Password protecting Apigility admin UI without htpasswd - zend-framework

I was being searching to password protect apiglity admin ui without using htpasswd, but i did not got any information about. Can anybody help me out with this?
Thanks in advance

You don't need password protection for ApiGility UI. Access should only be allowed in the Dev environment.
php public/index.php development enable <- to enable the UI
php public/index.php development disable <- to disable the UI
If you consist of having password protection for it. Then you can add an event to the Application Module.php that check if the identified user is allowed to access that resource.
Edit - If you do want to protect something by password
The following code should be placed in the Module.php file. (In many cases under the Application module).
It call the event manager and attach action to the Dispatch event.
Every time the application reach the dispatch phase it will fire this event.
The action is passed as a call back so you can attach function, classes ans etc. In this example I passed a new class that have access to the MvcEvent ($e).
For example, that class can check if a user is logged in. If it is not then redirect him to /login.
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
$eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$eventManager->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, array(new UserAccessChecker($e), 'getResponse'));
For the purpose of auth You should further investigate ACL & RABC


Keycloak Custom message on user temporary lock

I am using Kyecloak:4.8.0, and have enabled Brute force attack for my realm.
Now whenever user provides wrong credentials for 3 times user will be locked temporarily.
But still user will see "Invalid username/password".
According to this thread Keycloak have done this intentionally:
But still i want to show user that his account has been locked.
Is there any way to customize this message?
I tried doing this by adding message in custom keycloak theme as below:
location: themes\adminlte\login\messages\
accountTemporarilyDisabledMessage=Account is temporarily disabled, contact admin or try again later.
This change is not working.
After going through Keycloak base code what i found is: Keycloak uses Messages.INVALID_USER (invalidUserMessage) from properties which is written in AbstractFormAuthenticator class.
This class is at the end extended by UsernamePasswordForm now to change this to custom message i Wrote Custom Authenticator (Keycloak SPI) like below
public class CustomUsernameFormAuthenticator extends UsernamePasswordForm {
protected String tempDisabledError() {
After this deploy spi Jar in keycloak and enable it in your realm.
And we are done :)

How to override login of flask-security?

I want to do some customization when a user logs in. The problem is that the project is using flask-security which implicitly handles user login.
I want to check some records of users in the database when users log in.
How can I override "login" function in flask-security?
I saw a similar post, and tried it but it's not working.
Plus, it is not exactly what I want to do.
I maybe need to stop the default behavior in case of some users.
So, is anyone having this kind of issue? How can I do it?
You can override the login form when you are setting up Flask-Security:
user_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, User, Role)
security = Security(app, user_datastore, login_form=CustomLoginForm)
Then create your custom login form class that extends the default LoginForm. And override the validate function to do stuff before or after the login attempt.
from flask_security.forms import LoginForm
class CustomLoginForm(LoginForm):
def validate(self):
# Put code here if you want to do stuff before login attempt
response = super(CustomLoginForm, self).validate()
# Put code here if you want to do stuff after login attempt
return response
"reponse" will be True or False based on if the login was successful or not. If you want to check possible errors that occurred during the login attempt see "self.errors"
Kevin ;)
after registering the flask security extension, you can create an endpoint with the exact same name/route and it should override the one registered by Flask-security.
If you are using blueprints, make sure you register your blueprint before registering Flask-security.

How will I stop Ajax request service from anonymous user in Tikiwiki?

I found an Ajax service running as I called my Event tracker calendar.
If the attacker leverage this and enter:
The system will return all the events in tracker 30.
I tried to enter:
`if (! isset($user))
header('Location: index.php');
in File: /var/www/html/tikisvn15/tiki-ajax_services.php
At line 35
It works. Is there any other way? Would my modification stop the Ajax service from other components?
You can set which groups can see what using the Tiki permissions system. See the documentation here
Note that once you have set your tracker not to be visible for anonymous (not logged in) users you will need to rebuild your search index (on Control Panels -> Search) because TrackerCalendar uses the search index extensively.
I would advise against putting arbitrary user checks like this in the tiki code as things will stop working and it will be very hard to work out why, i think.

grails+spring-security-facebook listen to login success event

im a newbie both in spring security and spring-security-facebook and in an app that we are building we have to couple them.Everything is working well i will need to know the way to listen to the facebook login success event. is there some one that already did a stuff that impose him to catch the facebook event success?? I need that because in the begining of the app (before adding the spring -security-Facebook plugin ); we have a special behaviour attached to the "grails.plugins.springsecurity.onInteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent" event (configured in the config.groovy file) and we have to execute the same special behaviour when the user connect with facebook account. Is there an event (extending springsecurity kinds of events) that we have to listen to?
any idea ??
Ps: when searching for solution we found a way to catch the FB js Events and work around to reach what we want as result but we would as possible to want to not go that way ....
The problem with it that current Spring Security Facebook authenticates user on each request (by listening to FB cookie, transparently), so you'll get this event on each request. Probably it's not what you want, right? It the same as having a filter on each request.
Btw, you can handle situation when user login into your app first time, but implementing onCreate(user, token) or afterCreate(user, token) in service FacebookAuthService (you have to create such service at this case)
File grails-app/services/FacebookAuthService.groovy:
class FacebookAuthService {
void afterCreate(def user, def token) {"New user!") //or any code there

Redirecting requests form a catch-all controller in Zend Application without looping forever

There are plenty of related posts to what I'm asking, but after some lengthy searches couldn't quite find what I was looking for, my apologies if it exists somewhere.
My goal -- ALL requests to my Zend App must go through a preDispatch plugin, then pass to a custom Auth controller that will decide whether existing auth credentials are sufficient for the requested operation. 'Sufficient' depends on the logic of the app, hence why I want to do this at the controller+model level. If they suffice, they send the original request along to the specified controller+action, if not they default to a 'get lost' action.
At present I'm using an auth custom plugin set in the preDispatch to simply check for POST'ed auth credentials (if we are logging in), then in all cases the plugin stores the original request and redirects everyone (auth'd or not) to my auth controller, a-la:
My problem/question is that within my auth->check action, how should I perform the redirect after a decision is made? If I use:
$this->_helper->redirector($or['action'], $oreq['controller']);
then I obviously get an infinite loop as these requests pass through the preDispatch plugin again. Sure I could pass something with the redirect so that the Auth plugin ignores such requests, but this is clearly a security hole. I had thought about maybe generating and storing an md5 hash, storing it to session and passing that as an escape param, but that seems a little sketchy.
Any better ideas out there? Perhaps a redirect method that does not go through the standard predispatch routine in Zend App? Thanks in advance!
This is not how it is done usually in Zend Framework. Not all requests go to a common place and gets redirected to the original requested place authentication.
For access control, use Zend_Acl. Through that, you could easily determine whether the current user has the necessary auth to access the content, else redirect to 'get lost' action.
If you are still adamant on using your technique, use _forward method instead of redirect method.
Since _forward is an internal redirect, you could pass additional arguments and check that in preDispath to avoid a loop.
$this->_forward($action, $controller, $module, $params)