Facebook incentive to like page - facebook

We are working on ideas to provide an extra incentive for people to become and stay fans of a company Facebook page (on top of truly being a fan of course). some sort of loyalty program, if you will.
We are wondering if this is a technically and Facebook Platform policy-wise feasible idea.
The loyalty program would be an app that you can log in to with Facebook and that will see if you like a certain company page and since what date.
Is this something that be read using Object Likes?
If possible, we would like this information to raffle prizes among users that have liked that company page a certain amount of time. Is this something that would be against the Facebook Platform Policies?
Section 4.5 says: "Only incentivize a person to log into your app, enter a promotion on your app’s Page, or check-in at a place. Don’t incentivize other actions."
It's not entirely clear if a setup as descrivbed above counts as "entering a promotion on your app's Page"
Any input on this would be well appreciated.

You can only read the Page likes with /me/likes, and you need the user_likes permission. You are not allowed to incentivize liking a Page. Like Gating is not allowed and you will not get user_likes approved for that.
Meaning, it´s not allowed and not even possible to reward users in any way for liking a Page. Users must like a Page only because they really want to.

This is a very interesting question! but actually I see no violation in doing so ... as I understand from your Question, it's not like you're buying the likes, but you're rewarding your fans - some sort of loyalty program - you also maintain your current fans and nothing wrong in that!
But seriously I understand your concerns about getting rejected by Facebook .. and I can't confirm you can pass the Facebook Review with this scenario!
So my advice to you is "try to build a prototype and submit it for reviewing" or "try to contact anyone from Facebook Support Team and validate your scenario with them".
Please share the updates with us :)


Facebook like gate not receiving whether user has liked the page or not when live

Hope someone out there knows the answer to this, the tab app was working fine when in testing but when live facebook is not including whether the user has liked the page or not in the signed request?!
It was working fine when in development mode :(.
Like gating is not possible and not allowed anymore, see changelog: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog
The 'liked' property will no longer be returned in the 'signed_request' object for Page Tab apps created after today. From November 5, 2014 onwards, the 'liked' property will always return 'true' regardless of whether or not the person has liked the page.
They also change the platform policy:
You must not incentivize people to use social plugins or to like a Page. This includes offering rewards, or gating apps or app content based on whether or not a person has liked a Page. It remains acceptable to incentivize people to login to your app, checkin at a place or enter a promotion on your app's Page. To ensure quality connections and help businesses reach the people who matter to them, we want people to like Pages because they want to connect and hear from the business, not because of artificial incentives. We believe this update will benefit people and advertisers alike.

Is Scheduling Posts Permitted By Facebook?

Im toying around with integrating facbook into a website. Basically this website will generate acheivements for each user after X amount time (starting from a day up to a year).
I want to post these milestones to facebook automatically (with users prior permission). Does facebook allow this?
This article seems pretty darn explicit that its not.
But i have seen lots of posts on SO that are scheduling posts while trying to figure this out. Perhaps i have terminology's mixed up or something. Could someone explain this for me please.
If its not possible, does this mean that the only time an app can post to a users facebook wall is when the user explicitly clicks something to the effect of "post to my wall". Meaning they would need to login and manually approve every milestone?
No, it's not possible to post something on behalf of a user automatically. According to the facebook's policy, even if a user grants you a publishing permission, actions you take on the user's behalf must be expected by the user, i.e. user must be aware of the actions you are taking on his behalf. As the article says, this can be done, for example, by prompting user with a dialog box with a link to Share a photo to their timeline each time your app would like to share to the user’s Stream.
Facebook however permits scheduled Page posts, but I guess this is not what you want. You can read more about it here.

seeing who liked a page programmatically

So my company has a facebook page and they're wanting to pay the sales people bonuses based on how many of each of their customers liked my companies facebook page.
To do that right now someone in our marketing department is manually going through, getting the names, and doing queries one-by-one, to see if the person who liked the page is a customer and if so who's customer they are.
That seems excessively tedious. My question is... is there a way to automate that? I don't see anything in the Graph API / Page stuff that'd let you do that:
For that matter I'm not actually entirely sure how our marketing person is getting the names of people who liked the page. When I view the page I just see who, among my friends, liked the page. But then again they are an admin whereas I'm currently not (although I could get it fairly easily if I can show how my having admin access would be of benefit [and this would qualify I'm sure]).
Any ideas?
Short answer, no. You can't see who liked your page programmatically, you can only see manually on your facebook page if you go to the new likes section.
You can create a page app that when a user likes your page it prompts him to insert his information or something like that, but then again you won't capture the likes that are made directly on your page, only the ones made inside de app

Policy query - iframe app posting to multiple (5) friends wall

After some advice.
I have a client wishing to have an app which lets them download a voucher to redeem in store but only after they post details of this offer onto 5 friends' walls.
My understanding of current Facebook policy suggests that:
1) Promotions can't require users to take any action on Facebook other than to like the page (likegate);
2) Messages posted to multiple friends at once should be unique and personally initiated - i.e. an app shouldn't bulk post to multiple users. Instead users should share things on their own wall....
Am I correct in this understanding?
If so, can anyone point me at the relevant facebook policies - can't seem to find them on the site.
Yes, those are exactly what I read on the policies page. However to be absolutely sure, you should have your corporate attorney read them and consult with you.

Problem with like it button and public permissions

I'm a web developer and i'm having problems using the "like it" button
I put the buttom on my site as a counter of votes of a special contest. People can only click the like buttom if they are fan of my Facebook page.
The problem is that people can't vote if they haven't public permissions on his facebook, cause i can't know if they are or not fans of my page.
Is there a solution?
if you rely on information that you are not certain that you can obtain then sadly there is no solution.
Since what you are doing is beyond a simple like button What you may want to try is open a facebook application and request from your users the user_likes permission. You can read more about it here. I have photo albums on the "highest privacy setting" - only me. Yet when I request a list of my photo albums through one of my applications (with the required permissions of course) I get back ALL of my albums.. This might have been a temporary issue that was solved - but in any case - I saw this behavior and I thought it might be relevant to this post :)
Additionally you should look at the Promotions Guidelines specifically this point :
You must not use Facebook features or functionality as a promotion’s registration or entry mechanism. For example, the act of liking a Page or checking in to a Place cannot automatically register or enter a promotion participant.
I had some problems with facebook on this issue - you are not allowed to require someone to "like" a page in order to participate in an activity that is not directly connected to that page.
From what I understand you are requireing people to like your page on facebook beofore voting on your site... If this IS the case then facebook might very well start taking action and closing your page/app.