Perl line/delimiter file formatting syntax - perl

I'm trying to figure out how to use a code that's written in perl, but am not very familiar with perl syntax. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the format of the file #metafilecache is? The code is failing to read the samplerate within the file, but I'm not sure how I have it formatted incorrectly. Here's the excerpt of the code I think is appropriate:
my $tnet = $ARGV[0];
my $tsta = $ARGV[1];
my $stadir = $ARGV[2];
if ( ! -d "$targetdir" ) {
mkdir "$targetdir" || die "Cannot create $targetdir: $?\n";
die "Cannot find PDF bin base dir: $pdfbinbase\n" if ( ! -d "$pdfbinbase" );
my %targetdays = ();
my %targetchan = ();
# Collect target files in the $pdfbinbase dir, limited by $changlob
foreach my $nsldir (glob("$pdfbinbase/{CHRYS}/$tnet.$tsta.*")) {
next if ( ! -d "$nsldir" ); # Limit to directories
# Extract location ID from directory name
my ($net,$sta,$loc) = $nsldir =~ /\/(\w+)\.(\w+)\.([\w-]+)$/;
if ( $net ne $tnet ) {
print "Target network ($tnet) != network ($net)\n";
if ( $sta ne $tsta ) {
print "Target station ($tsta) != station ($sta)\n";
foreach my $chandir (glob("$nsldir/$changlob")) {
next if ( ! -d "$chandir" ); # Limit to directories
# Extract channel code from directory name
my ($chan) = $chandir =~ /.*\/([\w\d]+)$/;
foreach my $yeardir (glob("$chandir/Y*")) {
next if ( ! -d "$yeardir" ); # Limit to directories
# Extract year from directory name
my ($year) = $yeardir =~ /^.*\/Y(\d{4,4})$/;
foreach my $daybin (glob("$yeardir/D*.bin")) {
next if ( ! -f "$daybin" ); # Limit to regular files
my ($day) = $daybin =~ /^.*\/D(\d{3,3})\.bin$/;
$targetdays{"$loc.$chan.$year.$day"} = $daybin;
$targetchan{"$loc.$chan"} = 1;
if ( $verbose > 1 ) {
print "Target days from PDF bin files:\n";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $tday (sort keys %targetdays) {
print "Target day: $tday => $targetdays{$tday}\n";
print "Targets: $count\n";
# Remove targets that have already been calculated by checking
# results files against targets.
foreach my $tchan ( keys %targetchan ) {
my ($loc,$chan) = split (/\./, $tchan);
# Generate target file name
my $targetfile = undef;
if ( $loc ne "--" ) { $targetfile = "$targetdir/$prefix-$loc.$chan"; }
else { $targetfile = "$targetdir/$prefix-$chan"; }
print "\nChecking target file for previous results: $targetfile\n"
if ( $verbose );
next if ( ! -f "$targetfile" );
# Open result file and remove any targets that are included
open IN, "$targetfile" || next;
foreach my $line (<IN>) {
next if ( $line =~ /^YEAR\.DAY/ );
my ($year,$day) = $line =~ /^(\d+).(\d+)/;
# Delete this target
delete $targetdays{"$loc.$chan.$year.$day"};
close IN;
if ( $verbose > 1 ) {
print "Remaining target days:\n";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $tday (sort keys %targetdays) {
print "Target day: $tday => $targetdays{$tday}\n";
print "Remaining Targets: $count\n";
my %targetfiles = ();
# Calculate and store PDF mode for each target day
TARGET: foreach my $tday (sort keys %targetdays) {
my ($loc,$chan,$year,$day) = split (/\./, $tday);
my %power = ();
my %count = ();
my #period = ();
# Determine sampling rate
my $samprate = GetSampRate ($tnet,$tsta,$loc,$chan);
print "Samplerate for $tnet $tsta $loc $chan is: $samprate\n" if (
$verbose );
if ( ! defined $samprate ) {
if ( ($tsta eq "ECSD") || ($tsta eq "SFJ") || ($tsta eq "CASEE") ||
($tsta eq "JSC") ){
else {
print "Cannot determine sample rate for channel
This is the subroutine GetSampRate:
sub GetSampRate { # GetSampRate (net,sta,loc,chan)
my $net = shift;
my $sta = shift;
my $loc = shift;
my $chan = shift;
my $samprate = undef;
# Generate source name: Net_Sta_Loc_Chan
my $srcname = "${net}_${sta}_";
$srcname .= ($loc eq "--") ? "_" : "${loc}_";
$srcname .= "$chan";
if ( $#metafilecache < 0 ) {
my $metafile = "$stadir/metadata.txt";
if ( ! -f "$metafile" ) {
print "GetSampRate(): Cannot find metadata file: $metafile\n";
return undef;
# Open metadata file
if ( ! (open MF, "<$metafile") ) {
print "GetSampRate(): Cannot open: $metafile\n";
return undef;
# Read all lines in the metafilecache
#metafilecache = <MF>;
close MF;
# Read all lines starting with srcname into #lines
my #lines = grep { /^$srcname/ } #metafilecache;
# Find maximum of sample rates for this channel
foreach my $line ( #lines ) {
my #fields = split(/\t/, $line);
my $rate = $fields[7];
$samprate = $rate if (!defined $samprate || $rate > $samprate);
return $samprate;

The code you have shown is very clunky.
As far this scope is concerned, the file is called $stadir/metadata.txt and I can't help with $stadir as it's either undefined or a global value that is set elsewhere — not a great design idea
After that, #metafilecache = <MF> loads the entire file into the array #metafilecache, leaving a trailing newline character at the end of each element
Then my #lines = grep { /^$srcname/ } #metafilecache duplicates to #lines all lines beginning with the string held in $srcname. This is another global variable that shouldn't be used
The following for loop splits the line on tab ("\t" or "\x09") separators and sets $rate to the eighth value ($fields[7]). $samprate is updated at each iteration if the latest value of $rate is greater than the current stored maximum
I hope that helps


how to replace specific line by write appending to file

i have two files . one is user's input file and another file is original config file. After comparing two files , do add/delete functions in my original config file.
user's input file: (showing line by line)
add:L28A:Z:W #add--> DID ID --> Bin ID
original input file
based on user's input file , first is doing add function second is delete function and third is replace function.
so output for original input txt file should show:
but my code is showing :
how can i replace above three lines with new modify lines?
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
use vars qw($requestfile $requestcnt $configfile $config2cnt $my3file $myfile3cnt $new_file $new_filecnt #output);
my $requestfile = "DID1.txt"; #user's input file
my $configfile = "DID.txt"; #original config file
my $new_file = "newDID.txt";
readFileinString($requestfile, \$requestcnt);
readFileinString($configfile, \$config2cnt);
copy($configfile, $new_file) or die "The copy operation failed: $!";
while ($requestcnt =~ m/^((\w){3})\:([^\n]+)$/mig) #Each line from user request
my $action = $1;
my $requestFullLine = $3;
while ($requestFullLine =~ m/^((\w){4})\:([^\n]+)$/mig) #Each line from user request
my $DID = $1; #DID
my $requestBinList = $3; #Bin List in user request
#my #First_values = split /\:/, $requestBinList;
if ($config2cnt =~ m/^$DID\:([^\n]+)$/m) #configfile
my $ConfigFullLine = $1; #Bin list in config
my $testfile = $1;
my #First_values = split /\:/, $ConfigFullLine;
my #second_values = split /\:/, $requestBinList;
foreach my $sngletter(#second_values) # Each line from user request
if( grep {$_ eq "$sngletter"} #First_values)
print " $DID - $sngletter - Existing bin..\n\n";
print "$DID - $sngletter - Not existing bin..\n\n";
print "Choose option 1.Yes 2.No\n";
my $option = <STDIN>;
if ($option == 1) {
open(DES,'>>',$configfile) or die $!;
if($action eq 'add')
$ConfigFullLine =~ s/$/$requestBinList/g;
my $add = "$DID:$ConfigFullLine";
print DES "$add\n" ;
print"New Added Bin Valu $add\n\n";
if ( $action eq 'del')
foreach my $sngletter(#second_values){
$ConfigFullLine =~ s/$sngletter://g;
print DES "$DID:$ConfigFullLine\n";
print "New Deleted Bin Value $DID:$ConfigFullLine\n\n";
if ( $action eq 'rpl')
my $ConfigFullLine = $requestBinList;
my $replace = "$DID:$ConfigFullLine";
print DES "$replace\n";
print"Replace Bin Value $replace\n\n";
elsif ($option == 2)
print"Start from begining\n";
print "user chose invalid process or input is wrong\n";
print "New DID $DID detected\n";}
sub readFileinString
my $File = shift;
my $string = shift;
use File::Basename;
my $filenames = basename($File);
open(FILE1, "<$File") or die "\nFailed Reading File: [$File]\n\tReason: $!";
read(FILE1, $$string, -s $File, 0);
The problem is here:
open(DES,'>>',$configfile) or die $!;
You open your file for appending. So you get the original data, followed by your edited data.
Update: It appears that you have a working solution now, but I thought it might be interesting to show you how I would write this.
This program is a Unix filter. That is, it reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT. I find that far more flexible than hard-coded filenames. You also don't have to explicitly open files - which saves time :-)
It also takes a command-line option, -c, telling it which file contains the edit definitions. So it is called like this (assuming we've called the program edit_files:
$ edit_files -c edit_definitions.txt < your_input_file > your_output_file
And here's the code.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
getopts('e:', \%opts);
my %edits = read_edits($opts{e});
while (<>) {
my ($key, $val) = split /:/, $_, 2; #/ stop faulty syntax highlight
if (!exists $edits{$key}) {
print "$_\n";
my $edit = $edits{$key};
if ($edit->[0] eq 'add') {
print "$_$edit->[1]\n";
} elsif ($edit->[0] eq 'del') {
$val =~ s/$_:// for split /:/, $edit->[1]; #/
print "$key:$val\n";
} elsif ($edit->[0] eq 'rpl') {
print "$key:$edit->[1]\n";
} else {
warn "$edit->[0] is an invalid edit type\n";
sub read_edits {
my $file = shift;
open my $edit_fh, '<', $file or die $!;
my %edits;
while (<$edit_fh>) {
# Remove comments
s/\s*#.*//; #/
my ($type, $key, $val) = split /:/, $_, 3; #/
$edits{$key} = [ $type, $val ];

How to grep string and assign it to a variable in Perl

I have a file with the below details;
file name: allappsclus
I want to use the value for i-XXX"= in associated cont name and assign it to another variable.
If run my code and get an output it is
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $jupyter = 0;
my $controller = 0;
my $rstudio = 0;
my $zeppelin = 0;
my $fh= '/tmp/allappsclus';
open my $fh2, '<', $fh or die "Cannot open file: $!\n";
while ( <$fh2> ) {
if ( $_ =~ /jup/ ) {
$jupyter = 1;
elsif ( $_ =~ /con/ ) {
$controller = 1;
elsif ( $_ =~ /rs/ ) {
$rstudio = 1;
elsif ( $_ =~ /zep/ ) {
$zeppelin = 1;
print "test-$rs.$con.$jup.$zep\n";
if ( $zepeq '0' && $jup eq '0' && $con eq '1' && $rs eq '1' ) {
print "insideif-CNS";
else {
print "do nothing";
close $fh;
close $fh2;
Now I want to print the value i-02dd208bf1d81c254 instead of CNS in the output.
$myStr = "cont:i-02dd208bf1d81c254 rs:i-0098ad0b59b7fe7cf";
if ($myStr =~ /cont:([^ ]+)/) # match the full pattern with the value you required
$cont = $1; # assign required value to a variable
print $cont; # print the variable
This might work for you.

Perl subroutine not running when script executed from Nagios XI back-end

I have a Perl script that is executed from Nagios XI.
It has two subroutines: SendEmail and SendTraps.
The script works fine when executed manually by passing the required parameters, but it doesn't work when triggered from Nagios. The script gets executed but the subroutines are skipped.
echo is working, but the two subroutines are not working even if the condition is met.
if ( ( $hoststatetype =~ m/HARD/ ) && ( $hoststate =~ m/DOWN/ ) ) {
`echo "HOST::$prihost $hostoutput">>/tmp/failover_log.txt`;
Full script here:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
# Declared all the variables here
# Parsing input arguments
if ( $#ARGV > -1 ) {
if ( $ARGV[0] eq "-nagiosxi_trigger" ) {
$prihost = $ARGV[1];
$hoststate = $ARGV[2];
$hoststatetype = $ARGV[3];
$hostoutput = $ARGV[4];
elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq "-manual_trigger" ) {
$comment = $ARGV[1];
$userid = $ARGV[2];
$flag = "Failover-Trigger_Manual";
print "Maunal Failover triggered with comment: $comment by $userid\n";
$error_desc = "Maunal Failover triggered with comment: $comment by $userid";
exit 0;
else {
print STDERR "Invalid parameter $ARGV[0] \n";
exit 1;
else {
print STDERR "ERROR:No Arguments Passed.\n";
exit 1
# Check if Host or Service is in Hard/down state
if ( ( $hoststatetype =~ m/HARD/ ) && ( $hoststate =~ m/DOWN/ ) ) {
`echo "HOST::$prihost $hostoutput">>/tmp/failover_log.txt`;
elsif ( ( $hoststatetype =~ m/SOFT/ ) && ( $hoststate =~ m/DOWN/ ) ) {
`echo "HOST::$prihost $hostoutput">>/tmp/failover_log.txt`;
else {
`echo "HOST Good, $prihost $hostoutput">>/tmp/failover_log.txt`;
# Sub-Routines
sub failover {
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ sep_char => ',' }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag ();;
my $file = "myxilist";
my $primary;
my $secondary;
#my $xienv;
my $host = `hostname`;
chomp $host;
open( my $data, '<', $file ) or die "Could not open '$file' $!\n";
while ( my $xi = <$data> ) {
chomp $xi;
if ( $csv->parse($xi) ) {
my #fields = $csv->fields();
if ( $fields[0] =~ m/$host/ ) {
$primary = $fields[1];
$secondary = $fields[0];
$xienv = $fields[2];
elsif ( $fields[1] =~ m/$host/ ) {
$primary = $fields[0];
$secondary = $fields[1];
$xienv = $fields[2];
else {
warn "Line could not be parsed: $xi\n";
exit 1;
my $failovermsg="failover successful from $primary to $secondary server";
return $failovermsg;
sub sendMail {
# Build the list for mailing out results
my $mailSubject;
my $mailID = "test\";
my #results = failover();
$mailSubject = "Failover Successful on $xienv instance";
print "Sending email to $mailID \n";
`echo "sending Email">>/tmp/failover_log.txt`;
open MAILX, "|/usr/bin/mailx -s \"$mailSubject\" $mailID " or die $!;
print MAILX "#results";
close MAILX;
sub send_trap {
# Sending SNMP traps
my #results = failover();
my $trap = `/usr/bin/snmptrap -v 2c -c public tcp:server:1010 '' MIB::Event Hostname s "$xienv" nSvcDesc s "$flag" nSvcStateID i 2 nSvcOutput s "#results"`;
Any thoughts what could be missing?
Issue was in the failover() SubRoutine. I was calling a file "myxilist" that was present in the same directory as the script.
So, the script was working fine when called manually, but when it is triggered from application, script is getting executed from some other directory and the failover sub exits, as it's not able to open the file.
I've provided the full path of the file and the script works fine.
Thank you all for your help.

"No such file" when opening multiple files in a directory, but no error when opening only one file

I can open one file in a directory and run the following code. However, when I try to use the same code on multiple files within a directory, I get an error regarding there not being a file.
I have tried to make sure that I am naming the files correctly, that they are in the right format, that they are located in my current working directory, and that things are referenced correctly.
I know a lot of people have had this error before and have posted similar questions, but any help would be appreciated.
Working code:
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use List::Util qw( min max );
my $RawSequence = loadSequence("LDTest.fasta");
my $windowSize = 38;
my $stepSize = 1;
my %hash;
my $s1;
my $s2;
my $dist;
for ( my $windowStart = 0; $windowStart <= 140; $windowStart += $stepSize ) {
my $s1 = substr( $$RawSequence, $windowStart, $windowSize );
# the 28 nt forward primer after the barcode plus the first 10 nt of the mtDNA dequence
my $dist = levdist( $s1, $s2 );
$hash{$dist} = $s1;
#print "Distance between '$s1' and '$s2' is $dist\n";
sub levdist {
my ( $seq1, $seq2 ) = (#_)[ 0, 1 ];
my $l1 = length($s1);
my $l2 = length($s2);
my #s1 = split '', $seq1;
my #s2 = split '', $seq2;
my $distances;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $l1; $i++ ) {
$distances->[$i]->[0] = $i;
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $l2; $j++ ) {
$distances->[0]->[$j] = $j;
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $l1; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 1; $j <= $l2; $j++ ) {
my $cost;
if ( $s1[ $i - 1 ] eq $s2[ $j - 1 ] ) {
$cost = 0;
else {
$cost = 1;
$distances->[$i]->[$j] = minimum(
$distances->[ $i - 1 ]->[ $j - 1 ] + $cost,
$distances->[$i]->[ $j - 1 ] + 1,
$distances->[ $i - 1 ]->[$j] + 1,
my $min_distance = $distances->[$l1]->[$l2];
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $l1; $i++ ) {
$min_distance = minimum( $min_distance, $distances->[$i]->[$l2] );
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $l2; $j++ ) {
$min_distance = minimum( $min_distance, $distances->[$l1]->[$j] );
return $min_distance;
sub minimum {
my $min = shift #_;
foreach (#_) {
if ( $_ < $min ) {
$min = $_;
return $min;
sub loadSequence {
my ($sequenceFile) = #_;
my $sequence = "";
unless ( open( FASTA, "<", $sequenceFile ) ) {
die $!;
while (<FASTA>) {
my $line = $_;
if ( $line !~ /^>/ ) {
$sequence .= $line; #if the line doesn't start with > it is the sequence
return \$sequence;
my #keys = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %hash;
my $BestMatch = $hash{ keys [0] };
if ( $keys[0] < 8 ) {
print ">|Forward|Distance_of_Best_Match: $keys[0] |Sequence_of_Best_Match: $BestMatch", "\n",
"$$RawSequence", "\n";
Here is an abbreviated version of my non-working code. Things that haven't changed I didn't included:
Headers and Globals:
my $dir = ("/Users/roblogan/Documents/FakeFastaFiles");
my #ArrayofFiles = glob "$dir/*.fasta";
foreach my $file ( #ArrayofFiles ) {
open( my $Opened, $file ) or die "can't open file: $!";
while ( my $OpenedFile = <$Opened> ) {
my $RawSequence = loadSequence($OpenedFile);
for ( ... ) {
">|Forward|Distance_of_Best_Match: $keys[0] |Sequence_of_Best_Match: $BestMatch",
"\n", "$$RawSequence", "\n";
The exact error is:
Uncaught exception from user code:
No such file or directory at ./ line 93, <$Opened> line 1.
main::loadSequence('{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf470\x{a}') called at ./ line 22
line 93:
89 sub loadSequence{
90 my ($sequenceFile) = #_;
91 my $sequence = "";
92 unless (open(FASTA, "<", $sequenceFile)){
93 die $!;
94 }
Line 22:
18 foreach my $file ( #ArrayofFiles ) {
19 open (my $Opened, $file) or die "can't open file: $!";
20 while (my $OpenedFile = <$Opened>) {
22 my $RawSequence = loadSequence($OpenedFile);
I just learned that "FASTA file" is a settled term. Wasn't aware of that and previously thought they are some files and contain filenames or something. As #zdim already said, you're opening these files twice.
The following code gets a list of FASTA files (only the filenames) and then calls loadSequence with each such a filename. That subroutine then opens the given file, concatenates the none-^> lines to one big line and returns it.
# input: the NAME of a FASTA file
# return: all sequences in that file as one very long string
sub loadSequence
my ($fasta_filename) = #_;
my $sequence = "";
open( my $fasta_fh, '<', $fasta_filename ) or die "Cannot open $fasta_filename: $!\n";
while ( my $line = <$fasta_fh> ) {
if ( $line !~ /^>/ ) {
$sequence .= $line; #if the line doesn't start with > it is the sequence
return $sequence;
# ...
my $dir = '/Users/roblogan/Documents/FakeFastaFiles';
my #ArrayofFiles = glob "$dir/*.fasta";
foreach my $filename (#ArrayofFiles) {
my $RawSequence = loadSequence($filename);
# ...
You seem to be trying to open files twice. The line
my #ArrayofFiles = glob "$dir/*.fasta";
Gives you the list of files. Then
foreach my $file (#ArrayofFiles){
open (my $Opened, $file) or die "can't open file: $!";
while (my $OpenedFile = <$Opened>) {
my $RawSequence = loadSequence($OpenedFile);
# ...
does the following, line by line. It iterates through files, opens each, reads a line from it, and then submits that line to the function loadSequence().
However, in that function you attempt to open a file again
sub loadSequence{
my ($sequenceFile) = #_;
my $sequence = "";
unless (open(FASTA, "<", $sequenceFile)){
# ...
The $sequenceFile variable in the function is passed to the function as $OpenedFile -- which is a line in the file that is already opened and being read from, not the file name. While I am not certain about details of your code, the error you show seems to be consistent with this.
It may be that you are confusing the glob, which gives you the list of files, with the opendir which would indeed need a following readdir to access the files.
Try renaming $OpenedFile to, say, $line (which it is) and see how it looks then.

Renaming files using hash table in perl

I have made a perl code which is shown below. Here what I am trying to do is first get input from a text file consisting of a HTTP URL with a Title.
thus the first regex is the title and the second regex fetches the id from inside the URL.
All these values are inserted into the hash table %myfilenames().
So this hash table has key as the URL id, and value as the Title. Everything till here works fine, now I have a set of files on my computer which have the ID in their name which we extracted from the URL.
What I want to do is that if the ID is there in the hash table, then the files name should change to the value assigned to the ID. Now the output at the print statement in the last function is correct but I am unable to rename the files. I tried many things, but nothing works. Can someone help please.
example stuff:
URL: <--- ID
Value (new Title) : ABC
file name on computer = file-789012 <---- ID
new file name = ABC
My code:
use File::Slurp;
use File::Copy qw(move);
open( F, '<hadoop.txt' );
$key = '';
$value = '';
%myfilenames = ();
foreach (<F>) {
if ( $_ =~ /Lecture/ ) {
$value = $_;
if ( $_ =~ /https/ ) {
if ( $_ =~ /\d{6}/ ) {
$key = $&;
if ( !( $value eq '' || $key eq '' ) ) {
#print "$key\t\t$value";
$myfilenames{$key} = $value;
$key = '';
$value = '';
#while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %myfilenames ) { print "$k $v\n"; }
my #files = read_dir 'C:\\inputfolder';
for (#files) {
if ( $_ =~ /\d{6}/ ) {
$oldval = $&;
$newval = $myfilenames{$oldval};
print $_ , "\t\t$newval" . "\n";
$key = '';
You probably didn't prepend the path to the file names. The following works for me (on a Linux box):
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Slurp qw{ read_dir };
my $dir = 0;
mkdir $dir;
open my $FH, '>', "$dir/$_" for 123456, 234567;
my $key = my $value = q();
my %myfilenames = ();
for (<DATA>) {
$value = $_ if /Lecture/;
$key = $1 if /https/ and /(\d{6})/;
if ($value ne q() and $key ne q()) {
$myfilenames{$key} = $value;
$key = $value = q();
my #files = read_dir($dir);
for (#files) {
if (/(\d{6})/) {
my $oldval = $1;
my $newval = $myfilenames{$oldval};
rename "$dir/$oldval", "$dir/$newval";
Lecture A1
# Comment
Lecture A2