Generate related fields in Red Gate SQL Data Generator 3? - redgate

I'm using Red Gate SQL Data Generator 3. What I'm wanting to do is to generate test data where there are related fields in each row. For example, I want to generate a row of data that looks like this:
Username: CONTOSO\FFlintstone
FullName: Flintstone, Fred
Programatically, I'd want something like (pseudo-code):
Generate _lastname, _firstname
_username = first-letter of _firstname + _lastname
Fullname = _lastname + ", " + _firstname
Username = "CONTOSO\" + _username
Email = _username + ""
All the data generator samples I saw were for a single field, and didn't allow or consider needing to populate a row with related fields. I did not see a means of doing this within the product directly. Also, at the moment, the user forums at Red-Gate are down, so no help there.
Is this possible to do within the product? If so, could somebody post an example?

As a proof of concept, I created a dummy table with a primary key and some fields - firstname, surname, username and email.
firstname was just set to the generic "First Name" generator, as the surname was set to the "Last Name" generator.
I then used the "Simple Expression" generator for the username and email fields. The expression for the username generator was 'CONTOSO\\'+firstname[:1]+surname. For the email column, the expression I used was firstname[:1].lower()+surname.lower()+''
This image shows the resulting data I managed to generate
I hope this helps.


Advantages of using Virtuals in Mongoose

i would like to kmow the advantages of using virtuals in mongoose while establishing relationship. Will it result in faster retrival of information from DB
Virtuals are additional fields for a given model. Their values can be set manually or automatically with defined functionality. A common virtual property is the full name of a person, composed of user’s first and last name.
virtual properties don’t get persisted in the database. They only exist logically and are not written to the document’s collection.
Mongoose Schema
The user schema has two properties indicating the user’s first and last name: first and last.
// define user schema
var userSchema = new Schema({
first: String,
last: String
// compile our model
var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
// create a document
var mentalist = new User({
first: 'Patrick',
last: 'Jane'
Assume we want to get the full name of a mentalist, we can do this manually appending the first to last property:
console.log(mentalist.first + ' ' + mentalist.last); // Patrick Jane
Define a Virtual Property
Actually, there is a better way of getting the full name of a user: virtual fields. With virtuals, you benefit of writing the name concatenation mess only once.
Mongoose splits the definiton of virtual fields into GET and SET methods.
Get Method
The virtuals get method is a function returning a the virtual value. You can do complex processing or just concatenate single document field values.
userSchema.virtual('fullname').get(function() {
return this.first + ' ' + this.last;
The code example above just concatenates the first and last property values. With that, the virtual fullname property now will print the same output as above:
console.log(mentalist.fullname); // Patrick Jane
Set Method
setter methods are useful to split strings or do other operations. Define a virtual setter by passing a proper function and execute your desired processing. The example below splits the passed name variable at any whitespace.
userSchema.virtual('fullname').set(function (name) {
var split = name.split(' ');
this.first = split[0];
this.last = split[1];
The first part of name is assigned to the first and the second part to the last property. This set method will override the previous model values and assign the ones we pass as fullname property.
var humor = new User({
first: '',
last: ''
humor.fullname = 'Kimball Cho';
console.log(humor.first); // Kimball
console.log(humor.last); // Cho
Queries and Field Selection
Virtuals are NOT available for document queries or field selection. Only non-virtual properties work for queries and field selections.
As you see, virtual properties aren’t static model properties. They
are additional model functions returning values based on the default
schema fields.

Copy Product Price into a Custom Field Object using APEX Trigger in Salesforce

Trying to just copy the Cost_Price__c field of a product into a custom object when it is updated (if possible inserted too) using an APEX trigger.
I'm so close but the error I am getting at the moment is: Illegal assignment from PricebookEntry to String
trigger updateAccount on Account (after update) {
for (Account oAccount : {
//create variable to store product ID
string productId = oAccount.Product__c;
//SQL statement to lookup price of product using productID
PricebookEntry sqlResult = [SELECT Cost_Price__c
FROM PricebookEntry
WHERE Product2Id =: productId];
//save the returned SQL result inside the field of Industry - Illegal assignment from PricebookEntry to String
oAccount.Industry = sqlResult;
Am I right in thinking it's because its returning a collective group of results from the SOQL call? I've tried using the sqlResult[0] which still doesn't seem to work.
The Illegal Assignmnet because you are assigning a whole Object i.e PriceBook Entry to a string type of field i.e Industry on Account.
Please use the following code for assignment.
oAccount.Industry = sqlResult[0].Cost_Price__c;
Please mark the answer if this works for you.

spring-data-mongo, how to return _id back for saved objects from mongo?

I am newbie to the Spring Data mongo. I have documents which has same FirstName say John, but MiddleName and LastName are different.
Also from UI, some students populating data (feeding data via forms) which has also FirstName say John and again MiddleName and LastName would be different.
Now, when I am saving User Object (which has FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Age, Sex etc..etc..) into mongo using MongoTemplate. I need to return back "_id" (which mongo create by default if we don't provide it explicitly) of those each saved User object.
Could you please provide any example / guidance? Please help.
If you are saving with mongo template your object Id will be set after insertion (as Oliver Gierke has writen) of the object so you can do it like this.
//User object annotated with #Document
User user = new User(String name);
//now the user object should be populated with generated id;
return user.getId();
but you can use normal CrudRepository and use it with
<mongo:repositories base-package="your.package" />
Spring Data MongoDB will automatically populate the identifier property of your domain object with the generated identifier value.
class User {
ObjectId id; // by convention, use #Id if you want to use a different name
String firstname, lastname;
If an object of this class is persisted with the id property set to null, the object will have the property set after it has been persisted via MongoTempalte.
All of this is also described in the reference documentation.

required field for other model's field in yii

I need to store a record in First Model. It has around 10 fields. Now, I need to apply required rule for one field which i'm storing in SECOND model and I'm getting these values for this field from Third model.(it is a drop down field)
how can i make this field mandatory in yii??
can any one help please..
Many Thanks,
You can add additional attributes and rules to a model. You don't have to only use attributes that directly relate to fields in your database table. Let's look at a basic example. You have a user (User) table which has the following fields:
And you have another table which stores user profile (UserProfile) information which has the structure:
When the user creates their account, you would have a form that captures their information. Your User model would have rules like:
array('email, password', 'required'),
array('email', 'unique', 'message'=>'Email already in use'),
You can add an attribute for country to your User model like so:
class User extends CActiveRecord {
public $country;
And then in your rules you can add the new attribute:
array('email, password, country', 'required'),
array('email', 'unique', 'message'=>'Email already in use'),
The country attribute will now be a part of your User model. You can now add that to your form:
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model,'country',CHtml::listData(Country::model()->findAll(),'id','country_name'),array('empty'=>'-- select a country --')); ?>
Now on your form submit, the $model->validate() method will validate the country field. You can save this manually to your second model (UserProfile), something like:
if ($model->validate()){
$user_profile = new UserProfile;
$user_profile->user_id = $model->id;
$user_profile->country = $model->country;
Hopefully that answers your question.

Is there a way to update a database field based on a list?

Using JPA, I have a list of entries from my database :
User(id, firstname, lastname, email)
That I get by doing:
List<User> users = User.find("lastname = ?", "smith");
And I'd like to update all in one request, by doing something like this :
"UPDATE USER SET email = null IN :list"
and then set the parameter "list" to users
Is it possible? if so, how?
Thanks for your help :)
Well, you could embed the query that you used to obtain list in the where clause of the update.
UPDATE User a SET = null
WHERE user IN (SELECT b FROM User b WHERE lastName = :?)
By doing this you'd be doing the query to search the list and the update in single update query.
How do you like that? Do you think this could work?
Since you want to use the original list of items instead of a list just retrieved from the database, you can still ensure you build the original list like this
UPDATE User a SET = null
WHERE user IN (SELECT b FROM User b WHERE lastName IN(:originalList))
Then when you invoke it, you can do something like this:
Collection<String> originalList = Arrays.asList("Kenobi", "Skywalker", "Windu");
query.setParameter("originalList", originalList);
By this, you can still ensure the query will only contain items in your original list and not any possible new item from the database, provided that that last name is a candidate key in the database, otherwise I would recommend that you use the ID for the subquery instend of the last name.
if you have jpa+hibernate you can use entityManager.createQuery() for creating hql query
like that:
String hql = "UPDATE Supplier SET name = :newName WHERE name IN :name";