Powershell editing mp3 infos - powershell

I'm searching for a way to edit mp3 files info (like artist, album, etc) in a PowerShell script.
I found a way to get the info I need on the .mp3 files, but not how to modify them.
$songs = Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter *.mp3;
$shell = new-object -com shell.application;
Foreach ($song in $songs) {
$shellfolder = $shell.namespace($dir);
$shellfile = $shellfolder.parsename($song);
$title = $shell.namespace($dir).getdetailsof($shellfile,21);
With getDetailsOf (with 21) I'm able to get the song Title, but no setDetailsOf exists, so I don't know how I can modify the song title for another one.

If you're like me and prefer not to use a library, here's a pretty simple ID3v1 function I wrote that may serve your needs:
#Set the specified ID3v1 properties of a file by writing the last 128 bytes
Function Set-ID3v1( #All parameters except path are optional, they will not change if not specified.
[string]$path, #Full path to the file to be updated - wildcards not supported because [] are so stinky and it's only supposed to work on one file at a time.
[string]$Title = "`0", #a string containing only 0 indicates a parameter not specified.
[string]$Artist = "`0",
[string]$Album = "`0",
[string]$Year = "`0",
[string]$Comment = "`0",
[int]$Track = -1,
[int]$Genre = -1,
[bool]$BackDate=$true){#Preserve modification date, but add a minute to indicate it's newer than duplicates
$CurrentModified = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $path).LastWriteTime #use literalpath here to get only one file, even if it has []
$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII #Probably wrong, but works occasionally. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9857727/text-encoding-in-id3v2-3-tags
$currentID3Bytes = New-Object byte[] (128)
$strm = New-Object System.IO.FileStream ($path,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite,[System.IO.FileShare]::None)
$strm.Seek(-128,'End') | Out-Null #Basic ID3v1 info is 128 bytes from EOF
$strm.Read($currentID3Bytes,0,$currentID3Bytes.Length) | Out-Null
Write-Host "$path `nCurrentID3: $($enc.GetString($currentID3Bytes))"
$strm.Seek(-128,'End') | Out-Null #Basic ID3v1 info is 128 bytes from EOF
If($enc.GetString($currentID3Bytes[0..2]) -ne 'TAG'){
Write-Warning "No existing ID3v1 found - adding to end of file"
$currentID3Bytes = $enc.GetBytes(('TAG' + (' ' * (30 + 30 + 30 + 4 + 30)))) #Add a blank tag to the end of the file
$currentID3Bytes += 255 #empty Genre
$strm = New-Object System.IO.FileStream ($path,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Write,[System.IO.FileShare]::None)
$strm.Seek(3,'Current') | Out-Null #skip over 'TAG' to get to the good stuff
If($Title -eq "`0"){ $strm.Seek(30,'Current') | Out-Null} #Skip over
Else{ $strm.Write($enc.GetBytes($Title.PadRight(30,' ').Substring(0,30)),0,30) } #if specified, write 30 space-padded bytes to the stream
If($Artist -eq "`0"){ $strm.Seek(30,'Current') | Out-Null}
Else {$strm.Write($enc.GetBytes($Artist.PadRight(30,' ').Substring(0,30)),0,30) }
If($Album -eq "`0"){ $strm.Seek(30,'Current') | Out-Null}
Else{$strm.Write($enc.GetBytes($Album.PadRight(30,' ').Substring(0,30)),0,30) }
If($Year -eq "`0"){ $strm.Seek(4,'Current') | Out-Null}
Else {$strm.Write($enc.GetBytes($Year.PadRight(4,' ').Substring(0,4)),0,4) }
If(($Track -ne -1) -or ($currentID3Bytes[125] -eq 0)) {$CommentMaxLen = 28}Else{$CommentMaxLen = 30} #If a Track is specified or present in the file, Comment is 28 chars
If($Comment -eq "`0"){ $strm.Seek($CommentMaxLen,'Current') | Out-Null}
Else {$strm.Write($enc.GetBytes($Comment.PadRight($CommentMaxLen,' ').Substring(0,$CommentMaxLen)),0,$CommentMaxLen) }
If($Track -eq -1 ){$strm.Seek(2,'Current') | Out-Null}
Else{$strm.Write(#(0,$Track),0,2)} #Track, if present, is preceded by a 0-byte to form the last two bytes of Comment
If($Genre -ne -1){$strm.Write($Genre,0,1) | Out-Null}
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
If($BackDate){(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $path).LastWriteTime = $CurrentModified.AddMinutes(1)}
You call it with the full path to the MP3 file and any ID3V1 attributes you want to change:
Set-ID3v1 -path "c:\users\me\Desktop\Test.mp3" -Year 1996 -Title "This is a test"
Basically it writes the last 128 bytes of the file with Title, Artist, etc.
I might add support for ID3v2.3 which is much more flexible, but less compatible with older devices and software. Check GitHub for the latest version.


way to determine if file is PDF faster

Looking for some pointers / tips to increase the speed and/or efficacy of below. Would be open to other methods, but have only dabbled in powershell,cmd and python.
Also credit where credit is due: This is a hack-job on the following: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44183234/12834479
Rather than working local, I'm hitting a Network Share over VPN with abysmal connection speeds.
Roughly, it's working at 8 secs / PDF.
Issues I've tried to take care of, goal is to ensure each PDF is readable by Adobe. Images saved as PDF (but not pdfs) will open in some PDF software, but Adobe hates them. I have the method to convert, but my rate limiter is identifying them.
Adobe PDFs -start with %PDF
Some Bank PDFs - start with "blank space" then %PDF
3rd party software - Junk Headers, but %PDF is within document
$items = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".pdf"}
$arrary = #()
$logFile = "RESULTS_$(get-date -Format yyyymmdd).log"
$badCounter = 0
$goodCounter = 0
$msg = "`n`nProcessing " + $items.count + " files... "
Write-Host -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow $msg
foreach ($item in $items)
trap { Write-Output "Error trapped: $_"; continue; }
try {
$pdfText = Get-Content $item -raw
$ptr3 = '%PDF'
if ('%PDF' -ne $pdfText.SubString(([System.Math]::Max(0,$pdfText.IndexOf($ptr3))),4)) { $arrary+= "$item |-failed" >>$logfile;$badCounter += 1; $badCounter} else { $goodCounter += 1; $goodCounter}
catch [System.Exception]{write-output "$item $_";}}
$totalCounter = $badCounter + $goodCounter
Write-Output $arrary >> $logFile
1..3 | %{ Write-Output "" >> $logFile }
Write-Output "Total: $totalCounter / BAD: $badCounter / GOOD: $goodCounter" >> $logFile
Write-Output "DONE!`n`n"
If any difference currently running in PS Version 7.1.3 / but also have 5.1.18 on local.
Actually, PDF files aren't plaintext files at all, but binary files, so you should not read them in as string.
What you are looking for is called a FourCC magic number in the file. This four-character code can be seen as Magic number to identify the file type.
For PDF files, these 4 bytes are 0x25, 0x50, 0x44, 0x46 ("%PDF") and the file should start with those bytes.
For those true PDF files, you could test with:
[byte[]]$fourCC = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4 -Path 'X:\TheFile.pdf'
if ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($fourCC) -ceq '%PDF') {
Write-Host "This is a true PDF file"
However, as you say "Bank pdf's usually start with a blank space", to also consider those files "good", you can do:
[byte[]]$sixCC = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 6 -TotalCount 6 -Path 'X:\TheFile.pdf'
if ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($sixCC) -cmatch '%PDF') {
Write-Host "This is a PDF file"
If you also want to treat files where "%PDF" is found anyhere in the file as "good", you will need to read the whole file as string, but with a one-to-one byte mapping of the bytes.
For that you can use below helper function:
function ConvertTo-BinaryString {
# converts the bytes of a file to a string that has a
# 1-to-1 mapping back to the file's original bytes.
# Useful for performing binary regular expressions.
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, Position = 0)]
[ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf } )]
# Note: Codepage 28591 returns a 1-to-1 char to byte mapping
$Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)
$Stream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($Path, 'Open', 'Read')
$StreamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($Stream, $Encoding)
$BinaryText = $StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
return $BinaryText
Next, you can use that function as:
$binString = ConvertTo-BinaryString -Path 'X:\TheFile.pdf'
if ($binString.IndexOf("%PDF") -ge 0) {
Write-Host "This is a PDF file"
Putting it all together and assuming you want all files marked as .PDF files where the magic number '%PDF' (case-sensitive) can be found anywhere in the file:
function ConvertTo-BinaryString {
# converts the bytes of a file to a string that has a
# 1-to-1 mapping back to the file's original bytes.
# Useful for performing binary regular expressions.
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, Position = 0)]
[ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf } )]
# Note: Codepage 28591 returns a 1-to-1 char to byte mapping
$Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591)
$Stream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($Path, 'Open', 'Read')
$StreamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($Stream, $Encoding)
$BinaryText = $StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
return $BinaryText
$badCounter = 0
$goodCounter = 0
$logFile = "RESULTS_{0:yyyyMMdd}.log" -f (Get-Date)
# get an array of pdf file FullNames
$files = #(Get-ChildItem -File -Filter '*.pdf').FullName
Write-Host "Processing $($files.Count) files... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
# loop through the array, test if '%PDF' is found and output strings for the log file
$result = foreach ($item in $files) {
$pdfText = ConvertTo-BinaryString -Path $item
if ($pdfText.IndexOf("%PDF") -ge 0) {
"Success - $item"
else {
"Fail - $item"
# write the output to the log file
$result | Set-Content -Path $logFile
"=" * 25 | Add-Content -Path $logFile
"BAD: $badCounter" | Add-Content -Path $logFile
"GOOD: $goodCounter" | Add-Content -Path $logFile
"Total: $($files.Count)" | Add-Content -Path $logFile
Write-Host "DONE!" -ForegroundColor Green

Powershell - Make a menu out of text file

In my adventure trying to learn Powershell, I am working on an extension on a script I have made. The idea is to make script there by adding ".iso" files into a folder. It will use that content in a menu so that I later can use it to select an iso file for a WM in Hyper-V
This is my version of how it will get the content in the first place
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\iso/*.iso -Name > C:\iso/nummer-temp.txt
Add-Content -Path C:\iso/nummer.txt ""
Get-Content -Path C:\iso/nummer-temp.txt | Add-Content -Path C:\iso/nummer.txt
When this code is run it will send an output like what i want. But my question is how do I use this output in a menu?
This is the best practice way to do so in powershell :
#lets say your .txt files gets this list after running get-content
$my_isos = $('win7.iso','win8.iso','win10.iso')
$user_choice = $my_isos | Out-GridView -Title 'Select the ISO File you want' -PassThru
#waiting till you choose the item you want from the grid view
Write-Host "$user_choice is going to be the VM"
I wouldn't try to make it with System.windows.forms utilities as i mentioned in my comment, unless you want to present the form more "good looking".
If you don't want to go for a graphical menu, but rather a console menu, you could use this function below:
function Show-Menu {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)]
[string] $Title
$header = $null
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
$len = [math]::Max(($MenuItems | Measure-Object -Maximum -Property Length).Maximum, $Title.Length)
$header = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $Title, [Environment]::NewLine, ('-' * $len)
# possible choices: digits 1 to 9, characters A to Z
$choices = (49..57) + (65..90) | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }
$i = 0
$items = ($MenuItems | ForEach-Object { '{0} {1}' -f $choices[$i++], $_ }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
# display the menu and return the chosen option
while ($true) {
if ($header) { Write-Host $header -ForegroundColor Yellow }
Write-Host $items
$answer = (Read-Host -Prompt 'Please make your choice').ToUpper()
$index = $choices.IndexOf($answer[0])
if ($index -ge 0 -and $index -lt $MenuItems.Count) {
return $MenuItems[$index]
else {
Write-Warning "Invalid choice.. Please try again."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Having that in place, you call it like:
# get a list if iso files (file names for the menu and full path names for later handling)
$isoFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\IsoFiles' -Filter '*.iso' -File | Select-Object Name, FullName
$selected = Show-Menu -MenuItems $isoFiles.Name -Title 'Please select the ISO file to use'
# get the full path name for the chosen file from the $isoFiles array
$isoToUse = ($isoFiles | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $selected }).FullName
Write-Host "`r`nYou have selected file '$isoToUse'"
Please select the ISO file to use
1 Win10.iso
2 Win7.iso
3 Win8.iso
Please make your choice: 3
You have selected file 'D:\IsoFiles\Win8.iso'

Search large .log for specific string quickly without streamreader

Problem: I need to search a large log file that is currently being used by another process. I cannot stop this other process or put a lock on the .log file. I need to quickly search this file, and I can't read it all into memory. I get that StreamReader() is the fastest, but I can't figure out how to avoid it attempting to grab a lock on the file.
$p = "Seachterm:Search"
$files = "\\remoteserver\c\temp\tryingtofigurethisout.log"
$SearchResult= Get-Content -Path $files | Where-Object { $_ -eq $p }
The below doesn't work because I can't get a lock of the file.
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($files)
$lines = #()
if ($reader -ne $null) {
while (!$reader.EndOfStream) {
$line = $reader.ReadLine()
if ($line.Contains($p)) {
$lines += $line
$lines | Select-Object -Last 1
This takes too long:
get-content $files -ReadCount 500 |
foreach { $_ -match $p }
I would greatly appreciate any pointers in how I can go about quickly and efficiently (memory wise) searching a large log file.
Perhaps this will work for you. It tries to read the lines of the file as fast as possible, but with a difference to your second approach (which is approx. the same as what [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines() would do).
To collect the lines, I use a List object which will perform faster than appending to an array using +=
$p = "Seachterm:Search"
$path = "\\remoteserver\c$\temp\tryingtofigurethisout.log"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Warning "File '$path' does not exist"
else {
try {
$fileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($path, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read, [System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)
$streamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($fileStream)
# or use this syntax:
# $fileMode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Open
# $fileAccess = [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read
# $fileShare = [System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite
# $fileStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream $path, $fileMode, $fileAccess, $fileShare
# $streamReader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $fileStream
# use a List object of type String or an ArrayList to collect the strings quickly
$lines = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
# read the lines as fast as you can and add them to the list
while (!$streamReader.EndOfStream) {
# close and dispose the obects used
# do the 'Contains($p)' after reading the file to not slow that part down
$lines.ToArray() | Where-Object { $_.Contains($p) } | Select-Object -Last 1
catch [System.IO.IOException] {}
Basically, it does what your second code does, but with the difference that using just the StreamReader, the file is opened with [System.IO.FileShare]::Read, whereas this code opens the file with [System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite
Note that there may be exceptions thrown using this because another application has write permissions to the file, hence the try{...} catch{...}
Hope that helps

Attachments.Add wildcard with Powershell

I have a ZIP file generated with dynamic information (Report_ PC Name-Date_User). However when I go to attach the file I'm unable to use a wildcard. There is only one ZIP file in this directory so using a wildcard will not attach any other ZIP files.
#Directory storage
#Max number of recent screen captures
$MAX = "100"
#Captures Screen Shots from the recording
$SC = "1"
#Turn GUI mode on or off
$GUI = "0"
#Caputres the current computer name
#Use either the local name or domain name
#$User = "$ENV:UserDomainName"
$User = "$ENV:UserName"
$Date = Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%b-%d_%H%M
#Computer Information
$MAC = ipconfig /all | Select-String Physical
$IP = ipconfig /all | Select-String IPv4
$DNS = ipconfig /all | Select-String "DNS Servers"
#Needed to add space after user input information
$EMPT = "`n"
#Quick capture of the computer information
$Info = #"
# Used to attach to the outlook program
$File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -Filter "*.zip" | Select -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname
$Start_Click = {
psr.exe /start /output $DIR\$Date-$PCName-$User.zip /maxsc $MAX /sc $SC /gui $GUI
psr.exe /stop
$Email_Click = {
$Outlook = New-Object -Com Outlook.Application
$Mail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$Mail.To = "deaconf19#gmail.com"
$Mail.Subject = "Capture Report from " + $PCName + " " + $User + " " + $Date
$Mail.Body = $Problem.text + $Info
I no longer get an error but the file will not attach the first time around. The second time it will attach but it does the previous .zip not the most recent. I added my entire code
As per the msdn article it shows what the source needs to be which is.
The source of the attachment. This can be a file (represented by the
full file system path with a file name) or an Outlook item that
constitutes the attachment.
Which mean that it does not accept wildcards. To get around this you should instead use Get-ChildItem to return the name of your zip.
$File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -Filter "*.zip" | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname
That should return the full path to the first zip. Since Get-ChildItem returns and object we use -ExpandProperty on the Fullname so that you just return the full path, as a string, to the file. -First 1 is not truly required if you really only have the one file. On the off-chance you do including -First 1 will make sure only one file is attached.
Update from comments
I see that you are having issues with attaching a file still. My code would still stand however you might be having an issue with your .zip file or $dir. After where $file is declared I would suggest something like this:
If (! Test-Path $file){Write-Host "$file is not a valid zip file"}
If you would prefer, since I don't know if you see your console when you are running your code, you could use a popup

How can I split a text file using PowerShell?

I need to split a large (500 MB) text file (a log4net exception file) into manageable chunks like 100 5 MB files would be fine.
I would think this should be a walk in the park for PowerShell. How can I do it?
A word of warning about some of the existing answers - they will run very slow for very big files. For a 1.6 GB log file I gave up after a couple of hours, realising it would not finish before I returned to work the next day.
Two issues: the call to Add-Content opens, seeks and then closes the current destination file for every line in the source file. Reading a little of the source file each time and looking for the new lines will also slows things down, but my guess is that Add-Content is the main culprit.
The following variant produces slightly less pleasant output: it will split files in the middle of lines, but it splits my 1.6 GB log in less than a minute:
$from = "C:\temp\large_log.txt"
$rootName = "C:\temp\large_log_chunk"
$ext = "txt"
$upperBound = 100MB
$fromFile = [io.file]::OpenRead($from)
$buff = new-object byte[] $upperBound
$count = $idx = 0
try {
do {
"Reading $upperBound"
$count = $fromFile.Read($buff, 0, $buff.Length)
if ($count -gt 0) {
$to = "{0}.{1}.{2}" -f ($rootName, $idx, $ext)
$toFile = [io.file]::OpenWrite($to)
try {
"Writing $count to $to"
$tofile.Write($buff, 0, $count)
} finally {
$idx ++
} while ($count -gt 0)
finally {
Simple one-liner to split based on number of lines (100 in this case):
$i=0; Get-Content .....log -ReadCount 100 | %{$i++; $_ | Out-File out_$i.txt}
This is a somewhat easy task for PowerShell, complicated by the fact that the standard Get-Content cmdlet doesn't handle very large files too well. What I would suggest to do is use the .NET StreamReader class to read the file line by line in your PowerShell script and use the Add-Content cmdlet to write each line to a file with an ever-increasing index in the filename. Something like this:
$upperBound = 50MB # calculated by Powershell
$ext = "log"
$rootName = "log_"
$reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader("C:\Exceptions.log")
$count = 1
$fileName = "{0}{1}.{2}" -f ($rootName, $count, $ext)
while(($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
Add-Content -path $fileName -value $line
if((Get-ChildItem -path $fileName).Length -ge $upperBound)
$fileName = "{0}{1}.{2}" -f ($rootName, $count, $ext)
Same as all the answers here, but using StreamReader/StreamWriter to split on new lines (line by line, instead of trying to read the whole file into memory at once). This approach can split big files in the fastest way I know of.
Note: I do very little error checking, so I can't guarantee it'll work smoothly for your case. It did for mine (1.7 GB TXT file of 4 million lines split in 100,000 lines per file in 95 seconds).
#split test
$sw = new-object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
$filename = "C:\Users\Vincent\Desktop\test.txt"
$rootName = "C:\Users\Vincent\Desktop\result"
$ext = ".txt"
$linesperFile = 100000#100k
$filecount = 1
$reader = $null
$reader = [io.file]::OpenText($filename)
"Creating file number $filecount"
$writer = [io.file]::CreateText("{0}{1}.{2}" -f ($rootName,$filecount.ToString("000"),$ext))
$linecount = 0
while($reader.EndOfStream -ne $true) {
"Reading $linesperFile"
while( ($linecount -lt $linesperFile) -and ($reader.EndOfStream -ne $true)){
if($reader.EndOfStream -ne $true) {
"Closing file"
"Creating file number $filecount"
$writer = [io.file]::CreateText("{0}{1}.{2}" -f ($rootName,$filecount.ToString("000"),$ext))
$linecount = 0
} finally {
} finally {
Write-Host "Split complete in " $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds "seconds"
Output splitting a 1.7 GB file:
Creating file number 45
Reading 100000
Closing file
Creating file number 46
Reading 100000
Closing file
Creating file number 47
Reading 100000
Closing file
Creating file number 48
Reading 100000
Split complete in 95.6308289 seconds
I often need to do the same thing. The trick is getting the header repeated into each of the split chunks. I wrote the following cmdlet (PowerShell v2 CTP 3) and it does the trick.
# Breaks a text file into multiple text files in a destination, where each
# file contains a maximum number of lines.
# When working with files that have a header, it is often desirable to have
# the header information repeated in all of the split files. Split-File
# supports this functionality with the -rc (RepeatCount) parameter.
# Specifies the path to an item. Wildcards are permitted.
#.PARAMETER LiteralPath
# Specifies the path to an item. Unlike Path, the value of LiteralPath is
# used exactly as it is typed. No characters are interpreted as wildcards.
# If the path includes escape characters, enclose it in single quotation marks.
# Single quotation marks tell Windows PowerShell not to interpret any
# characters as escape sequences.
#.PARAMETER Destination
# (Or -d) The location in which to place the chunked output files.
# (Or -c) The maximum number of lines in each file.
#.PARAMETER RepeatCount
# (Or -rc) Specifies the number of "header" lines from the input file that will
# be repeated in each output file. Typically this is 0 or 1 but it can be any
# number of lines.
# Split-File bigfile.csv 3000 -rc 1
# Out-TempFile
function Split-File {
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Path', Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='LiteralPath', Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
process {
# yeah! the cmdlet supports wildcards
if ($LiteralPath) { $ResolveArgs = #{LiteralPath=$LiteralPath} }
elseif ($Path) { $ResolveArgs = #{Path=$Path} }
Resolve-Path #ResolveArgs | %{
$InputName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_)
$InputExt = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($_)
if ($RepeatCount) { $Header = Get-Content $_ -TotalCount:$RepeatCount }
# get the input file in manageable chunks
$Part = 1
Get-Content $_ -ReadCount:$Count | %{
# make an output filename with a suffix
$OutputFile = Join-Path $Destination ('{0}-{1:0000}{2}' -f ($InputName,$Part,$InputExt))
# In the first iteration the header will be
# copied to the output file as usual
# on subsequent iterations we have to do it
if ($RepeatCount -and $Part -gt 1) {
Set-Content $OutputFile $Header
# write this chunk to the output file
Write-Host "Writing $OutputFile"
Add-Content $OutputFile $_
$Part += 1
I found this question while trying to split multiple contacts in a single vCard VCF file to separate files. Here's what I did based on Lee's code. I had to look up how to create a new StreamReader object and changed null to $null.
$reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader("C:\Contacts.vcf")
$count = 1
$filename = "C:\Contacts\{0}.vcf" -f ($count)
while(($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
Add-Content -path $fileName -value $line
if($line -eq "END:VCARD")
$filename = "C:\Contacts\{0}.vcf" -f ($count)
Many of these answers were too slow for my source files. My source files were SQL files between 10 MB and 800 MB that needed to split into files of roughly equal line counts.
I found some of the previous answers which use Add-Content to be quite slow. Waiting many hours for a split to finish wasn't uncommon.
I didn't try Typhlosaurus's answer, but it looks to only do splits by file size, not line count.
The following has suited my purposes.
$sw = new-object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
Write-Host "Reading source file..."
$lines = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines("C:\Temp\SplitTest\source.sql")
$totalLines = $lines.Length
Write-Host "Total Lines :" $totalLines
$skip = 0
$count = 100000; # Number of lines per file
# File counter, with sort friendly name
$fileNumber = 1
$fileNumberString = $filenumber.ToString("000")
while ($skip -le $totalLines) {
$upper = $skip + $count - 1
if ($upper -gt ($lines.Length - 1)) {
$upper = $lines.Length - 1
# Write the lines
# Increment counters
$skip += $count
$fileNumberString = $filenumber.ToString("000")
Write-Host "Split complete in " $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds "seconds"
For a 54 MB file, I get the output...
Reading source file...
Total Lines : 910030
Split complete in 1.7056578 seconds
I hope others looking for a simple, line-based splitting script that matches my requirements will find this useful.
There's also this quick (and somewhat dirty) one-liner:
$linecount=0; $i=0; Get-Content .\BIG_LOG_FILE.txt | %{ Add-Content OUT$i.log "$_"; $linecount++; if ($linecount -eq 3000) {$I++; $linecount=0 } }
You can tweak the number of first lines per batch by changing the hard-coded 3000 value.
Do this:
There's also this quick (and somewhat dirty) one-liner:
$linecount=0; $i=0;
Get-Content .\BIG_LOG_FILE.txt | %
Add-Content OUT$i.log "$_";
if ($linecount -eq 3000) {$I++; $linecount=0 }
You can tweak the number of first lines per batch by changing the hard-coded 3000 value.
Get-Content C:\TEMP\DATA\split\splitme.txt | Select -First 5000 | out-File C:\temp\file1.txt -Encoding ASCII
Get-Content C:\TEMP\DATA\split\splitme.txt | Select -Skip 5000 | Select -First 5000 | out-File C:\temp\file2.txt -Encoding ASCII
Get-Content C:\TEMP\DATA\split\splitme.txt | Select -Skip 10000 | Select -First 5000 | out-File C:\temp\file3.txt -Encoding ASCII
I've made a little modification to split files based on size of each part.
# Breaks a text file into multiple text files in a destination, where each
# file contains a maximum number of lines.
# When working with files that have a header, it is often desirable to have
# the header information repeated in all of the split files. Split-File
# supports this functionality with the -rc (RepeatCount) parameter.
# Specifies the path to an item. Wildcards are permitted.
#.PARAMETER LiteralPath
# Specifies the path to an item. Unlike Path, the value of LiteralPath is
# used exactly as it is typed. No characters are interpreted as wildcards.
# If the path includes escape characters, enclose it in single quotation marks.
# Single quotation marks tell Windows PowerShell not to interpret any
# characters as escape sequences.
#.PARAMETER Destination
# (Or -d) The location in which to place the chunked output files.
# (Or -s) The maximum size of each file. Size must be expressed in MB.
#.PARAMETER RepeatCount
# (Or -rc) Specifies the number of "header" lines from the input file that will
# be repeated in each output file. Typically this is 0 or 1 but it can be any
# number of lines.
# Split-File bigfile.csv -s 20 -rc 1
# Out-TempFile
function Split-File {
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Path', Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='LiteralPath', Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
process {
# yeah! the cmdlet supports wildcards
if ($LiteralPath) { $ResolveArgs = #{LiteralPath=$LiteralPath} }
elseif ($Path) { $ResolveArgs = #{Path=$Path} }
Resolve-Path #ResolveArgs | %{
$InputName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_)
$InputExt = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($_)
if ($RepeatCount) { $Header = Get-Content $_ -TotalCount:$RepeatCount }
Resolve-Path #ResolveArgs | %{
$InputName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_)
$InputExt = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($_)
if ($RepeatCount) { $Header = Get-Content $_ -TotalCount:$RepeatCount }
# get the input file in manageable chunks
$Part = 1
$buffer = ""
Get-Content $_ -ReadCount:1 | %{
# make an output filename with a suffix
$OutputFile = Join-Path $Destination ('{0}-{1:0000}{2}' -f ($InputName,$Part,$InputExt))
# In the first iteration the header will be
# copied to the output file as usual
# on subsequent iterations we have to do it
if ($RepeatCount -and $Part -gt 1) {
Set-Content $OutputFile $Header
# test buffer size and dump data only if buffer is greater than size
if ($buffer.length -gt ($Size * 1MB)) {
# write this chunk to the output file
Write-Host "Writing $OutputFile"
Add-Content $OutputFile $buffer
$Part += 1
$buffer = ""
} else {
$buffer += $_ + "`r"
Sounds like a job for the UNIX command split:
split MyBigFile.csv
Just split my 55 GB csv file in 21k chunks in less than 10 minutes.
It's not native to PowerShell though, but comes with, for instance, the git for windows package https://git-scm.com/download/win
As the lines can be variable in logs I thought it best to take a number of lines per file approach. The following code snippet processed a 4 million line log file in under 19 seconds (18.83.. seconds)splitting it into 500,000 line chunks:
$sourceFile = "c:\myfolder\mylargeTextyFile.csv"
$partNumber = 1
$batchSize = 500000
$pathAndFilename = "c:\myfolder\mylargeTextyFile part $partNumber file.csv"
[System.Text.Encoding]$enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(65001) # utf8 this one
$fs=New-Object System.IO.FileStream ($sourceFile,"OpenOrCreate", "Read", "ReadWrite",8,"None")
$streamIn=New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($fs, $enc)
$streamout = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $pathAndFilename
$line = $streamIn.readline()
$counter = 0
while ($line -ne $null)
$counter +=1
if ($counter -eq $batchsize)
$counter =0
$pathAndFilename = "c:\myfolder\mylargeTextyFile part $partNumber file.csv"
$streamout = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $pathAndFilename
$line = $streamIn.readline()
This can easily be turned into a function or script file with parameters to make it more versatile. It uses a StreamReader and StreamWriter to achieve its speed and tiny memory footprint
My requirement was a bit different. I often work with Comma Delimited and Tab Delimited ASCII files where a single line is a single record of data. And they're really big, so I need to split them into manageable parts (whilst preserving the header row).
So, I reverted back to my classic VBScript method and bashed together a small .vbs script that can be run on any Windows computer (it gets automatically executed by the WScript.exe script host engine on Window).
The benefit of this method is that it uses Text Streams, so the underlying data isn't loaded into memory (or, at least, not all at once). The result is that it's exceptionally fast and it doesn't really need much memory to run. The test file I just split using this script on my i7 was about 1 GB in file size, had about 12 million lines of text and was split into 25 part files (each with about 500k lines each) – the processing took about 2 minutes and it didn’t go over 3 MB memory used at any point.
The caveat here is that it relies on the text file having "lines" (meaning each record is delimited with a CRLF) as the Text Stream object uses the "ReadLine" function to process a single line at a time. But hey, if you're working with TSV or CSV files, it's perfect.
Option Explicit
Private Const INPUT_TEXT_FILE = "c:\bigtextfile.txt"
Private Const REPEAT_HEADER_ROW = True
Private Const LINES_PER_PART = 500000
Dim oFileSystem, oInputFile, oOutputFile, iOutputFile, iLineCounter, sHeaderLine, sLine, sFileExt, sStart
sStart = Now()
iLineCounter = 0
iOutputFile = 1
Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oInputFile = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(INPUT_TEXT_FILE, 1, False)
Set oOutputFile = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(Replace(INPUT_TEXT_FILE, sFileExt, "_" & iOutputFile & sFileExt), 2, True)
iLineCounter = 1
sHeaderLine = oInputFile.ReadLine()
Call oOutputFile.WriteLine(sHeaderLine)
End If
Do While Not oInputFile.AtEndOfStream
sLine = oInputFile.ReadLine()
Call oOutputFile.WriteLine(sLine)
iLineCounter = iLineCounter + 1
If iLineCounter Mod LINES_PER_PART = 0 Then
iOutputFile = iOutputFile + 1
Call oOutputFile.Close()
Set oOutputFile = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(Replace(INPUT_TEXT_FILE, sFileExt, "_" & iOutputFile & sFileExt), 2, True)
Call oOutputFile.WriteLine(sHeaderLine)
End If
End If
Call oInputFile.Close()
Call oOutputFile.Close()
Set oFileSystem = Nothing
Call MsgBox("Done" & vbCrLf & "Lines Processed:" & iLineCounter & vbCrLf & "Part Files: " & iOutputFile & vbCrLf & "Start Time: " & sStart & vbCrLf & "Finish Time: " & Now())
If this may help, it works perfectly for me.
Script check a folder, parse all CSV files and check nb of lines per file.
If file contains more than 55000 lines in file, script split the file into sub-files of 50000 lines and name them " _1, _2, ...."
At end of the script, original file is renamed to avoid a load.
foreach ($MyFile in $MyFolder)
# Read parent CSV
$InputFilename = $MyFile
$InputFile = Get-Content $MyFile
$OutputFilenamePattern = "$MyFile"+"_"
Write-Host ".........."
Write-Host ". File to process"
Write-Host ".........."
WRITE-HOST "$MyVar_file_Path"
Write-Host "$InputFilename"
Write-Host "$OutputFilenamePattern"
Write-Host ".........."
$LineLimit = 50000
# Initialize
$line = 0
$i = 0
$file = 0
$start = 0
$nb_lines = (Get-Content $MyFile).Length
Write-Host ".........."
Write-Host "$nb_lines lines in the file"
Write-Host ".........."
if ($nb_lines -gt 55000)
# Loop all text lines
while ($line -le $InputFile.Length)
# Generate child CSVs
if ($i -eq $LineLimit -Or $line -eq $InputFile.Length)
$Filename = "$OutputFilenamePattern$file.csv"
# $InputFile[0] | Out-File $Filename -Force # Writes Header at the beginning of the line.
If ($file -ne 1) {$InputFile[0] | Out-File $Filename -Force}
$InputFile[$start..($line - 1)] | Out-File $Filename -Force -Append # Original line 19 with the addition of -Append so it doesn't overwrite the headers you just wrote.
# $InputFile[$start..($line-1)] | Out-File $Filename -Force
$start = $line;
$i = 0
Write-Host "$Filename"
# Increment counters
$Source_name = $MyVar_file_Path2 + "\" + $InputFilename
$Destination_name = $MyVar_file_Path2 + "\" + "Splitted_" + $InputFilename
Write-Host ".........."
Write-Host ". File to rename"
Write-Host ".........."
Write-Host "$Source_name"
Write-Host "$Destination_name"
Write-Host ".........."
Rename-Item $Source_name -NewName $Destination_name
Write-Host "."
Write-Host "."
Here is my solution to split a file called patch6.txt (about 32,000 lines) into separate files of 1000 lines each. Its not quick, but it does the job.
$infile = "D:\Malcolm\Test\patch6.txt"
$path = "D:\Malcolm\Test\"
$lineCount = 1
$fileCount = 1
foreach ($computername in get-content $infile)
write $computername | out-file -Append $path_$fileCount".txt"
if ($lineCount -eq 1000)
$lineCount = 1