Android studio, Ctrl+BackSpace delete same as eclipse - eclipse

I migrated from Eclipse to Android Studio, but I loved eclipse ability to delete camelCase names by Ctrl+backspace. It deletes from current position of cursor to the first Capital word in Eclipse, but Android Studio deletes the whole word with the same shortcut. How can I do he same as eclipse in AS?
The second question is about scrolling- in Eclipse Ctrl+Mouse Wheel cases scrolling a page, is it possible to do the same in AS?

Open up your Android Studio keymap by going to File > Settings, then selecting "Keymap" on the left.
The first option (Eclipse's Ctrl + Backspace) is called "Delete to Word Start in Different 'CamelHumps' Mode." You can assign it to whatever keybinding works best for you.
As for the second option- it sounds like PageUp and PageDown provide the functionality you are looking for. I'm not aware of a way to make the mouse's scroll wheel perform page scrolling.

To delete one word at a time using CTRL+backspace turn this setting on:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Smart Keys -> "Use CamelHumps words"


Disable multi cursor functionality

I do not like the Visual Studio multi cursor options, and I never use them.
Inevitably, I phantom-pressing some key combination that brings up a multi cursor option, then I write some code, and then the code is destroyed afterward. Please tell me how to completely disable all such functionality in Visual Studio Code. I am running on Ubuntu, but also interested in how to accomplish this on Windows (if there is any difference).
I should mention, that this happens literally once every 5 minutes to me on Ubuntu, but in Windows it happens much less frequently (like once an hour).
Un-check Selection->Column Selection Mode
You can remove the keyboard shortcut(s) that trigger this functionality.
Click on the gear on the bottom-left corner of the window and choose "Keyboard Shortcuts" from the menu. Type "Add Cursor" into the "Search" box and it shows only the commands that contain "Add Cursor" in their name.
Right-click on each command that add a cursor and has a keyboard shortcut associated and select "Remove Keybinding".
Also search for "Multi-Cursor". It could return the command "Toggle Multi-Cursor Modifier" that is associated to a combination of modifier keys (one or more of Ctrl, Alt, Shift). If such a combination of keys is pressed when you click in the editor window it adds a new text cursor at the click position. You should also removed these key bindings.
Set this settings in editor settings :
"editor.columnSelection": false,
In Android Studio :
Un-check Selection->Column Selection Mode

How can I change keyboard shortcut bindings in Visual Studio Code?

Using Visual Studio Code what is the procedure to:
Remap a built in command's keyboard shortcut. For example, say, Open File (default is Ctrl+O, it's unlikely that anyone would actually change this, but the same process should probably apply for any built in shortcut).
Remap an extension command's keyboard shortcut, say the Bookmark extension's toggle-bookmark (default Ctrl+Alt+K)
IN 2015, this involved editing configuration JSON files, but I don't know which one, or how. In 2021 there's a new UI, how do I find it?
Click File -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts. Use the tab that opens up to edit and find available key bindings and assign them.
Historical Note: In very early versions of visual studio code, you would Click File -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts and you would get JSON like this keybindings.json:
// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
{ "key": "ctrl+o", "command": "workbench.action.files.openFile" },
{ "key": "ctrl+alt+k", "command": "bookmarks.toggle",
"when": "editorTextFocus" }
But now in 2021 versions, there is a proper GUI, which is great because the json editing method was error prone and hard to discover.
The json editor feature has been moved to a new icon:
If you want to change the advance settings of keyboard shortcut such as when then you can follow these steps:
Update:(Thanks #phdoerfler for pointing it out that icon has changed)
File->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts
Click on icon on top right corner that says "Open Keyboard Shortcuts(JSON)" to open JSON version and place the keybinding.
You can find this in Documentation here.
The way to open the JSON file changed yet again in a recent version.
You need to click the middle of the three buttons in the tab bar.
You only need to do that if the change you need isn't possible on the normal settings screen.
On Windows:
go to File -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts,
or press Ctrl+K, then Ctrl+S,
or edit %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\keybindings.json file
On Mac:
go to Code -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts,
or press Cmd+K, then Cmd+S
Keep in mind you can type things like shift ctrl c in the Search input in Keyboard Shortcuts panel to find commands by their keybindings.
Here you can find documentation which among other stuff contains also information about what When conditions you can use.
The latest version of Visual Studio Code 1.11.0 provides a rich and easy keyboard shortcuts editing experience using a new Keyboard Shortcuts editor. Read more here on their website.
I will not repeat others answers! And if like me! You get to install a mapping extension!
My prefered is Visual studio keys map
And the question would have been how you select it! How you change it ! Can we install multiples! And select between them!
First here some useful links about key binding and shortcuts
And before any, know that you can get to the keymaps extension by using the bottom left settings button for settings context menu! As in the picture bellow:
or through file>Preferences>keymap
Then you have to install one of the keymaps
The thing to know is that it will take place and make the changes right away!
What if you install another?
The new one take over! Or some mix! I couldn't tell!
And you may have problems!
How you change from one to another?
Remove the old ! remove the new one! And install it again! That's the way that i found it works! Disabling and reenabling didn't work!
And better always let only one installed at a time!
Unfortunitly as by Now 2020-05-08 no options to select between keys mapping exist!
Undo a keymap
Just remove! You may need to restart the editor!
Restart the editor
Also note that if you uninstalled all and reinstalled the one you want! And changes didn't take place! Close the editor and reopen it! That's help!
I hope that's help and may be save you some searching time!
And sure in the future we will have better handling! As vscode is just keeping getting more awesome and awesome! So an option to select and better handling will is expected to be added! And we will wait for it!
FYI on mac the keybindings.json file sits there:
/Users/your_user_name/Library/Application Support/Code/User/keybindings.json
ctrl + shift + p
Type open keyboard shortcut in the search bar
It opens keyboard Shortcuts. Here you can customize shortcuts.
(For extra info follow from 4th point)
There at the top right corner click on open keyboard shortcuts (JSON) (Refer to the image)
There you can modify the key, command, and when. That is also cool.
I tried
"key": "ctrl+a",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.selectAll",
"when": "terminalFocus && !isMac"
by this now I can select all in vscode terminal
On Windows: Ctrl + K, then S
On Mac: ⌘ + K then ⌘ + S
This opens Keyboard Shortcuts Editor. It's searchable/filterable by either shortcut name or the key combination itself (example: type "ctrl" to see all bindings to the CTRL key.)
vscode search keyword shortcuts panel
Open Key Shortcuts from Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts
Search for the action in search field
Right click on one of the results and select "Show same keybindings"
Delete the conflicting key binding!

Ctrl Space Not Working in Eclipse Helios on Win 7

I have shifted by Dev Env recently to Eclipse Helios on Windows 7. After that the Ctrl + Space Content Assist feature is not working. I found out that that key option is utilized by Language Settings. I have tried disabling it. But it still doesn't work in Eclipse.
Any help is much appreciated.
Configure Eclipse’s content assist, go “Preferences>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced“. Make sure “Other Java Proposals” is ticked.
In my case nothing happens after pressing Ctrl+Space. Right now I have set a different short cut for the same and solved
Check your "Keys" preferences: maybe the Content Assist" shortcut has been overridden by another command which would also use Ctrl+Space.
That could happen with the installation of a new plugin, coming with its own set of commands and shortcuts: the bug 303894 for the XText plugin is a good example.
You probably have another application (in systray) that uses Ctrl+Space for something else. In my case I have a small utility which when I press Ctrl+Space makes the active window on top.
The solution for you would be to (1) exit that application which overrides the keys or (2) in Eclipse change Ctrl+Space to some other set of keys.
This was solution for me to get rid of windows key shortcuts:
Go to Start > Type in regedit and start it
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Input Method/Hot Keys
Select the key named: 00000070 for the Chinese (Traditional) IME -
Ime/NonIme Toggle hotkey 00000010 for the Chinese (Simplified) IME -
Ime/NonIme Toggle hotkey
In the right sub-window, there are three subkeys. Key Modifiers
designate Alt/Ctrl/Shift/etc and is set to Ctrl (02c00000). Virtual
Key designates the finishing key and is set to Space (20000000).
Change the first byte in Key Modifiers from 02 to 00
Change the first byte in Virtual Key from 20 to FF
Log off and log back on. I don't think it's necessary to restart.
Do not change the Hot keys for input languages in Control Panel,
unless you want to do this all over again.
I have seen a similar problem in Eclipse Juno (version 4.2.0).
Since you have already tried Eclipse/Java code completion not working, I would check to see if there are any key conflicts. Go to Window -> Preference -> General -> Keys. In the filter box, replace the light gray "type filter text" with the word "Content"; the first item should be "Content Assist." Select it. It should have nothing in the Conflicts box in the lower right-hand portion of the screen.
If you have no conflicts, then it is likely that there is another program, outside of Eclipse, that is binding to Ctrl + Space.
I worked around this with an ugly solution. I copied the Content Assist. In the Binding field, I entered held down the Ctrl + Alt keys and pressed space. This restored the Content Assist function, but it required a brain remap when I am using one machine.
!Screenshot of Eclipse Juno, I had the same problem, then I changed it to different key combination, then it works.1
This is what solved my problem.
Goto Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region -> Change keyboards or other input methods -> Change keyboards... -> Advanced Key Settings. For some reason I had ctrl + space set as Key sequence for language hot keys. I changed them to something else and rebooted.
Make sure to reboot because it did not work for me without the reboot.
On my Ubuntu, Xfce, ctrl space was allocated to switch language on the iBus preferences (if you have this running, you will see the 'i' icon on the task bar, right click and choose preferences). To change this, bring up the IBus Preferences, on the General tab, see the "Enable or disable:" option, click the ellipses and provide a different keyboard assignment.
This sorted me out without need to restart Eclipse.
I use eclipse indigo and had this problem. Creating a new workspace did not worked.
Go to Windows->preference->General->Keys->"Restore Default" - This fixed my issue
Note that I just had English(US) on windows 7 [Control Panel-> Clock,Language and Region ->Change keyboard or other input methods-> Keyboards and Languages->change Keyboards...->General ==>Default language is English and Installed Services I just had English(US) alone
After doing this some you might need to restart the system if it does not fix.
This is how I fixed my problem on Ubuntu 12.04 regardless of the eclipse version. My problem was that the ibus was overriding the shortcut so I deleted this shortcut configuration.
Type ibus in the dash:
Then select Keyboard Input Methods. From there click on the first three dots next to the Enable or disable textfield. This windows should appear:
If there is something bound to Ctrl + Space simply delete it.
#Polac - Thx. That's what fixed it for me. I'd hit ctrl+space and I'd get a popup for chinese character selection. I have Windows 7 so for me it was:
Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Keyboards and Languages tab -> Change keyboards... button -> Advanced Key Settings tab
Be warned, its stubborn. I tried to just clear them, but as soon as I applied the settings they reset back to using the original key bindings. If I change the key binding to something obscure they still reset sometimes. It's annoying. Maybe its just my OS installation that's goofed, but it could be a Microsoft bug.
Didn't need Chinese on my system, so I removed it as an installed language in the first tab and that finally got rid of the hardcoded Chinese key bindings.
In Eclipse you can use the Alt-/ character sequense instead of Control-Space. This is an old problem which Eclipse and Chinese keyboards, which they addressed by adding this short cut.
I found the answer.
Windows / UV Elements - was OFF! I don't know how but they were off. And when you click Ctrl+Space he working, but your all elements are off and you think that it is not working. You must on all UV elements and after your Ctrl + Space will be work.

How can I indent a selected block of text in Eclipse 3.5.2?

I use TAB and Shift-Tab in Visual Studio to indent an entire selection. This does nothing in Eclipse, and I can't seem to find another way to do it.
Update: I wasn't really paying all that much attention to this initially and did not ask the question correctly.
I now realized that it is in XML files where TAB still does not indent a selection. I did not find a setting for this in the properties, so I assume it is not possible.
Tab and Shift+Tab are the normal ways to do this in Eclipse, just like in Visual Studio.
In addition to the keyboard shortcuts, you can also do this from the Source menu. Source -> Shift Left, and Source -> Shift Right.
Have you checked to make sure tab/shift tabbing is working as you expect in other applications? Is there a stuck key on your keyboard preventing the shortcuts from working? Could another application be stealing the keyboard shortcuts? (as odd as that sounds...)
Also, try restarting Eclipse.
ctrl + i ---> it is for making accurate indentation to a block of source code.
Go to Window Menu -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Typing and make sure the `'Tab key adjusts the indentation of the current line' checkbox is ticked.

How do I customize the behavior of "cut" in Eclipse?

My normal IDE is Visual Studio, but I'm currently doing some development in Eclipse for the first time. If you press Ctrl-X with text selected in either program, it cuts the text and puts on the clipboard exactly as you'd expect. If press Ctrl-X with no text selected in Visual Studio, it cuts the current line. In Eclipse it is ignored. Is there a way to get Eclipse to use Studio's behavior?
I haven't found a way to make Ctrl+X context sensitive, but I did find that you can bind a key to the "Cut Line" command by going to the Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys dialog. Unfortunately this always cuts the entire line, even when you have only part of it selected. Maybe binding another key to this command will work for you?