Why is my command line argument being interpreted as a Boolean (Perl 6)? - command-line

Given this program:
#!/bin/env perl6
sub MAIN ($filename='test.fq', :$seed=floor(now) )
say "Seed is $seed";
When I run it without any command line arguments, it works fine. However, when I give it a command line argument for seed, it says that its value is True:
./seed.p6 --seed 1234
Seed is True
Why is the number 1234 being interpreted as a boolean?

Perl 6's MAIN argument handling plays well with gradual typing. Arguments can, and should be typecast to reduce ambiguity and improve validation:
#!/bin/env perl6
sub MAIN (Str $filename='test.fq', Int :$seed=floor(now))
say "Seed is $seed.";
After typecasting seed to Int, this option must be given a numeric argument and no longer defaults to a Boolean:
perl6 ./seed.pl -seed 1234
./seed.pl [--seed=<Int>] [<filename>]
perl6 ./seed.pl -seed=abc
./seed.pl [--seed=<Int>] [<filename>]
perl6 ./seed.pl -seed=1234
Seed is 1234.

You need to use an = sign between your option --seed and its value 1234:
./seed.p6 --seed=1234
Since you have a positional argument in your MAIN subroutine signature (i.e. $filename), the first argument not tied to an value with an = sign will be assigned to it.
Your original
./seed.p6 --seed 1234
was being interpreted as if 1234 were the filename (i.e. it was assigned to the variable $filename). Since a command line option without an argument is considered to be True, $seed was being assigned True in your original invocation of that script.


Powershell String format fails to add hex prefix when looping

Ciao all -
I'm using Powershell 7.2 to automate some hardware configuration through the hardware's CLI.
I am using a loop to generate strings that include "0x" prefixes to express hex bytes, but having an issue where any consecutive iterations after the first pass of the loop do not print the "0x" prefix.
The following will produce the issue:
function fTest($id)
foreach($n in #(1, 2, 3))
write-host $id.gettype()
write-host ("{0:x}" -f $id)
fTest 0x1a
Actual output:
The 0xprefixes are omitted in iters 2 and 3.
Why is this happening?
What is a clean way to correct the issue?
I'm a PowerShell noob, so I am happy to receive suggestions or examples of entirely different approaches.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Type-constrain your $p parameter to unambiguously make it a number (integer), as Theo suggests:
function fTest($id) -> function fTest([int] $id)
Build the 0x prefix into the format string passed to -f:
"{0:x}" -f $id -> '0x{0:x}' -f $id
Building on the helpful comments:
Why is this happening?
Format string {0:x}, when applied to a number, only ever produces a hexadecimal representation without a 0x prefix; e.g.:
PS> '{0:x}' -f 10
a # NOT '0xa'
If the operand is not a number, the numeric :x specification is ignored:
PS> '{0:x}' -f 'foo'
The problem in your case is related to how PowerShell handles arguments passed to parameters that are not type-constrained:
Argument 0x1a is ambiguous: it could be a number - expressed as hexadecimal constant 0x1a, equivalent to decimal 26 - or a string.
While in expression-parsing mode this ambiguity would not arise (strings must be quoted there), it does in argument-parsing mode, where quoting around strings is optional (except if the string contains metacharacters) - see the conceptual about_Parsing topic.
What PowerShell does in this case is to create a hybrid argument value: The value is parsed as a number, but it caches its original string representation behind the scenes, which is used for display formatting, for instance:
PS> & { param($p) $p; $p.ToString() } 0x1a
0x1a # With default output formatting, the original string form is used.
26 # $p is an [int], so .ToString() yields its decimal representation
As of PowerShell 7.2.2, surprisingly and problematically, in the context of -f, the string-formatting operator, such a hybrid value is treated as a string, even though it self-reports as a number:
PS> & { param($p) $p.GetType().FullName; '{0:N2}' -f $p } 0x1a
System.Int32 # $p is of type [int] == System.Int32
0x1a # !! With -f $p is unexpectedly treated *as a string*,
# !! yielding the cached original string representation.
This unexpected behavior has been reported in GitHub issue #17199.
Type-constraining the parameter to which such a hybrid argument is passed, as shown at the top, avoids the ambiguity: on invocation, the argument is converted to an unwrapped instance of the parameter's type (see next point).
As for why the output changed starting with the 2nd iteration:
The cached string representation is implemented by way of an invisible [psobject] wrapper around the instance of the numeric type stored in $id, in this case.
When you update this value by way of an increment operation (++), the [psobject] wrapper is lost, and the variable is updated with an unwrapped number (the original value + 1).
Therefore, starting with the 2nd iteration, $id contained an unwrapped [int] instance, resulting in the {0:x} number format being honored and therefore yielding a hexadecimal representation without a 0x prefix.
The only reason the 1st iteration yielded a 0x prefix was that it was present in the original string representation of the argument; as stated above, the numeric :x format specifier was ignored in this case, given that the -f operand was (unexpectedly) treated as a string.

Is the truthiness of a dualvar always that of its string part?

The empirical behaviour of my Perl 5.26.2 x64 (Cygwin) is that a dualvar is truthy if and only if its string part is truthy:
# Falsy number, truthy string => truthy
$ perl -MScalar::Util=dualvar -E 'my $v=dualvar 0, "foo"; say "yes" if $v'
# Truthy number, falsy string => falsy
$ perl -MScalar::Util=dualvar -E 'my $v=dualvar 1, ""; say "yes" if $v'
# Truthy number, truthy string => truthy
$ perl -MScalar::Util=dualvar -E 'my $v=dualvar 1, "foo"; say "yes" if $v'
# Falsy number, falsy string => falsy
$ perl -MScalar::Util=dualvar -E 'my $v=dualvar 0, ""; say "yes" if $v'
This has been the case since 2009 per this.
Question: Is this guaranteed behaviour?
Boolean::String says that this is the behaviour. However, I don't know if that's something I can rely on, in terms of backward compatibility.
I also do not see an express statement in perlsyn, Scalar::Util, or perldata#Context.
I do see the following in perldata#Scalar-values:
A scalar value is interpreted as FALSE in the Boolean sense if it is undefined, the null string or the number 0 (or its string equivalent, "0"), and TRUE if it is anything else. The Boolean context is just a special kind of scalar context where no conversion to a string or a number is ever performed.
The statement that "no conversion ... is ever performed" unfortunately doesn't tell me which part(s) of a dualvar the interpreter is looking at!
Similarly, Chas. Owens's related answer says that
the truthiness test looks at strings first
But if it looks at strings first, what does it look at second, and when?
Edit My understanding is that if overload is defined on a variable, dualvar or not, the bool overload will control. I am wondering about the non-overloaded case.
Edit 2 ikegami's answer here points out that PL_sv_yes and PL_sv_no also have an NV (double) component. For bonus points :) , does the NV have any effect on truthiness if a dualvar has one? (Let me know if that answer is actually involved enough to deserve a separate question.)
Yes, at least so far. The SvTRUE_common macro is usually used to decide where an SV is "true" in a boolean context. Here's how it is defined in sv.h in the perl 5.26.1 source:
#define SvTRUE_common(sv,fallback) ( \
!SvOK(sv) \
? 0 \
: SvPOK(sv) \
? SvPVXtrue(sv) \
: (SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_IOK|SVf_NOK)) \
? ( (SvIOK(sv) && SvIVX(sv) != 0) \
|| (SvNOK(sv) && SvNVX(sv) != 0.0)) \
: (fallback))
After the scalar passes the SvOK test (whether it is defined), the next check is SvPOK -- whether the scalar has a valid internal string representation. Dualvars always pass this check, so the boolean test of a dualvar is whether its string representation is true (SvPVXtrue(...)).
The code is different in perl 5.6.2
Perl_sv_true(pTHX_ register SV *sv)
if (!sv)
return 0;
if (SvPOK(sv)) {
register XPV* tXpv;
if ((tXpv = (XPV*)SvANY(sv)) &&
(tXpv->xpv_cur > 1 ||
(tXpv->xpv_cur && *tXpv->xpv_pv != '0')))
return 1;
return 0;
else {
but the logic is the same -- check SvPOK first and then return whether the string representation is not empty and not equal to "0".
I would think future generations of Perl developers would be wary of changing this long-standing logic.
Question: Is this guaranteed behaviour?
This boils down to how a scalar is tested in the Boolean context, as string or numeric?
In Perl the documentation is the closest thing to a standard. So if there is no statement in docs then the formal answer must be: No, it is not "guaranteed behaviour".
Since the docs come tantalizingly close a few times, talking about that context and conversions, and yet specifically do not spell out which test is done I'd say that this must indeed be taken as an implementation detail. You cannot "rely" on it.
If strict reliability is needed one solution is a simple class that ensures to test what you need.
In more practical terms, it appears that in if ($v) it is the string part that is tested, and if it's not there then a numeric test goes (without the actual conversion as the docs say). As you ask about variables that have been set as dualvar then for those it's going to be the string test.

How to combine CLI arguments as variables within a perl script

I am trying to write a script that basically executes a cli command like:
snmpget -v 1 -c xxxxxx-Ovq xx.xx.xx.xxx .
where xxxxx is a password and xx.xx.xx.xxx and IP that normally returns:
My script is:
#snmpget -v 1 -c xxxxx -Ovq xx.xx.xx.xxx .
$SNMP_GET_CMD = "snmpget -v1 -c xxxxx-Ovq";
$SNMP_TARGET = "xx.xx.xx.xxx";
my $sysORLastChange = '${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .';
print("${SNMP_TARGET} as an Input Line Reading of ${sysORLastChange}\n");
and the output is:
xx.xx.xx.xxx as an Input Line Reading of ${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .
It should return the following:
xx.xx.xx.xxx as an Input Line Reading of 49:22:12:15.00
Is there any problem with the syntax i used in the script?
In Perl, use double-quotes to interpolate another variable into a string. When you define $sysORLastChange using other variables within a single-quoted string like this:
my $sysORLastChange = '${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .';
...the string is being assigned verbatim (ie. the inner variables aren't being expanded).
To correct this, assign to the variable using double-quotes, which will interpolate the inner variables into their values:
my $sysORLastChange = "${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .";
If you want to actually execute the string, you can use the qx() operator, aka the "backtick" style quotes:
my $sysORLastChange = qx(${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .;
# or...
my $sysORLastChange = `${SNMP_GET_CMD} ${SNMP_TARGET} .`;
See Perl Quote and Quote-like Operators in perlop.

Why is $ split valid syntax? [duplicate]

I just discovered that perl ignores space between the sigil and its variable name and was wondering if someone could tell me if this was the expected behaviour. I've never run into this before and it can result in strange behaviour inside of strings.
For example, in the following code, $bar will end up with the value 'foo':
my $foo = 'foo';
my $bar = "$ foo";
This also works with variable declarations:
my $
bar = "foo\n";
print $bar;
The second case doesn't really matter much to me but in the case of string interpolation this can lead to very confusing behaviour. Anyone know anything about this?
Yes, it is part of the language. No, you should not use it for serious code. As for being confusing in interpolation, all dollar signs (that are not part of a variable) should be escaped, not just the ones next to letters, so it shouldn't be a problem.
I do not know if this is the real reason behind allowing whitespace in between the sigil and the variable name, but it allows you to do things like
my $ count = 0;
my $file_handle_foo = IO::File->new;
which might be seen by some people as handy (since it puts the sigils and the unique parts of the variable names next to each other). It is also useful for Obfu (see the end of line 9 and beginning of line 10):
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # camel code
use strict;
ATA,0, 0;");foreach(1..3)
{<DATA>;}my #camel1hump;my$camel;
my$Camel ;while( <DATA>){$_=sprintf("%-6
9s",$_);my#dromedary 1=split(//);if(defined($
_=<DATA>)){#camel1hum p=split(//);}while(#dromeda
ry1){my$camel1hump=0 ;my$CAMEL=3;if(defined($_=shif
t(#dromedary1 ))&&/\S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAMEL;}
$CAMEL--;if(d efined($_=shift(#dromedary1))&&/\S/){
$camel1hump+=1 <<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;if(defined($_=shift(
/LJF7\173\175`\047/12345678/;y/12345678/JL7F\175\173\0 47`/;
$_=reverse;print"\040$_$Camel\n";}';;s/\s*//g;;eval; eval
("seek\040DATA,0,0;");undef$/;$_=<DATA>;s/\s*//g;( );;s
;^.*_;;;map{eval"print\"$_\"";}/.{4}/g; __DATA__ \124
\1 50\145\040\165\163\145\040\157\1 46\040\1 41\0
40\143\141 \155\145\1 54\040\1 51\155\ 141
\147\145\0 40\151\156 \040\141 \163\16 3\
157\143\ 151\141\16 4\151\1 57\156
\040\167 \151\164\1 50\040\ 120\1
45\162\ 154\040\15 1\163\ 040\14
1\040\1 64\162\1 41\144 \145\
155\14 1\162\ 153\04 0\157
\146\ 040\11 7\047\ 122\1
45\15 1\154\1 54\171 \040
\046\ 012\101\16 3\16
3\15 7\143\15 1\14
1\16 4\145\163 \054
\040 \111\156\14 3\056
\040\ 125\163\145\14 4\040\
167\1 51\164\1 50\0 40\160\
145\162 \155\151
\163\163 \151\1

Pass zero in to Getopt::Std

I am using Getopt::Std in a Perl script, and would like to pass in a zero as value. I am checking that values are set correctly using unless(). At the moment unless() is rejecting the value as being unset.
Is there a way to get unless() to accept zero as a valid value (any non-negative integer is valid).
This is probably perfeclty simple, but I've never touched Perl before a few days ago!
You need to use unless defined <SOMETHING> instead of unless <SOMETHING> , because zero is false in Perl.
Perl 5 has several false values: 0, "0", "", undef, ().
It is important to note that some things may look like they should be false, but aren't. For instance 0.0 is false because it is number that is equivalent to 0, but "0.0" is not (the only strings which are false are the empty string ("") and "0").
It also has the concept of definedness. A variable that has a value (other than undef) assigned to it is said to be defined and will return true when tested with the defined function.
Given that you want an argument to be a non-negative integer, it is probably better to test for that:
unless (defined $value and $value =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {