Push data to client, how to handle slow clients? - sockets

In a push model, where server pushes data to clients, how does one handle clients with low or variable bandwidth?
For example i receive data from a producer and send the data to my clients (push). What if one of my clients decides to download a linux iso, the available bandwidth to this client becomes too little to download my data.
Now when my producers produces data and the server pushes it to the client, all clients will have to wait until all clients have downloaded the data. This is a problem when there is one or more slow clients with little bandwidth.
I can cache the data to be send for every client, but because the data size is big this isn't really an option (lots of clients * data size = huge memory requirements).
How is this generally solved? No need for code, just a few thoughts/ideas are already more then welcome.

Now when my producers produces data and the server pushes it to the
client, all clients will have to wait until all clients have
downloaded the data.
The above shouldn't be the case -- your clients should be able to download asynchronously from each other, with each client maintaining its own independent download state. That is, client A should never have to wait for client B to finish, and vice versa.
I can cache the data to be send for every client, but because the data
size is big this isn't really an option (lots of clients * data size =
huge memory requirements).
As Warren said in his answer, this problem can be reduced by keeping only one copy of the data rather than one copy per client. Reference-counting (e.g. via shared_ptr, if you are using C++, or something equivalent in another language) is an easy way to make sure that the shared data is deleted only when all clients are done downloading it. You can make the sharing more fine-grained, if necessary, by breaking up the data into chunks (e.g. instead of all clients holding a reference to a single 800MB linux iso, you could break it up into 800 1MB chunks, so that you can start removing the earlier chunks from memory as soon as all clients have downloaded them, instead of having to hold the entire 800MB of data in memory until every client has downloaded the entire thing)
Of course, that sort of optimization only gets you so far -- e.g. if two clients each request a different 800MB file, then you're liable to end up with 1.6GB of RAM usage for caching, unless you come up with a more clever solution.
Here are some possible approaches you could try (from less complex to more complex). You could try any of these either separately or in combination:
Monitor how much each client's "backlog" is -- that is, keep a count of the amount of data you have cached waiting to send to that client. Also keep track of the number of bytes of cached data your server is currently holding; if that number gets too high, force-disconnect the client with the largest backlog, in order to free up memory. (this doesn't result in a good user experience for the client, of course; but if the client has a buggy or slow connection he was unlikely to have a good user experience anyway. It does keep your server from crashing or swapping itself to death because a single client has a bad connection)
Keep track of how much data your server has cached and waiting to send out. If the amount of data you have cached is too large (for some appropriate value of "too large"), temporarily stop reading from the socket(s) that are pushing the data out to you (or if you are generating your data internally, temporarily stop generating it). Once the amount of cached data gets down to an acceptable level again, you can resume receiving (or generating) more data to push.
(this may or may not be applicable to your use-case) Revise your data model so that instead of being communications-oriented, it becomes state-oriented. For example, if your goal is to update the clients' state to match the state of the data-source, and you can organize the data-source's state into a set of key/value pairs, then you can require that the data-source include a key with each piece of data it sends. Whenever a key/value pair is received from the data-source, simply place that key-value pair into a map (or hash table or some other key/value oriented data structure) for each client (again, used shared_ptr's or similar here to keep memory usage reasonable). Whenever a given client has drained its queue of outgoing TCP data, remove the oldest item from that client's key/value map, convert it into TCP bytes to send, and add them to the outgoing-TCP-data queue. Repeat as necessary. The advantage of this is that "obsolete" values for a given key are automatically dropped inside the server and therefore never need to be sent to the slow clients; rather the slow clients will only ever get the "latest" value for that given key. The beneficial consequence of that is that a given client's maximum "backlog" will be limited by the number of keys in the state-model, regardless of how slow or intermittent the client's bandwidth is. Thus a slow client might see fewer updates (per second/minute/hour), but the updates it does see will still be as recent as possible given its bandwidth.

Cache the data once only, and have each client handler keep track of where it is in the download, all using the same cache. Once all clients have all the data, the cached data can be deleted.


Rest API Design: Client to make N calls to a REST API "vs" middle tier to merge the data and have less API calls & bigger payload? (HTTP 1.1)

What's better
1) to have the client to make N calls to the Rest API, and keep every call as light as possible?
2) to have a larger payload that's served to the client, and the payload is prepared by the middle tier?
I know that there is no one size fits all solution, and usually the business baggage plays the role. But let us forget about these for a moment, and let us imagine is a news website that's generic enough for this debate.
Thanks in advance.
If we forget every other consideration point and just focus on this specific angle as you suggested, then I would say, if you're front-end was going to make the 'N' calls to return the same data anyways (rather than paginate and only request the next page when required by the user), then making a single call is preferable in most, but not all cases (i.e. where the payloads are very large).
How large is very large? Among other factors, it depends on whether your consumers are in the same network vs. external network.
Factors supporting large payload:
Reduces network traffic and latency (i.e. back and forth involved with 'N' calls).
Consumers do not have to worry about merging and handling the data.
Usually easier to handle errors, as consumers will be dealing with a single response, rather than multiple calls that may have an impact on each other.
Factors against large payloads:
If the response time for the large payload is deemed slow, then you will
keep your consumers waiting to view the results. With 'N'
calls, you can potentially start displaying results whilst you're
still loading the data. This may have an impact on user experience.
If the call fails mid-way, and you do not have fault-tolerance and continuity built-in, then you will have to replay the bigger payload, which forces the consumer to wait longer. This could be a significant factor if your payloads are very large.
Again, if you're payload is very large, then 'N' calls make sense as consumers can initiate multiple requests concurrently and receive the data quicker.
As I mentioned above, there are many factors to consider, and my response is probably too vanilla, but hopefully it gives you an idea as to how this can be approached.

Streaming Of ZeroMQ Events Back To Client

I have a use case where by i wish to have a ZeroMQ Request / Reply socket 'stream' back results, is this possible with MultiPart messages (i.e. The Reply sockets streams the frames back before HasMore = false?) or am i approaching this incorrectly?
The situation:
1) Client makes a query (Request) for some records
2) Server looks up Database for results and responds with the current large amount records (Reply) split into frames
3) Server must wait until a Server Side event is generated before the final Frame is sent (HasMore = false)
4) Client wont get the previous Frames until the Final Event has been generated and HasMore = false
Thanks for your help.
As far as I understand what you're aiming for, it sounds like what you have will work the way you expect. See here for more discussion on message frames. The salient points:
As you say, all of the frames will be sent to the client at one time, they will be stored on the server until HasMore is set to false.
One important thing to remember here, if it's a truly large amount of data, you must be able to fit the entire data set into memory, because it'll be stored in your server memory until the entire message with all frames is complete, and then it'll be received into memory before it's processed on the client side.
I assume primarily what you're looking for is a way to iteratively build up a message before you send it? And perhaps to be able to deal with the data on the client iteratively as well? Also you get a guarantee that you won't lose part of the data in the middle, you either get the whole message or lose the whole message (as opposed to instead sending each frame as a separate message). This is one of the primary use cases for frames, so you've done well.
The only thing I object to is using the word "stream", as that implies that the data is being sent to the client continuously as it's being processed on the server, and that's explicitly not what you're trying to do (nor is it possible with ZMQ message frames).

Message queues and database inserts

I'm new to message queues and am intrigued by their capabilities and use. I have an idea about how to use it but wonder if it is the best use of this tool. I have an application that picks up and reads spreadsheets, transforms the data business objects for database storage. My application needs to read and be able to update several hundred thousand records, but I'm running into performance issues holding onto these objects and bulk inserting into the database.
Would having have two different applications (one to read the spreadsheets, one to store the records) using a message queue be proper utilization of a message queue? Obviously there are some optimizations I need to make in my code and is going to be my first step, but wanted to hear thoughts from those that have used message queues.
It wouldn't be an improper use of the queue, but its hard to tell if in you scenario adding a message queue will having any affect on the performance problems you mentioned. We would need more information.
Are you adding one message to a queue to tell a process to convert a spreadsheet and a second message when the data is ready for loading? or are you thinking of adding on message per data record? (That might get expensive fast, and probably won't increase the performance).

Implement a good performing "to-send" queue with TCP

In order not to flood the remote endpoint my server app will have to implement a "to-send" queue of packets I wish to send.
I use Windows Winsock, I/O Completion Ports.
So, I know that when my code calls "socket->send(.....)" my custom "send()" function will check to see if a data is already "on the wire" (towards that socket).
If a data is indeed on the wire it will simply queue the data to be sent later.
If no data is on the wire it will call WSASend() to really send the data.
So far everything is nice.
Now, the size of the data I'm going to send is unpredictable, so I break it into smaller chunks (say 64 bytes) in order not to waste memory for small packets, and queue/send these small chunks.
When a "write-done" completion status is given by IOCP regarding the packet I've sent, I send the next packet in the queue.
That's the problem; The speed is awfully low.
I'm actually getting, and it's on a local connection ( speeds like 200kb/s.
So, I know I'll have to call WSASend() with seveal chunks (array of WSABUF objects), and that will give much better performance, but, how much will I send at once?
Is there a recommended size of bytes? I'm sure the answer is specific to my needs, yet I'm also sure there is some "general" point to start with.
Is there any other, better, way to do this?
Of course you only need to resort to providing your own queue if you are trying to send data faster than the peer can process it (either due to link speed or the speed that the peer can read and process the data). Then you only need to resort to your own data queue if you want to control the amount of system resources being used. If you only have a few connections then it is likely that this is all unnecessary, if you have 1000s then it's something that you need to be concerned about. The main thing to realise here is that if you use ANY of the asynchronous network send APIs on Windows, managed or unmanaged, then you are handing control over the lifetime of your send buffers to the receiving application and the network. See here for more details.
And once you have decided that you DO need to bother with this you then don't always need to bother, if the peer can process the data faster than you can produce it then there's no need to slow things down by queuing on the sender. You'll see that you need to queue data because your write completions will begin to take longer as the overlapped writes that you issue cannot complete due to the TCP stack being unable to send any more data due to flow control issues (see http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_TCPWindowSizeAdjustmentandFlowControl.htm). At this point you are potentially using an unconstrained amount of limited system resources (both non-paged pool memory and the number of memory pages that can be locked are limited and (as far as I know) both are used by pending socket writes)...
Anyway, enough of that... I assume you already have achieved good throughput before you added your send queue? To achieve maximum performance you probably need to set the TCP window size to something larger than the default (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms819736.aspx) and post multiple overlapped writes on the connection.
Assuming you already HAVE good throughput then you need to allow a number of pending overlapped writes before you start queuing, this maximises the amount of data that is ready to be sent. Once you have your magic number of pending writes outstanding you can start to queue the data and then send it based on subsequent completions. Of course, as soon as you have ANY data queued all further data must be queued. Make the number configurable and profile to see what works best as a trade off between speed and resources used (i.e. number of concurrent connections that you can maintain).
I tend to queue the whole data buffer that is due to be sent as a single entry in a queue of data buffers, since you're using IOCP it's likely that these data buffers are already reference counted to make it easy to release then when the completions occur and not before and so the queuing process is made simpler as you simply hold a reference to the send buffer whilst the data is in the queue and release it once you've issued a send.
Personally I wouldn't optimise by using scatter/gather writes with multiple WSABUFs until you have the base working and you know that doing so actually improves performance, I doubt that it will if you have enough data already pending; but as always, measure and you will know.
64 bytes is too small.
You may have already seen this but I wrote about the subject here: http://www.lenholgate.com/blog/2008/03/bug-in-timer-queue-code.html though it's possibly too vague for you.

Memcache-based message queue?

I'm working on a multiplayer game and it needs a message queue (i.e., messages in, messages out, no duplicates or deleted messages assuming there are no unexpected cache evictions). Here are the memcache-based queues I'm aware of:
MemcacheQ: http://memcachedb.org/memcacheq/
Starling: http://rubyforge.org/projects/starling/
Depcached: http://www.marcworrell.com/article-2287-en.html
Sparrow: http://code.google.com/p/sparrow/
I learned the concept of the memcache queue from this blog post:
All messages are saved with an integer as key. There is one key that has the next key and one that has the key of the oldest message in the queue. To access these the increment/decrement method is used as its atomic, so there are two keys that act as locks. They get incremented, and if the return value is 1 the process has the lock, otherwise it keeps incrementing. Once the process is finished it sets the value back to 0. Simple but effective. One caveat is that the integer will overflow, so there is some logic in place that sets the used keys to 1 once we are close to that limit. As the increment operation is atomic, the lock is only needed if two or more memcaches are used (for redundancy), to keep those in sync.
My question is, is there a memcache-based message queue service that can run on App Engine?
I would be very careful using the Google App Engine Memcache in this way. You are right to be worrying about "unexpected cache evictions".
Google expect you to use the memcache for caching data and not storing it. They don't guarantee to keep data in the cache. From the GAE Documentation:
By default, items never expire, though
items may be evicted due to memory
Edit: There's always Amazon's Simple Queueing Service. However, this may not meet price/performance levels either as:
There would be the latency of calling from the Google to Amazon servers.
You'd end up paying twice for all the data traffic - paying for it to leave Google and then paying again for it to go in to Amazon.
I have started a Simple Python Memcached Queue, it might be useful:
If you're happy with the possibility of losing data, by all means go ahead. Bear in mind, though, that although memcache generally has lower latency than the datastore, like anything else, it will suffer if you have a high rate of atomic operations you want to execute on a single element. This isn't a datastore problem - it's simply a problem of having to serialize access.
Failing that, Amazon's SQS seems like a viable option.
Why not use Task Queue:
It seems to solve the issue without the likely loss of messages in Memcached-based queue.
Until Google impliment a proper job-queue, why not use the data-store? As others have said, memcache is just a cache and could lose queue items (which would be.. bad)
The data-store should be more than fast enough for what you need - you would just have a simple Job model, which would be more flexible than memcache as you're not limited to key/value pairs