Chronoforms v5 - Content Plugin - Captcha will not validated - plugins

I'm having big problems with the Chronoforms V5 - Content Plugin for Joomla.
If I send the form without integrating it in an article the Captcha will validated correctly, but if I use the Content-Plugin in an article, everytime the message "The entered verification code is wrong" appears.
Maybe one of you can help me????

If you have caching on then an older version of the form may be served and the token in that will not match to the current user. In that case you need to use one of the anti-spam methods that does not rely on a matched token like a Google captcha.
If there is more than one form in the page and you have Relative URL set to Yes then the form may be submitting to the 'other' form URL - this would also give a mismatched token.


Powermail broke on first click to submit

I have an error with my powermail form.
I copied one form from my site and made some little changes and now the new form doesn’t work right.
When I click on submit the form isn’t send it only “destroys” the frontend and I have to fill the fields new to submit it (then it works).
I have this warning in the console: Parsley’s pubsub module is deprecated; use the ‘on’ and ‘off’ methods on parsley instances or window.Parsley
Do you have any idea?
I’m new in the project and don’t created the first form.
Powermail: 3.22.1
TYPO3: 7.6.30
I would check if there are any redirects while form submitting. If forms are getting submitted and it seems that they are reloaded and empty, it often happens, that the form target is wrong.
E.G. If absRefPrefix is set to http:// and there is an additional .htaccess redirection from http:// to https// or so the POST params get lost and powermail shows the form again.
You can check redirects in your browser console.

Mailchimp Embedded Sign up form not displaying Captcha

I am using mailchimp embedded sign up form. It displays Email Account, First Name and Last Name, but captcha is not showing. I enabled captcha from Settings->List Name and Defaults.
What other steps do I need? Captcha is not showing in Preview Mode Option.
Please help, getting lot of fake emails. Double opt in is also enabled.
Had the same problem. Make sure its V2(checkbox) NOT V3. Documentation here:
The Sign-up forms have invisible not checkbox re-captcha.
You can find the summary in the below image.
I came here looking for an answer. Followed the instructions to enable the reCaptcha. After reloading website could not see it. After finally trying to submit the form it took me to a mailchimp external page with the reCaptcha showing. Makes sense when you think about doing some kind of server side check for a reCaptcha with minimal installation fuss.
I've run into the same problem, and this is what I have found.
I set the url to, not sure if that helped, but it's one less spot for failure
You might need to announce somewhere to allow for pop-up's to be allowed on the page when the captcha shows. It seems that when that option is enabled that it opens up a new windows for the confirmation.

Web form behaving differently when secure https

I have a web form which I have recently secured with an SSL Certificate.
Since installing the certificate, the form behaves differently - when it was unsecured http it would give an error message if any required field was not filled in eg "This field is required". However, as a secured https page it doesn't give this error message any more and it is possible to submit the form whether the fields are filled in or not.
I'm a little confused because nothing else has changed other than the form page is now secured https.
Any advice on why this might be and how I could fix it would be much appreciated. Many thanks!
If you are using JavaScript for validation, Open the web page with either Google Inspect or Firefox Firebug, Check whether any of the java script is blocking or not... Its looks like some of the .js file is not loading properly.
If the validation are using ASP.NET validator, then there shouldn't be any issues.

Why are Google Analytics Values being passed on a form submit?

My company's app builds simple forms that people can use on their websites to get information into our app. We have a generic form response script that each of these forms submits to, to gather and parse the webform responses.
We're encountering form values that look a lot like the values in Google Analytics cookies (utmz, utmsc, utmccn) The cookies are clearly not part of the form fields. The form is being done with a simple HTML form submit, so I'm at a loss how these values are getting appended on to the post.
Here's a sample form submission:|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)
Under what circumstances would a browser submit cookies along with a form submit? Is there a way to prevent it?
This looks like cross-domain user tracking... From the Google Analytics docs for _linkByPost():
The _linkByPost() method passes the GATC cookies from the referring form to another site in a string appended to the action value of the form (HTTP POST).
If there's no onsubmit='...' code directly on the form, it might be attached via jQuery or some other method.
It may be due to Google Chrome adding them to your form variables on submission...

Zend Framework: How to POST data to some external page (e.g. external payment gate) without using form?

I would like to have a user redirected to an external credit card gate. Of course I have to POST some user info to that gate, but I don't know how exactly can I do this.
I know that I could do this by generating a html form with hidden or read-only fields and have a user click "Submit" button. But this solution is not perfect, because all the form data could be easily changed using e.g. Firebug. I think you cannot do this using $this->_redirect(...). But maybe there is some other solution?
Many thanks for any tips or suggestions.
I would like to have a user redirected to an external credit card gate. Of course I have to POST some user info to that gate, but I don't know how exactly can I do this.
Using a form is the only method available. The RFC states that the user should explicitly agree to sending a POST (i.e. click on a submit button).
I know that I could do this by generating a html form with hidden or read-only fields and have a user click "Submit" button. But this solution is not perfect, because all the form data could be easily changed using e.g.
It is no more secure that using a redirect as the header data can be modified without too much of a problem. There are even Firefox plugins to do it.
use cURL to post data