Can Ionic menu and menu content uses same controller - ionic-framework

I have an ionic-side-menus directive for several pages, each with its own menu, can the content and menu page use the same controller in some way?

Yes you can, add the same controller in ui router to the views you want to share the same controller with (app.js)
Check out the following plnkr (standard side menu template from ionic)
app state (menu.html) and app.playlists (playlists.html) shares the same controller (PlaylistCtrl)
in PlaylistCtrl has two variables accessed by the side menu and the main page.


Open custom tabs in fragment

I have implemented custom tabs in my app and I have bottom navigation bar. When I click on any item in the bottom bar the fragment opens. Inside the fragment the custom tabs have to open. Custom tabs have to be open in a view not as a separate window.
Custom Tabs is not a View, but an entire Activity that is hosted in the browser process and handled as part of the application tasks stack. So, it can't be part of another Activity's view hierarchy and can only be used as a standalone Activity.
The Android WebView is a an Android View and can be used inside an Activity. But,
generally, content opened inside the WebView should be designed with the component in mind, as it doesn't support every API available to modern web apps (eg: push notifications).

Attaching an ActiveX TreeView Control into a tabbed Access form

I have a tabbed form in Access and on one tab, I'd like to create an ActiveX TreeView object. When I go to build this object and drag it to the tab, it attaches itself to the general form instead of the tab. This puts the control over top of all the tabs instead of the tab I want it in.
How do I attach the ActiveX control to the tab and not the entire form?
I've done a number of different "moves" to try and get it to attach and I've looked through the options to see if there is an easy way to attach it but nothing actually defines how the control is attached unlike a normal Access form control that is contained in the tab.
I would like to keep the extra forms to a minimum and maintain a single, tabbed form with separate controls on each tab.
Make sure to select the tab first and then create the TreeView control. TreeView controls cannot be attached to a tab page by drag/drop.
If done correctly, the control will be placed on the tab page just under the tab name within the borders of the tab page. A quick test by selecting other tabs can be done to check that it attached to the right tab and only that tab.

Displaying default UITab Bar manager from code

I have a iPhone app which uses TabBar in Navigation controller. I have a requirement like give a option to user to customize the tab order from settings panel from my app.
Save and reloading of tabs is done perfectly.Can we invoke default tab manager from code.
Please advice on how can we use default tabs manager to display from App setting screen.
it is not possible to invoke default Tab bar edit screen. Instead we should create our own View-Controller to do the same work for us.

How to set the front page to be the front page in Joomla

In Joomla how do I set the frontpage to be the front page (without being in the main menu). Currently whatever I set to be the default in the main menu is the first page, but I don't want the front page to be in the main menu.
this si the site
Solved it. I made the front page the first (default) page in main menu. Then I hid the main menu and made a new menu with things I want to be shown.
Another way is to do the same thing with one of the other menus or create a new menu..this way you have the flexibility of using your main menu on the front page

Manually setting a breadcrumb in Zend Framework

I have all the menu items in a Zend Navigation Container.
I'm displaying the breadcrumb via Zend's breadcrumb helper.
When I visit one of the menu items, it's displaying the breadcrumb correctly. However, if I have a page which doesn't occur in the Navigation Container, it doesn't show a breadcrumb, which makes sense. But I do want to show a breadcrumb on some of those pages.
I have a controller named "cart" and an action named "checkout". When I visit the page /cart/checkout, I do want to show a breadcrumb. But what's the best way of doing this?
Can I manually add breadcrumblinks in de controller or do I have to add the page to the Navigation Container?
There are three possibilities:
add the required paged statically to your navigation container (through code or a configuration file)
add the required pages dynamically to your navigation container; either in the action method itself, in the controller-init()-method or via a front-controller-plugin
create a separate navigation container with just the pages required by the breadcrumb and pass this container to the breadcrumb-helper (bypassing the automatic container-recovery using the registry).