Good usage of native functions in LibreOffice Basic? - libreoffice

I've read here that we can use a pretty complicated syntax in order to have access to LibreOffice functions in the Basic macro editor, rather than writing functions in a sheet and get the data back.
Are there current best practices related to this problem, i.e. obtain a result without writing a formula to a sheet ?


Racket - is it possible to define and use the same language in a single file?

I like to write code using org-mode and ob-racket. It works quite well for my purposes (mostly pragmatic scripting and solving code challenges as I slowly learn the patterns of this cool language). I am trying to understand language creation and a limitation is that ob-racket as is will only ever generate a single file for me, yet every example of creating a custom language I can find (largely just Beautiful Racket) uses separate files for the language definition and its usage.
I would assume - this being lisp after all - that it is possible to define a custom reader and/or a custom extender and then use them all in the same file. Can someone give me an example of how to do this or is it not doable?

Uniform list pretty-printer

It is known that default printer can be confusing wrt lists because of no output for empty lists and 3 different notations being mixed (, vs (x;y;z) vs 1 2 3) and not obvious indentation/columnization (which is apparently optimized for table data). I am currently using -3! but it is still not ideal.
Is there a ready-made pretty-printer that has consistent uniform output format (basically what I am used to in any other language where list is not special)?
I've started using .j.j for string outputs in error messages more recently in preference to -3!. Mainly I think it is easier to parse in a text log, but also doesn't truncate in the same way.
It still transforms atoms and lists differently so it might not exactly meet your needs, if you really want that you could compose it with the old "ensure this is a list" trick:
You might need to supply some examples to better explain your issues and your use-case for pretty-printing.
In general -3! is the most clear visual representation of the data. It is the stringified equivalent to another popular display method which is 0N!.
The parse function is useful for understanding how the interpreter reads/executes commands but I don't think that will be useful in your case

libreoffice calc - varargs in macros

I understand Excel has a TEXTJOINfunction which allows one to display multiple values as a tuple.
I also understand Libre Office does - for whatever reason - not have them.
How do I write an auxiliary macro vec that produces the desired tuple representation for me?
E.g. =vec(A1) should produce ="("&A1&")",
=vec(A1:A3) should produce ="("&A1&","&A2&","&A3&")",
=vec(A1,X5:X99,Z3) should result in ="("&A1&","&"X5"&","&X6&...&x99&","&Z3&")"
etc, etc.
Easy enough a macro to implement in, say, bash, but I would like to just define it once then use it in calc, not constantly copy from console to spreadsheet.
How do I implement this in calc?
According to, it is possible for a Basic function to use a variable number of arguments if it is declared with Option Compatible. This makes it behave more like MS Excel. The argument is declared as ParamArray pa().
The link that #tohuwawohu posted shows most of the implementation details needed.
To do it in a way that is more native to LibreOffice, write a Spreadsheet Add-In with a Java declaration that uses any[] as an argument. For information about add-in argument types, see
The actual function can also be implemented in Java. Or, it can probably be implemented in another language that accepts a variable number of arguments, such as Python *args.

Prolog read input without full stop

I am currently programming a small text-based adventure game in SWI-Prolog. Hence, the user will have to give commands like "goto(room)" or "goto room".
However the problem is that you always have to finish the command with a full stop, i.e.
"goto(room)." instead of "goto(room). This is not very user-friendly.
I have a predicate that reads a command and then executes the input. How can I automatically add the full stop if there is none (if there already is one the input should just be executed)?
Thanks in advance!
Obviously you are using read/1 or some variation; this is supposed to be used to read valid prolog terms (and that's why you need a full-stop).
The solution would be to parse the input on your own (check primitive char io, read utilities and io in general (you will probably need just the read utilities though)) and then convert it to a term.
Additionally, you can create a small natural language with DCGs and use; for example the user could just write goto room instead of goto(room).
On the other hand, I personally don't think that having to skip a full-stop it will be a lot more user friendly if they have to type prolog terms anyway.

How can ported code be detected?

If you port code over from one language to another, how can this be detected?
Say you were porting code from c++ to Java, how could you tell?
What would be the difference between a program designed and implemented in Java, and a near identical program ported over to Java?
If the porting is done properly (by people expert in both languages and ready to translate the source language's idioms into the best similar idioms of the target language), there's no way you can tell that any porting has taken place.
If the porting is done incompetently, you can sometimes recognize goofily-transliterated idioms... but that can be hard to distinguish from people writing a new program in a language they know little just goofily transliterating the idioms from the language they do know;-).
Depending on how much effort was put into the intention to hide the porting it could be very easy to impossible to detect.
I would use pattern recognition for this task. Think about the "features" which would indicate code-similarities. Extract these feature from each code and compare them.
One feature could be similar symbol names. Extract all symbols using ctags or regular expressions, make all lower-case, make uniq sort of both lists and compare them.
Another possible feature:
List of class + number of members e.g:
MyClass1 10
List of method + sequence of controll blocks. e.g:
doSth() if, while, if, ix, case
Another easy way, is to represent the code as a picture - e.g. load the code as text in Word and set the font size to 1. Human beings are very good on comparing pictures. For another Ideas of code Visualization you may check