Neural Networks for integer values - neural-network

I have approximately 5000 integer vectors (=SIZE) that look like:
[1 0 4 2 0 1 3 ...]
They have the same length N=32 and their values ranges from 0 to 4 but let's say [0 MAX].
I created a NN that takes vectors as inputs and outputs a binary array corresponding to one of the desired output(number of possible outputs = M):
for instance [0 1 0 0 ...0] => 2nd output. array_length = M
I used a Multi Layer Perceptron in Neuroph with those integer values but it did not converge.
So I am guessing the problem is using integer values or using a MLP with 3 layers: input, hidden and output.
Can you advise me on the network structure? which type of NN is suitable? Should I remodel the input and output to simplify the learning process? I have been thinking about Gray encoding for the integers input.


How to create an adjacency/joint probability matrix in matlab

From a binary matrix, I want to calculate a kind of adjacency/joint probability density matrix (not quite sure how to label it as so please feel free to rename).
For example, I start with this matrix:
A = [1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 0]
I want to produce this output:
Output = [1 4/5 1/5
4/5 1 1/5
1/5 1/5 1]
Basically, for each row, I want to calculate the proportion of times where they agreed (1 and 1 or 0 and 0). A will always agree with itself and thus have it as 1 along the diagonal. No matter how many different js are added it will still result in a 3x3, but an extra i variable will result in a 4x4.
I like to think of the inputs along i in the A matrix as the person and Js as the question and so the final output is a 3x3 (number of persons) matrix.
I am having some trouble with this on matlab. If you could please help point me in the right direction that would be fabulous.
So, you can do this in two parts.
bothOnes = A*A';
gives you a matrix showing how many 1s each pair of rows share, and
bothZeros = (1-A)*(1-A)';
gives you a matrix showing how many 0s each pair of rows share.
If you just add them up, you get how many elements they share of either type:
bothSame = A*A' + (1-A)*(1-A)';
Then just divide by the row length to get the desired fractional representation:
output = (A*A' + (1-A)*(1-A)') / size(A, 2);
That should get you there.
Note that this only works if A contains only 1's and 0's, but it can be adapted for other cases.
Here are some alternatives, assuming A can only contain 0 and 1:
If you have the Statistics Toolbox:
result = 1-squareform(pdist(A, 'hamming'));
Manual approach with implicit expansion:
result = mean(permute(A, [1 3 2])==permute(A, [3 1 2]), 3);
Using bitwise operations. This is a more esoteric approach, and is only valid if A has at most 53 columns, due to floating-point limitations:
t = bin2dec(char(A+'0')); % convert each row from binary to decimal
u = bitxor(t, t.'); % bitwise xor
v = mean(dec2bin(u)-'0', 2); % compute desired values
result = 1 - reshape(v, size(A,1), []); % reshape to obtain result

I'm trying to build a Neural Network in python

I'm trying to build a neural network and am following a tutorial.
What do those two lines mean?
syn0 = 2*np.random.random((3,4)) -1
syn1 = 2*np.random.random((4,1)) -1
Specifically, Those values (3,4 | 4,1)
I just don't get it...
I think I know what the first synapse's values mean, but not the 2nd one...
np.random.random creates an array of random values between 0 and 1 - the parameter it takes is the desired shape of the array, which is what (3,4) and (4,1) are in your example.
Simple random weight initialisation is sufficient to train your neural network, but initialising them with a mean of 0 speeds up training, which is what 2*np.random.random((3,4)) -1 does:
np.random.random((3,4)) // array with values in range [0, 1) and mean of 0.5
2 * np.random.random((3,4)) // array with values in range [0, 2) and mean of 1
2 * np.random.random((3,4)) - 1 // array with values in range [-1, 1) and mean of 0

Matlab: Covariance Matrix from matrix of combinations using E(X) and E(X^2)

I have a set of independent binary random variables (say A,B,C) which take a positive value with some probability and zero otherwise, for which I have generated a matrix of 0s and 1s of all possible combinations of these variables with at least a 1 i.e.
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 1 0
I know the values and probabilities of A,B,C so I can calculate E(X) and E(X^2) for each. I want to treat each combination in the above matrix as a new random variable equal to the product of the random variables which are present in that combination (show a 1 in the matrix). For example, random variable Row4 = A*B.
I have created a matrix of the same size to the above, which shows the relevant E(X)s instead of the 1s, and 1s instead of the 0s. This allows me to easily calculate the vector of Expected values of the new random variables (one per combination) as the product of each row. I have also generated a similar matrix which shows E(X^2) instead of E(X), and another one which shows prob(X>0) instead of E(X).
I'm looking for a Matlab script that computes the Covariance matrix of these new variables i.e. taking each row as a random variable. I presume it will have to use the formula:
For example, for rows (1 1 0) and (1 0 1):
These values I already have from the matrices I've mentioned above. For each Covariance, I'm just unsure how to know which two variables appear in both rows, because for those I will have to select E(X^2) instead of E(X).
Alternatively, the above can be written as:
But the problem remains as the probabilities in the denominator will only be the ones of the variables which are shared between two combinations.
Any advice on how automate the computation of the Covariance matrix in Matlab would be greatly appreciated.
I'm pretty sure this is not the most efficient way to do that but that's a start:
Assume r1...n the combinations of the random variables, R is the matrix:
r1 1 0 0
r2 0 1 0
r3 0 0 1
r4 1 1 0
If you have the vector E1, E2 and ER as:
E1 = [E(A) E(B) E(C) ...]
E2 = [E(A²) E(B²) E(C²) ...]
ER = [E(r1) E(r2) E(r3) ...]
If you want to compute E(r1,r2) you can:
1) Extract the R1 and R2 columns from R
v1 = R(1,:)
v2 = R(2,:)
2) Sum both vectors in vs
vs = v1 + v2
3) Loop in vs, if you see a 2 that means the value in R2 has to be used, if you see a 1 it is the value in R1, if it is 0 do not use the value.
4) Using the loop, compute your E(r1,r2) as wanted.

Matlab matrix with fixed sum over rows

I'm trying to construct a matrix in Matlab where the sum over the rows is constant, but every combination is taken into account.
For example, take a NxM matrix where M is a fixed number and N will depend on K, the result to which all rows must sum.
For example, say K = 3 and M = 3, this will then give the matrix:
At the moment I do this by first creating the matrix of all possible combinations, without regard for the sum (for example this also contains [2,2,1] and [3,3,3]) and then throw away the element for which the sum is unequal to K
However this is very memory inefficient (especially for larger K and M), but I couldn't think of a nice way to construct this matrix without first constructing the total matrix.
Is this possible in a nice way? Or should I use a whole bunch of for-loops?
Here is a very simple version using dynamic programming. The basic idea of dynamic programming is to build up a data structure (here S) which holds the intermediate results for smaller instances of the same problem.
%S(k+1,m) will hold the intermediate result for k and m
%Initialisation, for M=1 there is only a trivial solution using one number.
for iM=2:M
for temporary_k=0:K
for new_element=0:temporary_k
This may be more efficient than your original approach, although it still generates (and then discards) more rows than needed.
Let M denote the number of columns, and S the desired sum. The problem can be interpreted as partitioning an interval of length S into M subintervals with non-negative integer lengths.
The idea is to generate not the subinterval lengths, but the subinterval edges; and from those compute the subinterval lengths. This can be done in the following steps:
The subinterval edges are M-1 integer values (not necessarily different) between 0 and S. These can be generated as a Cartesian product using for example this answer.
Sort the interval edges, and remove duplicate sets of edges. This is why the algorithm is not totally efficient: it produces duplicates. But hopefully the number of discarded tentative solutions will be less than in your original approach, because this does take into account the fixed sum.
Compute subinterval lengths from their edges. Each length is the difference between two consecutive edges, including a fixed initial edge at 0 and a final edge at S.
%// Data
S = 3; %// desired sum
M = 3; %// number of pieces
%// Step 1 (adapted from linked answer):
combs = cell(1,M-1);
[combs{end:-1:1}] = ndgrid(0:S);
combs = cat(M+1, combs{:});
combs = reshape(combs,[],M-1);
%// Step 2
combs = unique(sort(combs,2), 'rows');
%// Step 3
combs = [zeros(size(combs,1),1) combs repmat(S, size(combs,1),1)]
result = diff(combs,[],2);
The result is sorted in lexicographical order. In your example,
result =
0 0 3
0 1 2
0 2 1
0 3 0
1 0 2
1 1 1
1 2 0
2 0 1
2 1 0
3 0 0

Training a Decision Tree in MATLAB over binary train data

I want to train a decision tree in MATLAB for binary data. Here is a sample of data I use.
traindata <87*239> [array of data with 239 features]
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 ... [till 239]
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 ... [till 239]
The thing is that this data corresponds to a form which has only options for yes/no. The outcome of the form is also binary and has the meaning that a patinet has some medical disorder or not! we have used classification tree and the classifier shows us double numbers. for example it branches the first node based on x137 value being bigger than 0.75 or not! Since we don't have 0.75 in our data and it has no yes/no meaning we wanted to use a decision tree which is best for our work. The best decision tree for us is the one that is trained based on boolean variables not double ones. Also it understands that the data is not continuous and for example instead of above representation shows x137 is yes o no (1 or 0). Can someone help me with this? I would also appreciate a solution to map our data to double variables and features if the boolean decision tree is not appliable. I am currently using classregtree in matlab with <87*237> as train and <87*1> as results.
classregtree has an optional input parameter categorical. Using this option, you can pass in a vector indicating which of your input variables are categorical (in your case, this vector would be 1x239, all ones). The decision tree should then contain yes/no decisions rather than numerical thresholds.
From the help of classregtree:
t = classregtree(X,y) creates a decision tree t for predicting the response y as a function of the predictors in the columns of X. X is an n-by-m matrix of predictor values. If y is a vector of n response values, classregtree performs regression. If y is a categorical variable, character array, or cell array of strings, classregtree performs classification.
What's the type of y in your case? It seems that classregtree is doing regression in your case but you want classification. So, y should be a categorical variable.
EDIT: To make your y categorical, you can try "nominal(y)".