In the following code, if I use (), I don't need to explicitly call apply of CanBuilder
implicit val pReads:Reads[P] = (
(JsPath \ "id").readNullable[UUID] and
(JsPath \ "description").read[String] and
)(P.apply _)
But if I use {}, I have to call apply. Why?
implicit val pReads:Reads[P] = {
(JsPath \ "id").readNullable[UUID] and
(JsPath \ "description").read[String] and
}.apply((P.apply _))
I'm trying to set up a JSON response that I got from a weather API to fit in a model class I defined in order to use it easily, but I can't get to do it.
Here is the class :
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
case class Forecast(var main: String, var description: String, var temp: Int, var tempMin: Int, var tempMax: Int)
object Forecast {
implicit val forecastJsonFormat: Reads[Forecast] = (
(JsPath \ "weather" \\"main").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "weather" \\"description").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "main" \\"temp").read[Int] and
(JsPath \ "main" \\"temp_min").read[Int] and
(JsPath \ "main" \\"temp_max").read[Int]
) (Forecast.apply _)
and this is the code in the controller :
def weather = Action.async { => {
val jsonString = response.json.toString()
val jsonObject = Json.parse(jsonString)
// TODO: Create t [Forecast] Object which represents the response.json data to send it to the view below
example of the response.json I'am getting :
{"coord":{"lon":37.62,"lat":55.75},"weather":[{"id":600,"main":"Snow","description":"light snow","icon":"13n"},{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50n"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":269.15,"pressure":1024,"humidity":92,"temp_min":268.15,"temp_max":270.15},"visibility":3100,"wind":{"speed":2,"deg":200},"clouds":{"all":90},"dt":1546266600,"sys":{"type":1,"id":9029,"message":0.0029,"country":"RU","sunrise":1546235954,"sunset":1546261585},"id":524901,"name":"Moscow","cod":200}
You have to change main to Seq[String] and description to Seq[String] and temp, tempMin, tempMax to Double
I used a different way to create the reads here, but this way will throw an exception if the format is different than the expected format.
case class Forecast(main: Seq[String], description: Seq[String], temp: Double, tempMin: Double, tempMax: Double)
object Forecast {
val reads = new Reads[Forecast] {
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Forecast] = {
val main = (json \ "weather" \\ "main").map([String]).toList
val description = (json \ "weather" \\ "description").map([String]).toList
val temp = (json \ "main" \ "temp").as[Double]
val tempMin = (json \ "main" \ "temp_min").as[Double]
val tempMax = (json \ "main" \ "temp_max").as[Double]
JsSuccess(Forecast(main, description, temp, tempMin, tempMax))
or you can use the same way you are using, but parse the list in different way:
val forecastJsonFormat: Reads[Forecast] = (
(JsPath \ "weather").read[List[Map[String, JsValue]]].map("main").as[String])) and
(JsPath \ "weather").read[List[Map[String, JsValue]]].map("description").as[String])) and
(JsPath \ "main" \ "temp").read[Double] and
(JsPath \ "main" \ "temp_min").read[Double] and
(JsPath \ "main" \ "temp_max").read[Double]
) (Forecast.apply _)
I finally got to do it and here is how :
In the model I have my case class defined and a companion object that parses the JSON response I got from the web API to my class arguments
Model code :
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
case class Forecast(main: String, description: String, temp: Double, tempMin: Double, tempMax: Double)
object Forecast {
implicit val forecastReads: Reads[Forecast] = (
(JsPath \ "weather" \\ "main").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "weather" \\ "description").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "main" \ "temp").read[Double] and
(JsPath \ "main" \ "temp_min").read[Double] and
(JsPath \ "main" \ "temp_max").read[Double]
) (Forecast.apply _)
In the controller code I added a pattern matching and here it is !
Controller code :
def weather = Action.async { => {
val parseResult = Json.fromJson[Forecast](response.json)
parseResult match {
case JsSuccess(forecast, JsPath) => Ok(
case JsError(error) => InternalServerError("Something went wrong!!") // Note that I'm not sure this result exists in Play...
i'm a scala newbie...
let's say i have a case class like this:
case class Event(name: Option[String]) {}
i want to use the Play framework to parse it. however, sometimes i get a json payload where the first letter of the key is uppercase and sometimes lowercase. like so:
"name": "group_unsubscribe",
"Name": "group_unsubscribe",
how can i account for these possibilities using a complex reads?
i have tried with things like:
implicit val reads: Reads[Event] = (
((JsPath \ "name").readNullable[String] or
(JsPath \ "Name").readNullable[String])
)(Event.apply _)
but no joy :(
You need to re-write your Reads as:
implicit val reads: Reads[Event] = (
(JsPath \ "name").readNullable[String] orElse
(JsPath \ "Name").readNullable[String]
Update 1 taking into account the comments:
import play.api.libs.json.Reads
implicit val reads: Reads[Event] = (
(JsPath \ "name").read[String] orElse
(JsPath \ "Name").read[String]
).map(name => Event(Option(name)))
Note: this implementation assumes that either "name" or "Name" will always be present in the incoming JSON document.
In order to capture the possibility of failure, you should use .validate[T] instead of .as[T].
Update 2 taking into account further comments:
Whether you have one or more attributes in your type doesn't change much. If your type had another field called somethingElse you would need to adapt your Reads to something like:
implicit val reads: Reads[Event] = (
((JsPath \ "name").read[String] orElse
(JsPath \ "Name").read[String]).map(Option(_)) ~
(JsPath \ "somethingElse").read[String]
)(Event.apply _)
i have to check either the password field is alphanumeric or not and if not it will throw custom Validation error i am using play-framework but getting compile time error
value checkAlphanumeric is not a member of
- value checkAlphanumeric is not a member of
i am unable to achive my desired outcome i am doing it wrong that's why i need here is the code
case class userUserSignUpValidation(firstName: String,
lastName: String,
email: String,
password: String) extends Serializable
object UserSignUpValidation {
val allNumbers = """\d*""".r
val allLetters = """[A-Za-z]*""".r
var validationErrorMsg=""
implicit val readDirectUser: Reads[DirectUserSignUpValidation] = (
(JsPath \ "firstName").read(minLength[String](1)) and
(JsPath \ "lastName").read(minLength[String](1)) and
(JsPath \ "email").read(email) and
(JsPath \ "password").read(minLength[String](8)checkAlphanumeric))(UserSignUpValidation.apply _)
def checkAlphanumeric(password:String)={
val allNumbers = """\d*""".r
val allLetters = """[A-Za-z]*""".r
val errors = password match {
case allNumbers() => Seq(ValidationError("Password is all numbers"))
case allLetters() => Seq(ValidationError("Password is all letters"))
case _ => Nil
i am getting the error on this line
(JsPath \ "password").read(minLength[String](8)checkAlphanumeric))(UserSignUpValidation.apply _)
what is the right way to implement an above scenario
Your problem is that you cannot use your checkAlphanumeric method that way. What you probably want is a filter on the Reads, so I would suggest doing something as follow (I changed the implementation for the check, using pre-existing methods):
implicit val readDirectUser: Reads[DirectUserSignUpValidation] = (
(JsPath \ "firstName").read(minLength[String](1)) and
(JsPath \ "lastName").read(minLength[String](1)) and
(JsPath \ "email").read(email) and
(JsPath \ "password").read(minLength[String](8).
filterNot(ValidationError("Password is all numbers"))(_.forall(_.isDigit)).
filterNot(ValidationError("Password is all letters"))(_.forall(_.isLetter))
)) (UserSignUpValidation.apply _)
Well I wonder why don't you run validations inside case class?
case class userUserSignUpValidation(firstName: String,
lastName: String,
email: String,
password: String) {
assert(!password.matches("""[A-Za-z]*""") && !password.matches("""\d*"""), "Invalid password")
// have other field validations here
And in you UserSignUpValidation use a implicit formatter like this:
object UserSignUpValidation {
implicit val userFormatter = JSON.format[userUserSignUpValidation]
// de-serialization code here
I need to serialize a String and an Option[Boolean]:
val myWrites = (
(__ \ "box").write(
(__ \ "name").write[String] ~
(__ \ "default").writeNullable[Boolean]
If Option[Boolean] is Some then I'd expect
"box": {
"name": "John",
"default": true
... while if Option[Boolean] is None I'd expect
"box": {
"name": "John"
Given the following variables...
val name = "John"
val default = Some(true)
... how do I pass them to the Writes? I've tried this:
myWrites.writes(name, defaul)
... but it doesn't compile:
No Json serializer found for type play.api.libs.functional.FunctionalBuilder[play.api.libs.json.OWrites]#CanBuild2[String,Option[Boolean]].
Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type.
[error] (__ \ "box").write(
I think its just a typo in your writes. you have defaul vs default
I was able to use
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
val myWrites = (
(__ \ "box").write(
(__ \ "name").write[String] ~
(__ \ "default").writeNullable[Boolean]
and I got back
res0: play.api.libs.json.JsObject = {"box":{"name":"hi","default":true}}