How to update table structures and stored procedures from Development to Production server in PostgreSQL? - postgresql

I have three PostgreSQL servers:
The Production server has all the data of interest and is in heavy use. However, after many months of development, the Development server has some new tables and different table structures as well as new and changed stored procedures.
Is there a way of automating detection of which tables and stored procedures are different between the Development and Production servers so as to automate changing the Production server to match the new/changed tables and procedures from the Development server? Or am I stuck going through this table by table and stored procedure by stored procedure manually?
Ofcourse, the goal is to retain the table data from the production server but with the tables and procedures of the development server.

Here is short step by step tutorial for using liquibase with postgresql to generate database diff in sql format.
I assume you have java installed.
download liquibase itself
download latest version of postgresql jdbc driver from and put it into liquibase home's lib directory
./liquibase --driver=org.postgresql.Driver
--username=user1 \
--password=pass1 \
diffChangelog \
--referenceUrl=jdbc:postgresql://host2:port2/dbname2 \
--referenceUsername=user2 \
--referencePassword=pass2 > db-changelog.xml
Here reference database is your where your changes are made.
finally last step to get sql script run (against db at host1:port1):
./liquibase --driver=org.postgresql.Driver \
--url=jdbc:postgresql://host1:port1/dbname1 \
--username=user1 \
--password=pass1 \
--changeLogFile=db-changelog.xml \
updateSql > changes.sql
Before you apply genereated sql script onto production database you should clean it up - liquibase is introducing some metadata tables (databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock) - but thats simple search and delete.
That's it.
Final note is as #a_horse_with_no_name said: spend some time to learn how to put your db changes in VCS and avoid executing them manually (in favor of liquibase or flyway).


What is the easiest way to generate a script to drop and create all objects in a database?

I'm used to working with SQL Server and the SQL Server Management Studio has the option to automatically generate a script to drop and recreate everything in a database (tables/views/procedures/etc). I find that when developing a new application and writing a bunch of junk in a local database for basic testing it's very helpful to have the options to just nuke the whole thing and recreate it in a clean slate, so I'm looking for a similar functionality within postgres/pgadmin.
PGAdmin has an option to generate a create script for a specific table but right clicking each table would be very tedious and I'm wondering if there's another way to do it.
To recreate a clean schema only database you can use the pg_dump client included with a Postgres server install. The options to use are:
Output commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to outputting the commands for creating them. (Unless --if-exists is also specified, restore might generate some harmless error messages, if any objects were not present in the destination database.)
This option is ignored when emitting an archive (non-text) output file. For the archive formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore.
Dump only the object definitions (schema), not data.
This option is the inverse of --data-only. It is similar to, but for historical reasons not identical to, specifying --section=pre-data --section=post-data.
(Do not confuse this with the --schema option, which uses the word “schema” in a different meaning.)
To exclude table data for only a subset of tables in the database, see --exclude-table-data.
clean in Flyway
The database migration tool Flyway offers a clean command that drops all objects in the configured schemas.
To quote the documentation:
Clean is a great help in development and test. It will effectively give you a fresh start, by wiping your configured schemas completely clean. All objects (tables, views, procedures, …) will be dropped.
Needless to say: do not use against your production DB!

Is there any way of of get backup of postgres db in docker container without generating sql file?

I am new in Docker, I want to get a backup for my postgress database running in docker. All solutions i saw are offering to generate a dump sql script and restore db with running this script. But i dont want to do this? Is it possible backup and restore by migrating binary files of the db?
You can build Postgres image from plain empty Postgres db image. In Dockerfile you add SQL script which runs on db initialization (docker-entrypoint-initdb.d). The SQL script contains dblink to your backed up db and commands create table my_table as select * from my_table#remotedb. After docker build you have image with backup of your original database tables.
I do something similar with Oracle with more complexity (copying only subset of original database, preserving indexes etc.). Oracle docker image differs from PG in some properties but I believe the rough idea is applicable. It is some time ago I worked with PG so I won't advise you how to migrate binary files (though I believe it would be possible too).

Migrate postgresql schema AWS RDS

Ok, I'm a mobile developer trying to learn backend development.
I have two AWS RDS instances running postgresql. One for development and one for production.
The scenario is that the development data base is operated on. Create tables, add postgis, new relationships, what ever.
Now, I want to go put all those schema changes into the production database. Obviously I don't want to migrate development data to production, just the schema and db changes.
What do I do?
You can dump schema only:
pg_dump -s databasename > your_schema.sql
Then you restore the dumped schema from your_schema.sql by running on the production sever:
psql < your_schema.sql
Use user/pass options as needed.

Best way to make PostgreSQL backups

I have a site that uses PostgreSQL. All content that I provide in my site is created at a development environment (this happens because it's webcrawler content). The only information created at the production environment is information about the users.
I need to find a good way to update data stored at production. May I restore to production only the tables updated at development environment and PostgreSQL will update this records at production or the best way would be to backup the users information at production, insert them at development and restore the whole database at production?
Thank you
You can use pg_dump to export the data just from the non-user tables in the development environment and pg_restore to bring that into prod.
The -t switch will let you pick specific tables.
pg_dump -d <database_name> -t <table_name>
There are many tips arounds this subject here and here.
I'd suggest you to take a look on these links before everything.
If your data is discarded at each update process then a plain dump will be enough. You can redirect pg_dump output directly to psql connected on production to avoid pg_restore step, something like below:
#Of course you must drop tables to load it again
#so it'll be reasonable to make a full backup before this
pg_dump -Fp -U user -h host_to_dev -T=user your_db | psql -U user -h host_to_production your_db
You might asking yourself "Why he's saying to drop my tables"?
Bulk loading data on a fresh table is faster than deleting old data and inserting again. A quote from the docs:
Creating an index on pre-existing data is quicker than updating it incrementally as each row is loaded.
Ps¹: If you can't connect on both environment at same time then you need to do pg_restore manually.
Ps²: I don't recommend it but you can append --clean option on pg_dump to generate DROP statements automatically. Be extreme careful with this option to avoid dropping unnexpected objects.

AWS pg_dump Does Not Include Globals

We have multiple PostgreSQL Instances in AWS RDS. We need to maintain an on-premise copy of each database to comply with our disaster recovery policy. I have been successful is using pg_dump and pg_restore to export the database schemas and tables to our on-premise server, but I have been unsuccessful in exporting the roles and tablespaces. I have found that this is only possible by using pg_dumpall, but as this requires super_user access, and that is not allowed in RDS, how can I export those aspects of the database to on our on-premise server?
My pg_dump command:
Pg_dump -h {AWS Endpoint} -U {Master Username}-p 5432 -F c -f C:\AWS_Backups\{filename}.dmp {database name}
My pg_restore command:
pg_restore -h {AWS Endpoint} -p 5432 -U {Master Username} -d {database name} {filename}.dmp
I have found multiple examples of people using pg_dump to export their PostgreSQL databases, however, they are not addressing the "Globals" that are ignored using pg_dump. Have I misread the documentation? After performing my pg_restore, my logins were not created on the database.
Any help you can provide on getting the FULL database (including globals) to our offsite location would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: My patch is now a part of Postgres v10+.
You can read about how this works here 3.
Earlier, I had also posted a working solution posted to my Github account. Then, you'd need to compile the binary and use that however, with the patch now a part of Postgres v10+, any pg_dumpall since that version now supports this feature.
You can read some more detailed inner workings here.
I haven't been able to find an answer to my question anywhere online. Just in case someone else may be experiencing this problem, I thought I would post a high-level outline of my "solution". I go around my elbow to get to my knee, but this is the option I have come up with:
Create a table (I created 2 - 1 for roles, and one for logins) in each PostgreSQL database within AWS. This table(s) will need to have all columns that you will need to dynamically create the SQL to do CREATE, GRANT, REVOKE, etc.
Insert all roles, logins, privileges, and permissions into this table. These are scattered everywhere, but here are the ones I used:
pg_auth_members (role and login relationships)
pg_roles (role and login permissions ie can login, inherit parent, etc)
information_schema.role_usage_grants (schema privileges)
information_schema.role_table_grants (table privileges)
information_schema.role_routine_grants (function privileges)
To fill in the gaps, there are clever queries on the web page below to use the built in functions to check for access. You will have to loop through the tables and process a row at a time
Specifically, I used a variation of database_privs function
Once all of the data is in those tables, you can execute pg_dump, and it will extract that info from each database to your on-premise location. I did this through a Python script.
On your server, use the data in the tables to dynamically create the SQL statements needed to run the CREATE, GRANT, REVOKE, etc. scripts. Save in a .sql file that you can instruct a Python script to execute against the database and recreate the AWS roles and logins.
One thing I forgot to mention - because we are unable to access the pg_auth_id table in AWS, I have found no way to extract the passwords out of AWS. We are going to store these in a password manager, and when I create the CREATE ROLE statements, I'll pass a default to be updated.
I haven't completed the process, but it has taken me several days to track down a viable option to the absence of pg_dumpall's functionality. If anyone sees any flaws in my logic, or has a better solution, I'd love to read about it. Good luck!