How to disable Facebook "commented on your site" notification - facebook

Within the last week, Facebook began pushing notices to me whenever someone posts a comment to a site that I'm an admin on. It's irritating and something I don't need to see. Any way for me to disable this?
I am referring to the Facebook Comments Plugin, not comments on a Facebook page.
Additional odd part I've noticed, the notifications I'm getting seem to be from Facebook users I've banned from commenting.

Any settings regarding what you are asking about can be found in:
Settings > Notifications > Pages you manage

If you don't need to moderate comments, you can delete yourself from Moderators group. Just go to Comment Moderation Tool, choose your app, click Settings.
Hope it helps!

I am having the same problem. I think I've found the solution.
1- Go to:
2- Click on "Settings" (top right). A popup will appear.
3- On the first tab, 3rd option, set "Enable notifications" to "Off" (as shown here:)


Page settings for an app

We have a facebook app that we have created for people to use on their organization's pages (not personal accounts), and in the past when they wanted to adjust the settings they would go onto the page, go to edit settings, and go to the appropriate app. It would take them to a /settings page that was built into the canvas app.
I can't find where that menu chain is anymore. Edit Settings no longer has anything about apps in it unless I'm on a personal page.
Where do I find this information now?
Edit: For clarification, the place I'm trying to go to is called the 'Page Tab Edit URL'.
Double Edit: I posted a question on the facebook help community - haven't seen anything there either
On the page having the app click Edit Page and then select Edit settings.
On the Settings page click more... (under the page name) and select apps.
Now you have the old app list with the link to go to app.

I'm unable to add an app to FB to stream my Google+ posts to my FB page. What am I doing wrong?

I'd like to have my Google+ feed show up on one of my FB pages. So I logged into FB, and located the app: Google Plus Tab for Pages.
I installed the app (and the tab) and get the message Your tab is not configured correctly yet.
Underneath, there's a button, Configure.
I click configure and put in the appropriate details, my Google+ numbers, which of my FB pages I'd like to add it to, etc. .... Then select Change.
Then I get the following error, no matter what computer I use, what browser I use, etc.:
Google+ to Pages
Add Google+ to your page
Don't forget to configure your settings after adding the tab.
Please help us keep the tab ad free. $5 $10 $20 $50 Any amount
Developed by
Privacy Policy
The key here is Don't forget to configure your settings after adding the tab -- which I've already done. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You may also wish to look at Friends+Me ( to see if it will work better or suit your needs.

Facebook Comment Box Plugin sends too many Red Alert On Site notifications

I have recently implemented the Facebook Comments box plugin and have multiple users set as admins via the plugin itself. These users are also admins on our facebook fan page but they are NOT listed in the OG:admin tag. These users receive tons of On-Site (red alert) notifications whenever a comment is left via the comment box and we would like to turn that off.
I have also tried having users set via OG:admin and NOT through the app itself and while that seems to stop the notifications, it also disables the ability to moderate all the comments via note: these OG:admins can moderate comments on the individual stories, just not all in the above moderation tool.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am having the same problem. I think I've found the solution.
1- Go to:
2- Click on "Settings" (top right). A popup will appear.
3- On the first tab, 3rd option, set "Ensable notifications" to "Off" (as shown here:
By the way, I've found a similar question and I've also posted my answer here: How to disable Facebook "commented on your site" notification. I'm new to Stack Overflow. I hope this is correct.

How to be notified of comments posted via the Facebook Comments Social Plugin

I recently implemented the Facebook social plugin for comments on my blog. I assumed, incorrectly, that I would get a Facebook notification when someone posts a comment to one of my articles. I was wondering if that is a possibility.
I have read references to the use of a event.subscribe function in the javascript SDK, but I wasn't really interested in creating a javascript-based notification dingus but would rather just see the little badge in my Facebook notification window.
I'd love any insight on how others have addressed this.
Thanks in advance!
Just add yourself as moderator under Facebook developers comments tool. That's it. You'll start getting notifications of any comments on any of your blog posts.
Shorter way:
Open this url (am assuming you are signed into Facebook and is administrator of your Facebook app):
Click on settings
Add yourself (or any of your friend/employee) as moderator.
Lengthier way:
Click on 'Moderation Tool' on any of your blogpost's facebook comments.
You must be on Facebook developers page now. On this page, you must be seeing something like 'your app name' > 'the blogpost title' (from where you clicked moderation tool). Here click on your app name.
On this new page, click on settings.
You must be seeing a modal now. Add yourself (or any of your friend) as moderator here.
You must be getting notifications now.
For those who have been struggling to find a way to get notified when someone sends a comment on your page, here's a (sort of) solution.
Assuming you've created an app for your website, add the following meta tag to your <head>: <meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" />
Then in Facebook Moderation Tool choose your app and click on Settings in top right corner. In settings, choose Moderation rules tab and at the bottom, you'll find an option Closed under Moderation heading. Select this option. By setting Closed option you basically have to approve all comments that are added to your site, but right now that's the only option how to get notified right in your Facebook without setting up custom listeners on comment.create event. That's also why this solution is sort of solution.
Also don't forget to add yourself as a moderator as Saurabh's answer suggests (otherwise you won't get any notification in your facebook).
Easiest way is to just check the Facebook moderation tool. You could build some kind of notification system that pulls comments using the graph api. I haven't seen any alert/notification system yet that somebody has else built but it would be pretty easy.
Unfortunately, even on the doncaprio blog, the owner has noted that
"For some reasons, notifications stopped working for some months now. I'm yet to find a fix for this... seems like an issue with fb or something."
I've come to the conclusion that I have to live with not having comment notifications.

Facebook Sidebar/Tab Applications

Been searching the FB documentation to find an answer for this, but have been unsuccessful.
Is an application able to appear as a tab on a page/profile, and also in the sidebar of that same page/profile?
So the tab would show the full application details, but the sidebar would give a small breakdown.
Is this possible?
Pages and profiles are different. You didn't used to be able to have a profile box and a tab for one application, but Facebook recently changed this. Probably because they stated the profile boxes are going away.
Adding an application as a tab on a Profile has always been a bit problematic and convoluted. The user had to click on the "+" tab, and your app may or may not appear under the list and/or come up in the search. However, 2 weeks ago Facebook announced support for an "add as tab" button.
Note that a user cannot add your application as a "profile box" until you have posted content to their profile (profile.setFBML) to be displayed in the box. The you can use the fb:add-section-button tag to display the "Add to Profile" button in your application. Box content is cached, so every time you want to update the content you need to post it to Facebook.
Adding an app as a tab to a Page has always been fairly easy. Go to the apps facebook page (not the app) and click on the "Add to My Page" link in the top left.
Profile Boxes (and the corresponding Boxes Tab) are gone.
The replacement for both of these is Application-Specific Tabs. You are no longer able to push content directly to a user's profile.
james, it is possible. just started developing fb apps three days ago. so far my app sits in my tabs and in my profile box, displaying different infos.
try this.
Ah interesting, found Developer Roadmap and basically lays out that what I am asking to do, won't be possible for much longer. Unfortunate, but I guess answers why I am finding it rather hard to do.