PDFtk error when doing any command on Mac OS X - pdftk

We have installed PDFTK server edition on Mac OS X 10.10 and Ubuntu 12 and Ubuntu 14.
When trying to do a dump_data_fields for any PDF it seems to throw a weird error before even getting to that operation..
$ pdftk SchoolPermissionSlip.pdf dump_data_fields
dyld: _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address() error
dyld: Symbol not found: ___emutls_get_address
Referenced from: /opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin/../lib/libgcj.11.dylib
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
in /opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin/../lib/libgcj.11.dylib
Trace/BPT trap: 5
It's the latest version. Any ideas?
pdftk --version
pdftk 2.02 a Handy Tool for Manipulating PDF Documents
Copyright (c) 2003-13 Steward and Lee, LLC - Please Visit: www.pdftk.com
This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is

We have seen reports of this error intermittently on Mac OS X only.
That ___emutls_get_address symbol is provided by pdftk's own libgcc_s.1.dylib. The default location for pdftk's libraries on OS X is /opt/pdflabs/pdftk/lib. The default location for the pdftk binary is /opt/pdflabs/pdftk/bin/pdftk. If you ever move this pdftk binary, it is important to move its libraries along with it so that the pdftk bin directory remains siblings with this lib directory. This helps ensure that the binary can find its libraries. Perhaps your pdftk binary has been moved without also moving these libraries?
In any case, we have a solution that has worked for others.
Reading the dyld man page, the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can be used to give precedence to pdftk's libraries. From the Terminal, run:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pdflabs/pdftk/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
Then test pdftk:
pdftk input.pdf dump_data_fields output data.txt

This is a duplicate of PDFtk Server on OS X 10.11 but posting our response here too:
We raised this to Sid back in August and he still has not fixed it so I think its fair to say that its a good idea to look for alternatives. Because of this, we have taken the initiative to submit a few first tools that people can enjoy for free in the following repository:
It contains easy to use scripts for CAT and BURST. We intend to add more tools going forward. Feel free to contribute
These new tools are using the native OSX libraries and no third party dependencies are needed whatsoever. Yay!


`coqc -Q`returns "coqc: -Q: no such file or directory"

When I try to compile files with coqc -Q . LF, I get the error:
coqc: -Q: no such file or directory
coqc information:
The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.4pl6 (December 2020)
compiled on Dec 02 2020 23:06:36 with OCaml 4.02.0
What's strange is that it worked previously for me. I formatted my disk to the same exact OS, installed the same exact opam, yet I'm getting an error where I didn't before.
Also using 8.4.6 for legacy reasons.
Version 8.4.6 of Coq does not support a -Q option, this can be confirmed by looking in the manual, where no such option is documented. I also checked in the source files: they can be downloaded from https://github.com/coq/coq/releases/tag/V8.4pl6. a systematic search of string -R shows that it does appear in file scripts/coqc.ml but no string -Q appears anywhere in the sources.
You did not tell us the whole story. You are not reproducing exactly the same attempt... You must have been using a more recent version until now.

DDT error: D Standard Library [Error: none found]

I have installed dmd and ddt as instructed:
DMD64 D Compiler v2.066.0
Copyright (c) 1999-2014 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
Documentation: http://dlang.org/
but when I create a dub project in eclipse, I dot an error that says standard libray not found:
(source: p.im9.eu)
any ideas?
OS: Mac OSX 10.9
Eclipse: 4.4
DDT: 0.10.2
I've also posted a temporary workaround in the discussion group (link):
# cd /usr/share/dmd
# mkdir dummy
# mkdir dummy/bin
# touch dummy/bin/dmd
# launchctl setenv DUB_COMPILERS_PATH /usr/share/dmd/dummy/bin
# killall Dock
Note that the DUB_COMPILERS_PATH variable shouldn't point to the binary itself, it acts like an additional PATH variable, i.e should contain bin dirs.
To make this survive a reboot, add the launchctl line to /etc/launchd.conf:
launchctl setenv DUB_COMPILERS_PATH /usr/share/dmd/dummy/bin
You might need to create it if it doesn't already exist.
This seems to be a reported bug of DDT:
Basically, it boils down to the directory structure of the installed dmd. As they are many distributions and many installers, each one with its own convention, DDT missed some.
They should be added and recognized shortly, in the pending release.
Please follow the reported issue on github/DDT page.
Yes, I know this thread is really old, and yes DDT seems to be no longer in development.
However, for those of us who are new to D, Eclipse and DDT, and relatively new to using Linux (I'm using Mint 19.3), I have the following solution which worked for me. No doubt this is common knowledge somewhere, but I had to scratch around quite a lot to discover this. (Of course, your dmd version number may be different.)
Note that dub is automatically installed along with dmd in:
The command
source ~/dlang/dmd-2.090.1/activate
will modify the $PATH variable to allow access to the compiler.
NOTE that this only changes the path for the shell where the command is issued... and only for the current session!
If you want the path change to be permanent (who doesn't?), add the following to ~/.profile using a text editor, e.g. nano ~/.profile or xed ~/.profile , etc.:
# Add dlang dmd compiler path
if [ -d "$HOME/dlang/dmd-2.090.1/linux/bin64" ] ; then
This corrects the Eclipse error:
"D Standard Library [Error: none found]"
in the Project tree, and also allows dub to be run from any directory, e.g. from a terminal.

Calling pdftops does not work in Matlab

I want to use the export_fig package for Matlab. At one point this worked, but now it's broken. The error occurs here:
>> system('pdftops -h')
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libtiff.5.dylib
Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/pdftops
Reason: Incompatible library version: pdftops requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libtiff.5.dylib provides version 6.0.0
pdftops -h: Trace/breakpoint trap
But when I call pdftops from my own bash terminal everything works fine. I suppose it must be because Matlab has some bad library paths or something, but I don't know where to go from here?
Some relevant environmental vars used by matlab:
>> system('env')
If you take a look at the error message, MATLAB uses libtiff to call pdftops, but only has version 6.0.0. It says it needs version 8.0.0 or later. There has been a case where this happened before here on StackOverflow. Someone was trying to install mexopencv and has encountered the same error that you're talking about: Compiling mexopencv in OS X 10.9 with Xcode 5 and Matlab R2013b
Though this is unrelated to what you're doing, they encountered the libtiff error that you speak of. They provide two solutions how to fix this error:
Go into MATLAB's root directory, then go bin/os directory where os is the directory of the operating system you are using (in my case, it's maci64). To get into the root directory, in the command prompt do this: cd/(matlabroot). Once you're here, locate the libtiff.5.dylib file and rename it to something like libtiff.5.dylib.bak so that the libtiff libraries that are used are the ones that are default to your system rather than what MATLAB is using internally in the program.
Force MATLAB to point to the library that is part of the system rather than using the one built into MATLAB. As such, in MATLAB's command prompt, run this command:
Once you do this, you may get further errors that are similar but are with other libraries. As such, you need to keep appending these libraries in the second parameter of setenv and colon-delimiting them until you resolve the issues. You need to make sure that you're pointing to the ones on your system rather than the ones installed with MATLAB. In your case, you have to do:
Glad this helped!

How to compile distributable Fortran binaries on Mac OS X Mountain Lion?

Since Apple have stopped distributing gfortran with Xcode, how should I compile architecture independent Fortran code? I have Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8), and XCode 4.4 installed, with the Command Line Tools package installed.
Apple's Native Compilers
As far as I can tell, the Xcode C / C++ / ObjC compilers use a fork of the GNU compiler collection, with llvm as a backend; the latter I figure enables compiling and optimising "universal" binaries, for both Intel and PPC architectures.
3rd party binary Fortran compilers
I've only found a single website that distributes a binary version of gfortran specifically for Mountain Lion: the HPC website. However, I failed to get this to compile SciPy, and later saw in SciPy's README that it is "known to generate buggy scipy binaries".
SciPy's recommended (free) Fortran compiler is the one on CRAN's R server, but this has not been updated for Mountain Lion yet. They provide instructions and a script for Building a Universal Compiler, but, again, this hasn't been updated for Mountain Lion yet..
The G95 project hasn't had an update since 2010, so I didn't try it.. Anyone tried this on Mountain Lion?
I guess this will be the easiest way to get gfortran installed, but port search gfortran comes up with nothing, and I've not had any joy with MacPorts in the past (no offence to MacPorts; it's looks like a very active project, but I've been spoilt with Linux package managers, my favourite manager being aptitude) so on Mac OS X I've compiled software and libraries from source code in the past. Never been a problem 'til now...
Building a Fortran compiler
Having dug around on the internet a lot in the last couple of days, I've found other Fortran compilers, but I've failed to get any to cross-compile universal binaries, or to compile SciPy.
GCC - The Gnu Compiler Collection
I compiled the entire GCC collection (v4.6.3), including autotools, automake, libtool and m4 - like the GCC wiki and this blog describe - but the resulting compilers didn't compile universal binaries, probably because LLVM wasn't used as a backend.
DragonEgg is a "gcc plugin that replaces GCC's optimisers and code-generators ... with LLVM". This looks interesting, but I don't know how I could use it to compile 'llvm-gfortran-4.x'. Can this be done?
The compiler that comes with Xcode is (a fork of?) GCC v4.2. But GCC's current release and development branches are versions 4.6 and 4.7, respectively. Apparently, a GNU license change, or something, stopped Apple from updating to more modern versions of GCC. So, if I was to build dynamic libraries made with GCC's gfortran v4.6, could they then be linked with C code compiled by Xcode's native compiler? At a minimum, I figure resulting Mach-O binaries need both x86_64 and i386 code paths. Do GCC provide backwards compatibility with Apple's (forks of?) GCC? I know gfortran has the -ff2c flag, but is this stable across versions?
Compile flags
The GCC Fortran compiler I built from source didn't support the use of the -arch compile flag. I had been including the flags -arch x86_64 -arch i386 in both CFLAGS and FFLAGS environment variables on earlier OSX versions (Snow Leopard to Lion). Python's distutils, and probably other OSX compilers, expect these flags to work, when configured to build apps or frameworks, using Xcode's universal SDK.
In case you're wondering what compile flags I use, I've uploaded the script I use to pastebin, which I source before I compile anything, using: source ~/.bash_devenv.
The Ideal OSX Fortran Compiler
Create ppc and intel (32 and 64bit) universal binaries, specified by using the -arch flags.
Makes binaries compatible with XCode's linker.
Compiles SciPy, giving no errors (compatible with numpy's distutils and f2py).
I don't use Xcode so much, but integration with it would surely benefit other users. Even Intel are still having problems integrating ifort into Xcode 4.4, so this is not something I expect to work..
If you read all the above, then thank you! You can probably tell that I'm not averse to building my own Fortran compiler from source, but is it even possible? Have I missed something? A configure flag maybe? And if such a compiler is not available yet, then why not?!
(Update:) Apple's GCC
Apple provide the source code for their patched version of GCC, at opensource.apple.com. This actually includes the source code for gfortran, but what do you know - it doesn't compile (easily). I'm in the process of writing a build script to get this to work. Unfortunately, I've had to apply a couple of patches, and learn about "the Apple way" of building GNU software. This is the way to go I think. Any reasons why it shouldn't be? I'll update with an answer if I get it to work...
I managed to compile after installing gfortran from http://r.research.att.com/tools/gcc-42-5666.3-darwin11.pkg, as explained here. I had to try to open the package a couple of times, though. First time it said that only apps from App Store can be installed. After installing gfortran, python setup.py build and python setup.py install worked fine. The unit tests of scipy though give a fairly high number of fails, not sure it's normal.
Ran 5481 tests in 82.079s
FAILED (KNOWNFAIL=13, SKIP=42, errors=11, failures=72)
<nose.result.TextTestResult run=5481 errors=11 failures=72>
In case you didn't already notice this: In newer versions of Xcode you have to explicitly install command line tools in the following way:
Preferences -> Downloads -> Components
And then click the "install" button for command line tools. This includes gfortran:
> gfortran -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-apple-darwin10
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
Admittedly, this does not solve all of my fortran needs (in some cases "./configure" scripts will complain that they cannot "compile a simple fotran program").
You could use brew (or Homebrew) to install gfortran.
$ brew install gfortran
I know you said you don't like MacPorts, but if you install the gcc48 port, it does in fact include gfortran (although you'll also have to do sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc48 to get it to set up the symlink named gfortran).
Also, FWIW, the MacPorts option is not necessarily a binary - MacPorts can actually build it from source, which is why it sometimes takes a while. On the other hand, it also sometimes seems to get archived binaries from somewhere, but I think it depends on what the original author of the portfile uploaded.
I ended up compiling gfortran the source code provided at Apple's developer tools source code page. This seems to be working okay now - I've successfully compiled x86-64 and i386/i686 LAPACK, ATLAS and BLAS fortran libraries - but there are some ranlib tests which fail, when running make -k test in the build directories. (I could provide more info on that pastebin or somewhere, if someone wants...)
Build process
After asking the question, I downloaded Apple's llvmgcc42 source code tar archive, which includes the source code for llvm/gcc C, C++, ObjC and fortran compilers, and spent some time trying to compile a universal build of gfortran. The build takes about 30-60 minutes on my quad-core 2.8GHz Mac Pro, and became quite an involved process, so I wrote a set of build scripts for it, which I've shared at github.com.
I'll keep a tar archive of my build here for the time being, if anyone would like a copy. (Updated 26-Sep-2012) It'll only work if installed with a prefix of /usr/local/ though, unless you run install_name_tool on the executables and dylibs, to change the prefix from /usr/local to wherever you want to put it. You can test install_name's with otool -L filename (more info on the reasons for this is here).
The final build I'm now using also includes updates to the gcc/fortran and libgfortran directories, which I got from GNU GCC 4.2.4. These sources I got from my local GCC's mirror. There were only minor changes between 4.2.1 and 4.2.4, and the build scripts include the patches needed to upgrade the code.
The build-gfortran.sh script I wrote downloads missing dependencies (mpfr and gmp), compiles and cross-compiles them, patches differing headers with architecture-dependent preprocessor macros, and runs lipo to create universal binaries and libraries, eventually supporting both i386 and x86_64 architectures. The process is similar for llvmCore, and then GCC. I mostly copied code from the build_llvm and build_gcc bash scripts provided with Apple's llvmgcc42, but had some of it had to be modified, including a few lipo and install_name_tool commands.
The official way to compile Apple's gcc, using Xcode's gnumake just didn't work for me. I thought this should work just byadding "fortran" to the LANGUAGES variable in build_gcc.
With regards to compiling Scipy, still can't get that building perfectly. I've had to use clang and clang++ as C/C++ compilers, or else I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS malloc errors. Haven't tried the gcc/g++ compilers I built, just used the system ones. This is as reported for Lion, on the Scipy install page. I'm down to 11 errors and 1 failure, which are all raised from the same 3 function calls (_fitpack._bspleval, numeric.asarray, testing.utils.chk_same_position). Think that's pretty good, but I'd like every test to pass...

rvm installation fails on powerpc ibook g4

I am trying to install ruby version manager on a g4 ibook running 10.4 but I receive two error messages right off the bat when I try to run the first command:
$ bash -s stable < <(curl -s https://raw.github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer )
bash: line 6: set: errtrace: invalid option name
bash: line 13: conditional binary operator expected
I am new to ruby, rails, and fairly inexperienced with the command line too. I've done a bit of searching and have seen other people having problems installing a specific version of ruby on a powerpc using rvm, but no other examples of someone having a problem installing rvm first of all.
Does this seem like a powerpc issue? Or is there something simple with the command line that I am missing here?
I have also searched on these specific error messages but haven't found any solutions yet. Oh and I should also add that I have xcode installed and I also installed macports because I thought that might help...but it hasn't.
The most probable cause of the error you're getting is your bash version is far too old to be used with any relatively new RVM version. Also, the likelihood of you being able to easily compile rubies on a G4 now is very low. You'll likely end up needing to compile many tools and libraries from source which you'll have to do from the command-line. Finding the right combination of library versions that both support your arch and are still available for download might not be as easy as it sounds. Much of the ruby compilation on OS X depends on libraries that come with Xcode. So, you might hit a wall there too with rubies now requiring newer libraries that can be provided with a version of Xcode that can be installed on your system.
You can try upgrading your bash version and/or use a much older version of RVM, although, I don't remember RVM ever working on 10.4. Or, you can try to compile everything from source, including Ruby. You'll might be able to get Ruby 1.8.6, maybe 1.8.7 working but anything higher is very unlikely.
Good luck =/