Fields getting removed when updatating mongodb document - mongodb

I'm new to mongoDB and I have stumbled over some update issues when using Save().
When I click the save-button in my html-page I run the following code:
$action = (!empty($_POST['btn_submit']) &&
($_POST['btn_submit'] === 'Save')) ? 'save_article' : 'show_form';
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
try {
$mongodb = new Mongo();
$articleCollection = $mongodb->myblogsite->articles;
} catch (MongoConnectionException $e) {
die('Failed to connect to MongoDB ' . $e->getMessage());
switch ($action) {
case 'save_article':
$article = array();
if (!empty($id)) {
$article['_id'] = new MongoId($id);
} else {
$article['_id'] = new MongoId();
$article['title'] = $_POST['title'];
$article['content'] = $_POST['content'];
$article['tags'] = $_POST['tags'];
if (!empty($id)) {
$article['updated_at'] = new MongoDate();
} else {
$article['saved_at'] = new MongoDate();
case 'show_form':
if (!empty($id)) {
$article = $articleCollection->findOne(array('_id' => new MongoId($id)));
The idea is that if $id is not empty I update the document or else I insert.
I use save() to mange that.
I want two date-fields. One that hold the date the document was made and a new one for when it was last updated.
The “save_at” can not be updated. The “updated_at” change every time an update is made.
My problem now is that when I try to add the “updated_at” the “save_at” gets removed.
I also update the “saved_at”-field.
My questions is:
How do I insert an new field ('updated_at') without removing the “saved_at”-field?
How do I keep the date in “saved_at”-field as it is without updating its value?

use can done it with update command
$collection->update(array('id' => id),array('$set' => array('updated_at' =>$article['updated_at'])));


Show All Product in Magento 2

I want to show all product if it is enable or disabled doesn't matter.
with this
$collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create();
return $collection;
I only get enabled product please help me with that to get disabled product also.
Found two solution on this, please try first one, if it does not work for you, then you can try 2nd one.
You can use disable stock check on your collection by this:
$productCollection = $this->_productFactory->create()->getCollection();
$productCollection->setFlag('has_stock_status_filter', false);
Or else you can use this:
$collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create()
// Patch to alter load and get disabled products too
$where = $collection->getSelect()->getPart('where');
foreach ($where as $key => $condition)
if(strpos($condition, 'stock_status_index.stock_status = 1') !== false){
$updatedWhere[] = 'AND (stock_status_index.stock_status IN (1,0))';
} else {
$updatedWhere[] = $condition;
$collection->getSelect()->setPart('where', $updatedWhere);

Custom properties are not updated for the word via openXML

I am trying to update custom properties of word document thru Open XML programming but it seems the updated properties are not getting saved properly for the word document. So when I opening document after successful execution of the update custom property code, I am getting the message box which is "This document contains field that may refer to other files; Do you want to update the fields in the Document?" If I am pressing 'NO' button then all the update properties would not be saved to the document. If we are going for yes option then it will update properties but I need to save the properties explicitly. Please suggest to save properties to the document without getting confirmation message or corrupting the document. :)
the code snippet is given as below,
public void SetCustomValue(
WordprocessingDocument document, string propname, string aValue)
CustomFilePropertiesPart oDocCustomProps = document.CustomFilePropertiesPart;
Properties props = oDocCustomProps.Properties;
if (props != null)
//logger.Debug("props is not null");
foreach (var prop in props.Elements<CustomDocumentProperty>())
if (prop != null && prop.Name == propname)
//logger.Debug("Setting Property: " + prop.Name + " to value: " + aValue);
var newProp = new CustomDocumentProperty();
newProp.FormatId = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}";
newProp.Name = prop.Name;
vTLPWSTR1.Text = aValue;
int pid = 2;
foreach (CustomDocumentProperty item in props)
item.PropertyId = pid++;
I am using .Net framework 3.5 with Open XML SDK 2.0 and Office 2013.
Try this one
var CustomeProperties = xmlDOc.CustomFilePropertiesPart.Properties;
foreach (CustomDocumentProperty customeProperty in CustomeProperties)
if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentName")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR("My Custom Name");
else if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentID")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR("FNP.SMS.IQC");
else if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentLastUpdate")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
//Open Word Setting File
DocumentSettingsPart settingsPart = xmlDOc.MainDocumentPart.GetPartsOfType<DocumentSettingsPart>().First();
//Update Fields
UpdateFieldsOnOpen updateFields = new UpdateFieldsOnOpen();
updateFields.Val = new OnOffValue(true);
you have to update your document fields on open.

sf 1.4 Access & customize embededObject() in root form

I got a problem to save custom values for embededforms in root form.
I can actually edit a "manifestation" and i can add as much as i want "commande_wifi".
Everything is good saved.
I need to customize the process for every "commande_wifi" ( there is a 'puht' value depending on other values of the object() ). I have already lost a few hours only to do that.
save() is only called on the root form
That’s right! Only the root form has save() called. So if there’s other logic you want to run, you will want to override the saveEmbeddedForm method and call that code before. Oversimplification ahead: when you save a form with embedded forms, it calls $this->getObject()->save(), then it calls saveEmbeddedForms, which, for each embedded form, calls $form->saveEmbeddedForms() and then calls $form->getObject()->save(). This is critical to know, as it will save you a lot of headaches later on.
I've tried to overwrite the saveembededForms() but fail at this point.
class manifestationForm extends BasemanifestationForm
public function configure()
public function addNewFields($number){
$new_commandes = new BaseForm();
for($i=0; $i <= $number; $i+=1){
$commande = new Commande_wifi();
$commande_form = new commande_wifiForm($commande);
$this->embedForm('new', $new_commandes);
public function bind(array $taintedValues = null, array $taintedFiles = null){
$new_commandes = new BaseForm();
foreach($taintedValues['new'] as $key => $new_commande){
$commande = new Commande_wifi();
$commande_form = new commande_wifiForm($commande);
parent::bind($taintedValues, $taintedFiles);
public function saveEmbeddedForm($con = null, $forms = null)
if ($con === NULL)
$con = $this->getConnection();
if ($forms === NULL)
$forms = $this->getEmbeddedForms();
foreach ($forms as $form)
if ($form instanceof sfFormObject)
$this->saveEmbeddedForms($con, $form->getEmbeddedForms());
It's won ASAP i can access the embedForm Object().
Any suggestion?

Is this a valid way to check if db_row exists?

I am working with Zend and I needed to check whether a row in the DB already exists (A simple solution to get rid of the duplicate key error I was getting). I tried several things but nothing seemed to work... (for example the Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists method)
So I wrote the following the code and I was wondering if this is a valid way to do it, or if I should do things differently:
In the model:
$where = $condition = array(
'user_id = ' . $user_id,
'page_id = ' . $page_id
$check = $this->fetchRow($where);
if(count($check) > 0) {
return null;
// Here I create a new row, fill it with data, save and return it.
And then in my view:
if($this->result != null) { /* do stuff */ }else{ /* do other stuff */ }
It does work but it does seem to take more time (duh, because of the extra query) and I am a bit unsure whether I should stick with this..
Any recommendation is welcome :)
Assuming you have coded your function in your controller
$row = $this->fetchRow($where); //If no row is found then $row is null .
$row = $dbTb->createNew($insert); //$insert an associative array where it keys map cols of table
$this->view->row_not_found = true;
return $row;
In your view you can do this
}else {

Indexing Adds/Changes not working using Lucene in Zend Framework

I am pretty new to programming and definitely to Zend/Lucene indexing. From what I can tell, though, my code is correct. I feel like I may be overlooking a step or something trying to upload changes and adds to the database so that they appear in the search on my website. I'm not getting any kind of an error message though. Below is the code from the controller. I guess let me know if you need anything else to help this make sense. Thanks in advance for any direction you can give.
class SearchController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if($auth->hasIdentity()) {
$this->view->identity = $auth->getIdentity();
public function indexAction()
// action body
public function buildAction()
// create the index
$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open(APPLICATION_PATH . '/indexes');
$page = $this->_request->getParam('page');
// build product pages
if ($page == 'search') {
$mdl = new Model_Search();
$search = $mdl->fetchAll();
if ($search->count() > 0) {
foreach ($search as $s) {
$doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unIndexed('id', $s->id));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::text('name', $s->name));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::text('uri', $s->uri));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::text('description', $s->description));
$this->view->indexSize = $index->numDocs();
public function resultsAction()
if($this->_request->isPost()) {
$keywords = $this->_request->getParam('query');
$query = Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse($keywords);
$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open(APPLICATION_PATH . '/indexes');
$hits = $index->find($query);
$this->view->results = $hits;
$this->view->keywords = $keywords;
} else {
$this->view->results = null;
Lucene indexes won't stay in sync with your database automatically, you either need to rebuild the entire index or remove and re-add the relevant documents when they change (you cannot edit an existing document).
public function updateAction()
// something made the db change
$hits = $index->find("name: " . $name);
foreach($hits as $hit) {
$doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
// build your doc
Note that lucene documents had their own internal id property, and be careful not to mistake it for an id keyword that you provide.