Db2 sql for partition by range select - db2

I am trying to get my head around db2 partition stuff.
Select a.*, max(a.bloo)
over (
partition by range (a.bloo) (starting '2014-4-20' ending '2015-1-1')
as maxmax from (
select * from someTable
) a
I get a sql code of negative 104 for this, and I cannot decipher the docs.

You are mixing up two different things: table partitioning, which is a physical characteristic of a table, and OLAP (window) functions, which provide logical grouping of records in a query.
I guess what you wanted was something like
max(a.bloo) over ( partition by a.bloo ) as maxmax
from someTable a
a.bloo between '2014-4-20' and '2015-1-1'
However, without knowing what you wanted to achieve in the first place it's impossible to give you a definitive answer. You may want to publish some sample data and the desired output.


Pivot function without manually typing values in `for in`?

Documentation provides an example of using the pivot() function.
FROM (SELECT partname, price FROM part) PIVOT (
AVG(price) FOR partname IN ('prop', 'rudder', 'wing')
I would like to use pivot() without having to manually specify each value of partname. I want all parts. I tried:
FROM (SELECT partname, price FROM part) PIVOT (
AVG(price) FOR partname);
That gave an error. Then tried:
FROM (SELECT partname, price FROM part) PIVOT (
AVG(price) FOR partname IN (select distinct partname from part)
That also threw an error.
How can I tell Redshift to include all values of partname in the pivot?
I don't think this can be done in a simple single query. This would mean that the query compiler would need to work without knowing how many output columns will be produced. I don't think it can do that.
You can do this in multiple queries - use a query to create the list of partnames and then use this to "generate" a second query that populates the IN list. So something needs issue these queries and generated the second. This can be some code external to Redshift (lots of options) or a stored procedure in Redshift. This code, no matter where it exists, should understand that Redshift has a max number of columns limit - 1,600.
The Redshift docs are fairly good on the topic of dynamic SQL for stored procedures. The EXECUTE statement will be used to fire off the second query in a stored procedure. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/c_PLpgSQL-statements.html

Pyspark: correlated column is not allowed in predicate

I have a table with three columns EVENT, TIME, and `PRICE. For all events I would like to aggregate on previous events, for simplicity we'll assume it is mean.
What I would like to do is the following,
    FROM table_1 ti
FROM table_1
though if I run this in a pyspark environment or pyspark.sql(query) I get the error correlated column is not allowed in predicate.
Now, I wonder how I can change either the query to run without errors, or, how I can use native pyspark functions (F.filter....) to achieve the same result.
read other stackoverflow, that did not help

What is the execution order of a query with sub queries?

Consider this query
select *
from documents d
where exists (select 1 as [1]
from (
select *
from (
select *
from ProductMediaDocuments
where d.id = MediaDocuments_Id
) as [dummy1]
) as [s2]
where exists(
select *
from ProductSkus psk
where psk.Product_Id = s2.MediaProducts_Id
Could someone tell me how this is being processed by SQL Server? When statements appears in parentheses, this means it will execute first. But does this also apply for the above statement? In this case I don't think so, because the sub queries needs values of outer queries. So, how does this works under the hood?
That's completely up to the database engine.
Since SQL is a declarative language, you specify WHAT you want, but the HOW part is up to the DB Engine and it really depends on many factors like indexes presence, type, fragmentation; row cardinality, statistics.
That's just to mention few, because the list can goes on.
Of course you can look to the execution plan but the point is that you can't know HOW it will be executed just reading the query.
The execution plan will tell you what the engine actually does. That is, the physical processing order. AFAIK, the query planner will rewrite your query if it finds a better way to express it to itself or the engine. If your question is, "Why is my query not working the way I think it should." then that is where you should start.
The doc says the logical processing order is:
It also has this note:
The [preceding] steps show the logical processing order, or binding order, for a SELECT statement. This order determines when the objects defined in one step are made available to the clauses in subsequent steps. For example, if the query processor can bind to (access) the tables or views defined in the FROM clause, these objects and their columns are made available to all subsequent steps. Conversely, because the SELECT clause is step 8, any column aliases or derived columns defined in that clause cannot be referenced by preceding clauses. However, they can be referenced by subsequent clauses such as the ORDER BY clause. Note that the actual physical execution of the statement is determined by the query processor and the order may vary from this list.
FROM would include inline views (subqueries) or CTE aliases. Each time it finds a subquery, it should start over from the beginning and evaluate that query.
I simplified your code a bit.
FROM documents d
FROM ProductMediaDocuments s2
WHERE d.id = MediaDocuments_Id
FROM ProductSkus psk
WHERE psk.Product_Id = s2.MediaProducts_Id
I think this code is clearer don't you??
FROM documents d
JOIN ProductMediaDocuments s2 ON d.id = MediaDocuments_Id
JOIN ProductSkus psk ON psk.Product_Id = s2.MediaProducts_Id

Why is performance of CTE worse than temporary table in this example

I recently asked a question regarding CTE's and using data with no true root records (i.e Instead of the root record having a NULL parent_Id it is parented to itself)
The question link is here; Creating a recursive CTE with no rootrecord
The answer has been provided to that question and I now have the data I require however I am interested in the difference between the two approaches that I THINK are available to me.
The approach that yielded the data I required was to create a temp table with cleaned up parenting data and then run a recursive CTE against. This looked like below;
Select CASE
WHEN Parent_Id = Party_Id THEN NULL
ELSE Parent_Id
END AS Act_Parent_Id
, Party_Id
INTO #Parties
WITH linkedParties
Select Act_Parent_Id, Party_Id, PARTY_CODE, PARTY_NAME, 0 AS LEVEL
FROM #Parties
Select p.Act_Parent_Id, p.Party_Id, p.PARTY_CODE, p.PARTY_NAME, Level + 1
FROM #Parties p
inner join
linkedParties t on p.Act_Parent_Id = t.Party_Id
Select *
FROM linkedParties
Order By Level
I also attempted to retrieve the same data by defining two CTE's. One to emulate the creation of the temp table above and the other to do the same recursive work but referencing the initial CTE rather than a temp table;
WITH Parties
(Select CASE
WHEN Parent_Id = Party_Id THEN NULL
ELSE Parent_Id
END AS Act_Parent_Id
, Party_Id
Select Act_Parent_Id, Party_Id, PARTY_CODE, PARTY_NAME, 0 AS LEVEL
FROM Parties
Select p.Act_Parent_Id, p.Party_Id, p.PARTY_CODE, p.PARTY_NAME, Level + 1
FROM Parties p
inner join
linkedParties t on p.Act_Parent_Id = t.Party_Id
Select *
FROM linkedParties
Order By Level
Now these two scripts are run on the same server however the temp table approach yields the results in approximately 15 seconds.
The multiple CTE approach takes upwards of 5 minutes (so long in fact that I have never waited for the results to return).
Is there a reason why the temp table approach would be so much quicker?
For what it is worth I believe it is to do with the record counts. The base table has 200k records in it and from memory CTE performance is severely degraded when dealing with large data sets but I cannot seem to prove that so thought I'd check with the experts.
Many Thanks
Well as there appears to be no clear answer for this some further research into the generics of the subject threw up a number of other threads with similar problems.
This one seems to cover many of the variations between temp table and CTEs so is most useful for people looking to read around their issues;
Which are more performant, CTE or temporary tables?
In my case it would appear that the large amount of data in my CTEs would cause issue as it is not cached anywhere and therefore recreating it each time it is referenced later would have a large impact.
This might not be exactly the same issue you experienced, but I just came across a few days ago a similar one and the queries did not even process that many records (a few thousands of records).
And yesterday my colleague had a similar problem.
Just to be clear we are using SQL Server 2008 R2.
The pattern that I identified and seems to throw the sql server optimizer off the rails is using temporary tables in CTEs that are joined with other temporary tables in the main select statement.
In my case I ended up creating an extra temporary table.
Here is a sample.
I ended up doing this:
SELECT DISTINCT st.field1, st.field2
into #Temp1
FROM SomeTable st
WHERE st.field3 <> 0
select x.field1, x.field2
FROM #Temp1 x inner join #Temp2 o
on x.field1 = o.field1
order by 1, 2
I tried the following query but it was a lot slower, if you can believe it.
with temp1 as (
DISTINCT st.field1, st.field2
FROM SomeTable st
WHERE st.field3 <> 0
select x.field1, x.field2
FROM temp1 x inner join #Temp2 o
on x.field1 = o.field1
order by 1, 2
I also tried to inline the first query in the second one and the performance was the same, i.e. VERY BAD.
SQL Server never ceases to amaze me. Once in a while I come across issues like this one that reminds me it is a microsoft product after all, but in the end you can say that other database systems have their own quirks.

Amazon redshift query planner

I'm facing a situation with Amazon Redshift that I haven't been able to explain to myself yet. Query planner seems not to be able to handle same table in subquery of two derived tables in a join.
I have essentially three tables, Source_A, Source_B, Target_1, Target_2 and a query like
SELECT a,b FROM Source_A where date > (SELECT max(date) FROM Target_1)
SELECT c,d FROM Source_B where date > (SELECT max(date) FROM Target_2)
ON Source_A.a = Source_B.c
The query works fine as long as tables Target_1 and Target_2 are different tables. If I change the query so that Target_2 = Target_1, something happens. After the change, the query starts to take about 10 times longer time. And when I look at the performance monitor I can see that all this extra time is taken so that only the Leader Node is active.
When I take EXPLAIN of both options I see practically no difference in the output. All the steps are the same. But the is the difference that the EXPLAIN takes seconds in one and almost half an hour with the other one where the Target tables are the same.
So to summarise what I think I have observed is -- that on join, if I use same table in a subquery of each derived tables, the query planner goes nuts.