How to log an element using protractor? - protractor

I'm trying to locate an element using protractor but I can't find it. To debug, I'd like to look at the element I did find and see which one it is. I have some code like this:
myElement.all(by.cssContainingText('.name', 'value')).then(function (elems) {
console.log(elems.length); <--- this line logs "2"
console.log(elems[1]); <--- this line logs "{ ptor_: ...."
console.log(html); <--- never gets here
}); });
How can I see what elements the all() method found?

Not sure if it's the best/most concise way, but you should be able to use map to loop over the elements, and use getOuterHtml() on each to access the HTML
myElement.all(by.cssContainingText('.name', 'value')).map(function(el) {
return el.getOuterHtml();
}).then(function(html) {


How can I make NodeJS's console.log always print output within a single line no matter what?

Is there any way to format the JSON logged through console.log in the terminal?
I'm logging a lot of debug data and if the the logged data exceeds a certain length, the terminal logs it prettified in many lines. I'd like to change it to log in one line, no matter the length of the data. Is there any way to do that?
In summary, I want to change this log style:
[12:34:56][DEBUG][CODE] - {
data: {
action: 'action',
url: '/path/to/my/api?variableOne=valueOne&variableTwo=valueTwo'
To this log style:
[12:34:56][DEBUG][CODE] - { data: { action: 'action', url: '/path/to/my/api?variableOne=valueOne&variableTwo=valueTwo' } }
Is there any way to format the JSON logged through console.log in the terminal?
Yes there is. Create a custom console object. See the docs for how to do that and what options you can specify. In particular, see also the inspectOptions docs.
The particular inspectOptions option you are looking for are breaklength and compact:
breakLength: <integer> The length at which input values are split across multiple lines. Set to Infinity to format the input as a single line (in combination with compact set to true or any number >= 1). Default: 80.
compact: <boolean> | <integer> Setting this to false causes each object key to be displayed on a new line. It will break on new lines in text that is longer than breakLength. If set to a number, the most n inner elements are united on a single line as long as all properties fit into breakLength. Short array elements are also grouped together. For more information, see the example below. Default: 3.
So since you asked
I'd like to change it to log in one line, no matter the length of the data
Then you probably want to do something like this:
const { Console } = require('node:console')
console = new Console({
stdout: process.stdout,
stderr: process.stderr,
// ignoreErrors, colorMode, groupIndentation
inspectOptions: {
// ...
breakLength: Infinity,
compact: true,
// ...
And then you can test it with console.log({a:1,b:2,c:3,hello:"world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"});.
You can also just use the util.inspect function on specific objects you want to make a formatted string for, and then do console.log on the default global console object, passing the returned string.

Protractor - unable to get h2 value

I'm unable to get value from h2 tag using protractor.
Html Code:
<h2 class="ng-binding">7</h2>
I need this 7 value. This is from website "". I am adding 5+2.
Appreciate your help.
Try xpath
Here I am getting the element with ID, moving one position back and then looking for the h2
var result = element(by.xpath('//*[#id=\'gobutton\']/../h2'))
Or look directly to the h2:
In case you plan to always have 7 as a result then you can also look for the cssContainingText
var result = element.all(by.cssContainingText('.ng-binding', '7')).first();
in this case I am using .all and .first because this will return 2 elements so I am telling protractor to use always the first one
So your code should be something like this:
it('Should access the page and perform sum', function() {
var result = element(by.xpath('//*[#id=\'gobutton\']/../h2'))
console.log('result is '+value)
As per the url given, After clicking Go it loads for some time. So add some wait and then try to getText() with the below locator.
element(by.css('form>')).getText().then((text: String) =>{
Hope it helps you...
First, you find the element, for example with a by.css call. Then you use getText method to retrieve the desired tag content. Finally, you assert it to be equal to the value you expect:
result = element(by.css(''))

how to compare expected value to be in the list [duplicate]

One of my test expects an error message text to be one of multiple values. Since getText() returns a promise I cannot use toContain() jasmine matcher. The following would not work since protractor (jasminewd under-the-hood) would not resolve a promise in the second part of the matcher, toContain() in this case:
expect(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]).toContain(page.errorMessage.getText());
Question: Is there a way to check if an element is in an array with jasmine+protractor where an element is a promise?
In other words, I'm looking for inverse of toContain() so that the expect() would implicitly resolve the promise passed in.
As a workaround, I can explicitly resolve the promise with then():
page.errorMessage.getText().then(function (text) {
expect(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]).toContain(text);
I'm not sure if this is the best option. I would also be okay with a solution based on third-parties like jasmine-matchers.
As an example, this kind of assertion exists in Python:
self.assertIn(1, [1, 2, 3, 4])
Looks like you need a custom matcher. Depending on the version of Jasmine you are using:
With Jasmine 1:
toBeIn: function(expected) {
var possibilities = Array.isArray(expected) ? expected : [expected];
return possibilities.indexOf(this.actual) > -1;
With Jasmine 2:
toBeIn: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
return {
compare: function(actual, expected) {
var possibilities = Array.isArray(expected) ? expected : [expected];
var passed = possibilities.indexOf(actual) > -1;
return {
pass: passed,
message: 'Expected [' + possibilities.join(', ') + ']' + (passed ? ' not' : '') + ' to contain ' + actual
You'll have to execute this in the beforeEach section on each of your describe blocks it's going to be used in.
Your expect would look like:
expect(page.errorMessage.getText()).toBeIn(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]);
The alternative solution is to use .toMatch() matcher with Regular Expressions and specifically a special character | (called "or"), which allows to match only one entry to succeed:
expect(page.errorMessage.getText()).toMatch(/Unknown Error|Connection Error/);
To me, the work-around that you identified is the best solution. However, we should not forget that this is an asynchronous execution and you might want to consider Jasmine's asynchronous support.
Then, your test will look like the following one:
it('should check item is in array', function(done){ //Note the argument for callback
// do your stuff/prerequisites for the spec here
page.errorMessage.getText().then(function (text) {
expect(["Unknown Error", "Connection Error"]).toContain(text);
done(); // Spec is done!
Note: If you don't pass this done argument to the spec callback, it is going to run to completion without failures, but no assertions are going to be reported in the execution results for that spec (in other words, that spec will have 0 assertions) and it might lead to confusions.

Protractor- ElementFinder returning unexpected values

I am writing a protractor test case to compare the name(s) of the displayed data is same as the searched name.
Even though my test case works fine, I am not able to understand what is happening. Because when i expect the name to compare, it compares as expected, but when i print the elementFinder's(rowData)(i have attached the output screen shot here) value in console.log, it show a huge list of some values which i am not able to understand?
PS: I am a newbie to protractor`
This is the testCase:
it('should show proper data for given last name', function () {
var searchValue='manning';
element.all(by.binding('row.loanNumber')).count().then(function(value) {
var loanCount = value;
for (var i = 0; i < loanCount; i++) {
var rowData = element.all(by.binding('row.borrowerName')).get(i).getText();
And give me valuable suggestions about my style of code
rowData is a promise (not a value), so when you console.log it, you get the promise object
Protractor patches Jasmine to automatically resolve promises within the expect(), so that's how it knows to resolve the value and compare to the expected result.
If you want to console.log the value, you need to resolve the promise with .then() to get the value.
rowData.then(function(rowDataText) {
This is pretty much everyone's first question when they start using protractor. You will want to learn how promises work if you want a good understanding of how to manipulate them.

What's wrong with my Meteor publication?

I have a publication, essentially what's below:
Meteor.publish('entity-filings', function publishFunction(cik, queryArray, limit) {
if (!cik || !filingsArray)
console.error('PUBLICATION PROBLEM');
var limit = 40;
var entityFilingsSelector = {};
if (filingsArray.indexOf('all-entity-filings') > -1)
entityFilingsSelector = {ct: 'filing',cik: cik};
entityFilingsSelector = {ct:'filing', cik: cik, formNumber: { $in: filingsArray} };
return SB.Content.find(entityFilingsSelector, {
limit: limit
I'm having trouble with the filingsArray part. filingsArray is an array of regexes for the Mongo $in query. I can hardcode filingsArray in the publication as [/8-K/], and that returns the correct results. But I can't get the query to work properly when I pass the array from the router. See the debugged contents of the array in the image below. The second and third images are the client/server debug contents indicating same content on both client and server, and also identical to when I hardcode the array in the query.
My question is: what am I missing? Why won't my query work, or what are some likely reasons it isn't working?
In that first screenshot, that's a string that looks like a regex literal, not an actual RegExp object. So {$in: ["/8-K/"]} will only match literally "/8-K/", which is not the same as {$in: [/8-K/]}.
Regexes are not EJSON-able objects, so you won't be able to send them over the wire as publish function arguments or method arguments or method return values. I'd recommend sending a string, then inside the publish function, use new RegExp(...) to construct a regex object.
If you're comfortable adding new methods on the RegExp prototype, you could try making RegExp an EJSON-able type, by putting this in your server and client code:
RegExp.prototype.toJSONValue = function () {
return this.source;
RegExp.prototype.typeName = function () {
return "regex";
EJSON.addType("regex", function (str) {
return new RegExp(str);
After doing this, you should be able to use regexes as publish function arguments, method arguments and method return values. See this meteorpad.
/8-K/.. that's a weird regex. Try /8\-K/.
A minus (-) sign is a range indicator and usually used inside square brackets. The reason why it's weird because how could you even calculate a range between 8 and K? If you do not escape that, it probably wouldn't be used to match anything (thus your query would not work). Sometimes, it does work though. Better safe than never.
/8\-K/ matches the string "8-K" anywhere once.. which I assume you are trying to do.
Also it would help if you would ensure your publication would always return something.. here's a good area where you could fail:
if (!cik || !filingsArray)
console.error('PUBLICATION PROBLEM');
If those parameters aren't filled, console.log is probably not the best way to handle it. A better way:
if (!cik || !filingsArray) {
throw "entity-filings: Publication problem.";
return false;
} else {
// .. the rest of your publication
This makes sure that the client does not wait unnecessarily long for publications statuses as you have successfully ensured that in any (input) case you returned either false or a Cursor and nothing in between (like surprise undefineds, unfilled Cursors, other garbage data.