How to specify Meteor MongoDB version on local? - mongodb

How would I go about specifying 3.0 as my MongoDB version when running Meteor in development? WiredTiger is installed locally and I'd like to play around with it from my Meteor apps.
meteor help run doesn't have a flag for it. The Meteor repo indicates its supported, but not how to run it. And there was a similar question on the Meteor forums that wasn't answered.
Any help is appreciated.

You don't have to pass any parameters to meteor, just specify the mongodb you want to run with. This works not just in production, but in development as well, e.g.:
env MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/meteor meteor
This will run the meteor project in the current folder, but use the mongodb running on localhost on the standard port. This works with mongodb 3.0.


Create Strapi App, no option for mongoDB on custom installation type

When attempting to create a Strapi App which is connected to a MongoDB cluster and selecting the custom installation, all online tutorials suggest that "mongodb" should be one of the options in the dropdown list alongside "postgres", "mysql" and "sqlite". However, I am not getting an option for mongodb.
I have tried reinstalling nodejs which then triggered the reinstall of create-strapi-app. I also have mongoDB installed locally.
Strapi has abandoned its support for NoSQL DBs. The MongoDB team might (if at all) write their own connector to MongoDB, however ETA is around July, and stable version ETA is around August.
SQLite is now the default DB. However I believe they recommend using PostgreSQL for production.
try with v3
npx create-strapi-app#3.6.8 fileName
Is running well with MongoDB
This worked for me guys,
Install strapi locally to your system using npm i strapi#alpha -g
Run mongodb locally on your system.
Use strapi new <project name> for creating a new project.
Choose your installation type as "custom"
This will avail "Mongo" on the list of supported Databases for Strapi.
Hope this will work for everyone.

Check the mongodb version in meteor project

I'm a newbie to meteor and mongodb. I just want to know how to check mongodb version in my meteor project. When i check it on using robomongo it shows 2.6.7. Can there be two versions of mongodb in local machine and meteor project? And when update into meteor 1.3 does meteor update mongodb version automatically?
With your meteor application running in one terminal, open a separate terminal, change into the project directory, run the following from the command prompt:
meteor mongo

Does meteor update mongodb version automatically?

I have Meteor 1.2.2 installed and, according to MeteorBlog, it should comes Mongodb v3.0 or higher installed.
However, if a go on Mongo shell (meteor mongo) and do:
$ db.version()
I get: 2.6.7
Shouldn't it be 3.0? I tried meteor update and it says all packages are up to date.
Is there a way to update Mongodb to the latest version as accepted by Meteor?
Meteor 1.1 came with MongoDB support up to version 3 and you're supposed to be able to use Meteor in production along a MongoDB 3.0 database without major problems.
However they decided to keep the 2.6 branch regarding the Mongo version shipped with the Meteor tool and wait until Mongo 3.0 is mature enough before including it along official Meteor releases.
It means that Meteor updates its internal tool MongoDB version automatically, but at their own pace.
The local Mongo environment shipped with the Meteor development tool is something different than the actual Mongo deployment you usually use in production, and it is not required that the 2 versions be the same.

Meteor.js mongodb version

This may be a dumb question, but I am confused about something. I have downloaded mongodb 2.6.4(latest) version to my mac, and deleted old mongodb folder which had executables and other stuff. But whenever I execute 'meteor mongo' command from my meteor.js application, it is opening MongoDB shell version 2.4.9, not the latest one. Why is this happening? Where is this old version is coming from? How can I use the latest version in meteor.js application?
Thank you
Meteor 1.0.x supports both 2.6 and 3.0. It ships with 2.6 locally.
Meteor includes its own version of mongodb as a part of its bundle when you ran curl | sh
It does this so its not a hassle to install and they can bundle the correct supported versions with it.
Meteor doesn't yet officially support 2.6.4 on the account of some oplog differences, though you can get it to work without the oplog without any issues, and with the oplog with a couple of issues.

How do I update the mongodb binaries in my box to the 2.4.x versions?

I am taking the "mongodb for node.js" course and trying to import/restore data to my mongolab instance but I keep getting Auth err code 18 errors.
I can connect to any instance I create using the mongo --shell from the box and it works fine. So my connect string and env variables are correct. If I change the password when logging in to mongo shell it actually gives me the opportunity to put in the correct password. So I know the user authentication is proper.
I am confused as to why I still get Auth err code 18 errors when I try to use the supplied mongodump files.
I have also tried specifying individual .bson files and that gives the same error as well.
I am connecting to mongod version 2.4.6 but mongorestore is only 2.0.4 on the box. I wanted to update to the newer version and see if this is the problem. I have read other posts from other sites where this seemd to break in version 2.2.2. while importing using older versions of the binaries for restore.
it does not appear you( developers) leave a way to update or support mongodb versioning. Do you have a way I could update to mongodb v2.4.6?
also if you could add htop and bmon to your image that would be nice.
Nitrous has released a package manager dubbed autoparts which will allow you to install mongodb 2.4.6.
Autoparts requires you to have a Nitrous box on version "bran" or later. If you are on version "arya" then you will need to download the contents within your box (SCP or Nitrous Mac App), terminate the box, followed by creating a new box in order to upgrade.
Take a look at the README within the Github Repo for instructions on how to use autoparts:
To install/update mongodb to the latest version, run the following command:
parts install mongodb
After the installation completes, run mongo in the console to check the version. You may need to restart the console if it is reporting an older version.