How do I use JSON arrays with Alamofire parameters? - swift

I'm having a bit of trouble structuring my parameters so that our server API would be able to read it as valid JSON.
Alamofire uses parameters like this in swift language
let parameters : [String: AnyObject] =
"string": str
The problem is that AnyObject does not seem to accept JSON so how would I send / create a structure like this with swift?
"string": str, "params" : [
"param1" : "something",
"param2" : 1,
"param3" : 2,
"param" : false
"param1" : "something",
"param2" : 1,
"param3" : 2,
"param" : false

Taken from Alamofire's GitHub page:
let parameters = [
"foo": [1,2,3],
"bar": [
"baz": "qux"
Alamofire.request(.POST, "", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON)
// HTTP body: {"foo": [1, 2, 3], "bar": {"baz": "qux"}}
EDIT: And from your example:
let parameters = [
"string": "str",
"params": [[
"param1" : "something",
"param2" : 1,
"param3" : 2,
"param" : false
"param1" : "something",
"param2" : 1,
"param3" : 2,
"param" : false

Solved this myself. I can just do
parameters =
"params": array
Where array is Dictionary (String, AnyObject). The problem I initially had with this solution was that you can't insert booleans into this kind of dictionary, they will just be converted into integers. But apparently alamofire JSON encoding (I think) sends them as true/false values nevertheless.

In case, there is a need to pass array directly as a parameter for a alamofire request, the following method worked for me.
let headers = NetworkManager.sharedInstance.headers
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: URL(string: (ServerURL + Api))!)
urlRequest.httpMethod = "post"
urlRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers
let jsonArrayencoding = JSONDocumentArrayEncoding(array: documents)
let jsonAryEncodedRequest = try? jsonArrayencoding.encode(urlRequest, with: nil)
var request: Alamofire.DataRequest? = customAlamofireManager.request(jsonAryEncodedRequest!)
request?.validate{request, response, data in
return .success
.responseJSON {

You need to create a NSArray object for array parameters.
var yourParameters = [
"String": "a string",
"Int": 1,
"Array": NSArray(
array: [
"a", "b", "c"

Swift 2.2 and using SwiftyJSON.swift
You can use like this.
var arrayList : [String: AnyObject]//one item of array
var list: [JSON] = []//data array
for i in 0..<10//loop if you need
arrayList = [
list.append(JSON(arrayList))//append to your list
let params: [String : AnyObject]=[

if you are using SwiftyJSON, you can write like this
let array = ["2010-12-13T5:03:20","2010-12-13T5:03:20"]
let paramsJSON = JSON(array)
var arrString = paramsJSON.rawString(NSUTF8StringEncoding)

Using Swift 5
You can use like this.
var authParams:[String:Any] = [:]
var authParamsObject:[String:Any] = [:]
authParamsObject["is_urgent"] = data_any
authParamsObject["body"] = data_any
authParams = ["note_set" : authParamsObject]
Json Result :
"is_urgent": true,
"body": "string"


Create dictionary with objects and array statically and get their value

I am trying to create a dictionary in a static way and obtain the data, but I am not correct. I mean because it is only an array of string and any, but in the image it has brackets and braces. Any help I will appreciate a lot, thanks for your time
let responseDevice : [String : Any] = [
"date_s" : "2021-02-18",
"id_c" : "4",
"id_d" : 1,
"data" : [
"Peso" : 34,
"Fc" : -1,
"Age" : 34,
"Name" : "July"
"flags" : 0,
"error" : 0
if let date_s = responseDevice["date_s"] as? String,
let dat = responseDevice["data"] as? [String : Any],
let peso = dat["Peso"] as? Int {
print("log :\(responseDevice)")
log :["id_c": "4", "error": 0, "id_d": 1, "flags": 0, "date_s": "2021-02-18", "data": ["Peso": 34, "Fc": -1, "Age": 34, "Name": "July"]]
What you created is a Swift Dictionary. What you have on that image is JSON Object. It's not very clear what your goal is, so couple of basic pointers:
If you want to parse JSON into Dictionary, check this answer
If you simply want to include some JSON sample in your code (e.g. for testing), you can put it in triple quotes:
var myJSON = """
[paste your JSON here]

Unable to create an array of JSON's and assign it to a key which are to be send as parameters to Alamofire Post request?

I have a Post Request, in which I am trying to create an Array of json which the user types and then send to the server, I have used dictionary and it is working for a single request but not for multiple requests.
The JSON structure to be sent is
"id" : "u_101"
"data" : [
{ "name" : "Shubham"
"age" : "23"
"name" : "S"
"age" : "20"
Here is what I am using in swift for setting the parameters of alamofire request.
func setData (id: String, data: [Any]) {
request.httpMethod = post
var parameters = Parameters()
parameters["id"] = id
parameters["data"] = data
Then in the view controller I am doing this, (Items contain a dictionary of entered data through the view )
var allData : [Any] = []
for item in items {
var data: [String:String] = [:]
data["name"] = item.key
data["age"] = item.value
setData(id: "u_101", data: alldata)
This is not working and the server is throwing error.
If I send this to the Alamofire post request.
"id" : "u_101"
"data" : [
{ "name" : "Shubham"
"age" : "23"
The server responds with a success.

Alamofire multi parameters dictionary

Hi i am trying to give to alamofire parameters called "addons" that are in array...array can contain 3 or X items. I am trying to use FOR cycle to ad dictionary to another another one set of items, only shows the last one...that seems it override the previous one. I tried everything I know...Even try to use SwiftyJSON framework....but alamofire only take pure dictionary type.
let itemsArr = ["Skirts", "Coat", "Shirt"]
let priceArr = ["7.00", "7.00", "2.90"]
let quantityArr = ["2", "5", "1"]
let personalInfo: [String : Any] = [
"phone" : phone,
"notes" : descNote
var para: [String: Any] = [
"pieces" : pieces,
"personal_info" : personalInfo,
"payment_method" : paymentMethod
for i in 0..<itemsArr.count {
let addons: [String: Any] = [
para["addons"] = addons
well I need something like this
"pieces": 12,
"personal_info": {
"phone": "+420783199102",
"notes": "Plz be fast, I need to play Game of War"
"payment_method": "cod",
"addons": [
"name": "Select day Tue",
"price": 3.5,
"quantity": 1
"name": "Select day Thu",
"price": 3.5,
"quantity": 1
Your problem is that in loop you are overwriting variable every single iteration with single result. That's why only last one is left for you.
What you should do is:
//create an array to store the addons outside of the loop
var addons: [[String: Any]] = []
for i in 0..<itemsArr.count {
let addon: [String: Any] = [
//append a single addon to our array prepared before the loop
//once we gathered all addons, append results to `para` dictionary
para["addons"] = addons

Dictionary wrong order - JSON

I am trying to create a dictionary that I can make into a JSON formatted object and send to the server.
var users = [
"First": "Albert",
"Last": "Einstein",
"Street": "112 Mercer Street",
"City": "Princeton"]
"First": "Marie",
"Last": "Curie",
"Street": "108 boulevard Kellermann",
"City": "Paris"]]
I use this function
func nsobjectToJSON(swiftObject: NSObject) -> NSString {
var jsonCreationError: NSError?
let jsonData: NSData = NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(swiftObject, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted, error: &jsonCreationError)!
var strJSON = NSString()
if jsonCreationError != nil {
println("Errors: \(jsonCreationError)")
else {
// everything is fine and we have our json stored as an NSData object. We can convert into NSString
strJSON = NSString(data: jsonData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
return strJSON
But my result is this:
"First" : "Albert",
"Address" : {
"Street" : "112 Mercer Street",
"City" : "Princeton"
"Last" : "Einstein"
"First" : "Marie",
"Address" : {
"Street" : "108 boulevard Kellermann",
"City" : "Paris"
"Last" : "Curie"
Problem: why is the last name last? I think it should be above address. Please let me know what I am doing wrong with the NSDictionary for this to come out wrong. Any help would be very much appreciated - thank you.
To post what has already been said in comments: Dictionaries are "unordered collections". They do not have any order at all to their key/value pairs. Period.
If you want an ordered collection, use something other than a dictionary. (an array of single-item dictionaries is one way to do it.) You can also write code that loads a dictionary's keys into a mutable array, sorts the array, then uses the sorted array of keys to fetch key/value pairs in the desired order.
You could also create your own collection type that uses strings as indexes and keeps the items in sorted order. Swift makes that straightforward, although it would be computationally expensive.
I did like this.
let stagesDict = NSDictionary()
if let strVal = sleepItemDict["stages"] as? NSDictionary {
stagesDict = strVal
let sortedKeys = (stagesDict.allKeys as! [String]).sorted(by: <)
var sortedValues : [Int] = []
for key in sortedKeys {
let value = stagesDict[key]!
print("\(key): \(value)")
sortedValues.append(value as! Int)

Searching in Array of Dictionaries

I'm trying to search values in array of dictionaries which I get from JSON. I have a tableViewController with UISearchResultsUpdating. I found an example with array of Strings:
func updateSearchResultsForSearchController(searchController: UISearchController)
filteredTableData.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
let searchPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "SELF contains[c] %#", searchController.searchBar.text)
let array = tableData.filteredArrayUsingPredicate(searchPredicate)
filteredTableData = array as! [String]
And I really don't know how to made search in array like this:
id = 3;
name = TestNewYork;
id = 2;
name = TestLA;
id = 1;
name = TestWashington;
my tableData = [] and filteredTableData must be an array too
Please, help!
You can use a simple filter function to do this...
tableData : [[String : String]] = ... // your JSON array of String, String dictionaries...
filteredTableData = tableData.filter{
dictionary in
return dictionary["name"] == filterString
Something like that anyway, not written Swift for a while.
You can wrap it in a function too...
func filter(array : [[String : String]], byString filterString : String) -> [[String : String]] {
return array.filter{
dictionary in
return dictionary["name"] == filterString
Or something. Not checked the code yet. Will be back if it doesn't work.
Checked in Playground and this works...
Changed to this...
let data = [
"id" : 3,
"name" : "a"
"id" : 4,
"name" : "b"
"id" : 5,
"name" : "c"
let filteredData = data.filter{
return $0["name"] == "b"
And it works. Just can't work out how to wrap in a function.
If you want to match the beginning of words...
let data = [
"id" : 3,
"name" : "Hello"
"id" : 4,
"name" : "Goodbye"
"id" : 5,
"name" : "Everybody"
let filteredData = data.filter{
let string = $0["name"] as! String
return string.hasPrefix("Goo")
If you want a contains you just need to do a find in the string.
Again, I'm not lying here. I'm running it in a Playground to check...
For a contains search you can do this...
let filteredData = data.filter{
let string = $0["name"] as! String
return string.rangeOfString("db") != nil