Not able to see the webpage of the github repository - github

I am very new to github.
I pushed my repository into github.
And in settings page, they tell my site is published at
But that URL gives me a 404 page.
Can someone give some xplanation on this.
And also FYI my project uses MEAN stack
Thanks in advance

You have two problems:
GitHub won't run your site. It is only for static hosting, not Node.js hosting. It also doesn't support any databases, including MongoDB.
From the project pages documentation:
The gh-pages branch is used to build and publish Project Pages sites.
You have three branches, but none of them are called gh-pages:

This is exactly as above.
You can host your code repo on github, but the web link to that repo will literally be whatever it is in the browser.
Now if you are wanting to run your site, then try this -
You will need to have the mongo server running before starting the server. Check this is running by typing $mongod
so just go to the directory then type $ node run.js


Why is it that i am getting a 404 on Github when trying to publish a site on Git Hubs platform

Below is the website that i created thru GitHub.
I followed a tutorial to get here , the tutorial advised me to wait 30 mins for the server to clear up.
and it didn't what should i do now?
Below is the link to the site
Just checked your repo at
The problem is your repo doesn't include a index.html file but Index.html.
If you replace it to index.html, it will be fixed. Otherwise, you can see the intended page at

Why can't I host my project on github pages?

I have a simple weather app using react I've built and pushed to Github. Everything works when I run it locally but when I try to host it on Github pages, I get a 404 error.
I'm not sure what I did wrong as I took the same steps as with every other project I've succesfully deployed: went to settings and under Github pages, I chose master branch as the source. Initially, it was just displaying the readme but now it only displays a 404 error message. When I've googled this issue, some people are saying I need to move my folders to the root of the directory but I'm not sure how to do that exactly.
Here is the repo:
My understanding is that in order to run a react app in github pages you need to setup the gh-pages plugin and have a special 'deploy' build script in package.json
There are also apparently certain restrictions in what you can do with the router in github pages websites, but for a simple app it should be sufficient.

GitHub Pages 404 when trying to host Polymer Starter Kit

So I'm simply trying to host the polymer-starter-kit on git pages which should be easy enough in theory there's already a simple tutorial for how to do so here. The problem is after following all the instructions and navigating to my I get a 404 from github saying it couldn't load the resources, be that one or many. I can clearly see there is an index.html file in the root directory.
Here is the error
Here is my repository
Has anyone had a similar problem? Is there any tricks I'm missing?
Did you read the gh-pages doc? When you want you need to push to the ´master´ branch, not the 'gh-pages' branch.

how to serve my own gitbook using github pages

I've created my own gitbook. looks good locally.
but how shall I integrate it into my github pages? Similar issues here difficulty-in-getting-gitbook-site-to-show-up-in-github-page
I tried that approach as well, but I have problem setting the grunt up, and I also I would like to do that myself before using an integrated tool.
I tried to copy the generated _book folder to my github page folder, but that didn't workout as there are some encoding issues
Similar question here
I had this question because I don't understand github pages, the underlying steps involve
build the _book folder, this is the static content that will be served
create gh-pages branch copy the _book folder content into gh-pages
github will then serve the content
the command gitbook publish will finish all 3 steps. but I am not familiar with grunt as well , as npm install . is a pre-step.

Why my blog with Jekyll Bootstrap not update?

I push it several hours ago, but my blog didn't changed yet.
Does server delay or my personal reason? It test will in my computer with localhost:4000.
PS: So, I delete the repo and recreate the repo in github, but 404 always:-(
Are you accessing the page via, or at a personal domain?
If it's at a personal domain, make sure you have a CNAME file (with that name) in the foot of the repo. It should just contain this: Check your DNS settings as well.
If you're using any plugins, GitHub won't run them during generation. That could be causing a problem?
Also make sure the pushed site is in the gh-pages branch. Always good to check the basics. :)