Google Cloud DNS - Web UI View Records - google-cloud-dns

Hello Stackoverflow,
i found an very irritating issue using the google cloud dns web ui. We have created over 3k on records in the service for one zone. however the rendering of the page takes now quite some time but i can live with that. however not all records are listed. lets say i only get the records until the letter L but not the rest. I can not see a search button to narrow down my object of interest. What could be my solution?

Cloud DNS web ui presently doesn't have a Search or Filter capability. However, you could use the Cloud DNS APIs
and leverage the nextPageToken param to navigate the list of zones.

Google Cloud DNS launched Filter ability in the UI that will help your case.
This is a filter textbox, where you need to enter your complete zone information. there isn't partial zone match or auto-suggest at this time


Multi Region Postgres Latency Issue Azure

Architecture which we are using currently is as below
Private Web App Services hosted in US Region and India Region.
Both the apps are behind the respective App Gateway, this app Gateway is behind the front door which helps us serve the request from the nearest app gateway. But Both apps uses the same postgres which is present in US region.
Now our issue is when we hit the api from US response time is less then 2sec whereas when we hit the api from India region it takes 70sec.
How can we reduce the latency ?
Actually, the problem is the APIs does write operation due to which we cannot a read replica.
There a few things you can do
1- Add a cache layer to both regions and rather than querying directly on DB, check if the data is available in the cache first, and if it's not, get it from DB and add to the cache layer.
2- Add a secondary database on India region which will be a read only.
PS: You may have stale data with both approaches so you should sync properly according to your requirements

Am I getting hacked ? Cloud Firestore huge pick gap of traffic, with no explanation

I'm currently facing to a huge pick of Read on Cloud Firestore and no way to go up stream to find the issue. I saw first this increase on Cloudflare. From 1million request to 175millions in 3 days with no correlation with user activity.
Cloudflare Dashboard before
Cloudflare Dashboard after
Diving into Statistics from GCP and Firebase is even more confusing had they are reflecting different reality.
GCP Dashboard Cloud Firestore Read and Write
Firebase Dashboard Firestore Read and Write
I verified if it was correlated to a new development or new security rule, but nothing.
I was thinking for a time about an hacking but Write seems to follow Read, but sure of nothing.
Can anyone had a previous experience like that, or a hint of where to find more infos on GCP.
Thanks for reading guys

Unable to open Google Cloud DNS page

I am unable to access Google Cloud DNS page.
All it shows is:
"DNS API is being enabled. This may take a minute or more."
Then it reloads and repeats showing the same message.
The API is already enabled, and the records I created works. No problem with DNS.
I need to modify records, but I can't because of this problem.
I tried opening the page in different computers and different browsers without addons, same result.
If there is a better place to ask, please do tell.
Thank you.
You should be able to access the page regardless of what computer / browser you're using.
If you cannot it's either a temporary outage which you can check here or a bug.
The only thing to do here is to contact paid support for more immediate help and if the time is something you can afford report this at Google's IssueTracker and get help for free - however it may take a few days. It is possible that only you are affected. Please describe the issue in as much detail as possible - this will expidete the process.

Region issue for IBM Cloud Activity Tracker with LogDNA

We have different resource group
A resource in Tokyo
B resource in Tokyo too
we need create one IBM Cloud Activity Tracker with LogDNA for A resource
and another one IBM Cloud Activity Tracker with LogDNA for B resource
Can i put IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for A resource in Tokyo
and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker for A resource in Dallas?
Because in your guide
there is important notice "There is 1 instance per region."
Could you help to confirm this case?
Events are logged in the region where they are generated. Also note that all global events are sent to LogDNA in Frankfurt (Europe).
When working with the logged events, you can distinguish between the services based on the records and their data fields. You could create custom views to separate those events.
You need to effectively name your environments and work with Event fields and Event types
A basic convention could use a pattern of “department_instance_level.”
Instead of “Error Logs” and “Info Logs,” they would be named
“dev_app1_info,” “qa_app2_error,” and so on. Not only does this
clearly define the contents of each view, but since LogDNA sorts views
alphabetically, each view is naturally grouped with similar views.
This makes it easy to scan for specific views and search for those
containing specific keywords. In this screenshot, searching for “prod”
narrows the list to views containing production environment logs.
Check How to use LogDNA Views to Manage Logs Effectively guide to learn the best way to manage your events
Additionally, you are planning to setup multiple environments, check this guide around How to Set Up Multiple Environments in LogDNA

Is it possible to restrict access by ip

I've spent the day searching for a way to restrict the google cloud storage json API to only accept calls from our server ip (note, I am using the java client).
I found a really old post that seemed to indicate that it was possible.!searchin/gs-discussion/Whitelist$20/gs-discussion/nTwMuygttbA
But things seem to have changed since then.
I tried looking in the quota section in the console but can't find anything there either.
Is this possible? Where can it be configured?