scopt3 sample script does not compile - scala

I'm trying to use scopt3 in my project but I get compilation errors even for the sample code on scopt3 Github page:
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("scopt") {
head("scopt", "3.x")
opt[Int]('f', "foo") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(foo = x) } text("foo is an integer property")
opt[File]('o', "out") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(out = x) } text("out is a required file property")
opt[(String, Int)]("max") action { case ((k, v), c) =>
c.copy(libName = k, maxCount = v) } validate { x =>
if (x._2 > 0) success else failure("Value <max> must be >0")
} keyValueName("<libname>", "<max>") text("maximum count for <libname>")
opt[Seq[File]]('j', "jars") valueName("<jar1>,<jar2>...") action { (x,c) =>
c.copy(jars = x) } text("jars to include")
opt[Map[String,String]]("kwargs") valueName("k1=v1,k2=v2...") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(kwargs = x) } text("other arguments")
opt[Unit]("verbose") action { (_, c) =>
c.copy(verbose = true) } text("verbose is a flag")
opt[Unit]("debug") hidden() action { (_, c) =>
c.copy(debug = true) } text("this option is hidden in the usage text")
note("some notes.\n")
help("help") text("prints this usage text")
arg[File]("<file>...") unbounded() optional() action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(files = c.files :+ x) } text("optional unbounded args")
cmd("update") action { (_, c) =>
c.copy(mode = "update") } text("update is a command.") children(
opt[Unit]("not-keepalive") abbr("nk") action { (_, c) =>
c.copy(keepalive = false) } text("disable keepalive"),
opt[Boolean]("xyz") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(xyz = x) } text("xyz is a boolean property"),
checkConfig { c =>
if (c.keepalive && failure("xyz cannot keep alive") else success }
errors are:
1) not found type Config
I thougth it was com.typesafe.config.Config, but when I import I get "velue copy is not a member of com.typesafe.config.Config". Where does Config come from?
2) not found value foo
All arguments to .copy() method are marked as "not found values" (I suppose is due to the previous error on Config)
I'm on scala 2.11.6 / SBT 0.13.8
Any help?

scopt has nothing to do with typesafe-config at all.
If you carefully read the README, you will notice that Config is defined right before the code you paste here:
case class Config(foo: Int = -1, out: File = new File("."), xyz: Boolean = false,
libName: String = "", maxCount: Int = -1, verbose: Boolean = false, debug: Boolean = false,
mode: String = "", files: Seq[File] = Seq(), keepalive: Boolean = false,
jars: Seq[File] = Seq(), kwargs: Map[String,String] = Map())
It is merely an example of an object that holds all parameters of a program.
The idea is you parametrise OptionParser with any configuration object you wish. E.g.
case class Foo(name: String)
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Foo]("foo") {
opt[String]('n', "name") action { (n, foo) => foo.copy(name = n) }
val res = parser.parse(args, Foo("default"))


aggregateByKey is not updating the value of the initial set

The values in hllTotal are updated, but hllToday remains zero for every key.
Could anyone please help, why hllToday is not getting updated here?
val hllToday: HllSerializable = new HllSerializable(new HLL(13, 5))
val hllTotal: HllSerializable = new HllSerializable(new HLL(13, 5))
val initialSet = (hllToday, hllTotal)
val rdd7 = => {
tuple.segmentId -> (tuple.entryTime, tuple.exitTime, tuple.hll)`
(acc: (HllSerializable, HllSerializable), v: (Long, Long, HllSerializable)) => {
if (v._1 == today_ts) {
}, (acc1: (HllSerializable, HllSerializable), acc2: (HllSerializable, HllSerializable)) => {
Apparently this code is never called :
if (v._1 == today_ts) {
Try to replace if (v._1 == today_ts) with if(true) to see whether hllToday gets updated

Using builder-like functions conditionally

Assume this situation:
I have a Tuple of size n.
Each element is a Boolean flag that defines if a specific function should be called on an object (here: builder).
The syntax that comes to my mind first would be:
(el1, el2, el3, ...) => {
val builder = MyBuilder()
val builder1 = if(el1) builder.func1(...) else builder
val builder2 = if(el2) builder1.func2(...) else builder1
val builder3 = if(el3) builder2.func3(...) else builder2
The last builder builderN would be the desired object. But this code is nasty.
What would be a good, clean alternative? (Note: I am using cats.)
Another way to represent my problem would be:
val result = MyBuilder.
.func1(...) //ONLY if el1!
.func2(...) //ONLY if el2!
.func3(...) //ONLY if el3!
.funcn(...) //ONLY if el4!
EDIT : Fixed example code!
You can zip list of flags with list of building functions and then in the fold conditionally apply builder function
class Builder() {
def func1(in: Any): Builder = {
def func2(in: Any): Builder = {
def func3(in: Any): Builder = {
val flags = List(true, false, true)
val funcs = List[Builder => Builder](b => b.func1(1), b => b.func2(2), b => b.func3(3))
val result = Builder()) {
case (builder, (flag, func)) => if (flag) func(builder) else builder
prints to console:

combine condition inside flat map and return result

val date2 = Option(LocalDate.parse("2017-02-01"))
case class dummy(val prop:Seq[Test])
case class Test(val s :String)
case class Result(val s :String)
val s = "11,22,33"
val t = Test(s)
val dt =Test("2017-02-06")
val list = dummy(Seq(t))
val list2 = dummy(Seq(dt))
val code = Option("22")
val f = date2.flatMap(c => list2
.map(_ => Result("Found"))
.getOrElse(Result("Not Found"))
code.flatMap(c => list
.map(_ => Result("Found"))
.getOrElse(Result("Not Found"))
I want to && the conditions below and return Result("Found")/Result("Not Found")
Is there any possible way to achieve the above .In actual scenerio list and list 2 are Future
I tried to make a more realistic example based on Futures. Here is how I would do it:
val date2 = Option(LocalDate.parse("2017-02-01"))
case class Test(s: String)
case class Result(s: String)
val t = Test("11,22,33")
val dt = Test("2017-02-06")
val code = Option("22")
val f1 = Future(Seq(t))
val f2 = Future(Seq(dt))
// Wait for both futures to finish
val futureResult = Future.sequence(Seq(f1, f2)).map {
case Seq(s1, s2) =>
// Check the first part, this will be a Boolean
val firstPart = code.nonEmpty && s1.exists(_.s.split(",").contains(code.get))
// Check the second part, also a boolean
val secondPart = date2.nonEmpty && s2.exists(d => LocalDate.parse(d.s).compareTo(date2.get) >= 0)
// Do the AND logic you wanted
if (firstPart && secondPart) {
} else {
Result("Not Found")
// This is just for testing to see we got the correct result
val result = Await.result(futureResult, Duration.Inf)
As an aside, your code and date2 values in your example are Options... If this is true in your production code, then we should do a check first to see if they are both defined. If they are not then there would be no need to continue with the rest of the code:
val futureResult = if (date2.isEmpty || code.isEmpty) {
Future.successful(Result("Not Found"))
} else {
Future.sequence(Seq(f1, f2)).map {
case Seq(s1, s2) =>
val firstPart = s1.exists(_.s.split(",").contains(code.get))
val secondPart = s2.exists(d => LocalDate.parse(d.s).compareTo(date2.get) >= 0)
if (firstPart && secondPart) {
} else {
Result("Not Found")
Use pattern matching on Option instead of using flatMap
val x = Some("20")
x match {
case Some(i) => println(i) //do whatever you want to do with the value. And then return result
case None => Result("Not Found")
Looking at what you are trying to do, You would have to use pattern matching twice, that too nested one.

Tuple seen as Product, compiler rejects reference to element

Constructing phoneVector:
val phoneVector = (
for (i <- 1 until 20) yield {
val p = killNS(r.get("Phone %d - Value" format(i)))
val t = killNS(r.get("Phone %d - Type" format(i)))
if (p == None) None
if (t == None) (p,"Main") else (p,t)
).filter(_ != None)
Consider this very simple snippet:
for (pTuple <- phoneVector) {
//val pKey = pTuple._1.replaceAll("[^\\d]","")
associate() // stub prints "associate"
When I run it, I see output like this:
((609) 954-3815,Mobile)
When I uncomment the line with replaceAll(), compile fails:
....scala:57: value _1 is not a member of Product with Serializable
[error] val pKey = pTuple._1.replaceAll("[^\\d]","")
[error] ^
Why does it not recognize pTuple as a Tuple2 and treat it only as Product
OK, this compiles and produces the desired result. But it's too verbose. Can someone please demonstrate a more concise solution for dealing with this typesafe stuff?
for (pTuple <- phoneVector) {
val pPhone = pTuple match {
case t:Tuple2[_,_] => t._1
case _ => None
val pKey = pPhone match {
case s:String => s.replaceAll("[^\\d]","")
case _ => None
You can do:
for (pTuple <- phoneVector) {
val pPhone = pTuple match {
case (key, value) => key
case _ => None
val pKey = pPhone match {
case s:String => s.replaceAll("[^\\d]","")
case _ => None
Or simply"[^\\d]",""))
By changing the construction of phoneVector, as wrick's question implied, I've been able to eliminate the match/case stuff because Tuple is assured. Not thrilled by it, but Change is Hard, and Scala seems cool.
Now, it's still possible to slip a None value into either of the Tuple values. My match/case does not check for that, and I suspect that could lead to a runtime error in the replaceAll call. How is that allowed?
def killNS (s:Option[_]) = {
(s match {
case _:Some[_] => s.get
case _ => None
}) match {
case None => None
case "" => None
case s => s
val phoneVector = (
for (i <- 1 until 20) yield {
val p = killNS(r.get("Phone %d - Value" format(i)))
val t = killNS(r.get("Phone %d - Type" format(i)))
if (t == None) (p,"Main") else (p,t)
).filter(_._1 != None)
// Create the Neo4j nodes:
for (pTuple <- phoneVector) {
val pPhone = pTuple._1 match { case p:String => p }
val pType = pTuple._2
val pKey = pPhone.replaceAll(",.*","").replaceAll("[^\\d]","")

Value * is not a member of AnyVal

This is a fold that I wrote and I get this error:
Error:(26, 42) value * is not a member of AnyVal
(candE.intersect(candR), massE * massR)
allAssignmentsTable is a List[Map[Set[Candidate[A]],Double]]
val allAssignmentsTable = => { => {
(copySet -> h.getAssignment(copySet))
(copySet -> 0.0)
val aggregated = allAssignmentsTable.foldLeft(initialFold) { (res,element) =>
val allIntersects = {
case (candE, massE) => {
case (candR, massR) => candE.intersect(candR), massE * massR
val normalizer = allIntersects.groupBy(_._1).filter(_._1.size == 0).map {
case(key, value) => value.foldLeft(0.0)((e,i) => i._2 + e)
allIntersects.groupBy(_._1).map {
case(key, value) => key -> value.foldLeft(0.0)((e,i) => i._2 + e)
if I do this: case(candE, massE:Double) then I won't get an error but I will get exception in match.
The problem that you get here:
val aggregated = allAssignmentsTable.foldLeft(initialFold) { (res,element) =>
val allIntersects = {
case (candE, massE) => {
case (candR, massR) => candE.intersect(candR), massE * massR
is most probably arising from the previous code block:
val allAssignmentsTable = => { => {
(copySet -> h.getAssignment(copySet))
(copySet -> 0.0)
My hypothesis is that h.getAssignment(copySet) returns something else instead of Double (which seems to be confirmed by the error message quoted in the OP - (26, 42)etc, neither of these two values look like it is a Double. Therefore, allAssignmentsTable undercover is probably not List[Map[Set[Candidate[A]],Double]] but something else e.g. it has Any instead of Double, therefore operator * cannot be applied.