Indenting with tabs in eclipse - eclipse

I have tried every suggestion I could find, but I can't get my code to get indented with tabs.
java -> code style -> formatter -> edit -> indentation -> "use spaces to indent wrapped lines" is unchecked and policy is set to tab only.
general -> editors -> text editors -> "insert spaces for tabs" is unchecked.
Still eclipse replaces my tabs with spaces and does auto-indentation with spaces.
I am slowly going insane
(eclipse luna)

The answer to my question can be found here : How can I get Eclipse to insert tabs instead of spaces for Java content assist?
It appears to be a bug in Eclipse, currently.


Perl indent doesn't use space

I am using Eclipse Luna. I have installed the Perl EPIC plugin. I want to indent 4 spaces instead of TAB.
I have checked Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Insert spaces for tabs, but still when there is need to auto indent a new line, Eclipse still indents with TAB instead of spaces.
How do I change it so EPIC will use spaces instead of tabs for indentation in Perl files?
Late answer but I ran into the same issue, found this post, and subsequently how to change the formatting settings for Perl EPIC in Eclipse.
From the main IDE workspace, click the Window menu and then choose Preferences.
Scroll down to Perl EPIC and expand it in the tree.
Click the Editor entry.
In the right panel under the Appearance tab, you can change your preferences for Insert tabs/spaces on indent and whether or not to use spaces instead of tabs.

Aptana tab indentation guides

I recently moved from geany to Aptana as I'm working on some bigger projects and felt I would benefit from a full IDE.
One feature I'm really missing is the little grey line every four spaces to help me maintain indentation consistency. Does anything like this exist for Aptana/Eclipse?
get the PDT tools Indent Guide plugin
Preferences -> General -> Editor -> Texteditor you can activate "Show whitespace characters". If you click on "whitespace characters", you can define, which character should be displayed. Here you can active "Tabs". It's not as good as the lines from Notepad++, but better than nothing.
You can set a print margin indicator (vertical line) in Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors - but this would only be a single line. You could use tabs instead of spaces - there are options to insert spaces when you use the Tab key. In this same menu, you can choose to show whitespace characters, which will help keep your spacing in order. I don't know of any grid options.

Configuring tab space for Eclipse Compare Merge editor

Is there a way to configure tab spaces for Eclipse Compare/Merge editor?
I have the Text Editor to use 2 spaces for tab and "Insert spaces for tabs" but this doesn't seem to take effect in the Compare/Merge editor. It's quite annoying since it's occasionally messing up the indentation in the source code. I guess my other option is to use an external tool but it would be great if this can be configured within Eclipse.
I'm using Indigo SR2 (64-bit)
This appears to be a related Eclipse bug:
You can choose to ignore whitespaces in the compare editor. Either you right click in the editor and choose Ignore White Space or you set this in eclipses preferences Window -> Preferences -> General -> Compare/Patch -> Ignore White Space

Eclipse messes up my text by converting tabs into spaces

Opened up a tab separated file in Eclipse. When I copy one line and then paste it into the same file, all the tabs have been converted into spaces. This kind of ruins the tab separated format...
How can I stop Eclipse from messing up my files?
Have you checked
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors ->
Insert spaces for tabs

Eclipse: After Editing Long Lines Editor Window Automatically Scrolls to Beginning of Line

Some of my Javascript lines of code are longer than the editor window view. I have recently upgraded to the Helios version of Eclipse and noticed that after editing one of these long lines (I am scrolled to the right), after a few seconds the editor window will automatically scroll back to the left to the beginning of the line. It breaks my concentration and it's so annoying!
Does anyone know how to stop this behavior? I've searched around and haven't been able to find anything other than others being annoyed by this same issue!
I am not willing to turn on word wrap and wrap my lines :).
I was having the same issue and found these open bugs for it on the Eclipse Bugs.
No sign there of having a fix for it, but you can prevent it from happening when you switch the Code Folding off and reload the file.
For java in eclipse :
Windows -> Preferences -> Java ->Editors ->Folding -> Enable Folding (uncheck)
For HTML, JSP, XML etc in eclispe :
Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Structured Text Editors -> Enable Folding (uncheck)
If you're using Mac OSX, press OPTION + COMMAND + O to turn off "Toggle Mark Occurrences" - it looks like a highlighter in the toolbar.
I turned off Toggle Breadcrumb, and it fixed my problem.