BIRT Mathematics on data set - eclipse

I am pretty new to Birt reporting, i can make simple charts and tables, bet when it comes to some calculation of values from data sets - i have no clue in which direction should i watch.
For example i have this simple data set:
count1 count2 max type lenght
616 3858 21 STEEL 20
723 4432 14 STEEL 40
854 5869 21 ALL 20
838 5225 14 ALL 40
And i would like to have Birt to calculate approximately this:
SUM(count2)/SUM(count1) WHERE type=ALL
so this
My question would be how could i get there. At this point i think i would need just the right direction how these kind of operations could be made.
Thanks in advance.

I presume you want to display this value somewhere on the report, like at the bottom of a table where this data is presented. If this is the case then add an aggregation data element to the footer of the table where the data is displayed. In the aggregation data element you will have the opportunity to specify an expression SUM(count2) and a filter condition [type=ALL]. You can then do the division in another data element.
If you want to simply compute the value you described you you could do it with SQL, i.e. SELECT SUM(count2)/SUM(count1) FROM myTable WHERE type='ALL'. You would have to provide the data to the report as a data source which could be in the form of an excel spreadsheet, *.csv, database connection, etc.
So there are a few ways to do this depending on what your requirements are.


Tableau counting multiple blanks

I have a dataset containing roughly 50 columns. I want to check the data inputs and show how many blanks/if any are in each column.
I originally started using calculated fields for columns and using sum(if isnull([column] then 1 else 0 end)). This works but doesn’t seem very efficient if I want to do it for multiple columns.
Tried doing a pivot table as well however I need the data in it’s original form for other analysis I would like to do.
Would appreciate any help.

RDL is taking very longtime to render the report

In my report, I have 1 Tablix and 40 columns, i am simply dumping my data into the report, Scenario is as follow:
First row is for heading of the reports.
In Second row, i have data bound columns.
In third row, SUM expression.
I have some 5000 rows in my data table, This scenario is taking around 18 seconds to render the report.
Now the problem is that I need to apply colors dynamically eg.
=iif(CellValue >= 0 , "Black","Red") to all of my columns. as soon as i have applied this expression, report took around 5 mins to render.
Kindly share you expertise.
Inderjeet Singh
Sometimes SSRS has a bit of trouble doing lots of calculations during rendering. One thing to try is to have this calculation done as a column in the SQL if you can. Then simply refer to this field to determine the color. If you can't do that, add a calculated field to your dataset so that the calculations are done at a higher level than cell-by-cell. That usually helps too.
Based on my personal experience I have found that adding filters within SSRS tends to slow it down. Based on your dataset though it should not have much problem.
Additionally, if you have a grouping set to display pages on a single page (i.e. Keep together) that will slow it down as well.

Select value in table in tableau

I am quite new to Tableau, so have patience with me :)
I have two tables,
Table one (T1) contains all my data with the first row being Year-Week, like 2014-01, 2014-02, and so on. Quick question regarding this, how do I make Tableau consider this as a date, and not as string?
T1 contains a lot of data that looks like this:
YearWeek Spend TV Movies
2014-01 5000 42 12
2014-02 4800 41 32
2014-03 2000 24 14
2015-24 7000 45 65
I have another table (T2) that contains information regarding some values I want to multiply with the T1 columns, T2 looks like:
NAME TV Movies
Weight 2 5
Response 6 3
Ad 7 2
Version 1 0
I want to create a calculated field (TVNEW) that takes the values from T1 of TV, and adds Response(TV) to it, and times it with the weight(TV),
So something like this:
This looks like this for the rows:
So the calculation should take a specific value from T2, and do the calculation for each value in T1[TV]
Thanks in advance
The easy answer to your question will be: No, not natively.
What you want to do sounds like accessing a 2 dimensional array and that's not really the intention of Tableau. Additionally you have 2 completely independent tables without a common attribute to JOIN on. Tableau is just not meant to work that way.
I cannot think of a way to dynamically extract that value (I assume your example is just that, an example; and in your case you don't just use two values in the calculation, otherwise you could create 2 parameters that you can use in your calculated fields)
When I look at your tables it looks like you could transpose and join them that they ideally look like this: (Edit: Comment says transposing is not an option)
Medium Value YearWeek Spend
Movies 12 2014-01 5,000
Movies 32 2014-02 4,000
Movies 14 2014-03 2,000
Movies 65 2015-24 7,000
TV 42 2014-01 5,000
TV 41 2014-02 4,000
TV 24 2014-03 2,000
TV 45 2015-24 7,000
Medium Weight Response Ad Version
TV 2 6 7 1
Movies 5 3 2 0
Depending on the systems you work with you could already put it in one CSV or table so you wouldn't have to do a JOIN in Tableau.
Now you can create the first table natively in Tableau (from Version 9.0 onwards), if you open your data source, in the Data Source Preview choose the columns TV and Movies, click on the small triangle and then on Pivot. (At this point you can also choose the YearWeek column click on the triangle and Split to create a seperate field for Year and Week. You won't be able to assign the type date to it put that shouldn't give you any disadvantages.)
For the second table I can think of two possibilities:
you have access to a tool that can transpose your table (Excel can do that see: Convert matrix to 3-column table ('reverse pivot', 'unpivot', 'flatten', 'normalize') Once you have done that you can open it in Tableau and join the two tables on Medium
You could create calculated fields depending on the medium:
Field: Weight
CASE [Medium]
WHEN 'Movies' THEN 5
And accordingly for Response, Ad and Version
Obviously that is only reasonable if you really just need a handfull of values.
Once this is done it's only a matter of creating a calculated field with
And this will calculate all the values for your table

How to display 40 + columns in Tableau?

I am trying to do a list report with about 40 columns(Dims+measure) but not able to get it right,
the requirement pushes the Tableau limitation by exploiting its limit to only 16 columns.
How can I get this done?
I read this
Here is my Tableau workbook with 16+ columns but no column header
Go to Analysis-->Table Layout -->Advanced and change the number in Rows and Columns as per your need.
You can't add more than 16 to this, but increase it to 16 (for identification).
So, save the Tableau file with extension .TWB. Then open this file in notepad.
Then search for the text: attr='row-levels'.
You will find something like:
<format attr='row-levels' value='16' />
<format attr='row-horiz-levels' value='16' />
Change the value of 16 to desired column numbers. Save the notepad file. Open it in Tableau.
The measures names and measures values special fields can help here and covers most use cases. (Using the measure names and values fields is likely a better choice than creating 40+ marks cards as you did in your posted example)
Put Measure Names on the column and filter shelves and measure values on the text shelf. Then add the measure fields you want to the Measures Values shelf. Then put the dimensions that you wish on the rows shelf.
A single field+aggregation can only be on the Measure Values shelf once, but a field can repeat with different aggregations -- so you can show the min, avg and max of a measure in 3 different columns.
As you mentioned, you can increase the max col and row headers up to 16 each via the Analysis->Table Layout->Advanced menu and panel. Beyond that point, adjacent columns will still display, just be coalesced for display.
Still you can have an apparently arbitrary number of fields on the measures values shelf, so can display as many columns of measures (data) as you wish, even though adjacent header columns for dimension (~category) get coalesced for display once you hit the header limit.
Tableau is optimized for summarizing data for efficient interpretation by humans, so displaying extremely wide tables of data is not the best fit for the tool (or a human reader frankly). Importing and exporting large tables is certainly possible.
At the 2015 conference I went to a session called "Use Tableau Like a Sith" and they showed us how to change the XML to workaround the 16 limit. Caveat being this is not supported.
Find the entries in the attached image and change their value to 40. In the screenshot, the Sith presenters were changing them to 36.
Here is a workaround for some data sets:
convert your fields from Dimension to Measure, and then
display using Measure Names / Measure Values, as #Alex Blakemore suggested.
For example, Boolean fields can be converted to numeric using INT().
It is easier to change which fields to plot using Measure Names / Measure Values.
Faster performance, at least for some data sets.
Often data sets have some fields that cannot or should not be converted to measure.
Not as easy or straightforward as changing Analysis > Table Layout > Advanced settings, or the xml-editing workaround suggested by #Cyndi1976.
There are Two ways:
Edit the saved .twb file and edit the Below xml code by opening the workbook with Notepad
<format attr='row-levels' value='16' />
<format attr='row-horiz-levels' value='16' />
Create 3 different worksheets each consisting multiple column but each worksheet consisting columns >16 and place them in single dashboard. So you will get one view with 40 columns.
A good way to do this is to create groups and filters. I'm sure, out of 40+ columns, a good number of them can be converted to either of the above, giving a neater look to your dashboard, making it easy to comprehend your data.
Let us assume you're creating a dashboard to show the overall split of mobile recharges for a company x.
One of the option is to have multiple columns; each for:
the mobile OS
OS version
service provider
recharge rank
Sub-category (Prepaid / Postpaid)
the easier and elegant way to reduce the number of columns is to populate a dropdown list with these values. Not only this will make the dashboard easier to comprehend, it will reduce the number of columns one has to refer to interpret the data and would also reduce the technical limitations imposed on the number of columns.
to create a group in Tableau:
include the fields in the result set i.e. use the column[s] in select statement.
select os, os_version, service_provider, rank, subcategory ... from schema.recharge_table [where...];
In the Sheets view of Tableau, right click on the field to create group. Let's create a split on subcategory.
Group the sub-categories, give them proper alias to be recognised easily.
Drag the Group to filter and you've successfully and elegantly reduced one column.
16 is the maximum limit for row/column labels in tableau table.
Put 20 columns on one sheet and 20 one the other dashabord. Drag and drop both sheets on to your dashbaord, and you should be having 40 columsn.

Summarizing each subgroup in Group Footer - Crystal Reports

I'm trying to work on a report for a client. Basically I need something like such
Group 1: Customer ID
Group 2: Truck ID
CustID Vehicle ID Detention Time
------ ---------- --------------
ABX 100 60
TOTAL: 115
200 80
300 10
100 115
200 95
300 10
Is there anyway to accomplish this without a subreport? I was hoping for a "summary field" that I could summarize more than just a single value.
(FYI using Crystal Reports 2008)
Use a crosstab; place it in the report-footer section.
There might be a better way to do this, but the one that comes to mind is to use two arrays: One to store the truck ID and another to store the corresponding total. In each inner grouping (TruckID), just tack on another array element and store its total time. To display, you could cast the values to strings, attach a newline character after each entry, and set the field to "Can Grow". So altogether, you'd need three formulas: one to initialize the arrays (in GH1), one to update the arrays with sum({truck.time},{truck.ID}) (in GF2), and one to display each entry (in GF1).
With that being said, CR has terrible support for containers... You're limited to 1-dimensional, non-dynamic arrays that are gimped at 1000 items max. It doesn't sound like these would be big problems for what you're trying to do, but you will need to redim preserve the arrays unless you know ahead of time how many trucks you'll have per customer.