Why can I not scan for and find my Bluetooth LE heart rate monitor? - iphone

I've tried multiple programming Xcode projects (such as this code: iPhone - Polar H7_heart_rate_sensor connectivity using bluetooth) to try to scan for my Polar H7 heart rate monitor (HRM) from my bluetooth iPhone 5s with no luck. I call the scanForPerhiperalsWithServices to specifically search for my heart rate monitor but it doesn't appear to find it since it never subsequently calls the didDiscoverPeripheral method.
How can my BTLE HRM pair with my iPhone and connect to commercial apps (such as Polar Beat and Strava) but not be detected using standard Bluetooth LE API's?
I am new to iOS and Bluetooth and I'm using Yosemite with Xcode 6.3.1 and my iPhone 5s using iOS 8.3.


How to access Bluetooth 5.1 advanced positioning features AoA AoD in Flutter?

Does anyone know how to access the new Bluetooth 5.1 accurate location features in Flutter? If I were to scan a Bluetooth 5.1 device, how could I use it's hardware 'Angle of Arrival', 'Angle of Departure' that everyone talks about to find it accurately in a smartphone app?

iOS 9.2.1: iBeacon region monitoring bug

I deployed the same iBeacon region monitoring code in 7 devices. One of them, iPhone 6 running iOS 9.2.1, is regularly failing to detect beacon states (inside, outside, etc..).
I tried with and without SIM card and when the SIM card is inserted it gives better results. However, when compared to an iPhone 6 running iOS 9.2.3 and one running iOS 9.2.1 it gives worst results (the latter two iPhone's always detect the region).
Have you experienced the same in this version of iOS (iOS 9.2.1)?
Is this an known official Apple bug?
My theory behind this:
iBeacon region monitoring uses iPhone location, iPhone location can be
improved using Wi-Fi and phone signal and possibly also accelerometer
and gyroscope data.
iOS could be using these in combination withe the Bluetooth data to
"tune" the beacon ranging thread (in other words if a significant
location happens then the background monitoring frequency will be
increased). Hence if this tuning is depending on the SIM card
information there could be a version of iOS where they put a stronger
dependency on the SIM card presence leading to what I am observing.

Is it possible to build this kind of iOS Bluetooth app?

I want to know if it is possible to build this kind of bluetooth application on iOS platform.
There are two devices:
1. bluetooth device with installed camera module
- This device only has a camera module, a memory, and a bluetooth module.
2. iOS device. (sleeping - with screen black, possibly locked)
The bluetooth device can be used to do the following:
1. Press a button to take a picture
2. Send the picture via bluetooth to the Iphone,
3. Iphone wakes up, sends the picture to a server.
The key points that I'm curious about is
1. Is is possible to wake up the device with a bluetooth signal,
2. Is it possible to launch an application/wake up an application with a bluetooth signal so that it can process information/send it?
Also, if this functionality is possible, then can it be done with classic bluetooth module, without registering for the MFI program? or do I have to use BLE?
Techniques to discover the device:
1. Core Bluetooth Framework: only works for Bluetooth low energy i.e BLE.
2. EAaccessory Framework: Apple provides an API called External Accessory Framework, which can be used to interact with paired Bluetooth devices or device connected through wired, for which we have to fix the apple connector at the base of the device.
3. Gamekit Framework: if we are using game kit framework then it is necessary that the application is running in foreground in both of the device i.e if the application is in background then it is not possible to pear the device and second thing if we are using game kit framework then there is a limit of about 90k per 'send' ,so if our file is larger then 90k then we have to break it up.
If you have any queries then you can ask..

iPhone - Any examples of communicating with an Arduino board using Bluetooth?

I'm tinkering with an iPhone-controlled RC car chassis that is the base of my robotics project. The chassis is controlled with a WiRC Wi-Fi module. It has eight outputs to control electronic speed controllers and servos.
I'd like to improve my robot's ability to avoid obstacles using sensors. For this purpose, I have an Arduino board which I can interface with various inexpensive rangefinders and proximity sensors. I'm looking for examples or demo projects that would connect an iPhone to an Arduino board using Bluetooth to send commands to the board and receive data from the board. Is what I'm thinking of possible?
Thank you for any links to projects or hardware boards that may interact with an iPhone using Bluetooth. It's great if some of these boards have an SDK to simplify development.
Unfortunately, standard Bluetooth communications with devices on iOS is restricted to devices within the MFi program, so you're not going to be able to use that with your Arduino board. However, the new Bluetooth 4.0 LE protocol that is supported in newer iOS devices (iPhone 4S, Retina iPad) is open and can be used to connect any LE device.
iOS 5.0 introduced a new framework for this in Core Bluetooth, and I highly recommend watching the two sessions from WWDC 2012 about this. They also have some sample code on the topic. I've been using this myself to connect to some sensors, and it works well for a low-bandwidth application like temperature, proximity, or heart rate sensing.
There are several BT LE modules out there, and it looks like Dr. Michael Kroll is about to start producing an Arduino shield for LE communication, which would make it trivial to add this kind of capability onto an Arduino board.
It's probably a bit late for your project, but the RedBear BLE Shield coupled with an Arduino works great. There is even a robotic truck project built around this combination in Building iPhone and iPad Electronics Projects.
You can access the BLE shield using Objective C, but it's also possible to avoid a Mac entirely and use techBASIC, which lets you program right from the iPhone or iPad.

Bluetooth data acquisition in background in iPhone 4G S

I want to develop an application for the iPhone 4GS that supports Bluetooth 4.
The application would continually listen to the data transmitted by a heart rate monitor over Bluetooth, and show information on a screen.
To achieve this, the application would have to listen to the data even when it's not the active foreground application.
Like Android, is it possible to silently listen to Bluetooth events on an iPhone as a background service?
I can't determine exactly what you're asking, but here are two tutorials for incorporating Bluetooth in iOS apps:
iPhone Bluetooth Programming
iOS Bluetooth Programming - Getting devices to see each other
Also, here is Apple's list of Supported Bluetooth profiles.
You won't find serial port profile (SPP) in iOS devices if you're looking for that.
So question about using it in the background would seem irrelevant.
You could use 'old style' FSK modem over BT audio an then decode the signal in
code. On the other hand you should consider going WiFi. Microchips MRF24WB0MA/RM for
example supports adhoc/infrastructure netwroks and it also has Bonjour support.