Mongo Sharding got trouble when using vmware - mongodb

Mongo worked fine when i'm using the local machine.But when i add the shard(established on vmware),i can't do insert operation anymore.
error message:
caused by :: Location28563 cannot send batch write operation to server ('. (Response was { "err" : "write results unavailable from :: caused by :: Location28563 cannot send batch write operation to server
config server setup command:
mongod --dbpath=config --port 2222 --bind_ip
route server setup command:
mongos --port 3333 --configdb= --bind_ip
shard server setup command:
mongod --dbpath=Shard1 --port 4444 --bind_ip
And i'd done addShard command on the route server.


MongoServerError: "No host described in new configuration with {version: 1, term: 0} for replica set rs0 maps to this node," How do I fix this?

Started mongo server using
mongod --port 27018 --dbpath "/usr/local/var/mongodb/data/db0" --replSet rs0 --bind_ip "locahost,"
And connected to the instance using
mongosh mongodb://
Tried to initiate a replica set using rs.initiate()
Then got the error
> rs.initiate()
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "No host described in new configuration with {version: 1, term: 0} for replica set rs0 maps to this node",
"code" : 93,
"codeName" : "InvalidReplicaSetConfig"
On the server log noticed these lines saying ""Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local" not known
{"t":{"$date":"2022-08-18T14:52:20.861+01:00"},"s":"W", "c":"NETWORK", "id":21207, "ctx":"conn1","msg":"getaddrinfo() failed","attr":{"host":"Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local","error":"nodename nor servname provided, or not known"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2022-08-18T14:52:25.866+01:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":4834700, "ctx":"conn1","msg":"isSelf could not connect via connectSocketOnly","attr":{"hostAndPort":"Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local:27018","error":{"code":6,"codeName":"HostUnreachable","errmsg":"couldn't connect to server Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local:27018, connection attempt failed: HostNotFound: Could not find address for Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local:27018: SocketException: Host not found (authoritative)"}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2022-08-18T14:52:25.867+01:00"},"s":"E", "c":"REPL", "id":21425, "ctx":"conn1","msg":"replSetInitiate error while validating config","attr":{"error":{"code":74,"codeName":"NodeNotFound","errmsg":"No host described in new configuration with {version: 1, term: 0} for replica set rs0 maps to this node"},"config":{"_id":"rs0","version":1,"members":[{"_id":0,"host":"Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local:27018"}]}}}
Followed response in this similar question and added the line Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local to my /etc/hosts file to fix this.
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
# Added by Docker Desktop
# To allow the same kube context to work on the host and the container: kubernetes.docker.internal
# End of section Nnadozies-MacBook-Pro.local
Posting this because the similar question wasn't really clear on how to solve the problem. I think this makes it clearer that the hostname mongodb was looking at could not be resolved to an IP address because it wasn't in /etc/hosts
Tip on editing /etc/hosts: use sudo permissions for write access
Other than that please I'm curious what other way I can run mongodb instances so they use known hostnames.

MongoDb Sharding on Local Machine

I am trying to create a sharding on my local machine. But when I create MongoDB shard server in the bin directory using this command start mongod --shardsvr --port 2005 -logpath C:\data\shard\s0\log\s0.log --dbpath C:\data\shard\s0 nothing happens so I went on to create mongos router mongos --port 2007 --configdb test/localhost:2001. Mongos created successfully and then I add shard to mongos using command sh.addShard("localhost:2005") then this error appears "errmsg" : "failed to run command { isMaster: 1 } when attempting to add shard localhost:2005 :: caused by :: HostUnreachable: Error connecting to localhost:2005 ( :: caused by :: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.". I don't know how to deal with this error.

Unable to start MongoDB shell for mongos daemon

I am trying to setup a sharded mongodb cluster using 4 solaris-11 servers which are on the same rack. The following sharded config is being attempted:
Server A : Replica set 1(rs1)
Server B : Replica Set 2(rs2)
Server C : Configuration Server
Server D : Sharding Router
On Server A, rs1 has been set up as follows:
mongod --port 27017 --replSet rs1 --dbpath "/mongo/datadb"
Now the rs1 configuration in mongo shell:
config =
{ _id:0, host:"Server A IP:27017" },
rs.initiate( config )
On Server B , rs2 has been similarly configured.
On Server C, the config server has been configured as follows:
mongod --configsvr --port 37017 --dbpath "/rpool/mongo/datadb"
Now on Server D, I am running mongos using the following :
mongos --port 27017 --configdb rs1/'Server C IP':37017
When I am trying to open mongo Shell on server D to add the shards using the mongos port and connect to mongos, I am unable to do so. The following error is thrown :
**./mongo --port 27017 --host 'Server C '
MongoDB shell version v3.4.1
connecting to: mongodb://'Server C ip':27017/
2017-11-09T11:21:51.666+0000 W NETWORK [main] Failed to connect to :27017, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused
2017-11-09T11:21:51.686+0000 E QUERY [main] Error: couldn't connect to server 'Server C ip':27017, connection attempt failed :
exception: connect failed**
When I tried to debug, I found the port 27017 on Server C to be in 'BOUND' state:
netstat -an |grep 27017
*.27017 . 0 0 128000 0 BOUND
'Server ip' stream-ord server ip' 0000000000000000 /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
Shouldn't mongos occupy this port in Listening mode? Can someone help me in solving this?
Is there any issue with the configuration?

Configure a Replica Set in local and on a cloud-server

I'm trying to configure a Replica Set with 2 members in local e 1 member on a cloud-server.
I started the two instance from local in this way:
mongod --port 27117 --dbpath mongodb/rs0-0 --logpath mongodb/rs0-0/mongo.log --replSet rs0 --fork
mongod --port 27118 --dbpath mongodb/rs0-1 --logpath mongodb/rs0-1/mongo.log --replSet rs0 --fork
and then I started the instance on my cloud-server (after opened the port):
mongod --port 27119 --dbpath mongoRS/rs0-2 --logpath mongoRS/rs0-2/mongo.log --replSet rs0 --fork
So, I started the server to configure the Replica Set:
mongo --port 27117
rsconf = {
_id: "rs0",
members: [{
_id: 0,
host: "localhost:27117"
rs.initiate( rsconf )
Until now all was correct. But when I tryed to add the server-instance a error occurred:
"errmsg" : "Either all host names in a replica set configuration must be localhost references, or none must be; found 2 out of 3",
So I'm thinking that I cannot set this configuration or what?
While trying to add different member in a replSet, you should avoid using localhost(specially when your servers are located at different environments).
Please try below options:
Remove existing replSet member: rs.remove("localhost:27118")
Try to add the server back with host ip(Local Server IP): rs.add("your_server_IP:27118")
Add the cloud server with Public IP: rs.add("Cloud_server_public_IP:27119")
Also ensure 27117,27118 and 27119 ports are opened from both Localhost and Cloud server.

Mongo sharding without shutdown the existing mongo instance

I need to do sharding without shutdown or restart the existing mongo instance in the port 27017 .
I tried the following, (while the default port is running and mongo instance)
mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/dba --port 10001 > /var/log/mongodb/shardlog/sharda.log &
mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/dbb --port 10002 > /var/log/mongodb/shardlog/shardb.log &
mongod --configsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/config --port 20000 > /var/log/mongodb/shardlog/configdb.log &
mongos --configdb localhost:20000 > /var/log/mongodb/shardlog/mongos.log &
Then mongos log giving an error,
Thu Aug 23 14:44:36 [mongosMain] ERROR: listen(): bind() failed errno:98 Address already in use for socket:
Thu Aug 23 14:44:36 [mongosMain] ERROR: addr already in use
mongos is running on port 20000 but why It's trying to connect the default 27017 port?
Can I start mongos with several shards without disturbing the existing mongo instance on port 27017 ?
From the the list of commands you have given, it looks like you have not told the mongos to start on a different port than default.
You would need to supply the --port argument for mongos to start on a different port.
Try: mongos --configdb localhost:20000 --port 10003
Note: mongos is not running on port 20000 as you have said above. You have the config server running on that port