RapidMiner replace numeric values in a range - range

Using RapidMiner Studio 6 have to replace the attribute values that are outside a certain range, 0, and I know that operator can use (or combination of operators). For example, if I have to attribute values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and apply the operator for the range [3-5] I would be the values 0 0 3 4 5 0 0.

I don't speak Spanish but Google translate leads me to think that you need to change the value of an attribute to zero if it is outside a certain range. You can use the Generate Attributes operator for this with if in the parameters section.
If your attribute is called a2 and you want to change it to zero if its value is below 3 and above 5, the parameters to the Generate Attributes operator would look like this.
attribute name: a2
function expressions: if(a2<3,0,if(a2>5,0,a2))


How do I replace the first 10 entries in a column with NaN in KDB

I am doing calculation on columns using summation. I want to manually change my first n entries in my calc column from float to NaN. Can someone please advise me how to do that?
For example, if my column in table t now is mycol:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9), I am trying to get a function that can replace the first n=4 entries with NaN, so my column in table t becomes mycol:(0N 0N 0N 0N 5 6 7 8 9)
Thank you so much!
We can use amend functionality to replace the first n items with null value. Additionally, it would be better to use the appropriate null literal for each column based on the type. Something like this would work:
f: {nullDict: "ijfs"!(0Ni;0Nj;0Nf:`); #[x; til y; :; nullDict .Q.ty x]}
This will amend the first y items in the list x. .Q.ty will get the type for input so that we can get the corresponding value from the dictionary.
You can then use this for a single column, like so:
update mycol: f[mycol;4] from tbl
You can also do this in one go for multiple columns with varying number of items to be replaced using functional form:
Do take note that you will need to modify nullDict with whatever other types you need.
Update: Thanks to Jonathon McMurray for suggesting a better way to build up nullDict for all primitive types using the below code:
{x!first each x$\:()}.Q.t except " "

How to check whether an integer is present in the range in Scala?

I have to check whether 2 is present in the range (2,5) .
How do I check that using Scala?
Ranges in Scala are created using the methods to and until:
2 to 5 would give you inclusive-inclusive range with numbers 2,3,4,5
2 until 5 would give you inclusive-exclusive range 2,3,4
Ranges provide the method contains to check for element membership, so
a to b contains x
would check whether x is in the range a to b, in your case, it would be
2 to 5 contains 2
if you wanted inclusive-inclusive, or
(2 + 1) until 5 contains 2
if you wanted exclusive-exclusive etc.

Get range of elements in KDB using variables

Why I can't use variable inside array ranges in KDB?
test:1 2 3 4 5
This example won't work:
test[1 pos]
but this way it will work
test[1 3]
As you can see, when you use test[1 3], (1 3) is a list. So vector variable requires a list.
q) list1:1 3
q) test[list1]
So you have to use:
q)test[(1;n)] / alternate way
For detail explanation about why only semicolon doesn't work and why we require brackets '()',check my answer for this post:
kdb/q: how to reshape a list into nRows, where nRows is a variable
To understand what you're asking, consider:
1 2 3 7
That is a simple list of integers. Now consider:
a 2 3
Where a is a vector. The above indexes into a. Easy. Now say you want to have that 2 3 list as a variable
b:2 3
a b //works!
You are specifically asking about how to get a range from a list, this is covered in How to get range of elements in a list in KDB?
In that answer, use variables to create your index list and use the result to index into a

Calculating the Local Ternary Pattern of an depth image

I found the detail and implementation of Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) on Calculating the Local Ternary Pattern of an image?. I want to ask more details that what the best way to choose the threshold t and also I have confusion in understand the role of reorder_vector = [8 7 4 1 2 3 6 9];
Unfortunately there isn't a good way to figure out what the threshold is using LTPs. It's mostly trial and error or by experimentation. However, I could suggest to make the threshold adaptive. You can use Otsu's algorithm to dynamically determine the best threshold of your image. This is assuming that the distribution of your intensities in the image is bimodal. In other words, there is a clear separation between objects and background. MATLAB has an implementation of this by the graythresh function. However, this generates a threshold between 0 and 1, so you will need to multiply the result by 255, assuming that the type of your image is uint8.
Therefore, do:
t = 255*graythresh(im);
im is the image that you desire to compute the LTPs. Now, I can certainly provide insight on what the reorder_vector is doing. Look at the following figure on how to calculate LTPs:
(source: hindawi.com)
When we generate the ternary code matrix (matrix in the middle), we need to generate an 8 element sequence that doesn't include the middle of the neighbourhood. We start from the east most element (row 2, column 3), then traverse the elements in counter-clockwise order. The reorder_vector variable allows you to select those specific elements that respect that order. If you recall, MATLAB can access matrices using column-major linear indices. Specifically, given a 3 x 3 matrix, we can access an element using a number from 1 to 9 and the memory is laid out like so:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
Therefore, the first element of reorder_vector is index 8, which is the east most element. Next is index 7, which is the top right element, then index 4 which is the north facing element, then 1, 2, 3, 6 and finally 9.
If you follow these numbers, you will determine how I got the reorder_vector:
reorder_vector = [8 7 4 1 2 3 6 9];
By using this variable for accessing each 3 x 3 local neighbourhood, we would thus generate the correct 8 element sequence that respects the ordering of the ternary code so that we can proceed with the next stage of the algorithm.

postgresql compute min value of columns conditiong on a value of other columns

can I do this with the standard SQL or I need to create a function for the following problem?
I have 14 columns, which represent 2 properties of 7 consecutive objects (the order from 1 to 7 is important), so
table.object1prop1, ...,table.object1prop7,table.objects2prop2, ..., table.objects2prop7.
I need compute the minimum value of the property 2 of the 7 objects that have smaller values than a specific threshold for property 1.
The values of the property 1 of the 7 objects take values on a ascending arithmetic scale. So property 1 of the object 1 will ever be smaller than property 2 of the objects 1.
Thanks in advance for any clue!
This would be easier if the data were normalized. (Hint, any time you find a column name with a number in it, you are looking at a big red flag that the schema is not in 3rd normal form.) With the table as you describe, it will take a fair amount of code, but the greatest() and least() functions might be your best friends.
If I had to write code for this, I would probably feed the values into a CTE and work from there.