Count black pixels within a circle [closed] - matlab

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have one vector of radii and second vector of hundreds of [X,Y] coordinates. For each possible coordinate-radius pair I have count all black pixels within a circle (whose center is placed in the coordinate) on an input binary image.
What is the fastest way to do it? My only idea is to iterate through every pixel of an image, check the circle equation and then the pixel color but it doesn't seem much optimized for several hundred such operations.

Matlab is great for working with images thanks to the matrix syntax. It does also work with indices so most time you can avoid "iterating through pixels" (although sometimes you'll still have to).
Instead of checking all the pixels within each circle, and having to detect how many pixels were counted twice, another approach is to create a mask, the same size of you image. Blank this mask for each of your circles (so overlapping pixels are only 'blanked' once), then apply the mask on your original picture and count the remaining illuminated pixels.
For an example, I have to take some sample data, the image:
load trees
BW = im2bw(X,map,0.4);
And 20 random point/circle coordinates (you can change the number of points and the min/max radii easily):
%// still building sample data
s = size(BW) ;
npt = 20 ; Rmin=5 ; Rmax=20 ; %// problem constants
x = randi([1 s(2)] ,npt,1); %// random X coordinates
y = randi([1 s(1)] ,npt,1); %// Y
r = randi([Rmin Rmax],npt,1); %// radius size between 5 to 20 pixels.
Then we build your custom mask :
%// create empty mask with enough overlap for the circles on the border of the image
mask = false( s+2*Rmax ) ;
%// prepare grid for a sub-mask of pixels, as wide as the maximum circle
xmask = -Rmax:Rmax ;
[xg,yg] = ndgrid(xmask,xmask) ;
rg = sqrt( (xg.^2+yg.^2) ) ; %// radius of each pixel in the subgrid
for ip=1:npt
mrow = xmask+Rmax+y(ip) ; %// calc coordinates of subgrid on original mask
mcol = xmask+Rmax+x(ip) ; %// calc coordinates of subgrid on original mask
cmask = rg <= r(ip) ; %// calculate submask for this radius
mask(mrow,mcol) = mask(mrow,mcol) | cmask ; %// apply the sub-mask at the x,y coordinates
%// crop back the mask to image original size (=remove border overlap)
mask = mask(Rmax+1:end-Rmax,Rmax+1:end-Rmax) ;
Then you just apply the mask and count :
%% // Now apply on original image
BWm = ~BW & mask ; %// note the ~ (not) operator because you want the "black" pixels
nb_black_pixels = sum(sum(BWm)) ;
nb_black_pixels =

Here is one implementation:
No loops, meshgrid/ndgrid. Instead used faster bsxfun and pdist2
Dots are counted only once, even when the circles overlap.
Variable radius used (radius of all circle is not same)
%// creating a binary image with little black dots
A = randi(600,256);
imbw = A ~= 1;
%// Your binary image with black dots
%// getting the index of black dots
[dotY, dotX] = find(~imbw);
nCoords = 10; %// required number of circles
%// generating its random coordinates as it is unknown here
Coords = randi(size(A,1),nCoords,2);
%// calculating the distance from each coordinate with every black dots
out = pdist2(Coords,[dotX, dotY]).'; %//'
%// Getting only the black dots within the radius
%// using 'any' avoids calculating same dot twice
radius = randi([10,25],1,size(Coords,1));
pixelMask = any(bsxfun(#lt, out, radius),2);
nPixels = sum(pixelMask);
%// visualizing the results by plotting
hold on
viscircles([Coords(:,1),Coords(:,2)],radius.'); %//'
hold off
>> nPixels
nPixels =


MATLAB - How to measure mean intensity of a circular area in an image? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
mean value in a sphere
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I want the mean intensity of an image, not the whole but only in a certain region of interest. This happens to be circular in shape and I know details of its radius and position.
Just inside the circular ROI (circle not drawn, using the radius and position). I dont want to mask the image and delete the outsides because that'll add unnecessary datapoints to the average.
You can use Boolean indexing
% creating the image:
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(1:100);
r = 23; x0 = 45; y0 = 67;
pixelsInSphere = ((xx-x0).^2 + (yy-y0).^2 < r);
im = pixelsInSphere.*(128+10*randn(size(yy)));
figure; imagesc(im);
% calculating the mean of the pixels using boolean indexing:
m = mean(im(pixelsInSphere));
You can create an Indicator function which given a position of pixel (i, j) it will say whether it is inside the ROI or not.
Loop over all the pixel in the image.
Sum the pixels which are in the ROI according to the indicator.

Creating a circle with a gradient [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In a different thread, I found this bit of code to make a circle that has a gradient in it (plot circle with gradient gray scale color in matlab):
N = 200; %// this decides the size of image
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-1:1/N:1, -1:1/N:1) ;
nrm = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2);
out = uint8(255*(nrm/min(nrm(:,1)))); %// output image
padsize = 50; %// decides the boundary width
out = padarray(out,[padsize padsize],0);
figure, imshow(out) %// show image
Now I would like to replace that gradient with a fixed vector of decreasing values, so that every radius has it's own value.
Thanks in advance for any help on this
Here is an elegant way to replace elements with values from a vector:
Assume your vector is: V = 283:-1:0.
I used descending values for demonstration.
The value 283 is sqrt(2)*N (supposed to be the maximum radius in the bounding square).
Code differences from your original post:
Divide out by max(out(:)) - set the range of out to [0, 1].
Multiply by length of V (minus 1) - set the range of out to [0, length(V)-1].
Use round instead of uint8 (converting to uint8 clamps value to 255).
Use vector V as a Look Up Table - replace each elements of out with value of V in place of the value.
Here is the code:
N = 200; %// this decides the size of image
%V = round(sqrt(2)*N):-1:0;
%Assume this is your vector.
V = 283:-1:0;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-1:1/N:1, -1:1/N:1) ;
nrm = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2);
%out = uint8(255*(nrm/min(nrm(:,1)))); %// output image
%1. Divide by max(out(:)) - set the range of out to [0, 1].
%2. Multiply by length of V (minus 1) - set the range of out to [0, length(V)-1].
%3. Use round instead of uint8 (converting to uint8 clamps value to 255).
out = nrm/min(nrm(:,1));
out = round(out/max(out(:)) * (length(V)-1));
%4. Use vector V as a Look Up Table - replace each elements of out with value of V in place of the value.
out = V(out+1);
padsize = 50; %// decides the boundary width
out = padarray(out,[padsize padsize],0);
%figure, imshow(out) %// show image
figure, imagesc(out);impixelinfo;colormap hsv %// use imagesc for emphasis values.
As you can see, values are taken from vector V.
R = sqrt(X.^2+Y.^2);
out = uint8(255*R);
padsize = 50; %// decides the bounary width
out = padarray(out,[padsize padsize],0);
figure, imshow(out) %// show image

How to get pixel location of object in image [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Suppose I have a binary image shown in below. I want to get the location(pixel value in X,Y coordinates) of all rectangular shapes and also circular shapes. How to detect how many rectangular and circular shapes are present there. I want to get the solution in Matlab. The rectangle and circle may be in different size. The small circles are noise here. Thanks in advance.
You need to:
find connected components (bwconncomp)
find some statistic for each connected component (regionprops)
discard connected components that are too small, defining a threshold on the area
find if the connected component is a rectangle or a circle / ellipse. You can use the circularity, defined as 4*pi*Area / (Perimeter^2). Perfect circles will have value 1, squares 0.785, and so on. So you can define a threshold on circularity to determine if a shape is a circle/ellipse or not.
Here the result, with smaller blobs removed, and circles/ellipses and rectangles in different colors:
% Read image
img = imread('path_to_image');
% Convert to grayscale
img = rgb2gray(img);
% Remove JPEG artifacts
bw = img > 20;
% Prepare output image
output = zeros(size(bw));
% Compute connected components, and their statistics
cc = bwconncomp(bw);
props = regionprops(cc, 'Area', 'Perimeter');
% Will contain x,y coordinates for rectanles and circles
coord_rect = {};
coord_circ = {};
% Define thresholds on size and circularity
th_size = 200;
th_circ = 0.8;
% For each connected component
for i = 1 : cc.NumObjects
% Is big enough?
if(props(i).Area < th_size)
% Rectangle or Circle?
circularity = 4 * pi * props(i).Area / (props(i).Perimeter ^ 2);
[y,x] = ind2sub(cc.ImageSize, cc.PixelIdxList{i});
if(circularity > th_circ)
% Circle
output(cc.PixelIdxList{i}) = 1;
coord_circ{end+1} = [x, y];
% Rectangle
output(cc.PixelIdxList{i}) = 2;
coord_rect{end+1} = [x, y];
% Show results

How can I detect the maximum-sized rectangle that I can draw onto the mask?

I'm making an image processing project and I have stuck in one the project's steps. Here is the situation;
This is my mask:
and I want to detect the maximum-sized rectangle that can fit into this mask like this.
I'm using MATLAB for my project. Do you know any fast way to accomplish this aim. Any code sample, approach or technique would be great.
EDIT 1 : The two algorithms below are works with lot's of the cases. But both of them give wrong results in some difficult cases. I'am using both of them in my project.
This approach starts with the entire image and shrinks each border in turn pixel-by-pixel until it finds an acceptable rectangle.
It takes ~0.02 seconds to run on the example image, so it's reasonably fast.
EDIT: I should clarify that this isn't meant to be a universal solution. This algorithm relies on the rectangle being centered and having roughly the same aspect ratio as the image itself. However, in the cases where it is appropriate, it is fast. #DanielHsH offered a solution which they claim works in all cases.
The code:
clear; clc;
%% // read image
imrgb= imread('box.png');
im = im2bw(rgb2gray(imrgb)); %// binarize image
im = 1-im; %// convert "empty" regions to 0 intensity
[rows,cols] = size(im);
%% // set up initial parameters
ULrow = 1; %// upper-left row (param #1)
ULcol = 1; %// upper-left column (param #2)
BRrow = rows; %// bottom-right row (param #3)
BRcol = cols; %// bottom-right column (param #4)
parameters = 1:4; %// parameters left to be updated
pidx = 0; %// index of parameter currently being updated
%% // shrink region until acceptable
while ~isempty(parameters); %// update until all parameters reach bounds
%// 1. update parameter number
pidx = pidx+1;
pidx = mod( pidx-1, length(parameters) ) + 1;
p = parameters(pidx); %// current parameter number
%// 2. update current parameter
if p==1; ULrow = ULrow+1; end;
if p==2; ULcol = ULcol+1; end;
if p==3; BRrow = BRrow-1; end;
if p==4; BRcol = BRcol-1; end;
%// 3. grab newest part of region (row or column)
if p==1; region = im(ULrow,ULcol:BRcol); end;
if p==2; region = im(ULrow:BRrow,ULcol); end;
if p==3; region = im(BRrow,ULcol:BRcol); end;
if p==4; region = im(ULrow:BRrow,BRcol); end;
%// 4. if the new region has only zeros, stop shrinking the current parameter
if isempty(find(region,1))
parameters(pidx) = [];
params = [ULrow ULcol BRrow BRcol]
area = (BRrow-ULrow)*(BRcol-ULcol)
The results for this image:
Elapsed time is 0.027032 seconds.
params =
10 25 457 471
area =
Code to visualize results:
imrgb(params(1):params(3),params(2):params(4),1) = 0;
imrgb(params(1):params(3),params(2):params(4),2) = 255;
imrgb(params(1):params(3),params(2):params(4),3) = 255;
Another example image:
Here is a correct answer.
You must use dynamic programming! Other methods of direct calculation (like cutting 1 pixel from each edge) might produce sub-optimal results. My method guarantees that it selects the largest possible rectangle that fits in the mask. I assume that the mask has 1 big convex white blob of any shape with black background around it.
I wrote 2 methods. findRect() which finds the best possible square (starting on x,y with length l). The second method LargestInscribedImage() is an example of how to find any rectangle (of any aspect ratio). The trick is to resize the mask image, find a square and resize it back.
In my example the method finds the larges rectangle that can be fit in the mask having the same aspect ration as the mask image. For example if the mask image is of size 100x200 pixels than the algorithm will find the largest rectangle having aspect ratio 1:2.
% ----------------------------------------------------------
function LargestInscribedImage()
% ----------------------------------------------------------
close all
im = double(imread('aa.bmp')); % Balck and white image of your mask
im = im(:,:,1); % If it is colored RGB take only one of the channels
b = imresize(im,[size(im,1) size(im,1)]); Make the mask square by resizing it by its aspect ratio.
SC = 1; % Put 2..4 to scale down the image an speed up the algorithm
[x1,y1,l1] = findRect(b,SC); % Lunch the dyn prog algorithm
[x2,y2,l2] = findRect(rot90(b),SC); % rotate the image by 90deg and solve
% Rotate back: x2,y2 according to rot90
tmp = x2;
x2 = size(im,1)/SC-y2-l2;
y2 = tmp;
% Select the best solution of the above (for the original image and for the rotated by 90degrees
if (l1>=l2)
corn = sqCorn(x1,y1,l1);
corn = sqCorn(x2,y2,l2);
b = imresize(b,1/SC);
figure;imshow(b>0); hold on;
corn = corn*SC;
corn(1,:) = corn(1,:)*size(im,2)/size(im,1);
figure;imshow(im); hold on;
function corn = sqCorn(x,y,l)
corn = [x,y;x,y+l;x+l,y;x+l,y+l]';
% ----------------------------------------------------------
function [x,y,l] = findRect(b,SC)
b = imresize(b,1/SC);
res = zeros(size(b,1),size(b,2),3);
% initialize first col
for i = 1:1:size(b,1)
if (b(i,1) > 0)
res(i,1,:) = [i,1,0];
% initialize first row
for i = 1:1:size(b,2)
if (b(1,i) > 0)
res(1,i,:) = [1,i,0];
% DynProg
for i = 2:1:size(b,1)
for j = 2:1:size(b,2)
isWhite = b(i,j) > 0;
if (~isWhite)
res(i,j,:)=res(i-1,j-1,:); % copy
if (b(i-1,j-1)>0) % continuous line
lineBeg = [res(i-1,j-1,1),res(i-1,j-1,2)];
lineLenght = res(i-1,j-1,3);
if ((b(lineBeg(1),j)>0)&&(b(i,lineBeg(2))>0)) % if second diag is good
res(i,j,:) = [lineBeg,lineLenght+1];
res(i,j,:)=res(i-1,j-1,:); % copy since line has ended
res(i,j,:) = [i,j,0]; % Line start
% check last col
[maxValCol,WhereCol] = max(res(:,end,3));
% check last row
[maxValRow,WhereRow] = max(res(end,:,3));
% Find max
x= 0; y = 0; l = 0;
if (maxValCol>maxValRow)
y = res(WhereCol,end,1);
x = res(WhereCol,end,2);
l = maxValCol;
y = res(end,WhereRow,1);
x = res(end,WhereRow,2);
l = maxValRow;
corn = [x,y;x,y+l;x+l,y;x+l,y+l]';
% figure;imshow(b>0); hold on;
% plot(corn(1,:),corn(2,:),'O')
The black boundaries in your image are curved and not closed. For example, in the top right corner, the black boundaries won't meet and form a closed contour. Therefore, a simple strategy in one of my comments will not work.
I am now providing you with a skeleton of a code which you can play with and add conditions as per your need. My idea is as follows:
To find left-side x-coordinate of the rectangle, first count the white pixels each column of the image contains:
%I assume that the image has already been converted to binary.
Then find the rate of change:
If you see the bar plot of diffWhitePixels then you will observe various large entries (which indicate that the white region is still not in a straight line, and it is not a proper place to put the rectangles left vertical edge). Small entries (in your image, less than 5) indicate you can put the rectangle edge there.
You can do similar things to determine right, top and bottom edge positions of the rectangles.
First of all, the problem is ill-posed in my opinion. What do you mean by maximum-sized rectangle? Is it maximum area or length of side? In all possible cases, I don't think above method can get the correct answer. I can think of two or three cases right now where above method would fail, but it will at least give you the right answer on images similar to the given image, provided you adjust the values.
You can put some constraints once you know how your images are going to look. For example, if the black boundary curves inside, you can say that you don't want a column such as [0;0;...0;1;1;...0;0;...;0;1;1;...;1] i.e. zeros surrounded by ones. Another constraint could be how many black pixels do you want to allow? You can also crop the image till to remove extra black pixels. In your image, you can crop the image (programmatically) from the left and the bottom edge. Cropping an image is probably necessary, and definitely the better thing to do.

Removing background and measuring features of an image in MATLAB

I'm trying to measure the areas of each particle shown in this image:
I managed to get the general shape of each particle using MSER shown here:
but I'm having trouble removing the background. I tried using MATLAB's imfill, but it doesn't fill all the particles because some are cut off at the edges. Any tips on how to get rid of the background or find the areas of the particles some other way?
Edit: This is what imfill looks like:
Edit 2: Here is the code used to get the outline. I used this for the MSER.
%Compute region seeds and elliptial frames.
%MinDiversity = how similar to its parent MSER the region is
%MaxVariation = stability of the region
%BrightOnDark is used as the void is primarily dark. It also prevents dark
%patches in the void being detected.
[r,f] = vl_mser(I,'MinDiversity',0.7,...
'BrightOnDark',1,'DarkOnBright',0) ;
%Plot region frames, but not used right now
%f = vl_ertr(f) ;
%vl_plotframe(f) ;
%Plot MSERs
M = zeros(size(I)) ; %M = no of overlapping extremal regions
for x=r'
s = vl_erfill(I,x) ;
M(s) = M(s) + 1;
%Display region boundaries
figure(1) ;
clf ; imagesc(I) ; hold on ; axis equal off; colormap gray ;
%Create contour plot using the values
%0:max(M(:))+.5 is the no of contour levels. Only level 0 is needed so
%[0 0] is used.
[c,h]=contour(M,[0 0]) ;;
set(h,'color','r','linewidth',1) ;
%Retrieve the image data from the contour image
f = getframe;
I2 = f.cdata;
%Convert the image into binary; the red outlines are while while the rest
%is black.
I2 = all(bsxfun(#eq,I2,reshape([255 0 0],[1 1 3])),3);
I2 = imcrop(I2,[20 1 395 343]);
Proposed solution / trick and code
It seems you can work with M here. One trick that you can employ here would be to pad zeros all across the boundaries of the image M and then fill its holes. This would take care of filling the blobs that were touching the boundaries before, as now there won't be any blob touching the boundaries because of the zeros padding.
Thus, after you have M, you can add this code -
%// Get a binary version of M
M_bw = im2bw(M);
%// Pad zeros all across the grayscale image
padlen = 2; %// length of zeros padding
M_pad = padarray(M_bw,[padlen padlen],0);
%// Fill the holes
M_pad_filled = imfill(M_pad,'holes');
%// Get the background mask after the holes are gone
background_mask = ~M_pad_filled(padlen+1:end-padlen,padlen+1:end-padlen);
%// Overlay the background mask on the original image to show that you have
%// a working background mask for use
I(background_mask) = 0;
Input image -
Foreground mask (this would be ~background_mask) -
Output image -