Bundle Identifier Changed Core Data Lost - swift

I changed a project from Objective-C to Swift and created a whole new project when I did this. I have an app in the AppStore and wanted to send an update instead of releasing a new app.
I understand that my Bundle Identifier needs to be the same when updating an app. When preparing the app for release, I changed my Bundle Identifier to match my app in the AppStore - since I started with a new project - and in the process my Core Data file seems to be missing. If I change my Bundle Identifier how do I keep access to Core Data?

This took me a while to figure out but here is how I fixed the issue.
Change your product name under Build Settings -> Packaging -> Product Name to the desired product name. This will change you Bundle Identifier to the desired name.
Clean your project by selecting Product -> Clean.
Select your CoreData model in the project navigator and then select the "Data Model Inspector" in the Inspector tab. Change the project name under class to the new class name. I got stuck here since I did not know Spaces, dashes, . are all replaced by underscores. You can see that my Product Name is FLO-Cycling and the CoreData class is FLO_Cycling.
If you have imported the Swift bridging header file anywhere make sure to update it.
I hope this can help someone.
Take care,


Core Data Entities multiple build configurations

I have 3 build configurations, Debug, Release and Development. For Development I have created a new Scheme with a new bundleID, Product name etc so I can see which one is DEV and DEBUG on my phone.
I am using Core Data and for the DEBUG with the original bundleID everything works fine, but when I switch to use the Development one, I get an error when I try to create a new entity with name:
NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "MyEntity", into: managedContext)
The error I get:
Could not cast value of type 'NSManagedObject_MyEntity_' (0x600002d62b20) to 'AppName_DEV.MyEntity' (0x102bf9368).
It seems like it is trying to get the MyEntity class from my "AppName DEV" scheme not the "AppName". I can't find any Build Settings where I could point it to use the same model?
Any ideas on how to use core data with multiple build configurations?
Ok, I found the problem. Since I was trying to revive a very old app originally written in swift 2, it occurred to me that I might double check how was the data model created. After hours of tinkering with the core data set up process, I changed 2 things that finally get it to work.
1.) In the .xcdatamodeld file, on the right side in the Data Model Inspector, make sure that you have the Module field EMPTY I had my AppName Inside, which was the same as the original target name.
2.) I added #objc(EntityName) to the NSManagedObject subclass I had.
Of course I cleaned the project, deleted the app from the simulator and installed it again.
If you have an issue like that, hope that whis will help you, good luck!

AdMob not displaying on copied Swift project

I have created an app in swift and it’s in the app store, displaying Google AdMobs interstitial.
Let’s call the app ‘MyApp’, and bundle identifier is ‘com.mrx.-MyApp’.
Now, I’ve made a copy of this app, it has the same name, and some minor modifications, and just changed the bundle identifier to ‘com.mrx.-MyAppTwo’. That’s it. The display name is still ‘MyApp’ (not ‘MyApp Two’) and the ‘Name’ (under ‘Identity and type’) is also still just ‘MyApp’.
No other changes in the projects settings (no renaming or anything, since the app’s name is the same).
I’ve create a new AdMobs using the app name ‘MyApp Two’ and the bundle identifier ‘com.mrx.-MyAppTwo’.
However, it will simply not display adds (it works fine with AdMob’s sample ads).
My guess is that it has something to do with the naming, but I can simply not figure it out.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.
Seems like just renaming it under 'Identity and Type' did the trick.

Preventing a CoreData crash for upgrading users

I built an app about a year and a half ago that I'm coming back to. It was the project I cut my Swift teeth on and obviously a lot has changed since then, both in the language and my Swift abilities.
Yesterday for the first time, I updated my single CoreData model to add an optional string attribute. I did the file generation bit and made sure in the inspector column the new data model is appropriately selected.
On my Simulator and testing devices, I need to delete the old version of the app to install the new version or I get a crash. I assume that's just part of the development environment process. How can I ensure that upgrading users won't have to delete and reinstall when they do a simple update from the App Store? I assume that Xcode/CoreData/Apple have this handled with some internal scripts or processes that are invisible to the user, "it just works." But I wanted to post this here to understand if there's anything additional I need to do to ensure a smooth transition from v1 to v1.1 for the user.
All I did was an an optional string column, as I mentioned. I assume that all existing user data will be migrated over to the new schema with the new field being nil.
Any thoughts here would be very welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!
If your app is crashing in the Simulator when upgrading, your users will have crashes too.
To avoid this, you need to make sure you follow these steps:
Make sure you do NOT change the original version of your data model in any way.
In Xcode, select your xcdatamodel file, then from the menu choose Editor > Add Model Version...
Xcode will suggest a new version name, based on the current model. Make a mental note of the new version name, then click Finish.
Select the xcdatamodel file again, go to File inspector and under Model Version, select the new version name to make this your current version.
In Project Navigator, select the new version of the xcdatamodel. Add your attribute.
It's important to follow these steps in this order. If you add your attribute before creating the new model or making it your current version, you will have crashes.
EDIT: This will only work if you enable lightweight migrations. This is a code snippet of how to do this:
let options = [NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption: true, NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption: true]
do {
//coordinator is an NSPersistentStoreCoordinator
try coordinator!.addPersistentStore(ofType: NSSQLiteStoreType, configurationName: nil, at: url, options: options
} catch var error as NSError {
// handle error however you want here...
In addition to #Mike Taverne's answer, I think it a better if I post some screenshots to illustrate the option
for Xcode 12.3
Choose from the main menu Editor -> Add Model Version
To add mark the New Model as the current model with a green checkmark
Follow the below image

How can I configure my iPhone project to use a seperate application icon for beta releases

What I am trying to achieve is for the application icon to be different in builds that I send out to my beta testers, to that of the application that will be submitted for approval. This will allow me and my beta testers to easily identify the app is a beta version.
I was not sure if I should be adding a build script to modify the info.plist and change the application icon specified there. For this I guess I would have to conditional check the build type (DEBUG/RELEASE/DISTRIBUTION etc) and write the appropriate value to the plist file.
Alternatively I thought I might need to create a separate target for beta releases and specify the new BETA application icon there.
If anyone has done this kind of procedure before, any tips and ideas about how best to do it would be very much appreciated.
Outdated: As of September 2017, my answer is probably outdated now. Please use latest Apple developer guides relating to Asset Catalogs. Asset Catalogs are the new way of specifying image/icon resources for your app.
Original answer:
Both ways you have mentioned can be used for this purpose (Through a separate Target or using Build settings). In my opinion, the more logical way would be to use a different build configuration and set the plist file to dynamically get the icon file name from the build configuration.
Here is how I would do it:
In project build settings, create a new user-defined variable called ICON_FILE (for "All Configurations")
Set the value of the variable to "Icon.png" (for "All Configurations")
Create a new build Configuration called "Beta".
Set the value of the ICON_FILE variable to "Icon-beta.png" for "Beta" configuration.
(this will make all the configurations have the value "Icon.png" except Beta config)
In the Info.plist set the value of "Icon file" attribute to ${ICON_FILE}. This will make the info.plist dynamically get the filename from the variable you defined earlier.
In your application resources, include the beta icon with the name "Icon-beta.png" in addition to "Icon.png" you already have.
If you build the app using "Beta" config, the app will have the beta icon as the app icon.
Hope this helps!
Asset catalogs can be used without creating another target.
Here are the steps I use:
1 - Create two (or more) app icon set in images.xcassets
2 - Create another configuration from project settings
3 - Go to Target -> Build Settings and search for app icon.
You will see Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name under Asset Catalog Compiler - Options. Change the asset catalog name that will be used in new configuration.
4 - Build for different configurations.
The accepted answer is not working for xcassets.
So, if you already started to use xcassets catalog here is the steps:
You need to create 2 different targets of your application.
To do this:
Right click on your target. -> Click Duplicate (or Cmd+D)
Set name of new target like MyApp-beta
Create separate icon:
Go to your xcasset catalog.
Right click on column with list of images -> click New App Icon
Name it like icon-beta, add place here your beta icons
Click on your beta-target
Go to tab General -> App Icons -> select your asset icon-beta
Here it is. Now you can build your beta application!
Another advantage of this method over that described in the accepted answer - is that you can install both versions at the same time of your Application. (you need to set different Bundle Identifier for this).

Cant find Manage Object Class in xCode for iPhone

I am trying to generate classes for my .xcdatamodel entities, but am not given the Manage Object Class option when I click on an entity and select File>New File. I've looked under both the iPhone and Mac OS X catagories, but it is not listed anywhere.
Here are the steps I am taking,
I create a new project being sure to check the "Use Core Data" checkbox. Once the project is created, I open .xcdatamodel, create an entity, and add a few attributes. Next, I click on the entity and choose File>New File, but all I see are only Objective-C, Objective-c test case class, and UIVewController subclass.
Am I missing a step?
Thanks in advance
Take a look at the Core Data Tutorial for iPhone OS and look at this section: Custom Managed Object Subclass. If you still aren't seeing the Core Data related items for the iPhone OS check the version of the SDK you are targeting. I believe Core Data has only been available since SDK 3.
Had the same problem. Restarting x-code helped me.