lpc1768 linker script why ram start address - cortex-m3

lpc1768 linker script why ram start address should be given at 0x100000C8, RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x100000C8, LENGTH = 0x7F38.
If I give at 0x10000000 then system is crashing when I enable UART interrupts.

Your crash cause should be a providing a big clue - that offset of 0xC8 (192 bytes) is to allow space for the interrupt vector table.
Not all applications will require that the vector table be in RAM - if you have a fixed program in flash then the vector table can be there as well. But if you are using a bootloader to run code from RAM and want that code to include interrupt service routines, you would need to place a vector table in RAM and update the register which points to it. See for example AN10866.


What is the benefit of having the registers as a part of memory in AVR microcontrollers?

Larger memories have higher decoding delay; why is the register file a part of the memory then?
Does it only mean that the registers are "mapped" SRAM registers that are stored inside the microprocessor?
If not, what would be the benefit of using registers as they won't be any faster than accessing RAM? Furthermore, what would be the use of them at all? I mean these are just a part of the memory so I don't see the point of having them anymore. Having them would be just as costly as referencing memory.
The picture is taken from Avr Microcontroller And Embedded Systems The: Using Assembly and C by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, and Sepehr Naimi
AVR has some instructions with indirect addressing, for example LD (LDD) – Load Indirect From Data Space to Register using Z:
Loads one byte indirect with or without displacement from the data space to a register. [...]
The data location is pointed to by the Z (16-bit) Pointer Register in the Register File.
So now you can move from a register by loading its data-space address into Z, allowing indirect or indexed register-to-register moves. Certainly one can think of some usage where such indirect access would save the odd instruction.
what would be the benefit of using registers as they won't be any faster than accessing RAM?
accessing General purpose Registers is faster than accessing Ram
first of all let us define how fast measured in microControllers .... fast mean how many cycle the instruction will take to excute ... LOOk at the avr architecture
See the General Purpose Registers GPRs are input for the ALU , and the GPRs are controlled by instruction register (2 byte width) which holds the next instruction from the code memory.
Let us examine simple instruction ADD Rd , Rr; where Rd,Rr are any two register in GPRs so 0<=r,d<=31 so each of r and d could be rebresented in 5 bit,now open "AVR Instruction Set Manual" page number 32 look at the op-code for this simple add instraction is 000011rdddddrrrr and becuse this op-code is two byte(code memory width) this will fetched , Decoded and excuit in one cycle (under consept of pipline ofcourse) jajajajjj only one cycle seems cool to me
I mean these are just a part of the memory so I don't see the point of having them anymore. Having them would be just as costly as referencing memory
You suggest to make the all ram as input for the ALU; this is a very bad idea: a memory address takes 2 bytes.
If you have 2 operands per instruction as in Add instruction you will need 4 Byte for saving only the operands .. and 1 more byte for the op-code of the operator itself in total 5 byte which is waste of memory!
And furthermore this architecture could only fetch 2 bytes at a time (instruction register width) so you need to spend more cycles on fetching the code from code memory which is waste of cycles >> more slower system
Register numbers are only 4 or 5 bits wide, depending on the instruction, allowing 2 per instruction with room to spare in a 16-bit instruction word.
conclusion GPRs' existence are crucial for saving code memory and program execution time
Larger memories have higher decoding delay; why is the register file a part of the memory then?
When cpu deal with GPRs it only access the first 32 position not all the data space
Final comment
don't disturb yourself by time diagram for different ram technology because you don't have control on it ,so who has control? the architecture designers , and they put the limit of the maximum crystal frequency you can use with there architecture and everything will be fine .. you only concern about cycles consuming with your application

Why does registers exists and how they work together with cpu?

So I am currently learning Operating Systems and Programming.
I want how the registers work in detail.
All I know is there is the main memory and our CPU which takes address and instruction from the main memory by the help of the address bus.
And also there is something MCC (Memory Controller Chip which helps in fetching the memory location from RAM.)
On the internet, it shows register is temporary storage and data can be accessed faster than ram for registers.
But I want to really understand the deep-down process on how they work. As they are also of 32 bits and 16 bits something like that. I am really confused.!!!
I'm not a native english speaker, pardon me for some perhaps incorrect terminology. Hope this will be a little bit helpful.
Why does registers exists
When user program is running on CPU, it works in a 'dynamic' sense. That is, we should store incoming source data or any intermediate data, and do specific calculation upon them. Memory devices are needed. We have a choice among flip-flop, on-chip RAM/ROM, and off-chip RAM/ROM.
The term register for programmer's model is actually a D flip-flop in the physical circuit, which is a memory device and can hold a single bit. An IC design consists of standard cell part (including the register mentioned before, and and/or/etc. gates) and hard macro (like SRAM). As the technology node advances, the standard cells' delay are getting smaller and smaller. Auto Place-n-Route tool will place the register and the related surrounding logic nearby, to make sure the logic can run at the specified 3.0/4.0GHz speed target. For some practical reasons (which I'm not quite sure because I don't do layout), we tend to place hard macros around, leading to much longer metal wire. This plus SRAM's own characteristics, on-chip SRAM is normally slower than D flip-flop. If the memory device is off the chip, say an external Flash chip or KGD (known good die), it will be further slower since the signals should traverse through 2 more IO devices which have much larger delay.
how they work together with cpu
Each register is assigned a different 'address' (which maybe not open to programmer). That is implemented by adding address decode logic. For instance, when CPU is going to execute an instruction mov R1, 0x12, the address decode logic sees the binary code of R1, and selects only those flip-flops corresponding to R1. Then data 0x12 is stored (written) into those flip-flops. Same for read process.
Regarding "they are also of 32 bits and 16 bits something like that", the bit width is not a problem. Both flip-flops and a word in RAM can have a bit width of N, as long as the same address can select N flip-flops or N bits in RAM at one time.
Registers are small memories which resides inside the processor (what you called CPU). Their role is to hold the operands for fast processor calculations and to store the results. A register is usually designated by a name (AL, BX, ECX, RDX, cr3, RIP, R0, R8, R15, etc.) and has a size which is the number of bits it can store (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 bits). Other registers have special meanings, and their bits control the state or provide information about the state of the processor.
There are not many registers (because they are very expensive). All of them have a capacity of only a few kilobytes, so they can't store all the code and data of your program, which can go up to gigabytes. This is the role of the central memory (what you call RAM). This big memory can hold gigabytes of data and each byte has its address. However, it only holds data when the computer is turned on. The RAM reside outside of the CPU Chip and interacts with him via Memory Controller Chip which stands as interface between CPU and RAM.
On top of that, there is the hard drive that stores your data when you turn off your computer.
That is a very simple view to get you started.

advantages of segmentation in 8086 microprocessor

what are the advantages of segmentation in 8086 microprocessor?
Not getting the importance of segmentation. Is it for managing more memory?
The instruction set used in 8086 is a 16-bit instruction set. This means that a register can only store values in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, and instructions mostly only did 16-bit operations (16-bit addition, 16-bit subtraction, etc). If a register contains an address/pointer, then it would've worked out to a maximum of 64 KiB of address space (some for ROMs, some for RAM) and this wasn't enough for the market at the time.
Segmentation was a way to allow the 16-bit CPU to support a larger address space. Essentially, combining two 16-bit registers together, so that addresses/pointers could be much larger. Unfortunately (likely, to avoid "unnecessary at the time" costs of having more address lines on the CPU's bus), instead of using two 16-bit registers as a 32-bit address, Intel did an "address = segment * 16 + offset" thing to end up with a 20-bit address, giving the 8086 a 1 MiB address space.
Later (early 1980s) there was a push towards "protected objects" where "objects" (in object oriented programming) could be given access controls and limits that are enforced/checked by hardware, and around the same time there were "virtual memory" ideas floating around. These ideas led to the ill-fated iAPX 432 CPU; but also led to the idea of associating protection (attributes and limits) to the segments that 8086 already had, which resulted in the "protected mode" introduced with 80286 (and extended in 80386).
Essentially; the original reason for (advantage of) segments was to increase the address space (without the cost of a 32-bit instruction set, etc); and things like protection and memory management were retro-fitted afterwards (and then barely used by software before being abandoned in favour of paging).
Memory size is divided into segments of various sizes.
A segment is just area in memory.
Process of dividing memory in this way is called segmentation.
data ----> bytes -----> specific address.
8086 has 20 lines address bus.
2^20 bytes = 1Mb
4 types of Segments
Code Segment
Data Segment
Stack Segment
Extra Segment
Each of these segments are addressed by an address stored in corresponding segment address.
registers are 16 bit in size.
store base address of corresponding segments and store upper 16 bits.

Why is there an OS segment reserved in virtual memory

Why is there a portion of virtual memory reserved for OS? Why is it limited to a certain size? This seems to be a universally known fact because when I googled I didn't find anyone asking similar questions.
If the OS segment (the part in VM reserved for OS) is accessed, what happens?
How does the OS segment affect the translation between virtual and physical memory?
For example if your virtual memory is 128KB, the first 32KB is allocated for seg 0 and the last 32KB for seg 1. Then you reserve the first 16KB for the OS seg. What happens to seg 0? Does its size shrink to 16KB because 16KB has been changed to OS seg? Or does it stays the same?
Why is there a portion of virtual memory reserved for OS? Why is it limited to a certain size? This seems to be a universally known fact because when I googled I didn't find anyone asking similar questions.
The reason some area of the logical address space is reserved for the OS is because the same physical memory is shared by all processes and it needs to be at the same location.
When an interrupt occurs, any process can be running. So the kernel mode handler needs to be in the same location.
Usually the reserved OS area is so large that the actual OS will never come close to using it all. So it is not really limited in size.
If the OS segment is accessed, what happens?
That depends upon how it is accessed. If a process accesses it in kernel mode (system call, interrupt, exception), that is normal. If it accesses the reserved area in user mode, it usually triggers an access violation of some kind. Some systems may make some areas of system memory readable from user mode but usually is all write protected.
How does the OS segment affect the translation between virtual and physical memory?
This is system dependent. Some systems make the user page tables pageable. The user page tables can then be in pageable areas in the system address space. In other words, the page tables are in virtual/logical memory, giving an additional translation for user addresses that does not occur for system addresses
Doing the same for the system address space would cause a chicken and egg problem. In such a system, the system page tables would be in physical locations (another reason everyone uses the same address range for system space).
Other systems use physical addresses for all page tables. In case, they translation is the same.
For example if your virtual memory is 128KB, the first 32KB is allocated for seg 0 and the last 32KB for seg 1. Then you reserve the first 16KB for the OS seg. What happens to seg 0? Does its size shrink to 16KB because 16KB has been changed to OS seg? Or does it stays the same?
This is not a good example. Virtual memory is never this small. Imagine a 32-bit system. The virtual address space is 4GB. The system assigns the first 3 GB to user the user space and the last 1 GB to the system space.
All processes share the same 1GB system space. They have there own, unique 3 GB user space.

Segmentation in Linux : Segmentation & Paging are redundant?

I'm reading "Understanding Linux Kernel". This is the snippet that explains how Linux uses Segmentation which I didn't understand.
Segmentation has been included in 80 x
86 microprocessors to encourage
programmers to split their
applications into logically related
entities, such as subroutines or
global and local data areas. However,
Linux uses segmentation in a very
limited way. In fact, segmentation
and paging are somewhat redundant,
because both can be used to separate
the physical address spaces of
processes: segmentation can assign a
different linear address space to each
process, while paging can map the same
linear address space into different
physical address spaces. Linux prefers
paging to segmentation for the
following reasons:
Memory management is simpler when all
processes use the same segment
register values that is, when they
share the same set of linear
One of the design objectives of Linux
is portability to a wide range of
architectures; RISC architectures in
particular have limited support for
All Linux processes running in User
Mode use the same pair of segments to
address instructions and data. These
segments are called user code segment
and user data segment , respectively.
Similarly, all Linux processes running
in Kernel Mode use the same pair of
segments to address instructions and
data: they are called kernel code
segment and kernel data segment ,
respectively. Table 2-3 shows the
values of the Segment Descriptor
fields for these four crucial
I'm unable to understand 1st and last paragraph.
The 80x86 family of CPUs generate a real address by adding the contents of a CPU register called a segment register to that of the program counter. Thus by changing the segment register contents you can change the physical addresses that the program accesses. Paging does something similar by mapping the same virtual address to different real addresses. Linux using uses the latter - the segment registers for Linux processes will always have the same unchanging contents.
Segmentation and Paging are not at all redundant. The Linux OS fully incorporates demand paging, but it does not use memory segmentation. This gives all tasks a flat, linear, virtual address space of 32/64 bits.
Paging adds on another layer of abstraction to the memory address translation. With paging, linear memory addresses are mapped to pages of memory, instead of being translated directly to physical memory. Since pages can be swapped in and out of physical RAM, paging allows more memory to be allocated than what is physically available. Only pages that are being actively used need to be mapped into physical memory.
An alternative to page swapping is segment swapping, but it is generally much less efficient given that segments are usually larger than pages.
Segmentation of memory is a method of allocating multiple chunks of memory (per task) for different purposes and allowing those chunks to be protected from each other. In Linux a task's code, data, and stack sections are all mapped to a single segment of memory.
The 32-bit processors do not have a mode bit for disabling
segmentation, but the same effect can be achieved by mapping the
stack, code, and data spaces to the same range of linear addresses.
The 32-bit offsets used by 32-bit processor instructions can cover a
four-gigabyte linear address space.
Aditionally, the Intel documentation states:
A flat model without paging minimally requires a GDT with one code and
one data segment descriptor. A null descriptor in the first GDT entry
is also required. A flat model with paging may provide code and data
descriptors for supervisor mode and another set of code and data
descriptors for user mode
This is the reason for having a one pair of CS/DS for kernel privilege execution (ring 0), and one pair of CS/DS for user privilege execution (ring 3).
Summary: Segmentation provides a means to isolate and protect sections of memory. Paging provides a means to allocate more memory that what is physically available.
Windows uses the fs segment for local thread storage.
Therefore, wine has to use it, and the linux kernel needs to support it.
Modern operating systems (i.e. Linux, other Unixen, Windows NT, etc.) do not use the segmentation facility provided by the x86 processor. Instead, they use a flat 32 bit memory model. Each user mode process has it's own 32 bit virtual address space.
(Naturally the widths are expanded to 64 bits on x86_64 systems)
Intel first added segmentation on the 80286, and then paging on the 80386. Unix-like OSes typically use paging for virtual memory.
Anyway, since paging on x86 didn't support execute permissions until recently, OpenWall Linux used segmentation to provide non-executable stack regions, i.e. it set the code segment limit to a lower value than the other segment's limits, and did some emulation to support trampolines on the stack.