2 EditText vertically, soft keyboard cover the below one when the up one selected - android-softkeyboard

I want both EditTexts showed above the soft keyboard if the upper one selected and input, the below one can show according to the changes in the upper one without covered by soft keyboard

Set the android:windowSoftInputMode to adjustResize, so your app is resized above the keyboard rather than covered.


Unity Panel Interaction Issue

I have two panels in unity 2d directly overlapping each other and they use scroll panels so I can scroll down. I have it set so when one is accessed, the other is pulled up, but when they swap the other panel is grey and I cannot interact with it, but when I attempt to scroll the other panel scrolls instead, even though it is hidden and turned off.
I suspect that this is a bug in the code. It's possible, that when the user presses the scroll button in the first panel, and then releases the button, the second panel's scroll button thinks, it's already been pressed by the user, when in fact it isn't.
Set it up in such a way, that when you release the button on a scrollbar (the first scroll bar), it resets the click on the scrollbars connected to it (a second scroll bar).

Detect whether device will show a soft keyboard in Flutter

In my Flutter app, I would like to be able to know whether the device has a soft keyboard enabled (notice: enabled != currently showing). What I mean by that is, when a text input receives focus, will a soft keyboard be shown?
The idea is that when showing a dialog with a text field for a query and a list of search results (the list is populated even if the query is empty), I would like to autofocus the text field, but only if by focusing it there won't be a soft keyboard popping up. The issue is that soft keyboards take away screen space, so there will be fewer search results visible (on small phones, as few as only one). Therefore, autofocusing should only happen when there won't be a soft keyboard (as, for example, with browsers on desktop).
Edit: To clarify, this is not a duplicate of Flutter: Detect keyboard open/close or similar questions. What this question asks is "Is the soft keyboard currently showing?" whereas my question is "When a text input receives focus, will a soft keyboard be shown?" I need to know whether it will show before it is actually shown.

White background shows when keyboard closes on Android

I am testing my app on HTC One M8 running Android version 5.0.2. When an input field in the app loses focus, a white background is shown after the keyboard closes.
My background image is set on .scroll-content, so I don't understand why it acts like this on Android.
Check your ionic pane colour and view colour. You have different background colour so in the keyboard adjust pane mode the view gets resized (height-keyboard height) so when the keyboard goes off it shows the ionic-pane colour. So override the '.pane' background colour and see will it make any difference.
keyboard adjustment will work only if '.scroll-content' is present. By default ionic-content will enable this
The issue is that when we open a keyboard in our current application the app gets resized to the area that is left after opening the keyboard and the Cordova webview is too slow in resizing the app back to its normal size after the user closes the keyboard. There is no proper solution to this problem.
The most elegant working workaround for is to stop resizing the application on keyboard open. The keyboard will just slide up and down on the form as an overlay and there will be no resizing required.
In AndroidManifest.xml file try to set windowSoftInputMode attribute to adjustNothing:
This is not a solution and can be considered as an option for small forms but it is not suitable for big forms.

Forms in iOS5 (fileds obscured, next/done for numpads)

I am designing a form in iOS 5, where i'm showing the following fields.
User Id - Numpad Keyboard
Pin Number - Numpad Keyboard
Password - ASCII capable
Confirm Password - ASCII capable
I have a number of problems.
When the keyboard is on screen, fields which are displayed at the bottom are obscured by the keyboard. How do i show them?
There is no next/done button implementation for Numpad Keyboard type. A custom implementation as discussed in SO on this link has the problem, that i have ASCII keyboards too, which display next buttons at the bottom. and while being displayed in the landscape mode, there is no room left for the form.
There are two parts to this.
Keeping controls in view when the keyboard appears.
Having previous/next/done buttons on any keyboard.
For the first part, you want to use a scroll view. See: Moving Content That Is Located Under the Keyboard.
For the second part, you want to set a input accessory view. See: Input Views and Input Accessory Views.
Hope that helps.

How do I make a Composite selectable in Eclipse?

I have an editor which is comprised of a table and a set of selection-specific form fields below it, so that when I make a selection in the table, the fields below it will change. When the editor is sized too small, the fields container gets a scrollbar:
The problem is that when I make a selection in the table, I can't scroll the fields container down (with the mouse wheel) because the focus is still within the table. Currently I have to select one of the fields to be able to scroll its container or manually drag the scrollbar itself, but it's much easier to just click or hover anywhere in the target container to focus it for mouse wheel scrolling.
How can I make the composite body (in my case, a Form) selectable? Or even better, is there a way to control scrolling depending on where the mouse cursor is?
If you want to control scrolling based on where the mouse cursor is located, you're going to have to write a combination org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseMoveListener and org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseWheelListener.
Component method setFocus() brings the component into keyboard focus.
I've not tried to do this. Be sure to handle the case where the user does not have a scroll wheel on their mouse.