customize soap fault message in spring integration - soap

I am currently learning spring integration.I want to create a soap response from fault message.If any error is occurred spring gives response with fault in message body.I want to customize it.Instead of showing it i need to show a response object which contains pain response object.For eg:
if soap fault message is like this
<faultcode xsi:type="xsd:string">SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode>
<faultstring xsi:type="xsd:string">
Failed to locate method (ValidateCreditCard) in class (examplesCreditCard) at /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.6/lib/site_perl/5.6.0/SOAP/ line 1555.
in its place i need to show its response as follows
<m:myResponse xmlns:m ="">
<m:error> Failed to locate method (ValidateCreditCard) in class (examplesCreditCard) at /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.6/lib/site_perl/5.6.0/SOAP/ line 1555</m:error>

The <int-ws:inbound-gateway> has error-channel option to provide an ability to treat any downstream Exception with some error handling flow and return a desired result from there. That result is used as a SOAP response.
Hope I am clear.


Error while raising fault from the DUT to Onvif Device test tool in the test case

Error while raising fault from the DUT in the test case.
In the test case EventProperties>RealTimePullPointNotification
Interface>EVENT-3-1-17-v14.12 REAL TIME PULL POINT
message to client.
While validating the fault in the client(Onvif
Device Test Tool Ver 6.12) I am getting the error No Action element
from namespace Addressing10 (
I set the wsa:Action Element to then also i am getting
the above error.
The output from onvif device test tool is as below:
STEP 4 - Create Pull Point Subscription - negative test
StepStart: 2019-11-13T17:18:31.6582116Z
Transmit done
Receive done
SOAP fault returned
Code: Sender
Reason: InvalidMessageContentExpression
Validate fault...
*No Action element from namespace Addressing10 ( Expected element with value:*
My XML which sends error from DUT to client is as below:
*std::string soapFault =
"<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">"
"<SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:wsa="" >"
"<wsa:ReplyTo SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true">"
"<wsa:To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true"></wsa:To>"
"<wsa:Action SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true">""</wsa:Action>"
"<SOAP-ENV:Text xml:lang="en"/>"
From §9.9 of the ONVIF Core Specs:
9.9 SOAP Fault Messages
If a device encounters a failure while processing [WS-BaseNotification] messages from either a client or
Subscription Manager, then the device shall generate a SOAP 1.2 fault
message.All SOAP 1.2 fault messages shall be generated according to
[WS-BaseNotification] and [WS-Topics] specifications with one
All faults shall use the following URI for the
WS-Addressing [action] Message Addressing
the error should be sent as a SOAP receiver fault (env:Receiver), i.e.
the HTTP error code shall be 500.

How to get ResponseEntity body in spring-integration

I am using xml based configuration - http outbound gateway to trii=gger a rest service, the response is ResponseEntity and I dont know that service details. The output I receive should be put in a JMS Queue.
How can I update the below to extract only the body of response entity and pass to output-channel? If there is a transformer, please give example. Is it possible using config?
<int:chain input-channel="gsInChannel" output-channel="dest-channel">
dest-channel is jms:outbound-channel-adapter
boot version 1.4.3 and integration version 4.3.6
Error: org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException: error
occurred in message handler
nested exception is
Cannot convert object of type
[org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity] to JMS message. Supported
message payloads are: String, byte array, Map, Serializable
I was using HTTP POST method and so not expecting, a response. SoO has not included expected-response-type, which returns the body

What response code should we use on a REST reply when the response data is an error message

We have a REST service where the response to a request may be an error message. A simple example is the request is a formula to calculate and the formula might have a divide by zero. In that case the response is an error code and error message.
So the communication with the REST service is all good. The service itself is responding to the request. But the response is an error message instead of the expected result.
In this case what is the best response code to use? 200 to say the entire communication process is good and we look in the returned JSON to determine if it’s an error? 500 to say it’s an error, but then look to see if we have the expected JSON to determine it was an error in the calculation? Some other code which says we are getting a response from the server but the response is an error message?
A simple example is the request is a formula to calculate and the formula might have a divide by zero. [...] In this case what is the best response code to use?
I would use 422 Unprocessable Entity
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
Don't rely only on HTTP code anyway, always add a description of the error in the body. I believe it's common practice to have all your endpoints reply with a JSON with success (true or false) and something like error (with the error message) if success if false, or data (with the result) if success is true.
For error messages we can use 4XX Bad Request
Look at this post, for various status codes.

How to throw Soap Fault manually in mule

I'm face with a situation where we cannot use schema to validate incoming request (basically schema is there but it accepts any String in request, wsdl designers have their own reasons to do that to accept request from different sources and flexibility). But when the request is received, I validate that the child element of request wrapper is what we expect (using XPath for that). Now if the child element is not what expected, I'd like to throw Soap Fault with Client code and may be include error message that schema validation failed, request doesn't contain valid element.
I'm using Mule 3.3 and doing my XPath validation in <choice> element and I want to throw exception in <otherwise> block.
Is there a way to throw Soap Fault manually in mule flow and
How to add custom fault string. I'm not sure if an outInterceptor will solve the purpose as I'm not using schemaValidation attribute of <cxf:proxyService>.
Here is part of my flow
<http:inbound-endpoint address="${service.address}" exchange-pattern="request-response">
<cxf:proxy-service wsdlLocation="classpath:service.wsdl" namespace="" service="CompanyService" />
<otherwise><!-- Here I want to throw Soap Fault ---></otherwise>
<flow-ref name="generateErrorResponse" />
Since you are using a cxf:proxy-service you have complete control on the response. For example, if you add the following in your otherwise block, you'll be able to create whatever SOAP fault you want:
message.payload = '<soap:Fault xmlns:soap="">'
+ '<faultcode>A code</faultcode><faultstring>A string</faultstring>'
+ '</soap:Fault>';

Exception Handling in REST

I have created a REST service using WCF for communicating with BLL/DAL from UI. Now, I would like to implement Exception Handling through some globalize way in REST. I am using HTTPClient to communicate with REST from client. The following are the ways, I have implemented exception handling:
Approach 1:
OutgoingWebResponseContext response = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse;
response.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
response.StatusDescription = ex.Message;
success = false;
Approach 2:
throw new WebProtocolException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex.Message, null);
but somehow I am not able to catch them in the client side. Kindly suggest some pointers in order to handle exceptions raised by service globally.
I am throwing WebProtocolException (Approach 2) along with error code and error message from the service to UI in order to notify users about the exception. I am able to receive the error code in UI side but not getting error message or detail.
Then I created another service (having .svc extension) and added following line to the service's markup: "Factory='Microsoft.ServiceModel.Web.WebServiceHost2Factory'". Now, I am able to receive the error message along with error code on client side (UI).
Can anybody let me know how to use the WebServiceHost2Factory method in my existing service which is a class file instead of .svc file?
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks
HttpClient does not throw exceptions when a response comes back that is not "successful". If you really want exceptions to be thrown on the client side, then call
Otherwise, just check the status code on the client and decide what to do based on that value.
You cannot throw exceptions on the server and expect the exceptions to be propagated to the client. HTTP does not have any notion of exception.