invalid method parameters for eth_sendTransaction - json-rpc

I am trying to make a transaction ( c++ client via json-rpc ) - just set "from" and "to" as the rest is marked optional. Also tried to add value but I still get:
ErrorMessage{code=-32602, message=INVALID_PARAMS: Invalid method parameters (invalid name and/or type) recognised}
both are addresses owned by me ( returned via eth_accounts ) - any hint on how to overcome this are welcome This is the request I try:

params needs to be an array, try


Power Query - Populate column through REST API

I have a list of IDs in Power Query and would like to call and API to return some information about each. As there is no direct API that allows me to pull the information for my entire list, I have to call the API for each row in my table.
The API requires a dynamic access token, which I already have a function that takes care of (GetToken()).
I have followed this guide. The guide adds a custom column for which I have written the following code:
Text.Combine({"", [id]}), [Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()]]))
When I close the editor, I get this classic error:
"Expression.Error: The 'Authorization' header is only supported when connecting anonymously. These headers can be used with all authentication types: Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Cache-Control, Content-Type, If-Modified-Since, Prefer, Range, Referer
I have previously mitigated this in the Data Source Settings by setting the Permission to "Anonymous". However, I can not find this query in those settings, so I don't know where to change this.
I have unsuccessfully been looking for a way to parse a parameter to Web.Content, that tells the query to do this with Anonymous settings, but it does not seem to exist.
I have tried this variation as well, but I get the same error
Any thoughts on what I can do?
The answer for this post works, with a small addition. After implementing the answer, the error still occurred. It was resolved by creating a blank query with a fixed id number instead of parsing the column as an argument to the function. This allowed me to go to "Data source settings" and change the permission for the query to Anonymous, which also fixed the problem for the function and the custom column.
Source =
[Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()]])),
Also, be sure to not have the curly brackets that are in the original code of the question.
If you have a list of IDs you can make a custom function that uses appropriate constructors for RelativePath like David suggests. Here is a function you can paste into a blank query, which you can specify using Invoke Custom Function on your list of IDs:
Source = (ID as text) =>
Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()] ,
Make sure your ID column is in text format - or change the custom function above to:
Source = (ID as number) =>
Headers=[Authorization="Bearer "& GetToken()] ,
I'm fairly sure this problem arises because of the way you're constructing your URL using Text.Combine. Can you rewrite your query to use the RelativePath header

How to access etag header from response in Cosmos DB post-trigger

I am writing a Cosmos DB post-trigger (NOT the Azure Function Trigger kind but the in-server JS one). In this trigger, I need to access the etag header generated in the response. The trigger works fine except when I add the following code :
// Retrieve item's new etag from the response
var newETag = __.response.getValue("etag");
This code causes the request to fail with the following exception : "Unable to get property 'value' of undefined or null reference at getValueInternal". I checked that the response is not null and that the getValue function exists and in fact the exception is thrown from within the getValue function because the property for etag does not exist.
The doc (found here) however states that:
getValue(key) → {string} Gets a specified response header value.
And other doc (found here) also states that:
The following response headers are common to all responses from the SQL API: ... etag (The etag header [...] has the same value as the _etag property in the response body.)...
Now I also DID confirm that I could indeed access the etag from the __.response.getBody() but I cannot rely on that option because my requests are made with the EnableContentResponseOnWrite = false option in which case the response body is null.
Can someone help me figure out what I am missing or doing wrong here ?

What is the best way to validate input parameters?

I'm creating a simple Rest Api with the basic layering Controller-Service-Repository.
I have the following questions:
Where should I check if the correct parameters are given?
How should I validate thiese parameters e.g throw Response error?
You could validate your parameters on the first middleware (or after the authorization middleware). For example, in an express application you could pass your request body into a joi validation scheme.
Depends on your business logic. You can either set default values for parameters not defined by user or throw error. For example, if a user has not given any username or password parameter, then you should throw an error. All errors should be handled by the last middleware and return a relevant status code (401, 402, etc) with an information message if needed.

Invalid_request_parameter (create and sending envelopes)

I'm trying to use a service of DocuSign API in an abap project. I want to send a document to a specific email so it can be signed. But im getting the following error:
"errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER",## "message": "The request contained at least one invalid parameter. Query parameter 'from_date' must be set to a valid DateTime, or 'envelope_ids' or 'transaction_ids' must be specified.
I tried the following:
CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url
url = l_url (')
proxy_host = co_proxy_host
proxy_service = co_proxy_service
client = lo_http_client
lo_http_client->request->set_method( method = 'POST').
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'Accept'
value = 'application/json'.
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'X-DocuSign-Authentication'
value = get_auth_header( ). (json auth header)
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_cdata
data = create_body( ).
This is my body:
`"emailSubject": "DocuSign REST API Quickstart Sample",`
`"emailBlurb": "Shows how to create and send an envelope from a document.",`
`"recipients": {`
`"signers": [{`
`"email": "test#email",`
`"name": "test",`
`"recipientId": "1",`
`"routingOrder": "1"`
`"documents": [{`
`"documentId": "1",`
`"name": "test.pdf",`
`"documentBase64":` `"` l_encoded_doc `"`
`"status": "sent"`
`}` INTO re_data.
The api request to get the Baseurl is working fine. (I know the error is quite specific what the problem is, but i cant find any sources on the docusign api documentation that one of the mentioned parameters should be added to the request)
Thank you in regards
The error message seems to indicate that you're Posting to an endpoint that requires certain query string parameters -- but you're not specifying them as expected in the query string. I'd suggest you check the DocuSign API documentation for the operation you are using, to determine what query string parameters it requires, and then ensure that you're including those parameters in your request URL.
If you can't figure this out using the documentation, then I'd suggest that you update your post to clarify exactly what URL (endpoint) you are using for the request, including any querystring parameters you're specifying in the URL. You can put fake values for things like Account ID, of course -- we just need to see the endpoint you are calling, and what qs params you're sending.
To create an envelope, use
instead of
Thank you for all the answers, i found the mistake. Creating the request wasn´t the problem. I was using the wrong "sending"-method -_-.
now its working :)
lo_rest_client->post( EXPORTING io_entity = lo_request_entity ).

How to get buildbot build properties in the email subject while using MailNotifier?

I am trying to send custom email status notification on our buildbot system. I could not find a way to get build properties in the Email subject while using MailNotifier.
I found build object in the messageFormatter callback function parameter. But it can be used only in the body and not in subject.
I also tried using Json API by calling it from my master.cfg itself but it is not working and buildbot server goes on some kind of infinite loop. Json api if called separately works fine to query build specific data.
I am using buildbot 0.8.12 and I am new to this framework. Thanks for your help.
Per MailNotifier's docstring:
#param messageFormatter: function taking (mode, name, build, result,
master_status) and returning a dictionary
containing two required keys "body" and "type",
with a third optional key, "subject". The
"body" key gives a string that contains the
complete text of the message. The "type" key
is the message type ('plain' or 'html'). The
'html' type should be used when generating an
HTML message. The optional "subject" key
gives the subject for the email.
So you can just add one more item to the result dictionary and you get what you want. E.g.
return {..., 'subject': 'Abracadabra %s' % build.getProperty('my-favourite-build-property')}