how to let thunderbird calender event trigger a shell script? - thunderbird

I need to update the messenger's status when there is a calender event is happening in Thunderbird. Is it possible to hook the existing alarm?

Do you want to update the status any time there is an event, or when an alarm fires? Unfortunately for both options there is no built-in way. You would have to create an extension that listens to the respective events and then connects with your messenger.
Any time there is an event
Ideally there would be an observer service notification when an event is in progress and when it ends, but internally we didn't come across a situation where we needed this yet. Its a very nice feature request, so if you'd like to add this feature to core and then use if from your extension please let me know.
Anyway, one way to handle this would be to run a timer every 15 minutes or so that retrieves items from all enabled calendars for the current time. When the timer fires, you can request events at the current time from all calendars. To do so, you should:
// Create a composite calendar
var composite = Components.classes[";1?type=composite"]
// Add all current calendars into the composite
var calendars = cal.getCalendarManager().getCalendars({});
for (let calendar of calendars) {
if (!calendar.getProperty("disabled")) {
// In newer versions of Lightning you can use calAsyncUtils.jsm like this:
var pcal = cal.async.promisifyCalendar(composite);
var now =;
pcal.getItems(Components.interfaces.calICalendar.ITEM_FILTER_ALL_ITEMS, 0, now, now).then(function(items) {
if (items.length) {
// Something is going on right now
} else {
// Nothing is going on
If you want to improve on this, you could at startup get the next event occurring and set the timer interval accordingly. This way you don't have empty timer runs and a more exact result.
When an alarm fires
This is far simpler. You can listen to the alarm service to determine when an alarm fires and act upon it.
onAlarm: function(aItem, aAlarm) {
// Alarm fired, update your messenger
onRemoveAlarmsByItem: function(item) {},
onRemoveAlarmsByCalendar: function(calendar) {},
onAlarmsLoaded: function() {}


Update Live Activity once per second - Swift

I'm searching for a way to update the Live Activity every second or every 2 seconds without using Push Notifications while keeping the app in background.
Do you have any suggestions? I tried something like this, but after few seconds it's stop working:
var bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier(rawValue: 1324)
bgTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: {
let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 3, target: self, selector: #selector(updateInfo), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
RunLoop.current.add(timer, forMode: .default)
As mentioned in the documentation, "The delay between the time you schedule a background task and when the system launches your app to run the task can be many hours".
Unfortunately, background tasks are not suitable for your needs. Using Push notifications is the only way (that I know of at least) to achieve what you are trying to do.
It seems like there is no way to update the Live Activity every single second or in any other too frequent manner. Looks like battery saving is crucial here and system cuts off the updates after a few seconds, even if the application is running in the background.
If you need to display a timer on the LiveActivity, according to the docs, it's possible to use the following initializer of Text which seems to be dedicated for that use case:
init(timerInterval: ClosedRange<Date>, pauseTime: Date? = nil, countsDown: Bool = true, showsHours: Bool = true)
For example:
Text(timerInterval: context.state.deliveryTimer, countsDown: true)
It creates an instance that displays a timer counting within the provided interval. It just counts time automatically so it's not necessary to think about implementing timer on your own. However, there is no way of listening when timer ends to update the activity so looks like it might be necessary to schedule a notification or background task anyway and receive/run and handle it when timer ends.
Seems like apps mentioned here use a mechanism I described above. You have to consider your use case and decide whether Live Activities are suitable for your app.

Implementing Bull Queue in nest js to send notification in the specification time?

I'm developing an application in nestjs, which manages queues in the bull. I have a queue that want to send notification in particular time (read from db). How can I implement this?
Not sure you manage to find out how to implement this using bull, but let me share if someone also having the same query.
import { Queue, QueueScheduler } from 'bullmq';
const myQueueScheduler = new QueueScheduler('Paint');
const myQueue = new Queue('Paint');
// Add a job that will be delayed at least 5 seconds.
await myQueue.add('house', { color: 'white' }, { delay: 5000 });
you can use the delay while adding the item into the queue. With the delay bull only trigger the notification processor from the current time.
Ex: If you want to trigger notification after 1 hour you will calculate the millisecond delay based on the current time.

Resume game from time at which it was paused

I am writing a game using CreateJS and using CocoonJS to distribute. Within CocoonJS API are a couple of listener functions that allow callbacks when pausing and resuming of the game. The game's timer and (time-based) animations are driven by the Ticker event's "delta" property. The issue that I am having at the moment is, on resuming the game following on from pausing it, the timer will pick up from the time at which it paused plus the time spent whilst paused. For example, I pause the game after 20 seconds for exactly 4 seconds, on resuming the game the timer will carry on from 24 seconds (not 20 seconds, which is intended). I've tried storing the ticker event's "runTime" property before pausing and attempting to then set the ticker event's "runTime" to this stored value on resume, but this doesn't work.
A snippet of my original code (before tinkering) is like the following:
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", onTick, this);
Cocoon.App.on("activated", function() {
console.log("---[[[[[ APP RESUMING ]]]]]---");
createjs.Ticker.paused = false;
Cocoon.App.on("suspending", function() {
console.log("---[[[[[ APP PAUSING ]]]]]---");
createjs.Ticker.paused = true;
onTick = function (e) {
if (!e.paused) {
Can someone please assist me on this?
Many thanks
One really easy way to deal with this is to use Timer.maxDelta. For example, if you are targeting 60fps, you could set this to something like 32ms (double the expected delta), to prevent getting huge values back when resuming an app/game.

Observable that wraps FromEventPattern while caching the most recent event for new subscribers

I have created an observable by using Observable.FromEventPattern. Let's call it fromEvents.
I want to create another observable that wraps fromEvents. We'll call this 2nd observable wrapper.
When wrapper is subscribed to it should:
Publish the most recent item from fromEvents if any.
Publish the rest of items coming from fromEvents
Obviously wrapper will need to maintain a subscription to fromEvents so that it always has access to the most recent event.
I have tried various combinations of Replay, Publish, PublishLast, Observable.Defer and I'm never quite getting the results I'm looking for.
I'm certain Rx has operators that will meet my needs, I'm just unsure of exactly how to put everything together, being the newb that I am.
I think I've been able to get what I want by doing this:
Events = Observable.FromEventPattern(...).Replay(1).RefCount();
// contrived example
// in my real app the subscription lives for a specific duration
// and Events is exposed as a readonly property
// get most recent or wait for first
var e = Events.FirstAsync().Wait();
Example using the Publish overload that uses a BehaviorSubject behind the scenes to keep track of the most recent event.
var fromEvents = Observable.FromEventPattern(...);
var published = fromEvents.Publish(null);
// subscribe to this one
var wrapper = published.Where(e => e != null);
// start collecting values
var subscription = published.Connect();

Display progress when running long operation?

in my ASP.NET MVC3 Project, I've got an action which runs a certain amount of time.
It would be nice, if it could send partial responses back to the view.
The goal would be to show the user some progress-information.
Has anybody a clue how to make that work?
I did a try with some direct output to the response, but it's not being sent to the client in parts but all on one block:
public string DoTimeConsumingThings(int someId)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Thread.Sleep(500); // Simulate time-consuming action
return "Done";
In the view:
#Ajax.ActionLink("TestLink", "Create", new AjaxOptions()
{ HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId="ProgressTarget" })<br />
<div id="ProgressTarget"></div>
Can anybody help me making progressive action-results?
Here's how you could implement this: start by defining some class which will hold the state of the long running operation -> you will need properties such as the id, progress, result, ... Then you will need two controller actions: one which will start the task and another one which will return the progress. The Start action will spawn a new thread to execute the long running operation and return immediately. Once a task is started you could store the state of this operation into some common storage such as the Application given the task id.
The second controller action would be passed the task id and it will query the Application to fetch the progress of the given task. During that time the background thread will execute and every time it progresses it will update the progress of the task in the Application.
The last part is the client: you could poll the progress controller action at regular intervals using AJAX and update the progress.