Adding Interaction Terms to MATLAB Multiple Regression - matlab

I am currently running a multiple linear regression using MATLAB's function, and I am bit confused in regards to how to properly add interaction terms to the model by hand. As I am aware, does not standardize variables on its own, so I have been doing so manually.
So far, the way I have done it has been to
Standardize the observations for each variables
Multiply corresponding standardized values from specific variables to create the interaction terms and then add these new variables to the set of regression data
Run the regression
Is this the correct way to go about doing this? Should I standardize the interaction term variables also after calculating the 'raw' terms? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Whether or not to standardize interaction terms probably depends on what you intend to do with the model. Standardization typically does not affect model performance as much as it allows for more straightforward model interpretation as your learned coefficients will be on similar scales. I suspect whether to do this or not is largely a matter of opinion. Here is a relevant stats.stackexchange post that may help.
My intuition would be the same as how you have described your process so far.


Feature selection for one class classification

I try to apply One Class SVM but my dataset contains too many features and I believe feature selection would improve my metrics. Are there any methods for feature selection that do not need the label of the class?
If yes and you are aware of an existing implementation please let me know
You'd probably get better answers asking this on Cross Validated instead of Stack Exchange, although since you ask for implementations I will answer your question.
Unsupervised methods exist that allow you to eliminate features without looking at the target variable. This is called unsupervised data (dimensionality) reduction. They work by looking for features that convey similar information and then either eliminate some of those features or reduce them to fewer features whilst retaining as much information as possible.
Some examples of data reduction techniques include PCA, redundancy analysis, variable clustering, and random projections, amongst others.
You don't mention which program you're working in but I am going to presume it's Python. sklearn has implementations for PCA and SparseRandomProjection. I know there is a module designed for variable clustering in Python but I have not used it and don't know how convenient it is. I don't know if there's an unsupervised implementation of redundancy analysis in Python but you could consider making your own. Depending on what you decide to do it might not be too tricky (especially if you just do correlation based).
In case you're working in R, finding versions of data reduction using PCA will be no problem. For variable clustering and redundancy analysis, great packages like Hmisc and ClustOfVar exist.
You can also read about other unsupervised data reduction techniques; you might find other methods more suitable.

How to improve the convergence performance of Dymola?

Recently I am working with fluid modeling with Modelica, but I come across a lot of divergence problems of nonlinear equations, like in the following screenshot.
So I am considering if it is possible to use the min/max/nominal attributes of variables to improve the model's convergence, especially when a user comes across the nonlinear solver failure. According to the answer of this question on StackOverflow, min/max attributes won't help convergence, and based on the Modelica Specification 4.8.6, nomial attributes are used to determine appropriate tolerances or epsilons, or may be used for scaling.
So my question is:
If I meet this kind of divergence problem caused by the nonlinearity of my model, how could I help the compiler to get convergence better and quicker?
Someone might suggest better start values of variables used as state variables, but when I am dealing with large models, I am not sure how to find the specific state variables of which I should modify the start values.
Chapter 2.6.13 "Online diagnostics for non-linear systems" in manual 1B and following in the manual should help. You can e.g. list states that dominates error: usually these states are a good hint where to start your improvements.
Adding to the answer by Imke Krueger.
If the models fail after 2917 s one possibility is that the solution was diverging before that, with e.g., enthalpy decreasing further and further until the model has left the valid regions.
Assuming it happened fairly slowly it is best to plot the states and other variables in that components. Additionally the states dominating the error as indicated in the answer by Imke Krueger and see if any of them seem to diverge.
If it happened more quickly:
Log events and check whether something important like a flow reversal just happened before that time.
Disable equidistant output, as it is possible that the model diverged between two output points.
An eigenvalue-based analysis of the Jacobin at time = 0 provides a ranking of state-variables from most significant to the least one. That could be a heuristic to examine the influence of start variables of most significant state-variables.
What could be also helpful is to conduct a similar analysis a little time before the problem occurs.
Also there is a possibility to compute dynamic parameter sensitivities of state variables (before the problem occurs) w.r.t. start values, see e.g. for a suggested approach. This gives you a hint which start values significantly influences the values of state variables.

Define initial parameters of a nonlinear fit with no information

I was wondering if there exists a technical way to choose initial parameters to these kind of problems (as they can take virtually any form). My question arises from the fact that my solution depends a little on initial parameters (as usual). My fit consists of 10 parameters and approximately 5120 data points (x,y,z) and has non linear constraints. I have been doing this by brute force, that is, trying parameters randomly and trying to observe a pattern but it led me nowhere.
I also have tried using MATLAB's Genetic Algorithm (to find a global optimum) but with no success as it seems my function has a ton of local minima.
For the purpose of my problem, I need justfy in some manner the reasons behind choosing initial parameters.
Without any insight on the model and likely values of the parameters, the search space is too large for anything feasible. Think that just trying ten values for every parameter corresponds to ten billion combinations.
There is no magical black box.
You can try Bayesian Optimization to find a global optimum for expensive black box functions. Matlab describes it's implementation [bayesopt][2] as
Select optimal machine learning hyperparameters using Bayesian optimization
but you can use it to optimize any function. Bayesian Optimization works by updating a prior belief over a distribution of functions with the observed data.
To speed up the optimization I would recommend adding your existing data via the InitialX and InitialObjective input arguments.

solve multiobjective optimization: CPLEX or Matlab?

I have to solve a multiobjective problem but I don't know if I should use CPLEX or Matlab. Can you explain the advantage and disadvantage of both tools.
Thank you very much!
This is really a question about choosing the most suitable modeling approach in the presence of multiple objectives, rather than deciding between CPLEX or MATLAB.
Multi-criteria Decision making is a whole sub-field in itself. Take a look at:
Once you have decided on the approach and formulated your problem (either by collapsing your multiple objectives into a weighted one, or as series of linear programs) either tool will do the job for you.
Since you are familiar with MATLAB, you can start by using it to solve a series of linear programs (a goal programming approach). This page by Mathworks has a few examples with step-by-step details: to get you started.
Probably this question is not a matter of your current concern. However my answer is rather universal, so let me post it here.
If solving a multiobjective problem means deriving a specific Pareto optimal solution, then you need to solve a single-objective problem obtained by scalarizing (aggregating) the objectives. The type of scalarization and values of its parameters (if any) depend on decision maker's preferences, e.g. how he/she/you want(s) to prioritize different objectives when they conflict with each other. Weighted sum, achievement scalarization (a.k.a. weighted Chebyshev), and lexicographic optimization are the most widespread types. They have different advantages and disadvantages, so there is no universal recommendation here.
CPLEX is preferred in the case, where (A) your scalarized problem belongs to the class solved by CPLEX (obviously), e.g. it is a [mixed integer] linear/quadratic problem, and (B) the problem is complex enough for computational time to be essential. CPLEX is specialized in the narrow class of problems, and should be much faster than Matlab in complex cases.
You do not have to limit the choice of multiobjective methods to the ones offered by Matlab/CPLEX or other solvers (which are usually narrow). It is easy to formulate a scalarized problem by yourself, and then run appropriate single-objective optimization (source: it is one of my main research fields, see e.g. implementation for the class of knapsack problems). The issue boils down to finding a suitable single-objective solver.
If you want to obtain some general information about the whole Pareto optimal set, I recommend to start with deriving the nadir and the ideal objective vectors.
If you want to derive a representation of the Pareto optimal set, besides the mentioned population based-heuristics such as GAs, there are exact methods developed for specific classes of problems. Examples: a library implemented in Julia, a recently published method.
All concepts mentioned here are described in the comprehensive book by Miettinen (1999).
Can cplex solve a pareto type multiobjective one? All i know is that it can solve a simple goal programming by defining the lexicographical objs, or it uses the weighted sum to change weights gradually with sensitivity information and "enumerate" the pareto front, which highly depends on the weights and looks very subjective.
You can refer here as how cplex solves the bi-objetive one, which seems not good.
For a true pareto way which includes the ranking, i only know some GA variants can do like NSGA-II.
A different approach would be to use a domain-specific modeling language for mathematical optimization like YALMIP (or JUMP.jl if you like to give Julia a try). There you can write your optimization problem with Matlab with some extra YALMIP functionalities and use CPLEX (or any other supported solver as a backend) without restricting to one solver.

How to optimize neural network by using genetic algorithm?

I'm quite new with this topic so any help would be great. What I need is to optimize a neural network in MATLAB by using GA. My network has [2x98] input and [1x98] target, I've tried consulting MATLAB help but I'm still kind of clueless about what to do :( so, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Edit: I guess I didn't say what is there to be optimized as Dan said in the 1st answer. I guess most important thing is number of hidden neurons. And maybe number of hidden layers and training parameters like number of epochs or so. Sorry for not providing enough info, I'm still learning about this.
If this is a homework assignment, do whatever you were taught in class.
Otherwise, ditch the MLP entirely. Support vector regression ( ) is much more reliably trainable across a broad swath of problems, and pretty much never runs into the stuck-in-a-local-minima problem often hit with back-propagation trained MLP which forces you to solve a network topography optimization problem just to find a network which will actually train.
well, you need to be more specific about what you are trying to optimize. Is it the size of the hidden layer? Do you have a hidden layer? Is it parameter optimization (learning rate, kernel parameters)?
I assume you have a set of parameters (# of hidden layers, # of neurons per layer...) that needs to be tuned, instead of brute-force searching all combinations to pick a good one, GA can help you "jump" from this combination to another one. So, you can "explore" the search space for potential candidates.
GA can help in selecting "helpful" features. Some features might appear redundant and you want to prune them. However, say, data has too many features to search for the best set of features by some approaches such as forward selection. Again, GA can "jump" from this set candidate to another one.
You will need to find away to encode the data (input parameters, features...) fed to GA. For finding a set of input paras or a good set of features, I think binary encoding should work. In addition, choosing operators for GA to reproduce offsprings is also important. Yet GA needs to be tuned, too (early stopping which can also be applied to ANN).
Here are just some ideas. You might want to search for more info about GA, feature selection, ANN pruning...
Since you're using MATLAB already I suggest you look into the Genetic Algorithms solver (known as GATool, part of the Global Optimization Toolbox) and the Neural Network Toolbox. Between those two you should be able to save quite a bit of figuring out.
You'll basically have to do 2 main tasks:
Come up with a representation (or encoding) for your candidate solutions
Code your fitness function (which basically tests candidate solutions) and pass it as a parameter to the GA solver.
If you need help in terms of coming up with a fitness function, or encoding of candidate solutions then you'll have to be more specific.
Hope it helps.
Matlab has a simple but great explanation for this problem here. It explains both the ANN and GA part.
For more info on using ANN in command line see this.
There is also plenty of litterature on the subject if you google it. It is however not related to MATLAB, but simply the results and the method.
Look up Matthew Settles on Google Scholar. He did some work in this area at the University of Idaho in the last 5-6 years. He should have citations relevant to your work.