Xml FIle generation using Rythm Template Engine - rythm

I am trying to generate an xml file using rythm template and wondering if there is a way to drop few tags based on business logic.
Eg: Discard #error_message tag in case of a successful method execution.
Please help!.

Use #if directive:
#ifNot(success) {


Generate starter code based on new file VSCode

Is there a way to configure some code based on a file extension when created in VS Code? I'm currently working with psioniq file header which has been pretty helpful in generating good header files, but I'm looking to take this a step farther.
When I create a new file, based on a specific file extension, I would like it to generate some starting code that I can configure. For example, I work with Verilog a lot. It would be really cool if Code could generate based on the file name.
Create new file
Code generates some code (like below) or something else that could be configured based on the filetype:
module <filename> (
input ,
output ,
Anyone have any extensions they know about or resources they can point me to to implement this?
This would be a pretty easy extension to write but an alternative is snippets.
You can create keywords, based on the extensions, that when you type it it'll create all that code for you.

How to load a template text file in SAPUI5?

I have a template fragment file, which is an xml file in fact.
I want to load it in my controller, do some modification on that, and then use it to render some part of the view.
I only need to read this xml file as text file and put its content in a string.
I cannot find any object for doing this in SAPUI5 api.
Please note the file is placed in my view folder in server side.
I need some kind of promise that read the file and after reading the file run a successor function.
Thanks in advance
There can be multiple ways to to this.
1.Either you can load your XML in an XML Model "sap.ui.model.xml.XMLModel()"
var oModelX = new sap.ui.model.xml.XMLModel();
var xmlStr = oModelX.getXML();
console.log(xmlStr); // Do what ever you want with your xml string
2.You can also read the content of that XML file using AJAX and do your parsing in AJAX response.

How to make a section optional when mapped to optional data in a Word OpenXml Part?

I'm using OpenXml SDK to generate word 2013 files. I'm running on a server (part of a server solution), so automation is not an option.
Basically I have an xml file that is output from a backend system. Here's a very simplified example:
<my:Name>Customer Template</my:Name>
<my:Date>19/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
<my:Date>20/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
Then I use Word's Xml Mapping pane to map this data to content control:
I simply duplicate the word file, and write new Xml data when generating new files.
This is working as expected. When I update the xml part, it reflects the data from my backend.
Thought, there's a case that does not works. If a customer has no order, the template content is kept in the document. The xml data is :
<my:Name>Some customer</my:Name>
(see the empty order list).
In Word, the xml pane reflects the correct data (meaning no Order node):
But as you can see, the template content is still here.
Basically, I'd like to hide the order list when there's no order (or at least an empty table).
How can I do that?
PS: If it can help, I uploaded the word and xml files, and a small PowerShell script that injects the data : repro.zip
Thanks for sharing your files so we can better help you.
I had a difficult time trying to solve your problem with your existing Word Content Controls, XML files and the PowerShell script that added the XML to the Word document. I found what seemed to be Microsoft's VSTO example solution to your problem, but I couldn't get this to work cleanly.
I was however able to write a simple C# console application that generates a Word file based on your XML data. The OpenXML code to generate the Word file was generated code from the Open XML Productivity Tool. I then added some logic to read your XML file and generate the second table rows dynamically depending on how many orders there are in the data. I have uploaded the code for you to use if you are interested in this solution. Note: The xml data file should be in c:\temp and the generated word files will be in c:\temp also.
Another added bonus to this solution is if you were to add all of the customer data into one XML file, the application will create separate word files in your temp directory like so:
Here is the document generated from the first xml file
Here is the document generated from the second xml file with the empty row
Hope this helps.

What is the best way to escape HTML on ExtJS application generally?

I am developing a web application using ExtJS to build GUI and communicate with server via RESTful web-service (the returned data is formatted as JSON objects).
Now I am having problems when processing with data which contains HTML tags, Javascript codes inside; because when I set those values to Ext forms, labels, input fields, they are affected by those syntaxes.
I used this function to load data from model object to form:
I have found a solution to escape HTML and JS: using
but I think that is not a good solution for whole application, because the developers must do so much things: review all input fields, labels, and put that snippet to them. And after all, that is not a beautiful way to build a fast, robust and maintainable application.
So, could you please help me solution so that it can be modified at one place, and affects to the rest. Can I override the setValue/ setLabel of AbstractComponent? Or should I encode the data before rendering them? And how to decode those data?
(P/S: I uses Grails framework on the server-side)
Thank you so much.
If you're using Ext.XTemplate, you can escape html in fields like this:
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>My Field: {myField:htmlEncode}</p>'
Everything depends on your use case, but what I do is - escape all HTML code on server side, so that there are no 'forgotten' places by mistake. That of course creates problems, when these data need to be loaded in form fields, because they are escaped.
The easiest solution is to override setValue for all form fields and use Extjs htmlDecode function, which will revert these values back to normal.
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.Base, {
setValue: function(val) {
val = Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(val);
return this.callParent([val]);
This link has a excellent answer by jack.slocum :
grid.on('validateedit', function(e){
e.value = Ext.util.Format.stripTags(e.value);
Util method Ext.util.Format.stripTags() removes all the html/script tags.

can open xml sdk be used in creating xml files?

is it possible to use the OPEN XML SDK and generate an xml file that contains some metadata of a particular docx file?
details: i have a docx file, from which i want to extract some metadata(using open xml) and display them as xml file and later use Jquery to present them in a more readable form.
You can use the SDK to extract info from the various properties parts which may be present in the docx (for example, the core properties part, which included dublin core type info).
You can extract it in its native XML form:
xmlns:cp="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/metadata/core- properties"
xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" .. >
<dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">2010-11-10T00:32:00Z</dcterms:created>
<dcterms:modified xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">2010-11-10T00:33:00Z</dcterms:modified>
or, in some other XML dialect of your own choosing.
I know question was posted a long time ago, but first result of google search sent me here. So if there are others looking for a solution to this, there is a snippet on MSDN website https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/cc489219.aspx
short answer is... using XmlTextWritter, and it applies to Office 2013 afaik:
// Add the CoreFilePropertiesPart part in the new word processing document.
var coreFilePropPart = wordDoc.AddCoreFilePropertiesPart();
using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(coreFilePropPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
writer.WriteRaw("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n<cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/metadata/core-properties\"></cp:coreProperties>");