Anaconda Spyder dies when debugging - ipython

This happened to me many times.
I was debugging using Spyder.
Sometimes, when I typed in some code in the IPython Console and hit enter, nothing got printed out.
After that, I can still type in codes. However, nothing can be executed.
I tried enter button, exit debug button, run button, etc.
I could only type in codes.
At last, the only thing I could do is restart the kernel.


VSCode debugger stdin\stdout not being shown

I'm writing a debugger for VSCode, is it possible to see what is going into and coming out of the debugger in VSC?
I thought stdout was going to be echoed to the Debug Console, but even with a simple application that writes a message and closes nothing appears.
Ideally I'd like to see everything including DAP messages? Is this available anywhere?

Annoying DrRacket bug

I'm using DrRacket to develop R6RS programs but I often see a bug where DrRacket hangs when either clicking on Check Syntax or Run. For example when checking syntax the message 'Check Syntax: expanding expression' is displayed at the bottom of the DrRacket window but no progress is made. Clicking on Stop shows the error message
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\compiler\cm.rkt:213:2: user break
As far as I've been able to tell the problem always happens when running a program that imports a user library. I'm able to run the user library directly but for some reason there a problem when importing that same library into a program. I'm also able to use raco make on the same program without any issues, so I don't think there is any problem with the code.
A few more details. When I see this problem the Windows Task Manager shows that DrRacket is consuming no CPU (although a lot of memory). The memory use indication at the bottom right of the DrRacket window is ticking over, showing that DrRacket has not completely frozen. This feels like a thread deadlock situation to me. I have the latest version of DrRacket (8.7).
Any solution or workaround would be appreciated.

Using terminal on VS code

I just started coding and I wanted to use the terminal on VS code, but every time I hit enter, it keeps showing up my laptop name as you can see in the picture. How can I use the terminal without this?
Can someone give an advice on what to do

Vs code console closing faster than lightning, how do i keep it open

Hello guys i am new to programming and i just installed vs code, everything is working fine except when i run the code the console comes and goes without me even seeing the output.So how do i make it stay. or how do i run the output inside the vs code terminal and just eliminate that pop up console.
The thing is i need to take screenshots of the output for my lecturer to see for future projects. Attached is a screenshot.the console is only here because it needs inputhere after input it just disappears

STM32Cube IDE Same code ends up runing or in hardfault... Russian roulete

I ran into a problem where my IDE is trolling me.
I have a simple project, where i trace back from mcu via ITM (SWO), and basically what happens is when i lauch STlink debugger, it connects to device flashes program and then IDE ignores all breakpoints. I stop it manually to discover that i went from Reset handler to Default handler, i aliased all handlers to it except hardfault.
So then weird shit started to happen. i checked my code... nothing criminal. at all.. checked memory, everything is where it suposed to be. checked memory for vector table... again stack pointer is first, then adress of reset handler (thumb mode). everything is fine. i launch debugger again and it runs like a charm.
So i deciced to restart the debugger again without changing anything in code, and i ended up in hardfault... then i lauch it again no hardfault but i am in a default handler. and it randomly faults, or runs. i spent 2-3 hours checking every single bit and instruction to see what could go wrong. but looks like it randomly picks where to go - hardfault, run normaly or decided it wants a default handler.
According to this memory it should at least try to go to reset handler
0x20010000 Stack pointer - address is legit, checked it.
0x080001D5 points to reset handler at 0x080001D4.
0x080001C9 Default handler address, and the next one is hardfault.
Now even more weird stuff... i switched debugger to OPENOCD and...
xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x20000084 msp: 0x20010000
it clearly tries hard to boot from RAM no idea why or what is going on my reset handler clearly tells it to look for smth else. and then after couple of restarts of a debugger it runs normaly.
i am now 100% sure it is IDE's funky behavior. i step through the whole program in stand alone openOCD client and it runs like a charm. no hardfaults or other unexpected jumps to handlers.