web2py form with DB check [closed] - forms

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm using web2py forms, but I need to set up a limit for 20 users registration. How can I do it?
PS: Edit to make easy to understand
Thanks in advance.
Best regards!

Assuming you wish to limit registration to a maximum of 20 users and you are using the standard /default/user function from the scaffolding application:
In the default.py controller:
def user():
if request.args(0) == 'register' and db.auth_user.count() >= 20:
form = None
form = auth()
return dict(form=form)
In the default/user.html view:
{{if form is None:}}
<p>Sorry, no more registrations allowed.</p>


Implementing a dynamic security rule function that works with custom claims? [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 15 days ago.
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I am trying to implement a security rules function that will work with custom claims. depending on the custom claim case it will return a chunk that represent the security rules for the current related case at hand that will represent the state that user is currently in current code looks like this.
// fn arg
// request.resource.data
// request.auth.token.userPlan
function userPlanChecker(requestData, userPlan) {
return (
// max 25 related clients
(userPlan== 'basic' && requestData.clients.size() <= 25) ||
(userPlan== 'pro' && requestData.clients.size() <= 50) ||
(userPlan== 'ultimate' && requestData.clients.size() <= 75)
the idea is to use custom claim case name to return the current limit on the array size, thus allow more control over limitation of how many clients a user could have. ?

After creating tab bars and widgets the emulator gives such an error when opening the app [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I could not transfer my code to the site as I wrote it, but I placed your photo Please can you help me?
You are getting the error because you are trying to pass an uninitialized String to a Text-Widget (Naber). A Text-Widget can not handle uninitialized Strings which have the value null.
Therefore try initializing the String 'Naber' directly like:
String Naber = 'Some text';
This should work.

How to store an array in session in Perl [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am using Mojolicious Perl framework in my application. I want to store an array in session, but is not successful.
my #returnResult;
$returnResult['fn'] = $decoded->{'fn'};
$returnResult['ln'] = $decoded->{'ln'};
$self->session(returnResult => #returnResult);
Please help.
See hashes in Modern Perl and perldata.
my %return_result;
$returnResult{fn} = $decoded->{fn};
$returnResult{ln} = $decoded->{ln};
my %return_result = (
fn => $decoded->{fn},
ln => $decoded->{ln},
or simply
# http://perldoc.perl.org/perl5200delta.html#New-slice-syntax
my %return_result = %$decoded{qw(fn ln)};
You do not get automatic references like in other languages. Use the \ operator.
$self->session(returnResult => \%return_result);

What text (in English) should I use when asking the user to overwrite a document? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I write a lot of applications in C# and I'm trying to sew up some holes in my standard practices.
Specifically, I'm trying to decide on the best text to use in a message box, and I thought I'd ask the StackOverflow community since I believe that many opinions are always better than one.
What I have currently is:
"Document XXX.docx already exists. Okay to overwrite?"
Buttons for; Yes, No and Cancel
I'm really interested to see which examples turn out to be the most popular.
There are no limits on the style used; formal, casual, humourous, etc. All suggestions are welcome. Aim to err safely within political correctness though.
On a small side note: It would also be great, but by no means essential, to consider that the same text could also be suitable for a command line program.
Please note: English language only please. For other languages, please raise a new question.
Personally, I like to see a bit more context and slightly different wording. Something like:
"<existing document name>" already exists in "<destination path>".
Would you like to replace it (Y/N)?
or perhaps with even more information:
"<existing document name>" (<bytes>) (<date modified>) already exists in
"<destination path>".
Would you like to replace it with file of size <new bytes>, last modified
<new date modified> (Y/N)?
I think "replace" is a bit more clear than "overwrite" - and (speculation) may translate into other languages, and maintain the intended meaning more often.
...and one last option with new file name/location info:
"<existing document name>" (<bytes>) (<date modified>) already exists in
"<destination path>".
Would you like to replace it with file "<new file name>" in "<new path>" of
size <new bytes>, last modified <new date modified> (Y/N)?
This last one would probably just show a temp file / buffer location for an initial file save--but it is reusable, and more meaningful when doing a file copy.
Hope you find one of these useful.
Title: Overwrite?
"XXX.docx exists.
Would you like to overwrite XXX.docx?"
Buttons: Overwrite, Keep, Panic
Simple solutions are usually best, for example windows user might find it familiar to see a message :
He has 3 options :
Abort action x3
Create with a new name

Please anyone be so kind help! Matlab [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I have this data of year, month, date. I want this to show as year,month,date in Matlab and don't know how to do.
X=(2014,01,02 2014,01,03 2014,01,07 2014,01,08 2014,01,09 2014,01,10 2014,01,13
2014,01,14 2014,01,15 2014,01,16 2014,01,17 2014,01,20 2014,01,21 2014,01,22
2014,01,23 2014,01,24 2014,01,27 2014,01,28 2014,01,29 2014,01,30 2014,01,31
2014,02,03 2014,02,04 2014,02,05 2014,02,06 2014,02,07 2014,02,10 2014,02,11
2014,02,12 2014,02,13 2014,02,14 2014,02,17 2014,02,18 2014,02,19 2014,02,20
2014,02,21 2014,02,24 2014,02,25 2014,02,26 2014,02,27 2014,02,28 2014,03,03)
The simplest way would be to reshape the matrix and use it accordingly. I demonstrate the way to reshape and print all the dates in US (MM/DD/YYYY) format.
X=[2014,01,02 2014,01,03 2014,01,07 2014,01,08 2014,01,09 2014,01,10 2014,01,13 2014,01,14 2014,01,15 2014,01,16 2014,01,17 2014,01,20 2014,01,21 2014,01,22 2014,01,23 2014,01,24 2014,01,27 2014,01,28 2014,01,29 2014,01,30 2014,01,31 2014,02,03 2014,02,04 2014,02,05 2014,02,06 2014,02,07 2014,02,10 2014,02,11 2014,02,12 2014,02,13 2014,02,14 2014,02,17 2014,02,18 2014,02,19 2014,02,20 2014,02,21 2014,02,24 2014,02,25 2014,02,26 2014,02,27 2014,02,28 2014,03,03];
X_in_better_format = reshape(X,3,42)';
for it = 1:size(X_in_better_format,1)
sprintf('The date is %d/%d/%d',X_in_better_format(it,2),X_in_better_format(it,3),X_in_better_format(it,1)) %US Format