Meteor crashing - mongodb

My Meteor app is crashing with the following error:
Unexpected mongo exit code null. Restarting.
=> Exited from signal: SIGKILL
Error: Unable to allocate ArrayBuffer.
This is followed by a call-stack trace.
What is causing this?

This error is probably caused by your operating environment. If its not able to allocate an ArrayBuffer it may be that you don't have enough RAM or some other service is blocking meteor from allocating memory.
This error may occur on the smallest DigitalOcean droplet if that's what you're using.
It's generally recommended you have 1 GB of free ram for Meteor to work properly in development mode.
Something you could use is a swapfile to increase your ram.

Real RAM memory could be replaced with virtual memory but won't be so fast memory... in linux this SO feature is achieved using a swap partition. In windows is using a paging file. Weirdly you can emulate this feature in the linux world using swapspace (or create a traditional swap partition)
sudo apt-get install swapspace
Whatever option you choose will create swap for you and it will help you to start up your meteor app!!!
Just be aware that this will be a more slower experience than real RAM but definitely will work


Could switching VMs fix *** stack smashing detected ***

The scheduler I have been working on for my OS class has been getting a "*** stack smashing detected ***" error on the VM I'm using (I'm using Vagrant with virtualbox). This error occurs roughly 50% of the time I run the program.
When switching to the VM cluster provided by our professor (connected using SSH on the aforementioned VM), the error never showed up.
My first instinct was that my local VM didn't have enough memory allocated to it and that somehow the code I was running was going out of bounds of where my VM could access. (the test involved performing 128 matrix multiplications of varying sizes each in its own thread)
Can anyone confirm if this is a feasible explanation? My fear is the error is just being ignored on the other VM (I use the same makefile for both that compiles with flags -g and -lm).
Stack smashing detected is caused when your program overwrites "canary" memory that is above the area where its local variables are located. It's usually due to writing more elements of a local array than were allocated for it. A bug-free program should never do this on any machine, no matter how much or how little memory is available. So your program is buggy and needs to be fixed.
In particular, this error is not caused by simply running out of stack space.
Most likely the other VM has its compiler configured to disable this check by default. You may be able to re-enable it with -fstack-protector. But either way, you should investigate and fix this bug on whichever machine lets you reproduce it.

MongoDB cant access document above at specific skip

I have a MongoDB instance in a cloud on AWS EC2 t2.micro (30GB storage, 1GB ram) running in Docker and in that database I have a single collection which stores 411 thousand documents, an this takes ~700MB disk space.
On my local computer, if I run this in mongo shell:
then I get the correct results, but if I run this
then MongoDB shuts down. Why? What should I do, to access these data?
It appears that your system doesn't have enough RAM to fulfill mongodb demand. When a Linux system is critically low in memory, kernel starts killing processes to avoid system crash itself.
I believe, this is what happening in your case too. Mongodb is not even getting chance to write a log. I'd recommend to increase RAM or if it's not feasible, add more swap space. This will prevent system crash but mongodb will keep working though very very slow.
Please visit these excellent resources on Linux and it's behavior.

Is it possible to handle memcached memory geting overflow?

I have a serious problem my memcached memory is overflow and server is getting down.
So how to handle memcached, If memcached memory is getting full then it will just throw error msg, not set the memcached anymore.
memcached is distributed cache system and can be works on different servers. What is your server? is it couchebase, is it elastic cache of AWS? you can use memcache on many different server and providers and when you are creating those servers you need to configure them and set the size of memory you want memcache to use. for example in the company I am working, the test environment uses couchbase but the live uses Amazon Elastic cache.
Memcached uses LRU (least recently used) algorithm to insert the new object into the memory if the table is full. You should not have problem because of full memory and handling memcached. The problem can raise from the full memory but not with this reason that memcached cannot handle it. Exceptions and other problem can be in other part of the system which is quite normal if your memory is full. if you configure the server correctly memcache usually does not throw exception.
Is the server that runs memcached same as the server that runs your application? Memcached can be put on another server and in this way you can prevent the memory to become full.

Memory issues with new version of Mongodb

I'm using Mongodb on my Windows server 2012 for more than two years. Since the last update some weird issues started to happen which in the end lead to usage of the entire RAM memory.
The service Iv'e configured for Mongodb is as follows:
#override port
#configsvr = true
shardsvr = true
And in order to limit the Cache memory usage Iv'e added the following line:
And this is where the weird stuff started happening. When I check the task manager it says that now Mongodb is really limited to 10GB as I defined in the service but it is actually using a lot more than 10GB.
In the first image you can see the memory consumption sorted by RAM consumption
While in fact the machine I'm using has 28GB in total
This crazy consumption leads to failure in the scripts I'm running, even the most basic ones, even when I only run simple queries like 'count' or 'distinct', I believe that this is a direct results of the memory consumption.
When I checked the log files I saw that there are many open connections that even when the session ends it indicates that still the same amount of connections is opened:
So in the end I have two major questions:
1. Is there a way of solving this issue without downgrading the Mongodb version?
2. The config file looks right? is everything there is necessary?
Memory usage in WiredTiger is a two-level cache:
First is the WiredTiger cache as controlled by --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB
Second is the Operating System filesystem cache. MongoDB automatically uses all free memory that is not used by the WiredTiger cache or by other processes
See also WiredTiger memory usage
For OS filesystem cache, MongoDB doesn't manage the memory it uses directly - it lets the OS manage it. Windows will try to use every last scrap of physical memory if it can - but lots of it should and will be thrown out if other processes request memory.
An alternative is to run mongod in a container (e.g. lxc, cgroups, Docker, etc.) that does not have access to all of the RAM available in a system.
Having said the above:
You are also running another database in the server i.e. mysqld. MongoDB, like some databases will perform better on a dedicated server to reduce memory contention.
Task Manager shows mongod is using 10GB, although the machine is using up to ~28GB. This may or may not be mongod as you have other processes as well.
Useful resources:
FAQ: Memory diagnostics for WiredTiger
FAQ: MongoDB Cache Handling
MongoDB Production Notes

Heroku memory leak with Play2 scala

Was doing some stretch (ab) test to my 1 heroku dyno and dev database with 20 connections limit.
During the calls (that access database with squeryl the heap allocation is increasing causing R14 (memory more than 512MB))
I cannot seem to reproduce the problem (at that levels at least locally).
Is there any way to get heroku heap dump and analyze it to get some clue?
Is there any known issues with play2, scala, squeryl and heroku memory leak?
If i do System.gc at the end of the controller everything seems to be fine and slower ofc...I create a lot of object at that call but shouldn't heroku's JVM take care of gc? Also if i schedule gc call periodically don't free memory
There's a great article for troubleshooting memory issues on Heroku:
In your case, you can add the GC flags to JAVA_OPTS to see memory details. I'd suggest the following flags:
heroku config:add JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps"
There's also a simple java agent that you can add to your process if you want a little more info from JMX about your memory. You can also take a look at monitoring addons like New Relic if you want to go into more depth, but I think you should be fine with the flags and java agent.
I had this issue as well, and answered it here.
I had the same issue. Heroku is telling you the machine is running out
of memory, not the Java VM. There is actually a bug in the Heroku Play
2.2 deployment, the startup script reads java_opts, not JAVA_OPTS.
I fixed it by setting both:
heroku config:add java_opts='-Xmx384m -Xms384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops'
heroku config:add JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx384m -Xms384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops'
I also had to set -Xms otherwise I got an error saying the min and max
were incompatible. I guess Play2.2 was using a default higher than