted in the oldest order because too many documents were accumulated in a specific collection.
However, even deleting documents did not release the storage area.
Upon checking, I found that mongodb's mechanism retains reusable bytes even if the document is deleted.
Also, I found out that unnecessary disk space can be freed with the compact command in the WiredTiger engine.
Currently, all clients connected to the db are querying using the arbiter ip and port.
Since the DB is composed only of replication, not sharding, if each individual executes the compact command independently, Even if each instance is locked, it is expected that the arbiter will distribute the query to the currently available instances.
Is this possible?
Or, Should I shutdown each instance, run it standalone, run the compact command, and then reconfigure psa?
You may upgrade your MonogDB to latest version 4.4. Documentation of compact:
Changed in version 4.4.
Starting in v4.4, on WiredTiger, compact only blocks the following
metadata operations:
db.collection.createIndex and db.collection.createIndexes
db.collection.dropIndex and db.collection.dropIndexes
compact does not block MongoDB CRUD Operations for the database it is
currently operating on.
Before v4.4, compact blocked all operations for the database it was
compacting, including MongoDB CRUD Operations, and was therefore
recommended for use only during scheduled maintenance periods.
Starting in v4.4, the compact command is appropriate for use at any
To anyone looking for the answer with 4.4 please see this bug and the documentation entry as the compact routine still forces the node to recovery state if you are running in replica set (and I assume this is the default use case for most projects)

performance degradation on mongodb 3.2.10

server :ubuntu 16.04
database :mongodb 3.2.10
configuration (replica set 3 nodes)
engine WiredTiger
we are having performance related to querying , the query run time degraded over the time and it does not seem to be related to load as no users accessing the node , the current fix is by restarting the mongo instance. i had the same issue on 3.2.9 version , it seems to keep happening on 3.2.10 as well the degradation is happening on all nodes.
Few tips to verify performance issues in MongoDB
In MongoDB Profiler you can check the slow running queries.
You can try indexing the documents (use inputs from above step)
Since the instances are replicated please revisit the write concern part
can you check whether mongodb in-memory implementation can help
You can see few important tips here -

mongodb sharding issue with 2.5.5 development version

I am trying to perform performance testing for one of my application using MongoDB. I am using 2.5.5 development version. Sharding works fine when I try to read and write data using mongos.
To perform performance testing I need to start 600-700 mongoconnection threads to the mongos. Each thread queries around 2000 documents which is distributed on two shards. This test runs fine for few minutes but after sometime it stops working with the error "Connection refused by one of the shard". Looking closely at it I found that server runs out of ports when these many threads request data.
Could anyone please have a look and let me know if it is a MongoDB bug in the dev version or is it something which I am doing wrong while connecting to database.
your help will be much appreciated.

Mongodb slaveOk - preferred server

Assume I have N servers, each operating as a web server and a mongodb member of a replica set.
I'd like the slaveOk reads to be satisfied first by the local mongodb instance, rather than a remote machine across the network.
The documentation says slaveOk reads are satisfied by an arbitrary member. Is it possible to override that?
Mongodb 1.8, C-sharp driver 1.2.
The documentation says slaveOk reads are satisfied by an arbitrary member. Is it possible to override that?
Not without changing the C# driver. You'd probably have to look somewhere in this file to make those changes.
Assume I have N servers, each operating as a web server and a mongodb member of a replica set.
As a note, this is generally not the expected usage for MongoDB. Implemented in this way, your web server will be competing for RAM with MongoDB. If a server gets overloaded the web server will starve the mongod process which will cause connections to back up and exacerbate the issue.
It sounds like you're trying to use MongoDB as a local cache and there are far better tools for this job.
The closest you could come to what you are describing is for each web application to open a separate direct connection (not in replica set mode) to the local mongodb and use that separate connection for reads.

C# MongoDB driver trouble( NORM)

I have used NORM driver in production. New year holidays - it is pretty cool, so my project get high loading and i want to set up a replication set, but have a problem - Norm does not support replication set :( . as far as i understand sharding too?
Help me :) Who did use mongodb csharp or official 10gen driver with replset? Is there any problem on production? If i choose another driver I'll have to rewrite the repository, but I do not want it to be in vain. Is there some issues?
Sharding should not depend on driver-specific support. When you shard, you connect to a router application mongos and this router behaves exactly like mongod.
So you should be able to shard. But you will probably need to change the "connection string". The suggested setup is to have one mongos per application server (instead of your current single mongod).