$content = "<div id='content'> <div style='display:block;border:1px solid red'>Display </div>
<div style='display:none;border:1px solid black'>No-Display </div></div>";
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','fr');
$return = true;
This leads to the following:
Obviously, I want the display:none section not to be displayed. What can I do?
According to this document (http://www.studentenwerk-goettingen.de/pdf/help/compatibility.css.2.1.html) css display support is only partial.
A workaround would probably be to have some kind of conditional check to figure out what is actually needed and then construct your dynamic html accordingly, i guess. This way there would be no need to set anything to "display:none".
I'm using tne sling component /libs/wcm/foundation/components/image.
I need to use the rendering image as css background.
<img src="${image.src} /> -> OK: works
<div style="background-image: url('${image.src}')">my text</div> -> KO: does not work.
The result is <div style="background-image: url('')">my text</div>
I tried it on Chrome, FF and IE.
Can anyone help me solve this problem ?
Sightly automatically escapes the values to prevent Cross Site Scripting issues, when do display context is specified. For CSS Strings, use the display context styleString so that it encodes characters that would break out of the string.
<div style="background-image: url('${image.src # context='styleString'}')">my text</div>
For more information on display context, refer to Sightly docs
Please try this:
style="background-image:url('${image.src # context='unsafe'}')"
I'm working with a number of large interchangeable style sheets. I need to use the border colour from one of the classes as the border for a div. The class in question has a number of properties, I only want the border.
Is there any way of doing this with CSS? I'd be happy with a CSS3 solution if it degrades nicely.
Of course I can use JS to do it, I know how with JQuery. But I was hoping to avoid that.
Update: As I feared not possible, why hasn't CSS3 provided a solution to this? As I said I'm working with a number of large interchangeable style sheets, the re-factoring suggestions simply aren't workable and they'd not only be a large job in themselves, but have far reaching implications :( I'll just have to do it with JQuery.
JQuery solution (JQuery.css doesn't like shorthand, like border or border-color):
var border = $('.class').css('border-top-color');
$('div').css('border-color', border);
This is simply not possible in CSS alone, unless you alter the way the CSS declarations work.
For example:
.class1 {
background: green;
.class1, .class2 {
border: 1px solid red;
...and the HTML:
<div class="class1"></div>
<div class="class2"></div>
.class1 {
background: green;
.class2 {
border: 1px solid red;
...and then in your HTML:
<div class="class1 class2"></div>
<div class="class2"></div>
Nope. Try to refactor your stylesheets. You can add multiple classes to one element.
<div id="mydiv" class="borders black"></div>
Is it somehow possible to place a span as the value of a text input field?
I am making a mailing system for a website and want a nice looking receivers input field, where added receivers are contained and added to the value of input text field. At the moment i use a separate "adding field" while showing added receivers in a span-container. I want to merge these to fields together. Just like any input field in regular e-mail software.
Help would be most appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Short answer: no, you cannot include a <span /> within an <input />.
You have a few options. You could use javascript to emulate behaviour like the email To: field. E.g. listen to key presses and handle actions like backspace after a ;.
Another option would be to make a list appear (css styled) like a textbox. Have the last <li /> contain a textbox with cleared styles. Every time the user adds a new email then insert a new <li /> before the textbox.
<ul class="email-textbox">
<li><input type="text" /></li>
.email-textbox {
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 2px 4px;
.email-textbox li {
display: inline-block;
list-style: none;
margin-left: 5px;
.email-textbox input {
background: none;
border: none;
javascript (jQuery, can change to vanilla)
$(function () {
You will need to extend this javascript to include a keypress handler etc, but it gives the general idea.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/UeTDw/1/
Any option will require some javascript however.
If you can use jQuery, you could check out jQuery UI autocomplete
One way to do it would be to layer a text input on top of a div that is styled to look like a text input.
<div id="fake-input">
<span class="input-item">John Doe</span>
<span class="input-item">Jane Deere</span>
<input id="receiver-input" type="text" />
You can strip all styling off of receiver-input, and add borders, background colors, and such to fake-input so that it appears to be a text field. When a receiver is added, you can create a new input-item span and append it to the list.
Input text fields are typically used to accept raw text input. Attempting to wrap input text inside of a text field opens you to user error and potential difficulties with parsing data if the person is able to manipulate the tags.
Personally I would suggest keeping your current method but enabling some form of AJAX support to make things more dynamic and less error-prone to the user.
(My $0.02)
TextExtjs is probably what you want. It's a jquery plugin for allowing removable tags with autocompletion etc in a textarea.
And here is a related SO discussion - where I found this plugin - on mimicking the similar behavior found in some inputs on facebook.
Wordpress wraps images with captions in a div with a class of .wp-caption.
I'm looking for a way to select images that don't have this div so I can wrap them in different div. (to keep a consistent border around all the images)
<div class="blog-post-content">
<div id="attachment_220" class="wp-caption alignleft" style="width: 310px">
<img class="size-medium wp-image-220" src="/path/to/image" alt="" width="300" height="280" />
<p class="wp-caption-text">Caption Text</p>
<p>This is the body of the post</p>
To test my selector, I'm just trying to add a green border. I can handle the .wrap() once the selector is working.
The most promising of my attempts is:
$('.blog-post-content img').parent('div:not(".wp-caption")').css('border', '2px solid green');
... but no luck.
How about this: (untested)
$('.blog-post-content img').filter(function(){
return !$(this).parents('div').hasClass('wp-caption');
}).css('border', '2px solid green');
$('.blog-post-content img').parent(':not("div.wp-caption")')
Not if what Matti says abotu the a element in the hierarchy then the above wont work.
I know this question was asked a long time ago, but I would like to suggest the following:
$('.blog-post-content img').closest('div:not(".wp-caption")')
Untested, but I think that should work, and is shorter than the answer above that works. Using closest means the a is ignored.
Does anyone know if it's possible to disable the data detectors for phone numbers, email addresses etc in a UIWebView, for specific HTML elements only?
I'd like the detectors to be active for most of the content loaded into the UIWebView, but disable it in certain areas.
If this is possible, I'm assuming it would be achieved by using an HTML attribute in the loaded content (rather than setting some sort of UIWebView property), e.g.
<h1 datadetectors="off">Header text with number 9123 3456</h1>
<p>Body text with number 9872 4567</p>
In this example, the number in the <p> would be detected as a phone number due to setting webview.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll, whereas the number in the <h1> would not.
you should use <meta name = "format-detection" content = "telephone=no">
Hope it helps
you can put the attribute
but unfortunately this seems to work only for tags.
I ended up using this solution:
besides disabling the telephone numbers "detection", this also prevents adresses and other detection to run.
If you control the web content you can use jscript (via jquery) to write your own data detectors. If you don't control the content you could insert and execute the jscript using stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: once webViewDidFinishLoad: is called.
In WKWebView Disable all Data Detector Types in Attributes inspector. This will solve your problem
Since an "a" tag will be inserted for you with the x-apple-data-detectors in it, you could write the tag yourself with x-apple-data-detectors set to false.
Original code:
<div class="my_time">17:02</div>
will be transformed to:
<div class="my_time">
<a href="x-apple-data-detectors://1" dir="ltr"
style="color: rgb(169, 169, 169);
text-decoration-color: rgba(169, 169, 169, 0.258824);">14:18
You can prevent this by writing your code as following...
<div class="my_time">
<a x-apple-data-detectors="false" style="text-decoration: none">17:02</a>