How to write agda equivalent code of this coq code? - coq

I want to write the given coq code in agda.
Definition included (D1 D2:R -> Prop) : Prop := forall x:R, D1 x -> D2 x.
I have tried in this way ..
data included (D1 D2 : R -> Set) : Set where
forall x : R D1 x -> D2 x
I know the problem is in second line but how to fix it. Do we need to define constructor ?? And how will i do that??
please help.

data in Agda is the equivalent of Inductive in Coq: it introduces a new type defined inductively.
The equivalent of Definition in Agda is simply a defining equation for the thing you wish to define:
postulate R : Set
included : (_ _ : R → Set) → Set
included D1 D2 = ∀ x → D1 x → D2 x


How does the induction principle for the singleton type unit in Coq work?

I was going through Adam Chlipala's book on Coq and it defined the inductive type:
Inductive unit : Set :=
| tt.
I was trying to understand its induction principle:
Check unit_ind.
(* unit_ind
: forall P : unit -> Prop, P tt -> forall u : unit, P u *)
I am not sure if I understand what the output of Coq means.
1) So check gives me a look at the type of "objects" right? So unit_ind has type:
forall P : unit -> Prop, P tt -> forall u : unit, P u
2) How does one read that type? I am having trouble understanding where to put the parenthesis or something...For the first thing before the comma, it doesn't make sense to me to read it as:
IF "for all P of type unit" THEN " Prop "
since the hypothesis is not really something true or false. So I assume the real way to real the first thing is this way:
forall P : (unit -> Prop), ...
so P is just a function of type unit to prop. Is this correct?
I wish this was correct but under that interpretation I don't know how to read the part after the first comma:
P tt -> forall u : unit, P u
I would have expected all the quantifications of variables in existence to be defined at the beginning of the proposition but thats not how its done, so I am not sure what is going on...
Can someone help me read this proposition both formally and intuitively? I also want to understand conceptually what it's trying to say and not only get bugged down by the details of it.
Let me put some extra (not really necessary) parentheses:
forall P : unit -> Prop, P tt -> (forall u : unit, P u)
I would translate it as "For any predicate P over the unit type, if P holds of tt, then P holds of any term of type unit".
Intuitively, since tt is the only value of type unit, it makes sense to only prove P for this unique value.
You can check if this intuition works for you by trying to interpret the induction principle for the bool type in the same manner.
Check bool_ind.
: forall P : bool -> Prop, P true -> P false -> (forall b : bool, P b)

Messing around with category theory

Motivation: I am attempting to study category theory while creating a Coq formalization of the ideas I find in whatever textbook I follow. In order to make this formalization as simple as possible, I figured I should identify objects with their identity arrow, so a category can be reduced to a set (class, type) of arrows X with a source mapping s:X->X, target mapping t:X->X, and composition mapping product : X -> X -> option X which is a partial mapping defined for t f = s g. Obviously the structure (X,s,t,product) should follow various properties. For the sake of clarity, I am spelling out the formalization I chose below, but there is no need to follow it I think in order to read my question:
Record Category {A:Type} : Type := category
{ source : A -> A
; target : A -> A
; product: A -> A -> option A
; proof_of_ss : forall f:A, source (source f) = source f
; proof_of_ts : forall f:A, target (source f) = source f
; proof_of_tt : forall f:A, target (target f) = target f
; proof_of_st : forall f:A, source (target f) = target f
; proof_of_dom: forall f g:A, target f = source g <-> product f g <> None
; proof_of_src: forall f g h:A, product f g = Some h -> source h = source f
; proof_of_tgt: forall f g h:A, product f g = Some h -> target h = target g
; proof_of_idl: forall a f:A,
a = source a ->
a = target a ->
a = source f ->
product a f = Some f
; proof_of_idr: forall a f:A,
a = source a ->
a = target a ->
a = target f ->
product f a = Some f
; proof_of_asc:
forall f g h fg gh:A,
product f g = Some fg ->
product g h = Some gh ->
product fg h = product f gh
I have no idea how practical this is and how far it will take me. I see this as an opportunity to learn category theory and Coq at the same time.
Problem: My first objective was to create a 'Category' which would resemble as much as possible the category Set. In a set theoretic framework, I would probably consider the class of triplets (a,b,f) where f is a map with domain a and range a subset of b. With this in mind I tried:
Record Arrow : Type := arrow
{ dom : Type
; cod : Type
; arr : dom -> cod
So that Arrow becomes my base type on which I could attempt building a structure of category. I start embedding Type into Arrow:
Definition id (a : Type) : Arrow := arrow a a (fun x => x).
which allows me to define the source and target mappings:
Definition domain (f:Arrow) : Arrow := id (dom f).
Definition codomain (f:Arrow) : Arrow := id (cod f).
Then I move on to defining a composition on Arrow:
Definition compose (f g: Arrow) : option Arrow :=
match f with
| arrow a b f' =>
match g with
| arrow b' c g' =>
match b with
| b' => Some (arrow a c (fun x => (g' (f' x))))
| _ => None
However, this code is illegal as I get the error:
The term "f' x" has type "b" while it is expected to have type "b'".
Question: I have the feeling I am not going to get away with this, My using Type naively would take me to some sort of Russel paradox which Coq will not allow me to do. However, just in case, is there a way to define compose on Arrow?
Your encoding does not work in plain Coq because of the constructive nature of the theory: it is not possible to compare two sets for equality. If you absolutely want to follow this approach, Daniel's comment sketches a solution: you need to assume a strong classical principle to be able to check whether the endpoints of two arrows match, and then manipulate an equality proof to make Coq accept the definition.
Another approach is to have separate types for arrows and objects, and use type dependency to express the compatibility requirement on arrow endpoints. This definition requires only three axioms, and considerably simplifies the construction of categories:
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Record category : Type := Category {
obj : Type;
hom : obj -> obj -> Type;
id : forall {X}, hom X X;
comp : forall X Y Z, hom X Y -> hom Y Z -> hom X Z;
(* Axioms *)
idL : forall X Y (f : hom X Y), comp id f = f;
idR : forall X Y (f : hom X Y), comp f id = f;
assoc : forall X Y Z W
(f : hom X Y) (g : hom Y Z) (h : hom Z W),
comp f (comp g h) = comp (comp f g) h
We can now define the category of sets and ask Coq to automatically prove the axioms for us.
Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Program Definition Sets : category := {|
obj := Type;
hom X Y := X -> Y;
id X := fun x => x;
comp X Y Z f g := fun x => g (f x)
(This does not lead to any circularity paradoxes, because of Coq's universe mechanism: Coq understands that the Type used in this definition is actually smaller than the one used to define category.)
This encoding is sometimes inconvenient due to the lack of extensionality in Coq's theory, because it prevents certain axioms from holding. Consider the category of groups, for example, where the morphisms are functions that commute with the group operations. A reasonable definition for these morphisms could be as follows (assuming that there is some type group representing groups, with * denotes multiplication and 1 denotes the neutral element).
Record group_morphism (X Y : group) : Type := {
mor : X -> Y;
mor_1 : mor 1 = 1;
mor_m : forall x1 x2, mor (x1 * x2) = mor x1 * mor x2
The problem is that the properties mor_1 and mor_m interfere with the notion of equality for elements of group_morphism, making the proofs for associativity and identity that worked for Sets break. There are two solutions:
Adopt extra axioms into the theory so that the required properties still go through. In the above example, you would need proof irrelevance:
proof_irrelevance : forall (P : Prop) (p q : P), p = q.
Change the category axioms so that the identities are valid up to some equivalence relation specific to that category, instead of the plain Coq equality. This approach is followed here, for example.

Supplying section arguments for examples

Consider this section:
Section MyMap.
Variables D R : Type.
Fixpoint mymap (f : D -> R) (l : list D) : list R :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| d :: t => f d :: mymap f t
End MyMap.
Here I've used Variables to declare my domain and range types. As a sanity check on the definition of my function, I would like to include an Example:
Example example_map_S : mymap S [0; 1; 2] = [1; 2; 3].
simpl; trivial.
However it seems I can't do so within my section. Instead I get:
Error: The term "S" has type "nat -> nat" while it is expected to have type "D -> R".
That's not too surprising, so let's try it another way:
Example example_map_S : #mymap nat nat S [0; 1; 2] = [1; 2; 3].
simpl; trivial.
Which produces:
Error: The term "nat" has type "Set" while it is expected to have type "D -> R".
I suppose that's fair, section-ized Variables aren't the same thing as implicit arguments. But it still leaves the question!
How can I supply concrete Variables to a term before closing the section, in order to create useful Examples?
Section MyMap.
If we check the type of mymap inside the section, we get
Check mymap.
(* mymap : (D -> R) -> list D -> list R *)
Of course, we can't unify D and R with nat, since D and R are some locally postulated types.
However, we can sort of simulate your example in this generalized setting, showing the expected property of the mymap function:
Example example_nil (f : D -> R) :
mymap f [] = [] := eq_refl.
Example example_3elems (f : D -> R) (d0 d1 d2 : D) :
mymap f [d0; d1; d2] = [f d0; f d1; f d2] := eq_refl.
End MyMap.

How to capture parameters under universal quantification (using Modules? Sections?)

I am wondering how best to handle this sort of situation in Coq:
Suppose I need to define and prove a number of things about an arbitrary structure (for the purposes of this discussion, let's say a set with a binary relation). Of course, I can always supply the set and relation as arguments for each such definition/proof:
Inductive star (X : Set) (R : X -> X -> Prop) := ...
Lemma star_trans (X : Set) (R : X -> X -> Prop) : ...
Naturally, this gets tiresome after a while. What I would like to do is have X and R as parameters locally within some demarcated area of code like so:
Parameter X : Set.
Parameter R : X -> X -> Prop.
Inductive star := ...
Lemma star_trans : ...
in such a way that the definitions and theorems, when used outside this area of code, capture X and R under universal quantification in order to give them the proper type. For instance, Check star should yield star : forall X : Set, (X -> X -> Prop) -> X -> X -> Prop.
I figured that this might be what modules are for, but I can't figure out how to use them for this situation.
This is exactly what the "Section mechanism" does: see .
Section rel_star.
Variables (X : Set) (R : X -> X -> Prop).
Inductive star := ...
Lemma star_trans: ...
End rel_star.

How to express subset relation in Coq?

How can I describe in Coq that one set Y is a subset of another set X?
I tested the following:
Definition subset (Y X:Set) : Prop :=
forall y:Y, y:X.
, trying to express that if an element y is in Y, then y is in X. But this generates type errors about y, not surprisingly.
Is there an easy way to define subset in Coq?
Here is how it is done in the standard library (Coq.Logic.ClassicalChoice):
Definition subset (U:Type) (P Q:U->Prop) : Prop := forall x, P x -> Q x.
Unary predicates P and Q represent some subsets of the (universal) set U, so the above definition reads: whenever some x is in P, it is in Q at the same time.
A somewhat similar defintion can be found in Coq.MSets.MSetInterface:
Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'.
where In has type elt -> t -> Prop, which means that some element of type elt is a member of a set of type t.