I've created a fairly basic 2d scrolling game in Unity, and one of the game modes is survival. When you die, this screen will load and allow you to input your high score, which will be saved into a high scores table once the button is pressed.
However, while I can replace the score it is higher than, I cannot for the life of me think of the logic that would instead put the score that was replaced into the position below it, then that score would drop by one, then the next score etc.
The stage I'm at is below, with the code that simply replaces all of the high scores lower than the current store deleted, because it isn't what needs to be done. I currently have five generic scores saved to the playerprefsX int array so i know all of the below code is working, its just the dropping all the scores down one and deleting the final score that is proving problematic for me
public class high_score_input : Game_Over {
private string name = "highscores";
private int score;
public int[] highscores = new int[5];
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
GameObject levelcontroller = GameObject.Find ("levelcontroller");
survival_mode survival = levelcontroller.GetComponent<survival_mode> ();
score = survival.setScore();
highscores = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(name);}
void OnGUI()
base.OnGUI ();
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width/10, 250, 120, 30), "Save High Score"))
for(int i = 0;i<highscores.Length;i++)
PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray(name, highscores);
Given that it's a small array and this isn't performance-critical code, I'd go for something that's simple and avoids errors:
Make sure that your score array is sorted.
Does the new score beat the score in the last slot? If so, replace it.
Make sure that your score array is sorted.
Given helper functions such as Array.Sort, this should be pretty quick.
hey guys , So as you can see i made a robot arm grab a slingshot's objectholder with a ball in it. My arm pulls it any direction I want it but I wanted the user to know which box is going to be shot at.
If you're applying an impulse force (or velocity) to your ball and there is gravity in your world, your item will follow the Projectile motion;
Here you can find details about it:
There are basically two main options
calculating it yourself
This is probably way better for performance especially if you want a really simple trajectory preview without accounting for any collision etc
refer to linked article. But it basically comes down to
and would need slightly rework from 2D to 3D physics, should be trivial though since the important part about the Y axis basically stays the same.
You would
Call this simulation with according supposed shoot direction and velocity
Visualize the tracked positions e.g. in a LineRenderer
This allows you to run physics updates manually all within a single frame and actually let the Physics engine handle it all for you
This costs of course a lot of performance but you get all collisions etc accounted for automatically without getting a headache
You would
Make a snapshot of all Rigid bodies in your scene - in order to reset after the simulation
Simulate the desired amount of physics steps (XY seconds ahead) while keeping track of the simulated data
reset everything to the state tracked in step 1
use the simulated data from step 2 to visualize e.g. with a LineRenderer
This might look somewhat like e.g.
public class Prediction : MonoBehaviour
public LineRenderer line;
public Rigidbody tracked;
private Rigidbody[] allRigidbodies;
private void Awake()
allRigidbodies = FindObjectsOfType<Rigidbody>();
private void LateUpdate()
// Wherever you would get this from
Vector3 wouldApplyForce;
// Step 1 - snapshot
// For simplicity reasons for now just the positions
// using some Linq magic
var originalPositions = allRigidbodies.ToDictionary(item => item, item => item.position);
// Step 2 - Simulate e.g. 2 seconds ahead
var trackedPositions = new Vector3 [(int) (2 / Time.fixedDeltaTime)];
Physics.autoSimulation = false;
for(var i = 0; i < trackedPositions.Length; i++)
trackedPositions[i] = tracked.position;
// Step 3 - reset
foreach (var kvp in originalPositions)
kvp.Key.position = kvp.Value;
Physics.autoSimulate = true;
// Step 4 - Visualize
line.positionCount = trackedPositions.Length;
Of course we won't talk about performance here ^^
I am attempting to create a 2d top-down car racing game. This game will have a random road map each time the player plays the game. I have thought about doing this in two different ways: A tilemap, or just generate the roads by placing different prefabs (straight roads, turns, etc). I have decided to go with the prefab route.
The way I believe it should work is to have prefab square "tiles" which have their own colliders set on the edges so I can tell if a player goes off the track in which case they blow up. I would have a MapGenerator Script which will generate an initial random map by keeping track of the last tile placed (including its location and road type: left turn, straight, right, etc). This script will then keep adding onto the road randomly as the player gets closer and closer to the end which makes it an infinite road.
I just want to know if this is just not efficient or if I am thinking of this completely wrong.
Here are a couple of images showing my road tiles which I made in photoshop and then one prefab for a straight road (take note of the colliders on its edges).
A similar game to one I want to make is Sling Drift which I can provide the link if you want. I don't know the policy on adding links to forum chat.
Also, here is my code for the map generator:
//Type of tyle, types are normal (straight road or horizontal road) and turns
public enum MapTileType
//structure for holding the last tile location and its type.
public struct TypedTileLocation
public TypedTileLocation(Vector2 pos, MapTileType tyleType)
m_tileType = tyleType;
m_position = pos;
public Vector2 m_position;
public MapTileType m_tileType;
public class MapGenerator : MonoBehaviour
//Map Tiles
public GameObject m_roadTile;
public GameObject m_turnNorthWestTile;
//holds all the tiles made in the game
private List<GameObject> m_allTiles;
//Map Tile Widths and Height
private float m_roadTileWidth, m_roadTileHeight;
//Used for generating next tile
TypedTileLocation m_lastTilePlaced;
private void Awake()
//store the initial beginning tile location (0,0)
m_lastTilePlaced = new TypedTileLocation(new Vector2(0,0), MapTileType.NORMAL);
//set height and width of tiles
m_roadTileWidth = m_roadTile.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x;
m_roadTileHeight = m_roadTile.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y;
m_allTiles = new List<GameObject>();
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
void SetupMap()
//starting at the beginning, just put a few tiles in straight before any turns occur
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
GameObject newTempTile = Instantiate(m_roadTile, new Vector2(0, m_roadTileHeight * i), Quaternion.identity);
m_lastTilePlaced.m_tileType = MapTileType.NORMAL;
m_lastTilePlaced.m_position.x = newTempTile.transform.position.x;
m_lastTilePlaced.m_position.y = newTempTile.transform.position.y;
//now lets create a starter map of 100 road tiles (including turns and straigt-aways)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
//first check if its time to create a turn. Maybe I'll randomly choose to either create a turn or not here
//draw either turn or straight road, if the tile was a turn decide which direction we are now going (N, W, E, S).
//this helps us determine which turns we can take next
//repeat this process.
void GenerateMoreMap()
//this will generate more map onto the already existing road and then will delete some of the others
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
private void OnDrawGizmos()
Have you tried splines? They let you make curvy paths like race tracks easily. If not, here is a video that might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j_BNf9s0jM.
I have lots of same simple objects that are affecting gameplay, thousands of them! Well, not thousands, but really many. So if I make them GameObjects, the FPS decreases, especially when spawning them. Even with pooling. I should try a different approach.
You know that particle system in Unity3D can render many particles very fast. It also automatically controls particles, emits and removes them. But in my case, positions and lifetimes of objects are managed by game logic, and particle system is not allowed to do anything without my command, even reorder particles.
I am trying to use SetParticles method to control particles. It works in test project, where I use GetParticles first. I can even remove particles setting lifetime to -1, but can't spawn new ones. Also it does not prevent particle system from controlling particles.
I can disable emission so no particles will be created automatically.
I can set particles speed to 0 so they will not move.
I can set lifetime to huge number so they will not be removed.
I have an pool of Particle instances, to avoid unnessessary GC allocations. Objects receive a reference to particle when they are spawned, change it when updated, and set lifetime -1 and return it to pool when deleted. The pool stores this:
private ParticleSystem.Particle [] _unusedParticles;
private int _unusedCount;
private ParticleSystem.Particle [] _array;
_unused array and counter are needed for pooling, and _array stores all particles, used and unused alike, and is used in SetParticles call.
The main disadvantage of this method is that it doesn't work, probably because SetParticles does not create new particles. Also I guess it doesn't do anything with particles draw order, that's why it's poorly suited for bullet hell games where bullet patterns should look nice.
What should I do to properly disable automatic control of particles and properly setup direct control, with spawning and removing?
What you are looking for might be
List<Matrix4x4> matrixes=new List<Matrix4x4>();
for (...)
matrixes.Add(Matrix4x4.TRS( position,rotation,scale));
Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced(mesh,0,material, matrixes);
On each frame you can just update positions, rotations and scales, and get all the instances rendered on the GPU in one drawcall (pretty darn fast compared to seperate gameobjects). You can render up to 1000 instances in one call using this way
Create an empty GameObject, then add the ParticleSystem as child. Set playOnAwake to true.
Now when you need it, set GameObject.SetActive to true else false.
To get each of them use ParticleSystem.GetParticles, modify them and ParticleSystem.GetParticles.
I hope this is what you are looking for.
ParticleSystem m_System;
ParticleSystem.Particle[] m_Particles;
public float m_Drift = 0.01f;
private void LateUpdate()
// GetParticles is allocation free because we reuse the m_Particles buffer between updates
int numParticlesAlive = m_System.GetParticles(m_Particles);
// Change only the particles that are alive
for (int i = 0; i < numParticlesAlive; i++)
m_Particles[i].velocity += Vector3.up * m_Drift;
// Apply the particle changes to the Particle System
m_System.SetParticles(m_Particles, numParticlesAlive);
void InitializeIfNeeded()
if (m_System == null)
m_System = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
if (m_Particles == null || m_Particles.Length < m_System.main.maxParticles)
m_Particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[m_System.main.maxParticles];
After we created a particle system in editor, we should disable emission and shape, so only core part and renderer stay active.
The most important part is that Simulation Speed must be zero. A particle system will no longer emit, remove or process particles automatically. Only your code now manages them.
I use this class to control particles. Instead of binding a particle to an object, it has API for registering objects, smoke in this case. Also, it stores a temporary array for particles to avoid GC allocations, and particle count, to avoid using particleCount property of the particle system.
In Update, which is called by my game logic, the following happens:
All objects that were despawned by game logic, are removed from list.
If object count is greater than array length, the array is resized.
If object count is greater than live particle count, _particleSystem.Emit call is made. If we call SetParticles without that, no new particles will appear. We must emit them first.
GetParticles is called. Simple, but probably not the most efficient solution, but it preserves particles data. It may be optimized by setting all particle data on array creation and resizing. If you do so, remove GetParticles call and uncomment the line above. Also, your game logic should manage particles even more carefully.
For each object, we let that object change a particle.
Each particle without object should be removed, so their lifetime is set to negative number.
SetParticles updates particles in system.
public class SmokeSystem {
private ParticleSystem _particleSystem;
private List <Smoke> _smoke = new List <Smoke> ();
private ParticleSystem.Particle [] _particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[256];
private int _particleCount;
public SmokeSystem (ParticleSystem particleSystem) {
_particleSystem = particleSystem;
public void AddSmoke (Smoke smoke) => _smoke.Add (smoke);
public void Update () {
_smoke.RemoveAll (e => e.Despawned);
if (_smoke.Count > _particles.Length) {
int newSize = Max (_smoke.Count, 2 * _particles.Length);
Array.Resize (ref _particles, newSize);
int count = _smoke.Count;
if (count > _particleCount) {
_particleSystem.Emit (count - _particleCount);
// _particleCount = count;
_particleCount = _particleSystem.GetParticles (_particles);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
_smoke [i].UpdateParticle (ref _particles [i]);
for (int i = count; i < _particleCount; i++) {
_particles [i].remainingLifetime = -1;
_particleSystem.SetParticles (_particles, _particleCount);
_particleCount = count;
It does not depend on GPU instancing support so it will work on WebGL.
Hi I'm struggling with this issue.I searched a lot before asking here.
So i have programmed an arcade game which when it dies it pops up a menu with a continue option using one life out of five.Like Subway Surfers with the keys.
The issue is that when i use one heart i want to save it.But everytime i restart the game it keeps saying the initial number which is five.Or without using a life,it by itself,subtracts by one without even clicking the "Save me" button.
Here is my code:
public Text heart;
public Text heart2;
public int counter;
void Start () {
heart.text = "" + counter;
heart2.text = "" +counter;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void SaveMe()
heart.text = counter.ToString();
heart2.text = counter.ToString();
int heartScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0);
heartScore = counter;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Life2", heartScore);
heart.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0).ToString();
heart2.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0).ToString();
Then i call this method in the button script.
You should need to save life counter in a file or PlayerPrefs in unity so that loading a scene doesn't effect the counters.
Stores and accesses player preferences between game sessions.
When Unity loads a new scene (if not in an additive way) it will destroy everything that belongs to it before loading the new one. If you don't want a GameObject to be destroyed automatically, read the instructions for DontDestroyOnLoad
Also consider generally to separate your game model (in this occasion the variable counter) to a different Component and use scriptable objects for managing it/them. It will make your life easier in the long run.
Now i realize this question gets asked a lot and i assure you i have done a lot of searching on the subject, have tried some scripts and tried the serializer from unity's asset store. but i just can't find what i need.
the next level only unlocks after beating the previous one so it needs to remember which levels have been beaten/unlocked and when you load you can pick any of the unlocked levels also the highest score on each level needs to be remember and only be replaced if a new score is higher, lower scores don't need to be saved.
what i kept finding on google was how to save all objects and stuff that happened in the level but i don't need in-level saving, my levels are really short and ment to be played in 1 go.
this is the script where i'd add 1 to levelIndex after the player beats the level
and my goal is after the player presses load in the startmenu, a new menu pops up and the player will be able to choose from all the unlocked levels and after choosing, the level will load.
(what i currently have regarding this issue is on the // lines)
#pragma strict
var normalParticle : ParticleSystem;
var teleportParticle : ParticleSystem;
var teleportSound : AudioClip;
var ignoreListenerPause: boolean;
// var levelIndex : int;
function Start() {
function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider)
if(other.tag == "Player"){
for (var o : GameObject in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Virus"))
var comp : Component = o.GetComponent(ChaseScript);
if (comp != null)
comp.active = false;
yield WaitForSeconds (0.5);
audio.ignoreListenerPause = true;
yield WaitForSeconds (3.9);
//PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Last_Level", levelIndex);
function OnTriggerExit(other : Collider)
i found a tutorial earlier explaining how to achieve what i wanted but it's not effective for a game with a lot of levels, he uses a script per level completed and uses if's for every single level and my game would have around 50 so i would prefer a better/cleaner way here is the video: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-level-unlocking-system-using-playerprefs.146955/. u can see his scripts at 10:10 and 14:14.
thanks in advance :)
If the data is simple enough, like just one or two variables when skip to step 3.
Create class to hold your data about progression
Serialize the class with json to get a string
Store the data in PlayerPrefs
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Last_Level", levelIndex);
int levelIndex = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Last_Level", 0);