How to comment on embedded facebook post on a website without leaving it - facebook

I recently made a fanpage and i have used embedded code from one of the post of my fanpage to my website.
So now It shows the post on my website and number of likes but i would like to show current existing comments which that particular post had got. Right now it is just displays the comment button and if i will click that then it will take me to the fanpage just for the sake of comment.
So heres what i need
1 - Comment on the embedded post without leaving the website to facebook.
2 - Displaying all the current existed comments ..
the image right now look like this

Thats very simple. First, you need to login user and ask for publish_stream permission. After the user is logged in, you just to display a button that triggers the function named comment, passing the ID (corresponding to the object user is going to comment to) .
You will also need an input field for inserting the comment (of course), and using jquery .value we will get the value of the input field .
PS: Specify NAME and ID on the message input field. I dont remember wich one is, put both of them .
After getting the variables, we will call FB.api, specifing the variables id and comentario than get the response for handling the result (if you want), you can try to reload the comment plugin, or refreshing the page .
function comment(id) {
var id = id;
var comentario = document.getElementById("message").value;
"message": comentario
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
alert('Comentado !');
} else {
alert('Erro !');
That is very simple and fun, but you will need to get authorization from facebook platform to ask users for publish_stream permissions before production .

I think David's answer will just post a new comment, not show all post's comments.
Unfortunately there is not a option to show the comments on embed posts.
You need to get the post id, call a api to load all comments and so embed each one of them. Yeah, that's terrible...
Open the graph api explorer:
Type {post-id}/comments on GET input and send it to see a response example.
And that's how you embed comments:
I don't think loading all comments from all posts will have a good performance. I suggest you to create a button "see comments" which call the api. After that you can create the input text for new comments, like David said.


How to hide a Facebook post from timeline?

I'm desperate to hide a Facebook post (mine or a friend's post) on my own Timeline but it doesn't work, I don't even know if it is possible !
What I've done is :
First, I checked on my timeline on the specific post if it can be hidden or not
I implemented this code :
facebookClient.publish(String.format("%s", postKey), Post.class, Parameter.with("is_hidden", "true"));
I have actually a response like :
missing parameter reorder_pids[]
If I specify it, it asks me for a valid merge photo id etc. But I'm not sure if I am in the wrong direction. One of my colleague told me that it works for him but impossible to determine what is the difference.
I tried this function on a normal account and also a Facebook page.
Here it is:
String _mode = "hidden"; // or "normal" or "starred"
facebookClient.publish(_post, FacebookType.class, Parameter.with("timeline_visibility", _mode));
As soon as Post will be hidden - you won't be able to retrieve it by FQL request, even by post_id. It is almost like "delete". But you can still publish with timeline_visibility=normal.

Adding a Facebook comment on a URL and have it displayed on user profile

I am creating a web application that displays a list of images taken from Flickr and I would like a user to login through Facebook and allow them to comment on those images. I was able to get the login/authentication working but I am now having trouble to enable a user to add a comment (as oppose to a Facebook 'post') on a Flickr image and have this activity show up on the user's Facebook profile/feed (i.e "John Smith commented on a link").
Here is what I have so far:
var fbCommentApi = '/me/myappname_ns:comment?access_token=' + fbUserToken + '&method=post' + '&picture=[WEBSITE_URL]' + selectedItemId;
{ message: txtObj.value },
function (response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
alert("Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later. [API]");
else {
alert("Thank you. Your comment will appear shortly");
The above code doesn't create a comment but instead it creates a post on the user's timeline with the URL attached. So when I try to retrieve comments for the WEBSITE_URL item through Facebook Graph...
'[WEBSITE_URL]' + itemID
...I end up with empty data being returned.
I have an Action Type called 'Comment' in my Facebook app and that's the action I am using when trying to add the comment.
Thanks in advance and I look forward to your answers.
UPDATE 1: It seems now that if I use Facebook Graph this way..[TOKEN]&website=[URL]&met‌​hod=post would just add an entry to the user's Activity box in their timeline, I didn't even pass a comment or message parameter to the URL as a query string parameter. That could be part of the problem.
UPDATE 2: According to another StackOverflow question, there seems to be no way to get a view of all actions done by all users, it has to be done per user (an API call per user). Therefore another way of handling this particular issue is to save the comments (or whatever action performed) to our own database.
Well, an Open Graph action is not a comment, even if you name it comment …
If you want a real Facebook comment, then either get a reference to an object that actually can be commented upon; or substitute comment with post/link post.

How to detect if is the user the fan of my page

I have a little problem, I don't know how to create the script (with PHP SDK) which check if is the user a fan of my page.
I successfly get the permission for user_likes, but I cant post data to array and after check it.
When I dump this code: $user_likes = $facebook->api('/me/likes'); I'll got all data, but I cant post them to array.
It's amazing what one can find on the internet these days if only he tries to Google his questions...
Here's the first result I got for "facebook is the user a fan":
It discuss a few options, PHP and JavaScript, Graph API and REST API, just pick your favorite.
FB.api("me/likes/270801249647033", function(response) {
if ( == 1 ) {
// Has liked
} else {
// Not liked
Source and download script
From: (yes, this is deprecated, but it includes the new Graph API way to do things at the top of it. :) )
You can now issue a HTTP GET request to /USER_ID/likes/PAGE_ID (aka /me/likes/PAGE_ID ) to check if a user is a page of a fan.

Cannot get page "like" status using Facebook C# SDK

I am using the latest Facebook C# SDK (v5.0.40 at time of writing) from here:
I have created a test iFrame app in Facebook and got the CSASPNETFacebookApp sample running so that it displays the name of the currently logged in user within Facebook.
What I would now like to do is display different content in my iFrame depending on whether the user has "liked" the page. However the signed_request never seems to contain that information. From what I can see in the FacebookSignedRequest.cs I will only get the payload which contains the page information if the algorithm is AES-256-CBC HMAC-SHA256 but I only ever get HMAC-SHA256 returned.
What am I doing wrong? How do I get it to return the page information? Is it a problem with the setup of my app in Facebook or a configuration issue with the .NET app?
Thanks in advance.
var fb = new FacebookClient("access_token");
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.method = "pages.isFan";
parameters.page_id = "{you page id}";
dynamic result = fb.Get(parameters);
bool isFan = result == true;
Neil Knight's answer is technically correct, you can use FQL to look up whether a user has liked a page and it did help to set me on the right path. However my issue was actually more one of set up rather than code. What I didn't understand is that you only receive the "like" information in the signed request if your app is running within the "context of a page". If you set it up correctly then Facebook will pass your app the like flag without the user needing to "Allow" your app.
The steps are:
(1) Create your iframe application in Facebook
(2) Set up a tab url for your app in the app settings. This is what the parent page will use when it generates a link in the left hand column to go to your app.
(3) Go to your "App profile page", the URL will be something like this: Where 12345 is your app ID.
In the left hand column below the logo image there should be a link "Add to Page". If you click on that link you will be presented with a list of pages that you are the admin for. Select the page you want to like in your app.
Now if you navigate to your page you should get a link to your app in the left hand column. It is only when clicking on that link that you will get the page id and like status passed through to your application.
Hope this helps someone having the same issue.
You could use FQL in order to achieve this. I have just done this using the following statement:
var the_query = FB.Data.query("SELECT uid FROM page_fan WHERE page_id = {0} and uid={1}", page_id, user_id);
In order for this to work, I had to ask the user to "Allow" my application so that I had permission to check to see if they liked the page. Then, it was a simple case of checking the result and displaying the necessary <div>:
the_query.wait(function (rows) {
if (rows.length == 1 && rows[0].uid == user_id) {
} else {

Retrieve Facebook users that like a URL / web page via Open Graph

Is there a way to retrieve the list of Facebook users that have clicked the like button on an external website?
E.g. there is a domain which has been confirmed via Facebook Insights to belong to fbUser1 (using OG meta tags).
Somewhere on there is a page with multiple XFBL like buttons, each one pointing to a further specific URL on, e.g., etc.
What I'd like to get is the list of users that liked and of those who liked
My intuitive approach would be to look at (where the number is the ID of the domain taken from FB insights), but this always returns an empty dataset:
"data": [
I've also tried getting an OAuth access token from (where APPID and APPSECRET are taken from a FB application that is marked as owning the domain using OG meta tags), but that makes no difference.
I'd also be interested in a non-OpenGraph (i.e. JS SDK, FQL etc.) solution.
EDIT: Using the following code (according to WideBlade's answer below) still gives me an empty list of likes (the second query never returns):
var objectsQuery = "select id from object_url where url in ('', '', '')";
var likesQuery = "select object_id from like where object_id = {0}";
FB.Data.query(objectsQuery).wait(function (objectRows) {
FB.Array.forEach(objectRows, function (objectRow) {
FB.Data.query(likesQuery, objectRow.object_id).wait(function (likeRows) {
FQL Should do the trick.
$facebook->api_client->fql_query('SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id="OBJECTID"');
Here is the link.
Some general info about FQL.
FQL is initiated using the JavaScript SDK, in this way.
If you can post some sample code-I can try and give some more specific help.
A note should be made-once you've got the user ID's, you can just query the names and get them in a list.
EDIT: To get the URL of an object you should query this table using fql.
This cannot be done. Facebook does not allow you to query for specific user ID's of people who have liked a certain page. This is because of privacy concerns.
See the disclaimer on this page